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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NaturalNews: GMO labeling initiative 522 appears to have failed‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
As of this writing, the GMO labeling ballot initiative 522 in Washington appears to have failed:

Why do processed food companies use more healthful ingredients *outside* the USA?

Johnson & Johnson to pay $2 billion for false marketing claims:

Under Obama, the number of Americans on food stamps has nearly doubled:

Astaxanthin found to increase immune response!

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: It’s time to go outside the box with Ty Bollinger as we tackle vaccines, autism, pesticides, endometriosis and pigs on pot. Also, Chris Wark returns with an exclusive update on Sarah Hershberger. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- Top 5 healthy food and drink trends for 2013
- Sore throat? Antibiotics are useless
- Neuroplasticity: improving brain function with chiropractic

GMO labeling initiative 522 seems to have failed, proving once again that corporate money can buy food secrecy
(NaturalNews) As of this writing, Washington state I-522 looks to have narrowly failed at the ballot box. ...

Processed foods contain healthier ingredients in foreign markets than they do in US
(NaturalNews) It is bad enough that many processed foods currently on the market today still contain artificial dyes, chemical stabilizers and preservatives, refined sugars and various other toxic, yet FDA-approved, ingredients. But a recent investigation...

Number of Americans on food stamps has doubled in just 10 years
(NaturalNews) The pace of transformation of America from a productive, pull-up-your-boots society to one hooked on government handouts is quickening, as new data indicates an explosion of growth in a program once considered a short-term fix for people...

Johnson & Johnson to pay $2.2 billion for making false marketing claims and engaging in kickbacks
(NaturalNews) In what's considered one of the country's largest health care fraud settlements and one of the largest whistleblower payouts in U.S. history, Johnson & Johnson will pay $2.2 billion to settle charges involving the company's role in marketing...

Obama holds covert meetings with selected members of the media to make sure they get their (fake) stories straight
(NaturalNews) The left-wing media loves to portray President Obama as the smartest guy in the room and someone who is engaging, fair and truly interested in what others have to say. But the truth is, Obama is singularly focused on his own policies and...

Choosing a Mediterranean diet increases odds of living to an old age by more than 40 percent
(NaturalNews) It may come as no big surprise to many followers of natural health practices that eating a diet largely void of sugar, refined and processed carbohydrates and protein sources as well as hydrogenated fats can help to promote a healthy lifestyle...

Caffeine mints sold as candy kills a man who ate too many
(NaturalNews) Energy drinks that are heavily laced with caffeine have become common in beverage coolers everywhere. They add to the already heavy caffeine consumption of many through coffee, tea and cokes. Energy drinks are usually more potent than coffees...

Dietary astaxanthin decreases oxidative stress, enhances immune response in humans
(NaturalNews) It might not seem like much, gently gracing the cellular structures of certain marine life and perking them up with that familiar pink hue seen in wild-caught seafood. But astaxanthin is one of the most powerful "superfoods" in existence...

Eco-friendly jewelry: The new "green" trend
(NaturalNews) Archeological digs dating back many thousands of years prove the fact that jewelry has always been a desired part of human existence, from the rich and powerful to the average worker on the street. Man or woman, old or young, people like...

US government mining social media to track 'health behavior' of Americans
(NaturalNews) Just about every agency of the federal government, not to mention its spy apparatus, is prying apart the Fourth Amendment to get as much information as possible on every man, woman and child, no doubt for some spurious use at some point...

Love yourself and love your body - Treatments with tea tree oil
(NaturalNews) Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has a number of extraordinary uses. It is especially useful and effective when used as part of a beauty regimen or to treat medical conditions and skin ailments. Below are some excellent suggestions...

Lavabit founder battles Feds over SSL keys to protect Americans' email privacy
(NaturalNews) Just months ago, over 400,000 people were using email services provided by Lavabit. Now, no one is using the service, because the founder, Ladar Levison, has suspended operations. Why? At ...

Sensitive to gluten? Traditional sourdough offers a unique solution to bread woes
(NaturalNews) Jack Bezian of Bezian's Bakery in Santa Monica, California, has an eye-catching sign behind his loaves of bread, stating: "Roman soldiers had only sourdough bread to get protein." But this is only part of the story. For those who suffer...

The importance of nutrition and sexual health
(NaturalNews) Sexual health is dramatically impacted by one's nutritional intake, and many sexual problems can be addressed by simple changes made to one's diet. The first step is understanding that your general health and sexual functioning are interrelated...

Health Ranger promises revolutionary, civilization-altering scientific breakthroughs to be announced January 7, 2014
(NaturalNews) Dear Natural News readers, For the next two months (November and December, 2013), I will be involved in the final phase of intense scientific research which will result in a series of breakthrough announcements beginning on January 7...

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