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Thursday, December 12, 2013

BrasscheckTV: ATF brings "Fast and Furious" to the heartland‏

The ATF got caught red-handed letting weapons
"walk" to Mexican drug criminals. 
But they're not done yet. 
Now they're opening illegal gun and drug
stores in neighborhoods in the hope it will
lead them to criminal kingpins. 
I kid you not. This is real and worse than you can
From our friends at 2nd Amendment TV. 

 A mentally disabled man with a low IQ was used to run gun and drug deals as part of a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sting at a Milwaukee storefront. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that ATF agents paid 28-year-old Chauncey Wright, who has an IQ in the mid-50s, in cigarettes, merchandise and money. Then, once the operation was shut down, Wright was charged with federal gun and drug counts and faces up to life in prison. Wright's family complains that the ATF took advantage of him. RT's Meghan Lopez talks to John Diedrich, one of the reporters who broke the story, about the ATF sting that has been marred by more problems than just taking advantage of the mentally disabled, including the theft of ATF guns, and a loss of nearly $40,000 in merchandise.

"Fast and Furious" goes to Milwaukee
It just gets worse and worse

- Brasscheck

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