NBC’s chief political correspondent, Chuck Todd, appeared on NBC’s Today Show Tuesday morning and made a couple interesting points while discussing the ongoing Hillary Clinton email scandal.

First, Todd notes that the argument that the Clinton campaign has used thus far to fend off criticism for having a private server is actually the worst possible argument they could have offered. Todd brings up a particular email in the recent crop of released emails that shows Clinton’s chief aide Huma Abedin telling Clinton that the State Department IT department didn’t know about her private email account. Todd then uses this example to wonder how in the world it could be MORE convenient to have a private email account when the State Department offers so much more by way of technical support, privacy, security, etc. Basically, the point is this…

TO READ MORE: http://eaglerising.com/23236/hillary-clintons-argument-for-private-email-server-is-unbelievable/