Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Ready for a reality check? America is the only country in the world where the government uses armed raids to destroy raw milk and imprison raw milk retailers.
China doesn't do this, nor does North Korea. Not even Cuba stoops to this new "low" of government tyranny against health freedom and nutritional choice.
Only in America, "land of the free," does milking a cow and selling the milk earn you an armed raid by government goons.
No wonder Ron Paul is speaking out against armed government raids on raw milk providers:
Monsanto is reportedly on board with "Agenda 21," another evil plot to control the population and limit liberty:
Here are six ways to waste less food and save money at the same time!
Is pregnancy the next "mental illness?" The medical system is using psychiatry to control people by labeling them "crazy" for just being human:
Woah! Think twice before eating that pepperoni pizza. Do you really know what's in processed meat?
Monsanto further unveils its true evil nature by signing on to UN Agenda 21 'sustainability' scam
(NaturalNews) A United Nations (UN) scheme to surreptitiously seize property rights from people worldwide and pack the world's populations into tiny micro-cities controlled by a centralized government has a new ally, Monsanto, which recently joined the...
Leaked: USDA 'cultural sensitivity' training is a brainwashing ritual for federal immigration 'recalibration'
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Think twice before eating that ham sandwich or triple meat pizza! Toxins in processed meat cause serious food-borne illnesses
(NaturalNews) Unless you eat organic foods and prepare them at home, you've probably purchased packaged, processed meats at some time. Non-organic versions contain added preservatives, chemicals and GMOs; and, many harbor bacterial toxins that harm the...
Landmark UN study shows deadly effects of human exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals
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Six ways to waste less food and save money
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Ready for a good spring cleaning? Spruce up the liver with these recommendations
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Pregnancy: the next mental illness?
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Vitamin D deficiency linked to yet another disease: Rheumatoid arthritis
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Watch out for these 10 hidden sources of gluten
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Texas employers demand access to social media passwords - sign petition to fight for your privacy
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What do you get when you mix GMO tobacco with ammonia and bleach?
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Women with Multiple Sclerosis experience high rates of cardiovascular disease
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Join the nation's top health freedom experts at the 2013 Health Freedom Expo, March 1-3
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The secret at the bottom of psychiatry's rabbit hole
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Food allergies in children linked to bullying, abuse: study
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Freedom update: Ron Paul, raw milk, mandatory gun buybacks and more
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