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Friday, June 13, 2014

BrasscheckTV: Bulletin: Mercury, fish and pregnant women‏

Bulletin: Mercury, fish and pregnant women
The FDA has come out with a
recent bulletin advising pregnant
to eat more fish. Crazy!
This is insane on numerous levels:
1. Mercury is a serious neurotoxin.
There is no safe dose. 
2. Is is especially dangerous to young
and forming brains
3. It would take serious research to
distinguish between safe and unsafe
fish (most are unsafe). No consumer
has the time or resources to distinguish. 
4. There is a completely safe, low
cost and easy substitute for the 
nutrients found in fish. No one needs
fish to be healthy. 
Because of environmental and
vaccine contamination, we need
to eliminate mercury from diets,
not add more. 
- Brasscheck TV 
Mercury: In fish, in vaccines
In response to the FDA's
recent crazy advisory
to pregnant women to eat fish

RFK Speech at the Green our Vaccines Rally 6-4-08 Pt. 1 of 3


ZERO fish for pregnant women
or babies and young children

By coincidence, the Real Food Channel gave the solution to this problem earlier this week.

There is no reason on earth why pregnant women, infants, and small children should be eating fish when they can get more Omega 3 cheaper and safer from flax seed.

Bottom line: Mercury is a highly dangerous neurotoxin which means it has the capacity to poison and permanently damage nerve and brain tissue.

This is bad at any age, but it is catastrophic for young and developing brains and nervous systems.

Warn your friends and family. Give them these facts.

Click here for the easy, fast, cheap and safe alternative to fish

About the vaccine side of the story...

In June of 2000, the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the FDA, "leading" scientists and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry got together for a secret meeting.

Their focus was the growing public and scientific awareness that mercury used as a preservative in vaccines for children had unleashed an epidemic of autism.

The participants came to three conclusions:

1. They acknowledged the autism/mercury connection was true (or at least highly plausible)

2. They conspired to create a statistical smokescreen to obscure the science

3. They agreed not to disclose anything that took place at the meeting

Your tax dollars at work.

Clip from the movie Autism: Made in the USA


- See more at:

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