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Monday, May 5, 2014

Townhall: Trey Gowdy Will Lead Benghazi House Investigation And Carney Refuses To Answer

Daniel Doherty
 Last week House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced that the U.S. House of Representatives would form a special committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi, Libya the night of 9/11/2012. Rumors swirled that Boehner would tap Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) -- a former federal prosecutor and member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee -- to head the inquiry. We now know these rumors to be true:
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Carney Refuses to Answer Whether WH Will Comply with Benghazi Special Committee

Sarah Jean Seman

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney trivialized the newly announced Special Committee to investigate Benghazi claiming "the facts of yesterday are the facts of today."
Carney accused Republicans of creating a conspiracy theory where none exists. There have been "25,000 plus pages of documents, many briefings, much testimony, and all have failed to provide Republicans with what they want politically," he claimed.
"The facts begin not to matter to those who fervently want to believe in something else," Carney stated.
He failed to directly answer whether or not the White House would comply with the Special Committee.
"You're saying it without saying it," one reporter accused.
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