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Monday, March 31, 2014

Sheriff Mack to appear on Fox Business

Look for me on the Fox Business show "Lou Dobbs Tonight" this coming Tuesday, April 1.  No joke!  This could be a big event for raising awareness of the CSPOA.  The program starts at the following times:

7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific

Not sure if you get the Fox Business Channel?  Here's a link to a channel finder that can tell you how to find it in your area:  Fox Business Channel Finder

As you know, the CSPOA uses most of the funds it receives to hold conferences where members of the law enforcement community and those serving in public office can receive free training from some of this nation's greatest constitutional scholars, lawyers, and fellow sheriffs.  An increase in awareness can only help our membership and donations grow, allowing us to hold conventions more often and in more cities! 

Jan 2014 Resolution Update
Have you seen the list of resolution signers lately? It's currently sitting at 219 names, including 33 sheriffs, 22 others in law enforcement and 29 currently serving in public office, with 10 state reps from Utah and 4 from Washington!  Are you among them?  Why not?

It's only powerful when we are united. 
Please follow this link to read the resolution on our web site, where you can see others who have signed and add your name to the list.    

Date Reminders For Upcoming CSPOA Events

CSPOA - Lighting the Lamp of Liberty: Friday April 18 2014, Springfield, Illinois.  This event is open to the public and admission is free

CSPOA Convention: Monday Sept 15 2014, Arlington, VA.  Open to all sheriffs, peace officers and public officials

Constitution Day at the National Press Club: Wednesday Sept 17 2014, Washington DC 

Read more about these events on  Better yet, please support them either in person or financially!
In liberty, 
Richard Mack 

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