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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

TOWNHALL: Ben Carson Slams ‘Lunacy’ of Black Lives Matter Movement

Cortney O'Brien | Aug 25, 2015        

Cortney O'Brien

“Black Lives Matter” has made its presence known in the 2016 presidential campaign, much to the chagrin of candidates from both political parties. The group has bullied three-fifths of the Democratic field: They ambushed Hillary Clinton, shut down a Bernie Sanders campaign event, and booed Martin O’Malley for daring to say “All Lives Matter,” instead of their specific mantra. They have also outlined demands for police forces, with specifications such as mandated body cameras and demilitarizing local police departments.

One GOP candidate, Ben Carson, has had enough. In a USA Today op-ed published on Monday, the former neurosurgeon skewers the “Black Lives Matter” movement for their misdirected message.



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