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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

TMB: Hearing: Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger Americans‏

Hearing: Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger AmericaBY: Elizabeth HarringtonA panel of IT experts had one answer for Congress when asked if Americans should use the Obamacare exchanges on in light of its security concerns: “No.”
Experts: Individual Health Insurance Market Functioned Better Before ObamacareBY: Daniel WiserHealth care experts said in interviews with the Washington Free Beacon that claims by President Barack Obama and Democrats that health insurance plans in the individual market prior to Obamacare were substandard are vastly overblown.
JCS Chairman Decries Defense Budget UncertaintyBY: Bill GertzThe uncertainty of U.S. defense spending is undermining the ability of U.S. military forces in Asia to maintain stability amid a growing military buildup by China, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Brandeis University Severs Ties with Palestinian Al Quds University  BY: Adam KredoBrandeis University has ended its long-standing partnership with the Palestinian Al Quds University after the latter school was caught holding an anti-Israel rally on its campus.
House Bill Would Limit Restrictions on FrackingBY: Lachlan MarkayHouse Republicans are pushing legislation to limit the federal government’s authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing as polls show the public supports the practice and scientific studies attest to its environmental benefits.

DeBlasio’s Pre-K Spending Could Benefit Teachers UnionsBY: Bill McMorrisNew York City Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio’s pledge to provide universal pre-school could serve as a financial windfall for some of his biggest allies.

Five Hot New Examples of North Korea ChicBY: Sonny BunchAlyssa Rosenberg is unnerved by Elle‘s celebration of “North Korea Chic.” But, you know, maybe she shouldn’t be. After all, there are hot new looks coming out of Pyongyang all the time. Here are five of my favorite looks!

Chao: 30-40% of Still Needs To Be Built
BY: Washington Free Beacon StaffCMS Deputy Chief Information Officer Henry Chao said Tuesday that 30 percent to 40 percent of the IT systems needed to support the federal Obamacare exchange remains to be built.

(click on headline titles to read more of each article)

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