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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NaturalNews: Two Dozen Medical Studies Confirm Vaccine Link To Autism

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
In the faith-based dogma known as "modern science," all vaccines are assumed to be 100% safe regardless of their composition (ingredients) or side effects.
There is no such thing as an "unsafe" vaccine, if you believe the pro-vaccine propaganda.
But how do they know if they refuse to examine the evidence of harm?
Today, we bring you news of two dozen medical studies that provide damning evidence of the link between vaccines and autism. This is evidence the vaccine pushers desperately try to convince you doesn't exist, but you can read about it yourself right here:

With the launch of Obamacare exchanges today, the government's Obamacare website has quietly removed any mention of "free" health insurance. So much for that bogus promise, eh?

Here are two very important films that need your support to get completed. They stand to help shape the future of medicine:

Economic epic fail: Growth of food stamps 75 times greater than growth of jobs under Obama administration:

Acupuncture for depression? Scientific studies show it's just as good as counseling:

More news continues below...

Today from
- The problem with your toilet (huh?)

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Julie Matthews, author of Nourishing Hope for Autism talks nutrition and detoxification for children with vaccine injuries. It’s also “Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer Month” so be on the lookout pink ribbon armies. Listen in at

World exclusive: Unacceptable Levels film exposes chemical holocaust now devastating humanity
(NaturalNews) An exciting new film has just been announced: "Unacceptable Levels" exposes the hidden world of toxic chemicals now inundating society and destroying our health worldwide. Created by filmmaker Ed Brown, Unacceptable Levels is a tour...

Obamacare lie exposed as government website deletes 'free health care' promise
(NaturalNews) The old axioms "nothing in life is free" and "there is no such thing as a free lunch" have been true throughout the ages, no matter how hard the Obama administration has tried to make certain demographics of American voters believe just...

Nearly two dozen medical studies prove that vaccines can cause autism
(NaturalNews) Mainstream doctors and media pundits are notorious for claiming that the vaccine-autism debate is over and that no legitimate scientific evidence exists to suggest even a possible link between vaccinations and autism spectrum disorders ...

How to avoid antibiotics
(NaturalNews) You can't throw a rock nowadays without hitting a doctor who is eagerly waiting to prescribe antibiotics for nearly any infection, bacterial or not. Facing the onslaught of patient after patient complaining about cold and flu like symptoms...

While EPA shuts down coal plants in the USA, China unveils monstrous greenhouse gas polluters called an 'environmental disaster'
(NaturalNews) One of the primary reasons why the U.S. does not sign onto global treaties limiting so-called greenhouse gas emissions is because some of the world's biggest polluters won't sign on or, worse, will sign on and cheat, leaving American industry...

Doctors' groups agree that toxic environmental chemicals pose huge risk to expectant mothers
(NaturalNews) A large doctor's group is recommending that medical practitioners push for tougher environmental standards and policies to help better identify and reduce exposure to substances that can be harmful to pregnant women. According to a recently...

Megan Sherow cancer story: Teenager overcomes terminal brain cancer with raw foods
(NaturalNews) It's hard to believe that the healthy and radiant 17-year-old Megan Sherow was facing a terminal cancer diagnosis just a few years ago. "Uh, I guess sometimes it can happen..." was the bewildered response Megan received from her doctors...

Local supermarkets use NSA-style spying on their own customers
(NaturalNews) Many of us have done it. The checker is ringing up your groceries and lets you know that you could save two whole bucks if you sign up for one of the store's rip roaring super saver bonanza cards. All you have to do to get a buy-one-get...

Nature wins the war on drugs: Low-cost, super-potent plants prevent addiction and treat withdrawal safely
(NaturalNews) Addiction is a rampant problem in the United States, and in 1995 it was shown in the National Comorbidity Survey that 51% of individuals used drugs at some time in their lives, and 15.4% did so in the last 12 months. These drugs included...

Acupuncture proven just as good as counseling for treating depression
(NaturalNews) If you or someone you know suffers from moderate to severe depression, counseling and acupuncture could be your answers to finding real relief. A new study recently published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE found that acupuncture...

Systemic enzymes offer powerful immune support
(NaturalNews) The human body uses enzymes to carry out virtually every metabolic function. While supplemental enzymes play an important role in optimizing digestion, taking enzymes outside of meal times has a powerful effect on the body's immune response...

Sex after the age of 50
(NaturalNews) When it comes to aging, many people make the false assumption that sex is more difficult and not as fulfilling or exciting. Those assumptions are absolutely incorrect, as youth has no superiority over senior sex; in fact, seniors do have...

Fruits and vegetables often physically resemble the organs they benefit
(NaturalNews) The Doctrine of Signatures is an herbalist philosophy attributed to Paracelsus (1491-1541) and later popularized by the German shoemaker Jakob Bohme (1575-1624). It states that all fruits and vegetables share aesthetic properties or 'signatures'...

History of pomegranate
(NaturalNews) A small deciduous tree or large shrub that bears fruit, the Punica granatum, commonly known as the pomegranate, is a superfood with a long and rich history. Native to the East, it can be traced through historical documents as far...

Home remedies that guarantee relief from chapped lips
(NaturalNews) Dry and chapped lips occur all the time without warning. This is not life threatening, but it can cause inconvenience and affect the way people live their lives. There are different manifestations that can be observed, including the presence...

SWAT team ties up students during 'scary' terror drill, blows out all tires on hijacked bus
(NaturalNews) We've been reporting steadily on the rise of militaristic tactics used by local police forces, which we find both alarming and unnecessary. Unfortunately, that trend appears to be accelerating and shows no signs of reversal anytime soon...

Popular Science to shut down nearly all article comments as trolls destroy usefulness of user comments
(NaturalNews) The Internet is open and (largely) free, an excellent forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas. Only, in recent years, it has also become a cesspool of incivility, where nameless, faceless people use the safety of anonymity to spew vitriolic...

Growth of food stamps 75 times faster than job growth in America
(NaturalNews) Some 40 years after the so-called "war on poverty" was begun by liberal Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson, not only has poverty not been eliminated, but in terms of the percentage of the American population living in poverty, it...

Two hugely important films that need your support to change the future of medicine
(NaturalNews) There are two very important films that promise to help shape the future of medicine. You may wish to help support them, as they both need funding to be completed and released. The first is called "Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?" and you...

Robotics revolution to replace most human workers in three generations; labor class to be systematically eliminated
(NaturalNews) As much as seventy percent of the human race will become obsolete within just three generations. Why? Because robotics technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that highly-capable humanoid robots with advanced vision recognition and...

The United States Government Has Shut Down


Submitted by: 'Gordie'

GOPDD: Too Many Secrets? Now NBC Scraps Hillary Miniseries…

by Amy
via redflagnews BC has scrapped its controversial Hillary Clinton miniseries project. "After reviewing and prioritizing our slate of movie/miniseries development, we've decided that we will no longer continue developing the Hillary Clinton miniseries," the network said in a statement Monday. The news comes hours after CNN Films opted to cancel its planned documentary on the […] 

Monday, September 30, 2013

This was the film that inspired Brasscheck‏ "Spin" by Brian Springer

I first saw this film back in the early
90s very late one night on a college 
TV station. 
It took me years in those pre-Internet
days to get my own copy. 
No film has ever done a better job 
of showing what goes on behind the 
scenes at the broadcast news 
networks. It's pretty surreal. 
- Brasscheck
 “Spin” by Brian SpringerOne of the most important films
of the last 25 years
 Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary 
filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of 
politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters 
about "homos," Al Gore learns how to avoid abortion questions, George 
Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon -- all presuming they're off 
camera. Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite footage, Spin is a 
surreal expose of media-constructed reality.
Brian Springer

 Footage you were never 
supposed to see
Artist Brian Springer spent a year scouring the airwaves with a satellite dish
 grabbing back channel news feeds not intended for public consumption. The 
result of his research is SPIN, one of the most insightful films ever made 
about the mechanics of how television is used as a tool of social control to
 distort and limit the American public’s perception of reality.

Take the time to watch it from beginning to end and you’ll never look at TV 
reporting the same again. Tell your friends about it. This extraordinary film
 released in the early 1990s is almost completely unknown. Hopefully, the 
Internet will change that.

Note: We have posted excerpts of this film. You can find these excerpts by 
going to the “Spin” section of Brasscheck TV.
- See more at:

Middle School Boys Soccer Results, 09/30/13, PWS vs Winthrop‏

On September 30th of 2013 Lisbon Greyhounds sustained their second win in a row defeating Winthrop 6 x 0 at home.

Hounds dominated the entire game. The game was played mostly on Winthrop's side of the field and Lisbon fired the goal over twenty five times.

Defense did a great job stopping the opponent that Goalie Levi Lavesque ouched the ball once the entire game. Center fullback Reece Rustad led the defense to a shutout, helped by left fullback Elijah Spiro and right fullback Jacob George. 
Offense line was on fire. They created several opportunities of attack and put the ball in the net six times, three on the first half and three on the second. Left Fullback Noah scored three goals, one of them being straight from a corner kick to the net. Striker Jonah Sautter played very aggressively, shot in goal twelve times and scored three goals, two  in the firs half and one in the second half.

The (2-3) Greyhounds next match will be on Thursday, October 3rd receiving Richmond at home.

Lisbon's Councilors To Ponder Plight Of Proper Use Of Forfeited Funds Tuesday Night

HOW TO SPEND $71,750.78 FORFEITURE FUNDS???????????

On Tuesday night, the Town Council will be asked by Lisbon Police  Chief David T. Brooks; What to do with $71,750.78 the community received in forfeiture funds from the U.S. Treasury Department?  These funds were turned over to the town because our police department did their jobs, nothing more.  As Chief Brooks’ indicated the Federal people took control of the case immediately. 

 (click on to enlarge)


Now the town council has three options:

1.       To utilize these funds as the council sees fit.
2.       To give these funds to the Police Department to use as they see fit.
3.       To give these funds to the Police Department in return for $71,750.78 of tax dollars which was approved by the council for such things as the purchase of two cruisers at $48,816.00?

So let’s review each option.  Option 1 is by far the best option because it allows the council to take care of some urgent needs of the community such as:

1.       Repair roads
2.       Resolve the boiler issue at MTM Center before winter
3.       Replace more windows at MTM Center before winter
4.       Restore service on Thursday at the dump
5.       Restore services that were cut at the library

These suggestions are not ranked by priority but are excellent opportunities where this $71,750.78 would benefit the whole community.

Option 2 is by far the worst option.  The Town Council approved a budget for the Police Department of $1,297,864.00.  This is over a million dollars to cover the operations of the Police Department.  This is a small community with many residents on a fixed income.  I dare say that the Lisbon Police Department is the most costly per capita in the state of Maine.

Option 3 is a viable option.  According to Chief Brooks’ the correct protocol is to provide forfeiture funds to the police department to utilize for things such as vehicles.  Since the taxpayers have already budgeted for the vehicles with tax dollars then these tax dollars should be returned to the community and Chief Brooks should use the forfeitured funds to cover whatever he wants.  The taxpayers should not have to pay twice for whatever Chief Brooks wants to spend this $71,750.78 on.  The taxpayers should be reimbursed their tax dollars to be spent for such things as outlined in Option 1. 

This is an excellent opportunity to see if Chief Brooks is a team player and will put the needs of the community ahead of his own needs.  It is about time the community came first in this town and that goes for the town council too.  This community has a lot of needs that this $71,750.78 could eliminate or at least reduce greatly.  So now it is up to the Town Council to see if they are going to use this windfall for the good of the community or the good of Chief Brooks.  Citizens need to watch closely to how each councilor’s votes on this issue.

Let’s see if Chief Brooks is a team player and puts the community’s needs first.  But more important is to see which councilors support their friend or put their community first.

Larry Fillmore

Lisbon Town Council Agenda For Tuesday October 1, 2013

                                         TOWN COUNCIL MEETING
                                       TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2013
                                           LISBON TOWN OFFICE
                                                      7:00 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Larochelle
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Victualer License for Randall Smith d/b/a Pinky D’s




2013-154 ORDER −
A. Victualer License for Randall Smith d/b/a Pinky D’s

B.Minutes of September 17, 2013


2013-155 ORDER −
Fuel Bids

2013-156 ORDER −
Agency Liquor Store Relocation - Bootleggers

2013-157 ORDER −
New Agency Liquor Stores - Food City, Lisbon Gulf, and Rite Aid

2013-158 ORDER −

2013-159 ORDER −
Winter Sand Bids


A. Androscoggin River Trail Update

B. Town Manager’s Report




2013-160 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter - EMA Director

2013-160 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter -Water Department

2013-161 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Extended Weather Outlook‏

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 70-75, cooler coast.
Tuesday; quiet and dry. Lows 41-50, mildest coast. highs 75-80, coast.
Wednesday; breezy pm and dry. Lows 48-53. highs 75-80.
Thursday; breezy and dry. Lows 49-54. Highs 65-73 north to south.
Friday;  quiet. Showers at night. Lows 41-48 N/S. highs 66-74 N/S, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet. Showers north. Lows 47-53. Highs 68-73, cooler coast.
Sunday; breezy. Showers/thunder? @ night. Low 51-56. Highs 70-75, cooler coast.

Thanks 'Rufe"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

WND: Truckers to Obama: Um, that's a big negatory, CONVOY 2013 Truckers roar to D.C. with impeachment movement

CW McCall Convoy 

MOVIN' ON opening credits NBC 1974


‘The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America’
author-image Michael Carl

 In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.
The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.
Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.

Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.
“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”
He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”
Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
Facebook tries to shut truckers down
On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.
“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.
“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”

Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.
According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”
While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.
Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.
“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”
The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”
‘Wake up the sleeping giant’

What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?
Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”
Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.
“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”
Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”
But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.
“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.
He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.
Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.
“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.
By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.
However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.
“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”
Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.
Time to rally, contact lawmakers

Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.
“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”
However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.
“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”
Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.
American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.
“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”
But Andrews is undeterred.
She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”

Read more at  


Six Days On The Road - Dave Dudley - Live TV performance October 1966 

And Maine's One and Only,

Dick Curless - Tomestone Every Mile 


 Hammer Down All American Truckers That Participate in the upcoming Rally, Be Safe Have Fun And Let'em know you are there. And That We ALL Have Had Enough of their Bullshit!

Next We Will Send In the Military!

In less than two weeks, thousands of truckers will descend on Washington, D.C., driving their big-rigs and calling for the restoration of a constitutional republic – but now their plan has taken a new twist: Their friends and families will simultaneously join other Americans rallying on overpasses across the nation for Obama’s impeachment.
The Truckers’ Ride for the Constitution movement has a new ally in their protest against what organizers say is corruption in government and a trashing of the Constitution. The group is teaming up with Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment to line the routes into Washington with flags during the Oct. 11-13 event.
Both Houses of Congress are tentatively scheduled to be in session Oct. 11.
Truckers Ride for the Constitution leader and organizer Zeeda Andrews, a country singer and former truck driver, said Overpasses Founder James Neighbors reached out to her, suggesting the two groups form an alliance. Neighbors said the partnership is a “natural” merger for a common cause.
“Thousands of truckers have seen us across America,” he said. “We’ve gotten emails from them, thanking us for waking them up. The biker ride in D.C. happened. Then, the next thing you know, the trucker thing did, and we got even more emails from truckers across the country, thanking us.”
He added, “We are going to be out on the overpasses and at truck stops, encouraging the truckers to head to D.C., to join in with the others. They, in exchange, are encouraging their families who are at home to join us on the overpasses.”
Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
Facebook tries to shut truckers down
On Sept. 22, Facebook removed the truckers’ Facebook page, “Truckers to Shutdown America,” which had accumulated 86,000 “likes” within days of its launch.
“Political opponents attacked the Truckers to Shutdown America page within days, and they exploited a little known (to the public) feature on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter called ‘community standards’ flagging, which allows them to instantaneously shut down an account on these social media platforms,” the truckers group explained in a press release.
“[A]n administrator of the page offended someone by saying, ‘God bless you, and God bless America.”
Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.
According to the group, radio talk-host Pete Santelli, of “The Pete Santelli Show,” has indicated that he “intends to take legal action against YouTube and Twitter on behalf of all truckers, their supporters, as well as other members of the public who are similarly harmed by these unconstitutional ‘community standards.’”
While the truckers’ group says it has made numerous attempts to appeal Facebook’s decision, the page remains unpublished.
Now the group is planning a special delivery to Facebook’s corporate headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., on the same day of the Washington, D.C., convoy.
“Ride for the Constitution will now organize a convoy to Facebook corporate headquarters … to coincide with the ride to Washington, D.C.,” the group explained. “We fully intend to arrive on corporate America’s doorstep with our original ‘community standards’ guideline in hand – the U.S. Constitution.”
The truckers also launched their website,, and created a second Facebook page called, “Truckers Ride for the Constitution.”
‘Wake up the sleeping giant’
What do they intend to accomplish with a convoy into Washington and nationwide rallies on overpasses?
Neighbors explained, “The goal is to wake up the sleeping giant, the people of America.”
Truckers co-organizer Benn Pam said the rally will be quite a patriotic scene.
“I think it’s great,” he said. “There are going to be thousands of trucks on the highways, flying flags. There are all of those people who are in the Overpasses campaign flying flags. Between the two groups, we may be covering a good part of the national highway network.”
Andrews said more organizations are expected to join the rally, and she has “two other huge groups that will give me a conformation.”
But this event isn’t just another political rally. The joint venture has clear objectives. Neighbors said one goal is to pressure Congress to begin the impeachment process.
“In doing so, the people can force Congress to act to begin by removing Obama from office,” he explained.
He said his group will also protest “RINOs and progressive Democrats” before the 2014 midterm elections.
Andrews said she believes connecting with the Overpasses group will help achieve her group’s aims.
“We both want to see an end to the unconstitutional laws in this country,” she said.
By joining forces, she said, both groups will get more publicity and video footage of the event.
However, the group’s short-term goal is to see a three-day cessation of business. Organizers are asking Americans to pre-purchase food and other necessities before Oct. 11 to send a message to Congress.
“We want to see the dollar stop circulating for three days,” Andrews said. “What we also want to see is deregulation for the truckers and our Constitution restored. We want to get rid of unconstitutional laws like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Patriot Act.”
Andrews also said she has a list of grievances she plans to present to every member of Congress before the trucks leave Washington.
Time to rally, contact lawmakers
Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment national coordinator and co-founder Rick Halle said he’s hopeful that the event will get Congress to remember its commitment to the Constitution.
“The ultimate result would be for our representatives to start taking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously,” he said. “At the very least, we will get the message out to others who believe, as we do, that government corruption is rampant and that they are not alone.”
However, Halle admitted that Congress will only feel pressure if enough people rally in the streets and make their voices heard by calling their lawmakers.
“We believe that we will also wake some people up so they start paying attention,” he said. “If enough people wake up and start contacting their representatives, then we believe that they will have no choice but to take notice.”
Some critics in the trucking industry have taken to Facebook to condemn the upcoming protest.
American Trucking Associations spokesman Sean McNally said his group opposes Andrews’ activities.
“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these few individuals,” McNally said. “ATA and the vast majority of America’s truck drivers will continue to deliver the nation’s most essential goods unabated even while we continue to work through whatever policy disagreements we have with Congress and the administration.”
But Andrews is undeterred.
She said, “I have the truckers that I need.”


WND EXCLUSIVE FBI's rogue L.A. field office has Muslim mole

Congressman cites report in warning about agency's 'systemic problem'
Congressman cites report in warning about agency's 'systemic problem'
Congressman cites report in warning about agency’s ‘systemic problem’

 The FBI field office that defied clear and direct orders from Washington headquarters to “cease contact” with a terrorist front group at the same time allowed a Muslim agent investigated for compromising a major terrorism case to remain on the squad, WND has learned.
After the FBI banned the Council on American-Islamic Relations from its counterterror outreach programs in response to evidence the group fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian terrorist branch Hamas, the FBI’s Los Angeles field office liaisoned with CAIR in violation of official policy, according to a just-released report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.
Several directives sent from FBI headquarters required all of the bureau’s field offices to “cease contact with CAIR as an organization,” yet the L.A. office refused to comply with the command and even sent out an internal email advising personnel to ignore it.
GOP Rep. Frank Wolf, whose House judiciary subcommittee oversees the FBI’s budget, wants officials there fired.
“This is insubordinate behavior,” Wolf wrote the FBI director. “The findings in this report suggest the FBI may have a systemic problem.”
In fact, that same rogue L.A. field office happens to employ Muslim agents sympathetic to CAIR – including an Egyptian-American agent investigated for allegedly compromising a national counterterror probe that involved cells in Los Angeles, New York and Boston.
The Muslim FBI agent in Los Angeles allegedly tipped off the ringleader of a Pakistani-based terror cell that the local Joint Terrorism Task Force had it under surveillance for more than two years.
According to law enforcement officials attached to the multi-agency JTTF in Los Angeles, the “dirty” agent was a family friend of the counterterrorism target, who trained dozens of young Muslim men for jihad at his mosque in the Los Angeles suburbs while arranging for more advanced training for the jihadists at Taliban-run camps in Pakistan.
Continue reading
Read more at  
The FBI field office that defied clear and direct orders from Washington headquarters to “cease contact” with a terrorist front group at the same time allowed a Muslim agent investigated for compromising a major terrorism case to remain on the squad, WND has learned.
After the FBI banned the Council on American-Islamic Relations from its counterterror outreach programs in response to evidence the group fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian terrorist branch Hamas, the FBI’s Los Angeles field office liaisoned with CAIR in violation of official policy, according to a just-released report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.
Several directives sent from FBI headquarters required all of the bureau’s field offices to “cease contact with CAIR as an organization,” yet the L.A. office refused to comply with the command and even sent out an internal email advising personnel to ignore it.
GOP Rep. Frank Wolf, whose House judiciary subcommittee oversees the FBI’s budget, wants officials there fired.
“This is insubordinate behavior,” Wolf wrote the FBI director. “The findings in this report suggest the FBI may have a systemic problem.”
In fact, that same rogue L.A. field office happens to employ Muslim agents sympathetic to CAIR – including an Egyptian-American agent investigated for allegedly compromising a national counterterror probe that involved cells in Los Angeles, New York and Boston.
The Muslim FBI agent in Los Angeles allegedly tipped off the ringleader of a Pakistani-based terror cell that the local Joint Terrorism Task Force had it under surveillance for more than two years.
According to law enforcement officials attached to the multi-agency JTTF in Los Angeles, the “dirty” agent was a family friend of the counterterrorism target, who trained dozens of young Muslim men for jihad at his mosque in the Los Angeles suburbs while arranging for more advanced training for the jihadists at Taliban-run camps in Pakistan.


GOPDD: Obama’s Secret $8 Billion Bribe To The Muslim Brotherhood…‏

by Amy

via redflagnews (Kris Zane, WCJ) -- According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama’s relationship with recently deposed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi goes far deeper than mere support as a democratically elected President. Per TV14, Obama conducted secret negotiations with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood outside of normal […]
Amy | September 29, 2013 at 10:04 pm | URL:

Obama's Secret $8 Billion Bribe To the Muslim Brotherhood

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GOPDD: Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity

by clyde

via freedom outpost You are about to read some of the most shocking quotes that Barack Obama has ever uttered in public. A few of these have been widely circulated, but most of them are very obscure. Even though he claims to be a Christian, throughout his political career Obama has repeatedly attacked traditional Biblical […]

GOPDD: Michelle Obama’s Healthy Eating Failure: Releases High Fat Cookie Recipe And Campaigns To Help Failing Girl Scouts

by Amy

via gateway pundit Since Michelle Obama launched her campaign to get us stupid Americans to eat healthy, she has taken credit for the so called “cultural shift on how we live and eat” through rap music videos, and silly hula hoop commercials. Despite her pathetic effort, which includes scolding Hispanic children for being “more obese” […]

BrasscheckTV: Common Core Curriculum: The gutting of common sense‏ (Mind Control: The Corporate Government's Last Initiative)

Whenever you see the government and
big corporations working 'efficiently' together,
you can almost guarantee they're up to no good. 
Examples: The sub-prime mess that was supposed
to give everyone their own home...All it did was
line the pockets of Wall Street - and Bush and Obama.
GMO seeds - 'Feeding the world' by patenting seeds
and creating frankenstein plants that could absorb
limitless amounts of pesticides. 
Now they're selling us the "Common Core Curriculum."
Sounds good, right? It's not. Here's why...
- Brasscheck

Big Education's War on Individuality 

Now they're after your kid's ability to think

 What’s behind the Common Core Curriculum
From Germany to Communist China to the Soviet Union to the United States today, the elites have a goal:

Conformity uber alles.

Until recently, that’s been hard to enforce. People can do “inconvenient” things like read and research and think for themselves.

Big Business and Big Government and their handmaidens in Big Education have a plan to remedy that.

The National Governors Association, the Gates Foundation, Intel, Microsoft, the World Bank, and the “learning company” Pearson are working hard together to bring a nightmare curriculum to fruition.

Their vision is one where techno-socialization, not knowledge gained from independent sources or critical thinking ability, is the top priority for education.

Documentarian Aaron Franz interviews education researcher Robin Eubanks about the Rotten Core Curriculum, and this video covers some of their main points in an excerpted form.

You can listen to the full interview at the following link: 
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