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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Morning Beacon: Column: It’s Putin’s world now. America is just living in it.‏

By Matthew Continetti
America has left Iraq. America is leaving Afghanistan. America was so reluctant to participate in the NATO war that toppled Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, and so passive and hesitant in playing a role in Libyan reconstruction, development, and security, that our ambassador and three other Americans were killed in an assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound a year ago.
By Bill Gertz
China, Russia, and Iran pose regional and strategic submarine threats and are building up undersea warfare capabilities as the Navy is cutting its submarine force by 30 percent, the admiral in charge of Pentagon submarine programs told Congress on Thursday.
By Adam Kredo
A terror group tied to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s political party is threatening to launch a series of attack on Israel starting Friday, according to a statement released by the group.
By Daniel Wiser
A controversial professor who critics say is a feminist ideologue is instructing cadets at the United States Air Force Academy this year on gender issues as the military attempts to curb sexual assault.
By Sonny Bunch
French director Luc Besson spent the 1990s deftly mixing genres. After the brilliant but relatively straight-ahead action film La Femme Nikita, Besson infused the action genre with familial tenderness and surprising humor in Leon: The Professional. 
By Sonny Bunch
Everyone on Twitter seemed quite upset with the New York Times for publishing an op-ed by Russian plutocrat/autocrat/journalist murderer/virulent homophobe/civil liberties violator Vladimir Putin. 
By Robert Charette
The NFL has sat comfortably at the vanguard of the fan experience by being the first major American sports league to launch its own cable network while also being the sole reason to subscribe to Direct TV.
By WFB Staff
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria described Vladimir Putin’s op-ed as “very intelligent, and well-written” on Thursday.  Zakaria’s writing analysis is ironic, as he was suspended last August for plagiarizing sections of another writer’s article about gun control.

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