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Monday, February 3, 2014

TMB: Meet the Billionaires Behind Hillary Clinton 2016‏ plus more

  Meet the Billionaires Behind Hillary Clinton 2016 By Washington Free Beacon StaffBillionaires Alice Walton, George Soros, and Marc Benioff all made major contributions to the Super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential run in 2016, according to recent Federal Election Commission filings.

U.S. Taxpayers Fund $52K Study of 16 Schizophrenic LGBT Canadians By Elizabeth HarringtonAmerican taxpayers are paying over $52,000 to study 16 LGBT individuals who have schizophrenia in Toronto, Canada.

Proponents of Keystone XL Tout State Department Findings By Lachlan MarkayProponents of the Keystone XL pipeline seized on a report released Friday by the State Department that found approving the project would have little environmental impact.

Hezbollah Supporter Lobbies for Syria on Hill By Alana GoodmanA delegation of Syrian Christian leaders met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill this week to lobby against aid to the Syrian opposition, drawing fire from critics who claim the group’s efforts are aiding the Assad regime.

Iran Reveals Plan to ‘Confront U.S. Naval Forces’ Ahead of War Games By Adam KredoIran unveiled this week new anti-aircraft missile systems and a plan to “confront U.S. naval forces” ahead of a series of eight new war games that are scheduled to begin in March, according to multiple Iranian press reports.

Geriatric Anti-Israel Activist Creeps Out on ScarJo By Adam KredoAnti-Israel activist Roger Waters has written several private letters to Scarlett Johansson in recent days to express outrage over her endorsement of the Israeli beverage company SodaStream, a company targeted by the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement.

Art and the Artist By Sonny BunchThere’s a rather harrowing open letter up at the New York Times from Dylan Farrow. It in, Farrow details the sexual abuse charges she leveled against Woody Allen a couple decades back. It is, frankly, disturbing...

Pelosi: I Don’t Know if Any of My Staffers Have Gone on to Work for Federal Contractors By Washington Free Beacon StaffRep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) seemed unaware that several of her former staffers have gone on to lobby for big corporations Thursday on The Daily Show.

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