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Monday, May 5, 2014

NaturalNews: Health Ranger unveils diabetes cure secrets in fresh podcast‏, Plus Much More!!!!

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Type 2 diabetes can be easily reversed in most people! It only takes these three fundamental (but powerful) techniques to eliminate type-2 diabetes forever, using foods not drugs:

Or click this YouTube link to hear the full podcast right now:

Also, today the "Diabetes Cure Summit" begins! Don't miss this powerful, highly informative series from some of the world's top experts on reversing disease:

Cleveland Clinic begins using Chinese herbal medicine! Finally, hospitals are beginning to wake up to holistic healing:

Beware: Conventional yogurt is little more than junk food disguised as health food:

Good news: Congress is beginning to consider ending raw milk prohibition nationwide. End the criminalization of fresh milk!

more news continues below...

Today on
- Three amazing uses for tea tree oil
- Rounding up Roundup
- Yellowstone's Supervolcano explained

Type 2 diabetes myths and secrets explained: how I cured diabetes using food, not pharmaceuticals
(NaturalNews) Type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketed among children and teens across the U.S., according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1). Rates climbed 21% from 2000 to 2009, and most experts believe they...

                Type 2 diabetes secrets and cures

 Type 2 diabetes is not a "disease," it's a physiological pattern that can be easily reversed using these 3 simple strategies. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reveals the cure.


Breakthrough as Cleveland Clinic begins using Chinese herbal medicine
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Momentum builds in Congress to end raw milk prohibition nationwide
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Conventional 'yogurt' is junk food disquised as health food
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Type 2 diabetes secrets and cures

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