It's now abundantly obvious that a full-scale war has been declared against medical progress and the pioneering doctors who are trying to save lives.
Three days before Dr. Bradstreet was found shot to death and floating in a river, U.S. government agents raided his facility to seize a substance called "GcMAF."
That substance, it turns out, is a pioneering treatment for both autism and cancer. It has an astonishing success rate (over 80% in some trials) and works by activating the body's own immune system to destroy tumors of all kinds.
It's legal in Japan but the FDA considers it a criminal substance and they're trying to destroy all knowledge of this extraordinary substance before the U.S. public finds out how easily and inexpensively cancer can be treated!
A must-read article: Read the full story here
CA State Rep. Mike Gatto believes the new state law making vaccinations mandatory for school children is unconstitutional, and he's not afraid to challenge it:
A study has found that exposure to even low levels of insecticides containing pyrethroids causes neurocognitive development deficits in young children:
Here are four natural options that aid in the treatment of diabetes:
The clean food movement is working. Mickey D's is suffering from a worldwide drop in sales and is closing more stores than it is opening:
A new report from the Centers for Immigration Studies states that there are 276 sanctuary cities in 43 states, safe havens for illegal aliens in defiance of federal law:
High fructose corn syrup, added to nearly every processed food, has been linked to abnormal heart growth, which leads to cardiac failure:
Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 7-9PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Rashid Buttar discuss how detoxification from heavy metals can successfully reverse neuromuscular diseases. Then we will reveal the backlash by 118 top cancer doctors against the Big Pharma chemo cartel.
Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at »
California attorney and assemblyman challenges mandatory vaccination law as unconstitutional
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High-fructose corn syrup increases risk of heart failure
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Vaccine-pushing clinic injects five children with the wrong vaccines, possibly causing permanent damage
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