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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is This Another Example Of 'Creative Accounting' By Lisbon's Police Department Leader, Chief David T. Brooks?

              WHAT IS CHIEF BROOKS WAITING ON????????????????

On September 11, 2013, the Town received forfeiture money in the amount of $71,750.78 and on September 18, 2013 received an additional $632.91 (See Bank Statement Below).  On October 1, 2013, Chief Brooks notified the town council of the $71,750.78 but neglected to mention the $632.91.  All monies received by the town have to go through the town council by Charter.

The fact Chief Brooks does not report all the forfeiture monies received by the town is a significant oversight on his part.  It is imperative that the Town Council be made aware of all monies received by the town.   Everyone is aware that forfeiture money has strings attached such as can only be used by the Police Department to enhance their capabilities and cannot be used to substitute for local budgeted funds.

However, on the Police Department’s Capital Improvement Plan, Chief Brooks has listed the following:

    Animal Control Officer Vehicle - $24,000
    Mobil Radios (11) – $33,000
    Voter Radio System - $28,000
    Document Imaging Unit - $14,000

All of these items total $99,000.  Now if you add the $26,522.23 that was carried forward from last year (See Forfeiture Funds) to the $71,750.78 the total would be $98,303.01.   If Chief Brooks orders, some if not all, of this equipment before the budget season there will be no possibility of conflicting with the budget.  However, if he waits any longer, the taxpayers will have to pick up the tab for some, if not all of these items.


Last year, the Fire Chief received a grant for an antenna and radios for both the Fire and Police Department.  I wonder how many radios are necessary for the Police Department? And why do (11) radios cost $33,000?  This comes to roughly $3300. Per unit.
So the real question is why has Chief Brooks not ordered, some if not all, of these items since October 1, 2013 and why doesn’t Chief Brooks report all forfeitures to the Town Council?

Larry Fillmore

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