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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Phony Baloney‏


For me, it is so disrespectful for Marion Morgan-Alexander wearing a phony beret and rendering a hand salute to the Pledge of Allegiance.   There are millions of veterans, who worked hard to earn the right to wear a beret, and to have Mrs. Morgan-Alexander disgrace veterans like this is deplorable.

Larry Fillmore 


False Deluder said...

Are you sure she never served. I was truly under the impression that she was one of us who did. Maybe scouts of some sort? I know they salute also.

Mary-Ann Morgan said...

I doubt that she served anything. She made a statement to me and my husband that she killed 4,000 Vietnamese. Only men were in combat at that time, so she certainly , as a woman, was not in battle. Maybe she was in the Girl Scouts.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this understood.

During battle she was a him.
Now parades as a her, so does that make it a SHIM?

Larry Fillmore said...

False Deluder - I honestly do not know if she served or not. My position was concerning veterans who earned the right to wear a military beret. The right to wear a military beret was EARNED. To have someone whom has not earned the right should never be allowed to wear a beret. In my eyes, she has disgraced all members of the armed forces who earned the right to wear a beret and her actions bring dishonor to all veterans.

scared crapless said...

Hey lets not down the Girl Scouts. Some of them a real tough.