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Thursday, November 7, 2013

NaturalNews: Huh? Obama denies ever promising you could "keep your health plan"‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Does Obama want some fries with that whopper? Now he denies ever promising you could "keep your health plan if you like it."
Apparently we are all *imagining* he made that promise over and over and over again as he was pushing Obamacare:

The entire Norhern hemisphere is on alert now due to Fukushima's continuing crisis. Don't miss this important talk with John Apsely, MD(E), DC, ND:

Beat the winter blues with these health tips:

Quinoa is a high-protein food with many health benefits:

Wild! Eucalyptus trees actually "mine" gold and deposit it in their leaves:

More news continues below...

The Robert Scott Bell Show: Ty Bollinger, Chris Wark cancer-free, GMO collusion, Durbin dangers, government terrorism, cannabis cures, Lyme disease & more!  Call in at 1-866-939-2355. Listen at

Today from
- Turn Your Lavoratory into a Laboratory
- Sleepy after meals? It might mean risk for Alzheimer's
- National polls show most Americans are unhappy people

Obama now blatantly delusional: Denies ever promising you can keep your health insurance
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Quinoa is a high source of protein with tremendous health benefits
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