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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mark Levin – Obama A Truly Pathetic “President” – Our “Leaders” React To Terror Like It’s A PTA Meeting

044 mark levin 940

Mark Levin opens with an observation that although we are at war, the United States “leadership,” our politicians and media aren’t acting like it. He says, “It’s like having a PTA meeting every time one of these horrific acts occur. You go on TV, they all wring their hands, they talk to each other, they shake their heads, they’re in agreement in how terrible it is, and then on we go with deflated footballs, you know, whatever distracts us next.”

He asks, “Is the civil society going to survive against the subhuman cockroaches? You know if you look at the relatively short span of humanity, more times than not it does not. Because civil societies have wars within while there’s wars surrounding them and threatening them.”

Levin says, “There’s truly a sickening and frustrating fanaticism, obsession with a man like Barack Obama, who continues to press even harder for the fundamental transformation of the only society that can stop the Islamo-Nazis. Not to make our military bigger and stronger, not to secure our borders against foreign attacks and threats, not to improve and unleash our economy, our people, no.”


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