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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

GOPDD: Video: Obama Heads To Mexico To Discuss Taking Away American Gun Rights Via UN Treaty

By -              

Any way you slice this, if Obama finds a way to pull it off, it will be violent and bloody. Obama is shooting to implement a global gun registry. That means if you own guns and are forced to register them, you will go on a list. A list that can be used by blue-helmeted UN troops that could go door to door in the US seizing guns. There are millions of ex-military, Oath Keepers and American citizens in the US that own guns – most will not comply or submit meekly to this.  Obama does not constitutionally have the right to try and implement such a fascist scheme – he has not gone through Congress with this. The registry would be made available to foreign governments. Forty-four Democrat Senators support this communist move towards global control. It must not be allowed to happen. Obama is in Mexico City today meeting on this unratified treaty. Why do you think Obama has been trying to nationalize local police forces? This is a big part of that.

From Breitbart:

On August 24 officials from the Obama administration will be attending the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference in Mexico City.

The ATT was signed by Secretary of State John Kerry on September 25, 2013 but never ratified by the US Senate.


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