Dems only want to meet in private
Jerome Corsi | - MAY 9, 2017 30 Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Libertarian firebrand and long-time Trump confident Roger Stone looks forward to an opportunity to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee about his alleged involvement with Russia to rig the 2016 election for Donald Trump.
But after a letter dated April 28 from the Senate Intelligence Committee, jointly signed by the Chairman, Republican Sen. Richard Burr and by the Vice Chairman, Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, asking Stone to make himself available for a “closed interview with designated committee staff” at a mutually agreeable time, Stone is not so sure the U.S. Congress wants the American people to hear his side of the story.
Democrats have been ambivalent about whether Stone needs to be made the villain for collaborating with the Russians as the “pièce d’résistance” of a political career in which he has played the role of “bad-boy dirty-trickster” with “aplomb and alacrity,” or to throw their hands up and admit the Russian gambit was always just a Hillary Clinton baseless excuse for her historic loss.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein demonstrates the Democratic Party ambivalence over what to do with Stone, now that he has been made out by Democrats to be the arch villain who orchestrated the Julian Assange Wikileaks hack-and-publish release of the embarrassing emails Democrats wrote to-and-from Hillary’s 2016 campaign chair, John Podesta.
Jerome Corsi | - MAY 9, 2017 30 Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Libertarian firebrand and long-time Trump confident Roger Stone looks forward to an opportunity to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee about his alleged involvement with Russia to rig the 2016 election for Donald Trump.
But after a letter dated April 28 from the Senate Intelligence Committee, jointly signed by the Chairman, Republican Sen. Richard Burr and by the Vice Chairman, Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, asking Stone to make himself available for a “closed interview with designated committee staff” at a mutually agreeable time, Stone is not so sure the U.S. Congress wants the American people to hear his side of the story.
Democrats have been ambivalent about whether Stone needs to be made the villain for collaborating with the Russians as the “pièce d’résistance” of a political career in which he has played the role of “bad-boy dirty-trickster” with “aplomb and alacrity,” or to throw their hands up and admit the Russian gambit was always just a Hillary Clinton baseless excuse for her historic loss.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein demonstrates the Democratic Party ambivalence over what to do with Stone, now that he has been made out by Democrats to be the arch villain who orchestrated the Julian Assange Wikileaks hack-and-publish release of the embarrassing emails Democrats wrote to-and-from Hillary’s 2016 campaign chair, John Podesta.
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