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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Natural News breaking stories for Wed. Sep. 18th‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I can't say any of us are surprised at this, but the recent mass shooting in D.C. was carried out by an ex-Navy reservist who we now know was being "treated" with psychiatric drugs.
This makes yet another devastating example of video games + psychiatric drugs + mental detachment leading to a tragic event that could have been prevented:

A huge grassroots movement is gaining steam for individual rights over vaccine choice. Learn more:

Help take action to block the FDA's imprisonment of free-range chicken!

Trader Joe's is now stripping all part-time workers of health care benefits. Why? It's Obamacare, of course, continuing to ravage the U.S. economy and cost people jobs and benefits:

Even the labor unions are now freaking out over Obamacare and begging to have it repealed:

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Ty Bollinger and RSB go outside the box on sugar addiction, vaccines that cause cancer and genetically modified babies. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- Do you choose cancer, or does cancer choose you?
- Ulcer relief with cabbage and natural herbs
- Homemade probiotic Dijon mustard recipe

Grassroots movement affirming right of individuals to deny vaccines gaining momentum across US
(NaturalNews) Whether their respective governments recognize it or not, every human being on the planet possesses a fundamental, God-given right to choose his or her own medical care, including the decision of whether or not to be vaccinated. And a growing...

Trader Joe's strips all part-time workers of health care in yet another Obamacare rollout fiasco
(NaturalNews) The closer we get to the "official" roll-out of Obamacare, the more we are finding out, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, what's in the law. Some of the worst predictions about it have already come true. Premiums for millions of Americans...

Take action to block the FDA's imprisonment of free-range chicken
(NaturalNews) In the name of protecting the public against the spread of E. coli and salmonella, the Food Safety Modernization Act was passed into law January 4, 2011. But in reality, the law gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sweeping new powers...

Curcumin supplementation is shown to halt the progression of diabetes in pre-diabetics
(NaturalNews) Curcumin, the native Indian spice derived from turmeric has been touted for decades as a powerful tool in the fight against cancer development and progression, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disorders due to its natural antioxidant...

South Carolina man charged with 'marijuana trafficking' for growing natural medicinal herb for his ailing wife
(NaturalNews) The federal government's nonsensical "war on drugs" has obstructed yet another honest, sovereign American citizen from utilizing the many benefits of the natural marijuana plant for medicinal purposes, this time in South Carolina. As reported...

Labor union bosses now freaking out over Obamacare law they pushed for: Full repeal on the way?
(NaturalNews) Many of the very same union heads who aggressively pushed for its illegal passage are now decrying the tenets of the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, as they finally wake up to the fact that they were deceitfully...

Schools drop out of healthy lunch program citing decreased revenue
(NaturalNews) The Associated Press has reported that, after only one year, several schools may be dropping out of the healthy federal lunch program, a program that requires school meals to meet specific sodium and calorie intakes. Schools who follow...

Forgo the fruit juice and choose fresh fruit instead: Research-proven diabetes protection
(NaturalNews) Fruit juices are often grabbed off store shelves or out of refrigerated displays as substitutes for sodas, which have obvious adverse health effects. But there are concerns over the sugar spikes inherent with consuming fruit juices, especially...

Seven bold ways to redefine overeating so that you will stop
(NaturalNews) One of the basic tenets of NLP or Neurolinguistic Programming is that meaning is malleable. Meaning is subjective and open to personal interpretation. This means that you can change...

Simple ways to incorporate greens into your diet
(NaturalNews) Green, leafy vegetables are vital for a healthy lifestyle. Filled with vitamins K, C, B and E in addition to magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium and rich in beta-carotene and omega-3, they benefit our bodies in many different ways. Although...

Ashton Kutcher shocks America's youth by telling them success comes from hard work
(NaturalNews) So much of what passes for intelligentsia in Hollywood is little more than left-wing, progressive blather, but every now and then a star tells it like it really is - and it's as refreshing as a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Ashton...

Cilantro will help detoxify your body
(NaturalNews) Unlike other known herbs, cilantro has a rather pleasant citrus flavor, and its essential oil was actually used in ancient Greece as a main component of perfumes. Even the Romans would use cilantro to limit the odors coming from rotten meat...

What privacy? Obamacare employee accidentally emails 2,400 social security numbers to an insurance broker
(NaturalNews) Serial violations of Americans' Fourth Amendment protections under the Bill of Rights are occurring so frequently these days, you'd think it was part of the hiring process for the federal government: If you can't invade everyone's privacy...

The top five hydrating drinks and foods for the summer season
(NaturalNews) Dehydration can lead to health problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, comas, seizures, headaches, shock and dizziness. According to celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, eating and/or...

Large cohort study confirms vitamin D as a powerful weapon against lung cancer
(NaturalNews) Taking vitamin D in quantities higher than what the federal government officially recommends could help you avoid developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical...

Like nearly all other mass shooters, ex-Navy shooter Aaron Alexis was also being treated with psychiatric drugs
(NaturalNews) We weren't planning to cover this story until the Associated Press confirmed

The coming plague will not be stopped by drugs: CDC now admits era of antibiotics at an end as bacteria out-wit drug companies
(NaturalNews) In a breakthrough moment of truth for the CDC, the agency now openly admits that prescription antibiotics have led to a catastrophic rise in superbugs, causing the death of at least 23,000 Americans each year (an estimate even the...

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