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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Write In ROGER COTE Councilor District One

Councilor ROGER COTE

Lisbon Residents, if you want to move this community forward  then this Tuesday at the Polls November 5th, 2013 write in ROGER COTE for District 1


Gregg said...

If Roger wanted to run, why didn't he go through the same steps as anyone else and get his name on the ballot? If he can't be bothered to go though the same steps as Mr. Metivier, why does he deserve to be elected?

Peter said...

Gregg, the people elected you to represent them and speak up at meetings voicing your concerns, not to act like some "keyboard Rambo" using a blog to speak your mind and give your opinions.

Instead you sit at the meetings quiet as 'Church mouse' and vote with the pack of wolves that are really leading the town to wonderful places (sic).

Just because someone goes thru all the steps to get elected doesn't make them anymore worthy for the position then someone who decides to be a write in.

Must have upset someones plan when Roger Cote announced he would run as a write in. Mr. Cote brings years of experience to the voting booth. NOW LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE.

Good Luck Mr. Cote, I and many more will be writing your name in.

Gregg said...

Peter, you do have the right to write in any name you choose, but you did not answer the question. Being a candidate on the ballot or as a write in does not guarantee a candidate is more or less worthy. I apologize if my comments were assumed to be derogatory in nature. I pose this question because Mr Cote did the same thing last year, if he wishes to run, why not go through the same steps as any other candidate on the ballot if he has such a high interest in returning to the council?

Peter said...

Gregg, If my memory serves me correctly you got elected by not attending candidates night, put up no campaign signs, and did not campaign, yet the Lisbon political machine still named you winner.

So just what point are you trying to make, "Keyboard Rambo"?

Gregg said...

You are correct, I did not attend candidates night because I had class that night and advised the town clerk of that well in advance, which was to my knowledge announced at candidates night. Additionally I did not feel that it was prudent to spend the funds necessary to litter the landscapewith political signs. I believe I might have used threesome made signs. However I did complete the required forms and receive the signatures to be on the ballot. But I fail to see what relevance my campain or lack there of has with the topic at hand which is no longer valid since Mr Cote did not even follow the Write-in Candidate Procedures under Title 21. Have a nice day "Peter"