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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BrasscheckTV: What was so "good" about the "Good War"?‏ (Howard Zinn on World War II)

Every time government employees of the
Industrial-War complex (the media, Congress
the president) want to justify a new war,
they dust off the sacred story of World War II.
" is another Hitler..."
"We must not be guilty of appeasement."
"This is a just cause."
Bombardier-turned historian Howard Zinn
suggests there might be a different way. 
- Brasscheck

 A second look at the ‘Good War’
“Appeasement” “Hitler” and other buzzwords

 Next stop Syria? 
Over 60 million people, more than half civilians, which of course included millions of children, were killed during WW II. Many millions more were injured with millions bearing the scars and disabilities for life.

Former WW II bombardier-turned-historian Howard Zinn asks the question “Why?”

Was there another way short of Total War? (which after all is just a euphemism for “kill civilians when needed.”)

That was the bottom line fact of World War II: All sides targeted civilians. What as so “good” about that?

But whenever the punks in Washington want to bomb another country, they dust off memories of the “Good War” and the need to defeat the “next Hitler” and avoid “appeasement” at all costs.

It’s a not-so-subtle psychological trick and, so far, it’s worked every time.

Maybe it’s time we wised up.

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