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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

NaturalNews: Fukushima radiation concerns, iodine solutions, protection tips, respirator recommendation and more‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Thyroid support formulas are suddenly in high demand again at the Natural News Store due to concerns about Fukushima. See a map of trade winds showing Fukushima radiation fallout at:
So I wanted to offer some tips and strategies for protecting yourself against ionizing radiation as well as discussing the strengths and weaknesses of iodine products so that you can make a more informed decision.
As I hope everyone knows by now, radioactive isotopes of iodine, which are produced by nuclear accidents, are naturally concentrated by the body in the thyroid gland, which also strongly influences your metabolism and body weight. If enough radioactive elements are concentrated there, your thyroid gland can be "burned out" (irradiated to the point of permanent damage), often requiring the surgical removal or deliberate irradiation of the gland followed by a lifetime of synthetic thyroid hormone medication to make up the difference.
See this important radiation reference chart at:
(Source is unknown but info is accurate)
The intake of iodine immediately before or even during exposure to radioactive isotopes of iodine "fills" your thyroid with non-radioactive iodine, preventing the concentration of radioactive isotopes in that gland. This is why the U.S. government actually hands out Potassium Iodide pills to residents living near nuclear facilities. So-called "KI pills" are the first line of defense against ionizing radiation damaging your thyroid gland.
We offer them in our "radiation response" category at:
Natural supplements can also accomplish the same thing as KI pills. That's why so-called "Nascent Atomic Iodine" supplements are being increasingly used by people for the same purpose*:
"Thyadine" is also another popular supplement used for this purpose:
Strengthening your thyroid both during and after exposure is also an important strategy for supporting overall thyroid health, and that comes from food concentrates like Megafood's "Thyroid Strength" formula (which also contains both iodine and selenium):
Keep in mind that radioactive iodine will also concentrate itself in other tissues where iodine receptors are common, including breast tissue and prostate tissue. So in a nuclear accident event, it's much more than just your thyroid that is at risk.
Radioactive iodine isotopes can also cause breast cancer and prostate cancer, as was clearly seen in the years following the atomic bomb attacks on Japan in World War II.
The trace mineral selenium is also used by many people to help support a natural modulation of ionizing radiation*. There is a wealth of scientific literature on selenium and radiation available at
Also see studies on iodine and radiation here:
Personally, I like selenium mostly to support healthy brain function*, but people take it for lots of different reasons:
Email subscriber special: Use discount code NOGMO to save 5% off all products not already on special sales or bulk discounts.
Please be sure to work with a qualified naturopathic physician if you have any concerns about health and radiation.
Keep in mind that ionizing radiation is most dangerous when it is inhaled, usually lodging in the lung tissue. This is why people living downstream from Fukushima need to take special precautions to avoid inhaling radioactive dust particles.
Also note that iodine does not offer any special protection for your lungs against the inhalation of radioactive particles. Your best protection against this is a respiratory such as the MSA Safety Works Paint and Particle Respirator that you can find at
This is my favorite half-face respirator, and it will filter out nearly all radioactive dust particles.
Too often, people take iodine or KI pills and think they are then "bulletproof" against radiation, but that's a dangerous misconception. Iodine's protective effects are very targeted and quite limited. The very best protection against radiation is to AVOID EXPOSURE in the first place, even if that means physically relocating to remove yourself from the path of radioactive particles being spewed into the environment.
P.S. Thank you for your support and your business. It's because of people like you that we are able to continue our mission of consumer activism and spreading the word about nutritional therapies that really work. Natural News is a rare beacon of truth in a world full of misinformation about health, and we depend on your support to continue pursuing our mission every single day.  :-)
Thank you for your support,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

BrasscheckTV: What was so "good" about the "Good War"?‏ (Howard Zinn on World War II)

Every time government employees of the
Industrial-War complex (the media, Congress
the president) want to justify a new war,
they dust off the sacred story of World War II.
" is another Hitler..."
"We must not be guilty of appeasement."
"This is a just cause."
Bombardier-turned historian Howard Zinn
suggests there might be a different way. 
- Brasscheck

 A second look at the ‘Good War’
“Appeasement” “Hitler” and other buzzwords

 Next stop Syria? 
Over 60 million people, more than half civilians, which of course included millions of children, were killed during WW II. Many millions more were injured with millions bearing the scars and disabilities for life.

Former WW II bombardier-turned-historian Howard Zinn asks the question “Why?”

Was there another way short of Total War? (which after all is just a euphemism for “kill civilians when needed.”)

That was the bottom line fact of World War II: All sides targeted civilians. What as so “good” about that?

But whenever the punks in Washington want to bomb another country, they dust off memories of the “Good War” and the need to defeat the “next Hitler” and avoid “appeasement” at all costs.

It’s a not-so-subtle psychological trick and, so far, it’s worked every time.

Maybe it’s time we wised up.

PWS Boys soccer Sep 17th‏

On September 17th of 2013 Lisbon Middle School boys played against Richmond  on their turf and lost 7-0.

Lisbon's defense line played valiantly to keep the skillful Richmond's offensive players form scoring more goals. Center fullback Reece Rustad and left fullback Elijah Spiro led the defense and goalie Levi Lavesque saved a penalty kick. 
Left forward Noah Austin played an excellent first half carrying the ball down to offense and making good passes and crosses. Striker Jonah Sautter almost scored Lisbon's first goal of the season firing from outside the eighteen, but the goalie said no.

Lisbon Greyhounds have two days to get ready to face Maranacook on their field on September 19th, at 4:00pm.

Coach Juliani

TownHall: California to be absorbed into Mexico by October‏ (Flash Crash of America Economy)

Dear Lisbon Reporter Readers,

The America you know and love could look completely different in a matter of weeks.

Under a plan circulating the D.C. corridor right now, up to 16 states are at risk to be terminated due to epic fiscal mismanagement.

These states would simply be wiped from existence and merged into their neighbors.

We’ve even seen the redrawn map of the U.S. and it’s nothing less than terrifying.

California may be forced to become a part of Mexico without any state strong enough to absorb it!

Last week Treasury Secretary Jack Lew even took the time to urge congressional leaders to take action before events unfold that could lead to this national tragedy.

But it may already be too late.

To see the redrawn map of the U.S. and learn if your state is targeted for potential termination, it’s essential that you watch this short video we’ve produced.

It could be the slight head start that saves your entire future.

View it here, for free, right now.

Ahead of the tape,

Robert Williams
Publisher, Wall Street Daily

You owe it to yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, you unborn family to view and understand WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE.

News Media Corruption: "Why America is the greatest country in the world..."‏ Lisbon You Are At A Similar Crossroads Currently, Will You Help Or Continue To Hope Someone Else Does?

The answer is kind of obvious to everyone who
lives practically anywhere else in the world, but 
it's still news to many Americans. 
A frank answer to:
"Why is America the greatest country in
the world?"
Warning: Harsh language. 
- Brasscheck

From "Newsroom": Harsh language warning

Why America is the greatest country in the world...

An answer without the bullshit

This aired on HBO on a show called "Newsroom."

It's a testament to the US's dense and comprehensive propaganda system that you can watch US TV for tens of thousands of hours and never come across something so straightforward and accurate.

I don't know what the actual show is about.

If I have one critique of this: He's awfully nostalgic about a past that didn't quite happen the way he remembers it.

 Submitted by: Todd Comber

An answer without the bullshit
This aired on HBO on a show called "Newsroom."

It's a testament to the US's dense and comprehensive propaganda system that you can watch US TV for tens of thousands of hours and never come across something so straightforward and accurate.

I don't know what the actual show is about.

If I have one critique of this: He's awfully nostalgic about a past that didn't quite happen the way he remembers it.

- See more at:

BrasscheckTV: Bad Guys: The Navy Yard shootings‏ (black ops, Colorado theater shooting, false flag, mass shootings, NATO, Operation Gladio, Sikh Temple Shooting, state sponsored terror)

Same old, same old. 
First it's three shooter, then
it was two. s
Now it's just one - and he's
He had no motive, but the 
politicians are already using
the event to advance pre-set
Rally around the commander
and chief, do what he says,
and turn over your guns.  
- Brasscheck

Intro to Operation Gladio, False Flag Terror Campaigns 

A historical reality





NATO and the terrorist network Gladio
What was Operation Gladio?

It was a combination of gangsters and NATO operatives who collaborated together to stage terrorist acts throughout Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

Sometimes they were designed to appear to originate from right wing groups. Other times from left wing groups.

The point was to destabilize governments that were not 100% compliant with US wishes.

Officially the program ran from 1953 to 1958 - but many researchers believe it operated a lot longer, from 1947 to 1981.

Interestingly, Donald Rumsfeld, whose bloody hands appear everywhere, was for a time the US’s permanent representative to NATO during the Operation Gladio program.

- See more at:

The Maine Wire: “Fact-checking the new Michaud ad” plus 4 more‏

Fact-checking the new Michaud ad
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 12:47 PM PDT
Democrat gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud released a campaign ad on Monday in which the career politician made a dubious claim about job creation in Maine over the past year. Said Michaud, “If you look at the Maine being one of the three states that’s actually lost jobs, uh, over the last year, the uncertainty, uh, […]
Poll: 12% see Obamacare as positive for their family
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 10:54 AM PDT
Just 12 percent of Americans believe that President Barack Obama’s controversial health care law will have a positive impact on their family, according to a NBCNews/Wall Street Journal poll released on Monday. The results come as state and federal governments gear up for the Oct. 1 roll out of health insurance exchanges. Just 31 percent […]

Free Press: How Detroit Went Broke
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 09:45 AM PDT
A Free Press investigation published Monday sheds light on how Detroit, once a paragon of economic prosperity, went bankrupt. “Detroit is broke, but it didn’t have to be. An in-depth Free Press analysis of the city’s financial history back to the 1950s shows that its elected officials and others charged with managing its finances repeatedly […]
Infographic: The Financial States of America
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 08:48 AM PDT
A new infographic hosted at offers a revealing insight into the economic and social conditions of Maine in comparison to the other 49 states. According the infographic, Maine ranks as follows in the following categories: 33rd in median household income (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011 44th in gross domestic product (GDP) (Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic […]
Study: Medicaid expansion would benefit young men, smokers and drinkers
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 08:28 AM PDT
Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that expanding states’ medical welfare program, known nationally as Medicaid and in Maine as MaineCare, would primarily benefit younger males, tobacco users and heavy drinkers. [REPORT: Potential Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Compared With Current Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries...] “Our objective was […]

NaturalNews: The coming plague will have no pharma cure: superbugs taking over medicine‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The CDC now admits superbugs are taking over. The agency just released a shocking new report that essentially admits the era of antibiotics has reached its end.
Soon, doctors will have zero chemicals available to treat common infections. "Go home and die" will become standard practice.
But herbal antibiotics can save lives, so here's what you need to know to survive even when drugs have failed humanity:

Almost 50 million Americans are now on food stamps as nation plunges into widespread poverty

Scientists invent self-healing "Terminator" polymer that repairs itself automatically:

Is your holistic vet really holistic? A lot of 'em aren't. Here's how to tell:

Scientific dishonesty is on the rise. The number of redacted papers is rising sharply:

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Do drug resistant bacteria pose a potential catastrophe as the CDC is warning? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions. Listen in at

Today from
- Find ulcer relief with cabbage
- Immunity power boosters that prevent the flu
- Does your medicine cabinet contain bentonite clay?

The coming plague will not be stopped by drugs: CDC now admits era of antibiotics at an end as bacteria out-wit drug companies
(NaturalNews) In a breakthrough moment of truth for the CDC, the agency now openly admits that prescription antibiotics have led to a catastrophic rise in superbugs, causing the death of at least 23,000 Americans each year (an estimate even the...

Almost 50 million Americans now on food stamps as nation plunges into widespread poverty
(NaturalNews) As economic recovery continues to prove dismal if not illusory, American families are signing up for food stamps in record numbers, showing signs that poverty is increasing and the job market is far from recovering. According to official...

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
(NaturalNews) You've probably run into them before -- those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda....

Scientists invent self-healing 'terminator' polymer that could revolutionize electronics, body armor
(NaturalNews) Okay, so maybe Hollywood is really where the cutting edge of technology takes place. What moviemakers and scriptwriters dream up eventually becomes reality. That would certainly seem to be the case in this instance: Scientists in Spain...

Ultimate brain food - Increase memory, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and protect against multiple sclerosis with ginger
(NaturalNews) Ginger root is a well-recognized health marvel, mending everything from inflammation to cancer to diabetes. But did you know that it can also improve brain function? In our demanding world, acute cognitive ability is essential. Fortunately...

Is your 'holistic' vet really holistic? A fresh look at the health risks associated with pet vaccines
(NaturalNews) If you frequent this website and own a pet, chances are that finding a good holistic veterinarian, if you have not already found one, is a top priority in your life. But with so many vets out there marketing themselves as holistic these...

Mainstream science finally admitting that gut bacteria play a role in preventing obesity
(NaturalNews) With figures showing one in three Americans are officially considered obese, new gut health research may reveal how obesity takes hold and pave the way to natural cures...

Drug fact boxes proposed to give clear, easy-to-understand drug safety information to consumers
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Number of retracted scientific papers skyrockets: Scientific dishonesty on the rise?
(NaturalNews) An increasing number of published scientific papers are being retracted these days, and a cohort of scientists from some of the most prominent research universities in the country wants to know why. To accomplish this goal, they recently...

BPA found to function as a malignant breast tissue carcinogen
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Peasant farmers defeat monsanto's puppet Santos in Colombia
(NaturalNews) In a stunning reversal President Santos suspended Resolution 9.70. The implementation of draconian provisions in the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia. In my article ...

Top six reasons you should not skip breakfast
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Men: Boost your fertility naturally with CoQ10
(NaturalNews) Infertility has risen considerably over the past few decades. A major contributor to this species-threatening malady is attributed to lower sperm counts among men. Sperm counts among men have been dropping correspondingly with rising infertility...

Federal consumer 'protection' bureau caught data-mining the private financial records of millions of Americans
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Chinese herbs found to enhance resistance to all causes of stress
(NaturalNews) Many people feel as if exercise is causing unhealthy damage. The sensation of aversion to exercise and the eventual mental and physical fatigue are known and perhaps feared. Fortunately, a combination of Western science and ancient medicine...

Eating traditional foods for longevity and overall wellness
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Israel commits to ending water fluoridation by 2014, citing major health concerns
(NaturalNews) Israel's Ministry of Health has made a bold ruling against artificial water fluoridation, reversing more than 15 years of forced poisoning via public water supplies in the Middle Eastern country. A recent announcement by Israel's Supreme...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lisbon Town Council Agenda September 17, 2013

Click on to enlarge, as once again no agenda was emailed to The Lisbon Reporter.

More Information on the Dynamics of Lisbon Affairs

    • Fern Larochelle
      Its too bad to see a good Facebook page like this one becoming just anoughter Lisbon -bashing blog site
The Above is a direct quote from the facebook site “Positive change Lisbon” As I and My Wife were the only persons brave enough to post FACTS about the purchase of several toxic waste sites that the town which seems to be hell bent on purchasing with our tax dollars. This is the Leader of our town ?

They had a regular town meeting to discuss this and there were so many people in attendance they reluctantly re-scheduled a second meeting to allow the people who pay their salaries an opportunity to be heard. Now I work nights so I can pay my property taxes but I still went to the meeting for as long as I could. I also passed out “I LOVE LISBON BUTTONS” and when someone didn't want to take one I would ask them “don't you love your town ?” I did not see Fern or any other town officer or employee promoting POSITIVE feelings for our town.

Now most people (at least those aware of it) are upset with Fern's recent tax evasion and the purchase of the corner property across from the mill. Now as long as he had no prior knowledge of the actual purchasing of the mill it self I will applaud Fern for being a good capitalist and trying to pay as little in taxes as possible is as American as apple pie. If there was knowledge of future events, he has a moral obligation to own up to these improprieties at minimum. Now as I stated earlier I attended the second meeting for as long as I could but, as I understand it Fern stated that the town council had been discussing the Mill property for over 2 years at this meeting so who's bashing the taxpayers of this town me or Fern ?

Laus Deo'
Thomas Austin Barry III
Resident of Lisbon

Editors Note:  For real positive change you can go to

Town Council Meeting Tuesday Night, September 17, 2013 Business As Usual Planned

                                  IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER!!

At the Public Hearing on September 10, 2013, Town Manager Stephen Eldridge let it slip that the council had already made up their minds and were going ahead with putting the million dollar bond on the November ballot.  Mr. Albert Austin questioned Mr. Eldridge about this and Vice Chair Ward stepped in and stated that the council had NOT decided on whether to put the question on the ballot or not.  According to Vice Chair Ward, the purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear from the citizens.  I suggested a show of hands but Vice Chair Ward never did call for a show of hands.

A review of the upcoming Tuesday’s night agenda contradicts Vice Chair Ward.  It would appear that the intent of Public Hearing was not to hear from the people but a legal formality.  Even though there was no show of hands it was very clear that out of the approximately 135 citizens present; the majority was NOT in favor of floating a million dollars bond or wasting everyone’s time by putting it on the ballot.  Please look below and you will see the November Warrant which our council is going to be voting on Tuesday.  It is agenda item 2013-148 and states the question on the Worumbo Mill project is question 1.

This certainly puts a different spin on the credibility of Vice Chair Ward.  This also brings out some disturbing facts (1) this council does not listen to the majority of the people; instead they listen to the minority; (2) Public Hearings are a legal requirement and not for hearing from the people.  The council clearly could care less about hearing from their constituents.  It is apparent this has been a done deal from the beginning.  Why is the council pushing so hard for the approval of this project?  What deals have been made behind closed doors?

The real question is who will benefit the most.  Someone will make a killing on this project and it definitely will not be the taxpayers.

Larry Fillmore