WND: BETWEEN THE LINES Meet 'the new birthers'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals what he thinks about Ted Cruz’s presidential eligibility
Joseph Farah
For more than five years, anyone who questioned Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to be president has been treated by the news media with utter contempt, ridicule, scorn, derision, mockery and disparagement.
The constitutional issue of the “natural born citizen” clause could not even be discussed intelligently on any news network without guffaws, taunting and put downs.
But that was then. This is now.
Having never scrutinized the basic facts still surrounding Obama’s questionable case for eligibility, the news media are already in a feeding frenzy over the potential eligibility of conservative Republican Ted Cruz, who has not even announced his intentions about running for president in 2016 or thereafter.
If it wasn’t clear before, it is transparent now: It was never a matter of what the Constitution said for the news media. It was never a matter of the established facts of Obama’s parentage and birth. It was all about protecting Obama.
Here are some of the headlines from what I call “the new birthers”:
USA Today and Associated Press: “Sen. Ted Cruz still citizen of U.S. and Canada”
The National Post: “Ted Cruz not the first to be stymied by America’s ‘natural born’ rules”
CNN: “Can Ted Cruz run for president?”
Politifact, one of the staunchest, self-anointed defenders of Obama’s eligibility credentials, concludes the Canadian-born Cruz’s claims to natural born citizenship through his American-born citizen mother are in doubt.
And that paragon of objectivity, the appropriately named Daily Beast, took a left “birther” jab at Cruz in a recent piece headlined, “Seven Reasons Chris Christie Isn’t Toast.” One of the seven reasons, it turns out, is “Ted Cruz was born in Canada.”
With all this heavy-duty investigative journalism and newfound faux enthusiasm for the Constitution suddenly on display, it’s obvious the No. 1 fear among the elite media is that Ted Cruz might actually run for president.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/meet-the-new-birthers
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