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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Senator Blunt Can’t Explain Gitmo Releases – Nothing Obama Is Doing Makes Sense To Anyone
031 roy blunt 940

Ed Henry is stonewalled by White House spokesperson Josh Earnest who refuses to answer how the regime intends to prevent the terrorists who are being released from Gitmo, particularly those who were sent to Oman, from winding up back in Yemen and once again targeting Americans on the battlefield and possibly at home as well.

Senator Roy Blunt is asked for his take on the releases. He says flatly that he doesn’t understand the White House position at all and in his opinion neither does the rest of the world.

He says, “Our problem is, as we engage in this fight, that we continue to act like it’s not a fight.” He points to the contrast between the marches against terrorism in Paris which took place simultaneously with the Obama regime’s final preparations to let known terrorists free.

to read the complete article:

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