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Monday, January 20, 2014

NaturalNews: Marine science group issues report on radiation in Pacific Ocean‏ and much more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Just how bad is radiation in the Pacific Ocean due to the Fukushima catastrophe? A marine science organization has just released a new report:

Pregnant women in West Virginia are being told to avoid drinking the water there, following the chemical spill disaster that has poisoned hundreds of thousands:

What's ahead for the U.S. economy? Here are seven devastating economic facts:

Have you heard about this amazing story of this teenager who fled chemotherapy doctors and beat cancer naturally?

More news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: What else is coming from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab? Dr. Buttar and RSB discuss more ways to remediate radiation coming from Fukushima. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- Health risks of spending too much time indoors
- High dose omega EPA saves coma victim
- Natural ways to boost the health of your hair

International marine science organization releases report on radiation in Pacific Ocean
(NaturalNews) If you've heard about Fukushima radiation spreading to the Pacific Coast of North America but were "corrected" by sources both official and expert that this was based more on rumor than reality, then consider the information presented at...

Pregnant women in West Virginia warned not to drink the water
(NaturalNews) While on Wednesday the "do-not-use" ban was lifted for nearly half a million W. Va. residents following the leak of 7,500...

Seven devastating, inescapable economic facts for America
(NaturalNews) The stock market appears to be doing better and some companies are hiring again. Meanwhile, home prices have risen somewhat, banks are beginning to lend again and the jobless rate is the lowest it has been in about five years. Things...

The amazing saga of a teenager who ran away from chemotherapy and beat cancer naturally
(NaturalNews) Remember the story of a 16-year-boy who ran away from his Massachusetts home in 1994 to avoid chemotherapy? His name was Billy Best, and his story was a nationwide sensation while he was in hiding. Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free...

Zinc protects brain cells from effects of copper toxicity
(NaturalNews) The naturally occurring metal copper plays an essential role for certain functions of the body; however, underutilized copper can accumulate in the soft tissues of the body and actually be toxic. Too much copper can roam freely and accumulate...

Security disaster: Starbucks app stores customers' passwords in plain text
(NaturalNews) In the technology age, it seems that nary a week or two passes without another sad story relating that Americans' personal information and privacy has been compromised. Now, according to Washington, D.C.-area radio station WTOP, "The...

Heavy metal detox: Sharpen your mind, reduce cancer risk and banish electromagnetic sensitivity with these tips
(NaturalNews) Suffering from brain-fog, irritability, cardiovascular disease or depression? If so, you may be contending with heavy metal poisoning. Present in contaminated food, industrial and medical waste and beauty products as well as environmental...

Research shows hemin, lithium can mitigate cadmium-induced testicular damage
(NaturalNews) An environmental toxicant and endocrine disruptor in humans, the heavy metal cadmium is said to be among the leading causes of declining fertility in men, as it tends to reduce sperm counts and inhibit healthy reproductive function. But...

FDA's new rule on livestock antibiotics a total joke: Voluntary limits won't work
(NaturalNews) You may have already heard about the new guidance recently issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerning the use of antibiotics in commercial livestock, which on its surface appears to be a positive step forward for cleaning...

Acute exposure to aluminum dust impairs lung function, causes inflammation
(NaturalNews) A 2010 peer-reviewed study has found that sudden exposure to aluminum dust can have long-term detrimental health effects, especially when it comes to lung capacity and function. According to Brazilian researchers who introduced concentrations...

Scientist exposes flu shots lies and doom-and-gloom media propaganda
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media has utterly abandoned science in the push for more flu shot propaganda, entirely failing to mention any of the risks associated with vaccines. According to nearly every story published in the mainstream media, flu shot...

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