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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Buy Our Insurance Or Go To Jail‏... What's Next An Insurance Company Bailout???

The mind boggles. 
US citizens will be subject to massive fines
and long jail terms if they do not buy health
insurance from private companies. 
The news media is TOTALLY silent and
politicians see nothing wrong with it. 
If you think I'm kidding, watch this.
- Brasscheck

You will be jailed . . .
. . . if you don't buy private health insurance

Speaker Pelosi justifies JAIL for not buying health insurance


In case you missed it...
In case you missed it, here is the video (recorded in 2000) that explains why the government is so interested in MANDATORY insurance and will make sure you get it, like it or not, under threat of fine and imprisonment.

Pelosi initially tried to sidestep the question. By not directly answering it, she implies that the "very fair" legislation could land you in jail for not emptying your pockets to her paymasters at the private insurance companies.

Click here for the back story no one else is reporting:

And Your 'Duly Elected' (sic) Politicians Allowed This To Happen... Feel Represented Yet?

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