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Wednesday, June 4, 2014





At last night’s Town Council meeting, I had the misfortune to witness one of the most disgraceful acts by Miriam Morgan-Alexander during the Pledge of Allegiance.  Miriam Morgan-Alexander was wearing a “Howdy Doody” hat and rendered a phony hand salute during the Pledge of Allegiance.

I have sat through a year of Morgan-Alexander wearing a non-military beret with pins on it and rendering a hand salute during our Pledge of Allegiance without saying a word.  After serving this great nation for forty years both in the Army and then as a Department of Defense civilian, I am proud of this nation and our flag which signifies our freedom.  I am proud to be a veteran who has defended this flag for the best part of my life.

I can honestly say that I personally believe that Miriam Morgan-Alexander is a phony, a wannabe who gives a bad name to true vets who have protected this great nation and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 

This total lack of respect for our nation colors leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. 

You do not render a military hand salute while wearing a “HOWDY DOODY” hat.  Miriam Morgan-Alexander, please no more attempts at rendering a hand salute while wearing non-military headgear.

Larry Fillmore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

chill out Larry- this is what you fought for- Americans can have differences of opinion and can express those opinions- hats, flags, etc are symbols - not things that should be worshipped- the idea of freedom is that she is able to behave this way