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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

NaturalNews: The Great Culling and other groundbreaking new films just released‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,

Today Natural News celebrates the groundbreaking new films being produced by passionate, indendent filmmakers who genuinely care about the future of humanity.
In each of these films, the filmmakers pursue these projects as a labor of love for humanity.

Film #1) The Great Culling - Our Water

This film by Paul Wittenberger (What In The World Are They Spraying?) and Chris Maple explores the toxic chemicals being added to our water. It's not just fluoride but a whole host of synthetic chemicals, heavy metals and radioactive substances that you're drinking every day if you drink tap water. (Then again, I doubt any Natural News readers still drink tap water...)

Watch the exciting preview at the Natural News Store page (scroll down):

This film is truly astonishing. I met the filmmakers in person and even contributed an interview to the film. They have done an incredible job of documenting the incredible global fluoride cover-up and how the so-called "scientific" community knowingly lies to the public while poisoning them with industrial chemicals wrongly labeled as "fluoride."
Your purchase of this film helps support the filmmakers as well as the Natural News Store.

Film #2) Heal Yourself, Heal the World - The Legacy of Dr. Max Gerson
This outstanding documentary reveals why Gerson Therapy works. All over the world, people who are suffering from cancer and other degenerative diseases seek out Gerson Therapy because it activates your own healing potential to overcome disease.

But how does it work? And where did it get started? This documentary explores the compelling nutritional science behind Gerson Therapy and presents an irrefutable body of evidence that demonstrates why people who seek out Gerson Therapy experience such phenomenal healing results.

This DVD is available directly from the Natural News Store at:

Film #3) The Sacred Science
If you haven't yet seen The Sacred Science, you're missing out on an incredible journey into the Amazon rainforest with eight brave souls who experience life-changing medicine that revolutionizes their lives.

Poisoned by western civilization and western foods, these westerners seek the secrets of indigenous medicine as has been practiced for thousands of years among Amazon natives. In this journey, they discover spontaneous healing from prostate cancer, Crohn's disease, Parkinson's, breast cancer, alcohol addiction, diabetes and more.

See the preview and check out the film now at:

Natural News to promote and publicize more films
Today I'm interviewing Ed Brown, creator of the powerful new film "Unacceptable Levels" which will be carried by Natural News as well.

It won't be released until October, but you can watch the preview right now at:

We are also talking with the creator of another film called "Bought" which has just achieved its goal on IndieGoGo!

This film looks highly impactful as it explores "the hidden story behind vaccines, Big Pharma and your food."
Check it out at:

The bottom line is that we support independent filmmakers and our dream is to be able to help substantially fund more of these films in the future. For now, we are putting forth our best efforts to help promote and publicize worthwhile films that deserve our collective support.

See all the DVDs we carry at:

Thank you for your support,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

 * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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