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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Great FallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting August 20, 2013

Town Councilors Were Acting Like Our Masters And Not Our Servants

Lisbon Councilors reluctantly postponed the public hearing on the Worumbo bond and will reschedule the hearing in a larger venue at a later date. 

Over one hundred sometimes vocal residents  attended the public hearing. The attendees filled the hearing room and overflowed into the hall where they were jockeying for  position to hear the speakers inside the chamber. Many people were forced to leave when they couldn’t find a parking space at Town Hall.

Councilor Larochelle recused himself due to  the conflict of interest that they said didn’t exist until this meeting. Councilor Ward presided over the meeting. 

Of the dozen or so people that spoke before the meeting was canceled, no one was in favor of floating the million dollar bond.  Many of the speakers complained about the already high taxes and diminishing services. Some also wondered why the Council wanted to have a special election for a single bond issue when we will be voting on a bond issue at the poles this November.

Lisbon residents were definitely unhappy with the Council’s plan to assume this potentially huge liability.  They felt the cleanup of this white elephant was the responsibility of Miller Industries and  questioned why the Council wanted to take on this burden when Miller Industries didn’t want to invest in the project themselves.

At one point a lady asked the Councilors what the projected profit from this project was and the Council didn’t have an answer for her. They admitted they haven't figured out the details yet. They want to buy the mill first and then try to make a profit from it.  Well I have news for them a number of developers have looked at the property and passed on the property.  What makes the Council think they can do what a professional developer can't?

I was personally surprised at the Councils smug attitude and refusal to acknowledge the peoples obvious disapproval with the bond. They acted as if the 100 or so angry voters in front of them didn’t represent Lisbon taxpayers.  They acted as if the hearing was a formality that they had to endure before they could vote their wishes.   I think they are hoping that by rescheduling the hearing some people will give up and stay home.  

It was clear this Council was not representing the wishes of Lisbon taxpayers, they had a different agenda. 

 They were acting as if they were our masters not our servants. 

Joe HIll --

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting and Public Hearing‏ Held Tuesday August 20, 2013

                                                        (previous Town Council meeting)


First, I want to thank all the citizens that came out last night to attend the Public Hearing on floating a million dollar bond for the Worumbo Mill.  It was very rewarding to see so many residents interested in what the town council is doing to this community.  I am especially proud of the many individuals who came forward and offered their opinions on this project.   

The council chambers were full and people lined the hallways and eventually the council decided to stop the Public Hearing and reschedule it for another night where everyone could sit and be heard, like at a school environment.  The date has not been etched in stone but the tentative dates are either the 10th or 17th of September.  Please keep checking the town web site and The Lisbon Reporter and/or for updates.

The meeting was chaired by Council Vice-Chair Lisa  M. Ward and during the Public Hearing, Chairman Councilor LaRochelle stepped down from the podium and stood against the wall.   The meeting was extremely interesting because those individuals in attendance are now aware of what Dot Fitzgerald and I go through each and every meeting.  What I mean by this is, according to the Council Working Rules, there cannot be any comments from the audience after Audience Participation.   

As we saw last night, during the remainder of the meeting, the audience had questions on what the council said or was doing.  When residents wanted clarification or to ask a question, they were not permitted to ask or speak.  However, Vice Chair Ward did allow SOME residents to speak and others were not allowed to speak.   

This is a major problem with the Council Working Rules because it censors the citizens from sharing their views on agenda items.   

HOW CAN ANYONE BE EXPECTED TO KNOW WHAT QUESTIONS TO ASK DURING AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION WHEN THEY HAVE NOT HEARD THE SPONSOR OR THE COUNCIL’S FEELINGS ON THE ITEM?  There were residents that left the meeting more confused than when they can in because they were not allowed to ask questions.

At one point in the Public Hearing, several people asked why there was a need for a special referendum to vote on this bond issue. 

During Audience Response, we were told it was because the Water Department is going to have a bond on the November ballot and the council was concerned that the people would not be able to distinguish between the two bonds.  

I personally found this to be extremely insulting because I am one who can read and comprehend what I read and will have no problem telling the difference.  I believe many residents feel the same way about this.  We, the people, are not ignorant!

I hope more residents will attend the next Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill project.  I encourage each of you to contact your Councilors and let them know how very wrong the Council Working Rules are.   

We, the people, should be able to ask questions at any time during a Town Council meeting instead of just during Audience Participation.

Larry Fillmore

BrassCheckTV; Breaking news: Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years‏

Brasscheck TV update:
We've got three people working full time to try to restore 
our site, plus several part time. It's killed our news gathering 
and reporting function for the time being.  We lost many
hundreds of pages from our seven year old archive. 
Breaking news: Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years 
Meanwhile, here's news we all need to pay attention
to no matter what is happening with the site. 
- Brasscheck

Breaking news: Bradley Manning
sentenced to 35 years
The prosecutors originally wanted 136 years

More viciousness from the Obama administration
Lie the nation into war? No problem.

Commit a massive financial fraud that nearly destroys the economy? No problem.

Sit on your ass in a drone control room and kill children? No problem.

Torture people? No problem.

Try to save your nation from engaging in Nazi-like behavior?

You're going to jail for 35 years.

Bradley Manning did the right thing. He's an American hero.

Natural Selection by: David Wilkin

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today; quiet and dry. Lows 56-61. Highs 79-86 N/S, cooler coast.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 59-64. Highs 83-89 N/S, cooler coast.
Thursday; scat. Pm thunder. Lows 60-65, highs 77-86 N/S.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 55-63 N/S. highs 74-79.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 52-58 N/S. highs 72-77.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 51-56. Highs 74-79.
Thanks Rufe! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


TD BANK  "America's Most Convenient Bank will no longer be "the most convenient Bank" to it's Lisbon customers.
In a letter I received on August 19, 2013 I was informed that they will be closing the Main Street Lisbon Falls
branch on November 1, 2013.
This closing will be most inconvenient to it's Lisbon/Lisbon Falls customers.
I was notified that local accounts will be transferred to their Brunswick Branch.  Or customers can go to their two locations in Lewiston. The letter did not mention their other location in Auburn
This when Positive Change Lisbon is working to improve Lisbon's image and bring Positive Change and businesses to Lisbon.
Many customers are pretty upset about the local TD Bank branch closing.
Are you one of them?
The Lisbon Reporter would like to hear from you.
And maybe from Ross Cunningham of Positive Change Lisbon.
This will be a great loss, not just to customers,
but to Main Street Lisbon Falls, and to The town of Lisbon.
Dot Fitzgerald
A Lisbon Concerned Citizen

Monday, August 19, 2013

Worumbo Mill Project Public Hearing Tuesday Night At 7:00pm Town Council Chambers

1st or 2nd Quarterly Reports Available

Town of Lisbon
2nd Quarter Managerial Report

Please click on the link provided below for the 1st Quarter reports:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Stephen Eldridge
Town Manager

TLR Note: We Report You Decide

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Former Lisbon Selectman Speaks About The Worumbo Mill

“What’s past is prologue.”  In the early parts of the 1990’s, the Town of Lisbon took over the Farwell Mill from Miller Industries for unpaid taxes.  The Town and Miller had launched a project to convert the building into apartments.

Many of the residents of Lisbon didn’t pay much attention to the project.  It was primarily financed by a grant from HUD out of Manchester, New Hampshire.  A developer was hired and he handled the construction.  The original construction price was approximately 3.4 million dollars.  After a couple of years and very little progress, HUD began to put on the pressure about the return of their money or the completion of the project.  The Maine Department of Environmental Protection was on top of Lisbon to undertake major corrective actions at the site.  The developer went bankrupt and the project collapsed.  The next action came from HUD threatening to sue the Town for the money they had advanced on the project.  As a major taxpayer I was, along with everyone else in Lisbon, on the hook to repay the HUD loan.  I became a selectman primarily to protect the interest of the taxpayers.

Several attempts were made to market the mill with no real interest from anyone capable of completing the project.  At that point we had to decide to pay up or complete the project.  We were fortunate to get a jobs bond grant from the State and we commenced development.  We used local people who performed with good result.  The people of the Town of Lisbon approved two loans and Miller Industries helped with the rehabilitation of the environmental hazard.  The project was completed at a cost of 6.7 million dollars—not a great success, but an expensive save.

My point is that there were no villains in this story (with the exception of the developer)—just a lot of problems that were overlooked and left to fester.  Town employees were not developers and were overwhelmed.  Town officials who were enthusiastic in the beginning, were disavowing the project as things got worse.  At that time, the Town was in a better financial position than it is now.

Our tax base is being torn down every day.  Remember, the debt of the Town is backed up by your property.  This Worumbo Mill project has no value added.  We will have to make up the taxes and assume all costs associated with the project.

Now is not the time and this is not the type of project we need.  We sold the Farwell Mill and made enough money to build a new Town office.  There is no up side to this project, and a great potential for expensive missteps.  As a taxpayer who has been there, I urge you not to approve this project.

Edward J. Wall
Former Selectman

NaturalNews: Natural News releases new photos of strange fibers in Chicken McNuggets Plus Much More‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Today we released a second batch of microscopic photos from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, showing even more images of the "mysterious fibers" found in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.
Check out the new images which offers incredible detail of these microscopic structures:

(And yes, we're already looking at all sorts of other foods under our high-powered digital microscope, and we'll be bringing you more images soon...)

Ginseng has been shown to prolong life in men. Here's why:

Lies and spin doctors: Here's how medical researchers falsify their data:

Here are five food or supplements to help detoxify your body from GMOs:

Today in
- The Food Pyramid Conspiracy Explained
- How Genetically Modified Toxins Threaten Developing Babies
- 5 Healthy Habits to Nourish the Mind, Body and Soul

Fourteen-year-old GMO protester and activist annihilates bullying TV host
(NaturalNews) Millionaire power broker and cable news personality Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian clone of Piers Morgan, recently had his head handed to him on a platter by a 14-year-old young woman who schooled him on the issue of unlabeled genetically modified...

Ginseng proven to prolong life in men: Here is the research
(NaturalNews) Back in the 1960s and 1970s, ginseng was all the rage for energy and stamina, preventing illness, and increasing libido. Somehow it faded from western natural health awareness and consumer interest. But the history of ginseng's ability...

Spin and spin doctors: How medical researchers falsify data to change the course of healthcare
(NaturalNews) The World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects was first adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly in Helsinki, Finland, June 1964, and has thus...

Hollywood hot shots spend $90,000 a month on substance addiction rehabs
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Milk thistle will protect and detoxify your liver
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Security failure: Hackers will steal your private medical data from Obamacare exchanges
(NaturalNews) One of the more onerous things about Obamacare is its invasiveness. In fact, it's the biggest usurper of Fourth Amendment privacy protections that Congress has ever passed (save the provisions of the Patriot Act which allows the National...

Use these five natural supplements to detox your body of toxic GMO foods
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The best vitamins that aid in weight loss
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Hot chocolate enhances memory, modulates immune cells
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Medicinal marijuana halts child's life-threatening seizures
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Everything's fake: China zoo 'lion' turns out to be Tibetan mastiff dog wearing a disguise
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Cancer realities explained
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U.S. citizens suffer more severe penalties for crimes than illegal aliens
(NaturalNews) America is "a nation of laws," we are often told by our exalted leaders, but as most of us know, the laws are not applied uniformly. Some people seem to get away with more than others, and that is especially true if you happen to be in America...

Spiritual psychology
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More Chicken McNugget 'strange fiber' photos released by Natural News Forensic Food Labs
(NaturalNews) More microscopic photos of the "mysterious fibers" found in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets have been released by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. The forensic microscopy investigation was conducted by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger...


There are a lot of things in the hopper. But this will not go well. Gov't is threatening to shut down unless Congress votes to 'DEFUND' Obamacare. So that the law will collapse. We are looking at a possible false flag EMP and subsequent sudden scorching of the earth by the sun. And there is the implosion of the entire world's economy. America being it's last bastion remaining. FYI - I WILL NOT TAKE VACCINES.

Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE...
...and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.

A Quick Prayer

 Please do not break. Just 29 words.
"God, our Father, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family and friends in God's name, Amen."
How Great is our God!!! Our Creator and Redeemer . . . and do we THINK about it ??? God's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs.. . . . .
For example: the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
Those of the canary in 14 days;
Those of the barnyard hen in 21 days;
The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
Those of the mallard in 35 days;
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
(Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)

God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.
The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.

The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first.
A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.
How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!
God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains.
-Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
-Each orange has an even number of segments.-Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
-Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
-Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.
-The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.
-All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred fold all even numbers.
God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day. Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!
The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for His glory, if you will only entrust Him with your life. If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure. Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end

I HOPE YOU FIND THIS AS FASCINATING AS I DID. May God Bless You In Ways You Never Even Dreamed. I didn't think twice about forwarding this one.The Bible.
When you carry
the Bible, Satan has a headache, when you open it, he collapses, when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you! And did you also know...
When you are about to forward this email to others, the devil will probably try to discourage you, but do it anyway.
Noah's Ark : Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark.
ONE: Don't miss the boat.
: Remember that we are all in the same boat!
: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark .
: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
Build your future on high ground.
: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
: When you're stressed, float awhile.
: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.
Please pass this on to people you want to be blessed.
Give it! Don't just get it!

Most people walk in and out of your life,
but FRIENDS leave footprints on your heart

Submitted by: 'Rufe'

Delta Honor Guard

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Our Government Is Afraid Of It's Own Citizens" Well Said!!!!!

Police State Too Much? Send in a Marine!

This is how the Free State rolls. This is just the kind of active support for limited government, liberty and personal responsibility that's increasingly part of daily life in NH. Thank you FSP. What took you so long to get here...?

During testimony at the Concord City Council public hearing regarding the acquisition of a ManBearPig-- er, I mean BearCat, the "Homeland Security" grant-subsidized (so, your money, regardless) armored attack truck (the manufacturer's description, although the cops prefer "rescue vehicle," which isn't exactly prominent in the marketing materials for some reason) by local law enforcement's Special Operations Unit, in Concord, NH, 8/12/2013, there was this little gem from retired Marine Colonel Pete Martino. Complete hearing at

"Peter Martino is a citizen of the State of New Hampshire. Mr. Martino is a Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve who has been mobilized three times. During his military career, he commanded an infantry platoon, company, and battalion. He was also the senior U.S. adviser to an Iraqi Army brigade. Mr. Martino has had a successful civilian career providing training, consulting, and program management services to private companies and to state and federal agency contractors. Mr. Martino presently holds a top secret security clearance."

Thank you Marines!

And Thank You ARMY for we have one of your finest fighting the fight here at home in Lisbon, Mr. Larry Fillmore ! ! ! ! !

IF ONLY.....

Ya' gotta love this one...

Here Is The Latest Corruption, Collusion, and "Business As Usual" Scandal To Besiege Lisbon Residents


Mrs. Fitzgerald and I wondered why Chairman LaRochelle was pushing so hard for the town to accept the Miller Industries offer for the old Worumbo Mill.  What we have uncovered is astonishing to say the least.

It all started with LaRochelle Properties, LLC purchasing from Miller Industries  the property at 2 Canal Street.  This property was on the market for $125,000.00 but it was sold by Miller Industries to Chairman LaRochelle’s business for $65,000 (See below for the Maine Revenue Services Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration).  This is substantially below the asking price.  I wonder why Miller Industries sold this property so cheap to the Chairman of the Town Council.  Less than a year later, Chairman LaRochelle is pushing the council and now the people to accept an offer from the Miller Industries for the old Worumbo Mill property.

Let’s take a look at this from the Miller Industries' stand point. 

First, Miller Industries got rid of property they had no intention of redeveloping by selling it to Chairman LaRochelle.  Next, the Miller Industries is trying to dump the old Worumbo Mill property on the people of Lisbon.  After the fire at the mill, the insurance company paid a vast amount of money for the cleaning up of the property, either demolition or renovation of the property.  The Miller Industries chose to reinvest some of these funds for cleaning up the area but chose NOT to reinvest any more money into the mill.   

Now to get out from under this property, the Miller Industries has offer the property to the town for $100,000.  This means that Miller Industries will have received money from the insurance company for this property and now is going to receive additional money from the people of Lisbon for the same property.  If the people of Lisbon decide to float a bond for one (1) million dollars, this will mean Miller Industries is out from under the responsibility and liability of this property  and they will not have to pay $4,939.49 annually to the town for taxes.  Since Miller Industries has elected not to invest their money in the town of Lisbon, they need to dump this property as fast as they can.  Since it has been on the market for several years without being sold, receiving $100,000 from the people of Lisbon is a land fall for Miller Industries.

I look on the Agenda for the Town Council and I see the council is going to vote on (1) Bond Order $1,000,000 for Worumbo Mill Project; (2) Council Recommendation on Bond Order – Question 1; and finally (3) Warrant for Bond Referendum on September 24, 2013. 

Dot and I wanted to know why the council was moving this so fast.   A special election will cost the taxpayers approximately $3,000.   

So why can’t we just add it to the November ballot just 3 months away?   

After little research, we found out why the big rush.  LaRochelle Properties, LLC has to act on their property within 18 months of the purchase price.   If the people approve this bond issue, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC at 2 Canal Street will increase in value but if the people vote this down, the property will remain the same and it would be crazy for LaRochelle Properties to try and develop this property.

Also, LaRochelle Properties, LLC is scheduled to appear before the Appeals Board to obtain a variance on the front and side of the property.  

 Can you imagine putting a structure on the corner blocking the view of motorist on Route 125? 

Also, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC has put in for permits at 2 Canal Street.  The Agenda for the Planning Board is not out yet but I would not be surprised to see LaRochelle Properties, LLC on the agenda.  If you care to check it, the 18 months requirements will be up on November 7, 2013.  Now we know why Chairman LaRochelle is pushing so hard.

Now these are FACTS the people need to know.  I am not sure the other members of the council are aware of these facts either.  I guess we now understand what has happened on the Worumbo Mill property.  To me, it appears that Chairman LaRochelle is paying back a debt he owes to the Miller Industries for selling him 2 Canal Street at such a reduced price.  I wonder how many more Councilors are involved with this scheme?  We will have to wait and see if we have councilors or co-conspirators on the council.

The information I have presented here is a matter of public record.  I believe this is corruption at its finest and I hope the Federal government will step in and investigate further.

From my standpoint, Chairman Fern LaRochelle is a corrupt politician and needs to be voted out.  

Larry Fillmore

Very Special - NOT!

The Missouri chapter of the NAACP appealed for the U.S. Department of Justice and the Secret Service to launch an investigation and open a federal case against the rodeo clown who donned a mask of President Obama’s face and mocked with the crowd: Do you want to see a bull run down Mr. Obama?

The NAACP says the clown was guilty of inciting violence against the president.

You want to investigate the rodeo clown? Fine. 

Let us know when you’re finished investigating Benghazi and the IRS then we’ll talk.