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Sunday, September 29, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Common Core Curriculum: The gutting of common sense‏ (Mind Control: The Corporate Government's Last Initiative)

Whenever you see the government and
big corporations working 'efficiently' together,
you can almost guarantee they're up to no good. 
Examples: The sub-prime mess that was supposed
to give everyone their own home...All it did was
line the pockets of Wall Street - and Bush and Obama.
GMO seeds - 'Feeding the world' by patenting seeds
and creating frankenstein plants that could absorb
limitless amounts of pesticides. 
Now they're selling us the "Common Core Curriculum."
Sounds good, right? It's not. Here's why...
- Brasscheck

Big Education's War on Individuality 

Now they're after your kid's ability to think

 What’s behind the Common Core Curriculum
From Germany to Communist China to the Soviet Union to the United States today, the elites have a goal:

Conformity uber alles.

Until recently, that’s been hard to enforce. People can do “inconvenient” things like read and research and think for themselves.

Big Business and Big Government and their handmaidens in Big Education have a plan to remedy that.

The National Governors Association, the Gates Foundation, Intel, Microsoft, the World Bank, and the “learning company” Pearson are working hard together to bring a nightmare curriculum to fruition.

Their vision is one where techno-socialization, not knowledge gained from independent sources or critical thinking ability, is the top priority for education.

Documentarian Aaron Franz interviews education researcher Robin Eubanks about the Rotten Core Curriculum, and this video covers some of their main points in an excerpted form.

You can listen to the full interview at the following link: 
- See more at:

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