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Friday, January 11, 2013

United Way Fundraiser Formed 3 days before Sandy Hook Shooting; NaturalNews: Vaccinated children 500% more prone to disease than unvaccinated children‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Check this out: Vaccinated children are five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children, according to this survey:

In other news, the mysteries surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting just keep getting deeper.
Over the last several days, Natural News has been hounded by readers asking us to either dismiss or confirm a rumor that's been spreading around lately concerning a United Way fundraising relief page on Sandy Hook being created three days BEFORE the actual shooting took place.
I know, it sounds like an urban legend. So I checked it out, and to my great surprise, I found the rumor was completely true. Here's what I found

Heal your brain! CoQ10 reportedly helps heal neurodegenerative disease:

And black cumin oil is being touted as a powerful immune activator!

Here's something else that has just surfaced: Ammo has become so scarce across the country that now even COPS can't find ammo anymore:

Survey: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children
(NaturalNews) An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned. As reported by the group Health Freedom...

Couple facing $500 a day fine for home garden in their own yard
(NaturalNews) An Orlando-area couple that faced prosecution from city officials over their front-yard garden in November is in hot water once again after refusing to dig up their veggies, only this time they are facing stiff financial penalties for their...

Bank of America seizes e-commerce funds of online gun parts retailer, says they 'shouldn't sell' guns
(NaturalNews) It seems that gun bias is deepening in some sectors of American society, even enticing some firms to break the law - or, at the very least, abuse the law - in order to pursue their anti-Second Amendment agenda. That certainly seems...

Black cumin oil is the most important oil you can put in your system
(NaturalNews) According to Dr. Gary Null of the Progressive Radio Network (, "Black cumin oil is probably the single most important oil...

CoQ10 helps heal neurodegenerative disease: Study
(NaturalNews) Most of us know the value of CoQ10 for heart health. Now a recent case report has demonstrated that CoQ10 may be of value for reversing even extreme neurodegenerative diseases. This case report involved a 75-year-old with what is considered...

Another impossble long shot connects Sandy Hook and Dark Knight Rises
(NaturalNews) The murders at the premier of the The Dark Night Rises, in Colorado, and the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, have yet another bizarre connection. First of all, in the film, The Dark Knight Rises,...

Scientists reveal how calorie restriction prevents chronic diseases and extends lifespan
(NaturalNews) Since the mid-1930s, scientists have theorized that lowering caloric intake may lower the risk of many potentially deadly diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, and cancer. Studies performed on virtually every animal...

How to calm IBS without prescription drugs
(NaturalNews) More than 50 million Americans suffer from some form of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a mysterious health condition that can manifest itself in many forms including upset stomach, constipation, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, flatulence, and...

The greatest CNN Interview ever: Jones rages against the machine
(NaturalNews) This is major network news coverage of a man exposing the attempt of the American Government at disarming the masses. Using the recent school shooting and theater shooting as a ploy to put some huge gun bill through the system, with...

Vitamin B-12 deficiency signals cognitive decline and dementia risk in elderly
(NaturalNews) Loss of cognition and the ability to form new memories affects the daily lives of an ever increasing number of aging adults. Often, this decline is the first sign of dementia and can lead to more serious illnesses, including Alzheimer's...

The top four reasons diets fail
(NaturalNews) Although weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions, and in fact approximately two thirds of all people in the United States are on a diet at any given time, the vast majority of diets fail to deliver significant or sustained...

This is what I want to hear Obama say about guns
(NaturalNews) The first thing I want to hear Obama say about guns is what I'd expect from any rational person: "Here is where gun murders are occurring in the United States. Look at this map." Yes, let's start there. I mean, if we were heading up...

Optimal sleeping postures protect the spine
(NaturalNews) Good sleep is an absolutely vital component to good health. Many individuals go to bed with very little pain but wake up finding that they are stiff and sore in the morning. Others cannot even make it through the night due to intense back...

Diet and disease: the endless relationship
(NaturalNews) In Hawaii, as well as in the contiguous United States, flesh is consumed n excess. The result of this is that obesity, diabetes, heart disease, constipation, and cancer are extremely prevalent, with Hawaii being dubbed the "colon capitol...

Sandy Hook fundraising relief page created 3 days before shooting, Google search results confirm
(NaturalNews) As of the time of this writing, if you search on Google for the URL of the United Way Sandy Hook fundraising page (see instructions, below), you will get a Google search result saying the page was created on December 11, 2012. What's...

Nationwide ammo shortage so severe that even cops can't buy bullets; ammo rationing imminent
(NaturalNews) One of the great myths of modern society is that the police are heavily armed and have both ammo and personnel in huge numbers. In reality, it's quite the opposite: police and sheriffs are dangerously under-staffed all across the...

A natural way to eliminate headaches - overnight
(NaturalNews) Do you wake up in the morning with a headache or breathing problem? If so, don't wait for conventional medicine to help solve the problem - you'll be disappointed with the results. Fortunately, there is a simple, natural solution for chronic...

NEW: Bearded Bros raw food bars deliver organic, wholesome ingredients in a not-too-sweet bar that's a perfect snack
(NaturalNews) I'm always on the lookout for the next great food bar, and a relatively new company called "Bearded Bros" has just topped my list with an amazing new lineup of (mostly) raw food bars made with nearly all organic ingredients. Check out...

Confirmed: Aurora shooter James Holmes was on prescription meds and vaccines
(NaturalNews) What was the most deadly element involved in the mass murder of 12 people and the wounding of 58 others at the packed Aurora, Colo., theater premier of the newest "Batman" movie last summer? Was it the AR-15-type weapon used by James...

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