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Thursday, October 24, 2013

BrassCheckTV: Government by bullies‏

What's the difference 
between the Federal
government and the Mafia? 
- Brasscheck
What's the difference between Brooks and the Good Ole'Boys Club?

Government bullies
What's the difference between
the Federal government and the Mafia?

Gov't Bully to Citizen Activists: Lie or Face Crippling Fines 


The Mafia makes better marinara sauce
Washington' DCs Public Disclosure Commission...

Who are they and what's their job?

To block free speech so politicians, national and local, can continue to carry on like the arrogant, thieving bastards they are.

If you're a big corporation, you're free to bribe and steal and do just about whatever you want.

If you're a citizen, they're going to do everything they can to make life difficult for you.

More info about this case:


Larry Fillmore said...

This story mirrors what is going on in Lisbon. The Town Council has eliminated people's right to express their concerns over issues. The council has eliminated our right to free speech because local management got caught with their pants down and instead of admitting it their ego forced them to restrict input from the people to limit the damage. All bully tactics used because management cannot admit when they make a mistake.

scared in Lisbon said...

I stopped going to the town meetings because of the police intemadation. They never said anything to me but just stared. Why do we need police at a town meeting when the police department is about 15 seconds walk from the council room?.... The message is loud and clear.