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Monday, November 11, 2013

Now this is what wedding vows are supposed to mean, Not Health to Wealth, it is in sickness and health, there is a difference. GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS!! Thank's Jim Mc.‏ .

A story in pictures you won't forget easily....


Submitted by: 'Rufe'

Editor's note:
 When you put your head on your  pillow tonight remember the soldiers lieing on the ground without one!

Martina McBride - God Bless America

POTUS: Weekly Address: Obama Tells Veterans 'I'll Make Sure America Has Your Back'

POTUS: Veterans Day Message from President George W. Bush

A Lesson From One Generation To Another "I Fought For You,,, All Gave Some, Some Gave All"

I Fought For You

History: Ronald Reagan - Veterans Day Prayer

USCCA: I am PROUD to be an American!

I am PROUD to be an American! 
Our pastor paused his sermon yesterday
and asked the congregation to rise and look out the west windows.

Outside were 5 soldiers, and on cue,
they offered a perfect 3-volley salute to all
US veterans, past, present and future.

The choir then softly started singing "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic".

I can tell you that the pride I feel
every day as a citizen of this great
country welled up inside me like never before.

While things may be going on in Washington that
we may not agree with, the fact remains that this is still
the greatest country on God's earth and...

I am PROUD to be an American!

If you are a veteran, or have served in an military
capacity, I salute you and thank you for your service.

Stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
President | USCCA

P. S. - The USCCA fights for the rights of armed Patriots by
protecting their God-given rights to self-defense and self-protection.

Joining the USCCA today means you'll be joining over 60,000 others
who've decided to take the next step in their journey as responsibly armed Americans.

Submitted by: "Tim Schmidt"


Submitted by:'Rufe'

TMB: Fraudster EPA official spent $40K on luxurious London trips‏

By CJ Ciaramella
The former Environmental Protection Agency official who pretended to be a CIA spy and bilked the agency out of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent more than $40,000 on two taxpayer-funded trips to London that included first-class airfare and five-star hotels, documents obtained by the Free Beacon reveal.
By Adam Kredo
The State Department on Thursday defended controversial comments by Secretary of State John Kerry after he warned Israel that it would be to blame for a “third intifada” and its own “isolation” should a peace deal with the Palestinians fall through.
By Andrew Evans
Jim Capretta saw the Obamacare debacle coming when it was months away.

By Daniel Wiser
Maintaining a residual U.S. and NATO force in Afghanistan beyond 2014 remains critical to preventing the Taliban and al Qaeda from regaining a foothold in the country, according to a Department of Defense report released Friday.
By Bill Gertz
China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday responded to a report in the Free Beacon revealing that the activities of a secret Chinese military cyber warfare unit are continuing despite disclosure of the activities by a private security company.

By Alana Goodman
The Palestinian National Authority and Yasser Arafat’s widow paid for the Swiss medical investigations that claimed the late Palestinian leader could have been poisoned with polonium, contradicting claims from Al Jazeera that the tests were conducted “pro bono.”
By Sonny Bunch
I’ve got an essay over at The Federalist on my annoyance with those who are myopically focused on gender. It centers, in part, on a recent move by some Swedish institutions to institute the Bechdel Test into a ratings system to determine what is worthy of being viewed.
By WFB Staff
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) vowed to continue his hold on all of President Obama’s nominees until the five State Department witnesses interviewed by the Accountability Review Board come before Congress to testify Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union.

NaturalNews: Natural News donates $10K to Philippines typhoon victims (plus other news)‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,

Breakthrough food science research teaser from the Health Ranger


We interrupt today's normal routine to help some of the millions of people whose lives have been devastated by a super typhoon in the Philippines.
Today we donated $10,000 to a non-profit that buys and delivers emergency supplies directly to the victims. Here's our announcement and a link where you can also help donate:
Also, I've posted a video update on my big research project at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs:
The White House has ordered health insurance companies into silence over Obamacare. No criticism allowed!
Check out these top alkaline foods you should include in your diet:
P.S. We've got Original Nascent Iodine in stock now! (while supplies last...)
More news continues below...

Today from
- How to maintain a state of happiness
- Safe alternatives to toxic laundry sheets
- 5 everyday items that contribute to asthma, infections and more

Veterans routinely given psychiatric drugs even without diagnosis of mental disorder
(NaturalNews) A major indicator of the deteriorating quality of conventional medical care in the U.S. is its growing reliance on pharmaceutical drugs as a catch-all for pain and disease management. And a new study published in the American Journal...

White House orders health insurance companies to not criticize Obamacare
(NaturalNews) Just how cynical and oppressive is the administration of President Barack Obama? Just ask the CEOs of some of the nation's health insurance companies. According to one CNN reporter, they will tell you that the current regime is...

The healing power of bee pollen
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Researchers find probiotics help maintain intestinal homeostasis
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The top alkaline foods that should be included in your diet
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Red Bull sued for $85 million over man's death
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Ozone: What is it and how can you use it to promote your health?
(NaturalNews) First discovered during the 1800s, ozone is, molecularly speaking, a combination of three oxygen atoms. Due to the chemistry behind this substance, which is often in gaseous form, ozone is unstable in certain conditions. Most notably, it...

Obama administration tweaked Obamacare grandfathering rules to benefit big business
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Discover the benefits of xylitol, the safe alternative to sugar
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Obamacare exposed as massive voter registration fraud front-end
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Eight simple ways to boost your endorphin levels
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You need this super mineral to prevent colon cancer and improve brain health
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FDA declares trans fats no longer safe to eat; partially-hydrogenated oils to be banned from nearly all foods
(NaturalNews) The FDA is on a roll. Barely two week after announcing new quality control standards for pet food manufacturers, the agency has...

Veteran's Day 2013 - Tribute to the Military

Pictorial tribute to all branches of the military. Pictures from WWII to Iraq. Music by the Air Force Band.

We All Thank You For Your Service To This Country!

Remember, your oath was to the United States Constitution, not to the Government and when your service time is up your oath never expires.

May God Bless US All!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

United States Marine Corps 238th Birthday Tribute 2013 "Happy Birthday Mother Green"

Happy 238th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps!
And to all members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Happy Veterans Day from GoDaddy and the Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation.

If you'd like to make a donation to the Semper Fi Fund, please visit From November 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation and GoDaddy will match up to $1 million in donations to the Semper Fi Fund!

Special thanks to: Madison Rising/Purple Eagle Entertainment, and Strategic Operations/Stu Segall for their contributions to this video.

United States Marine Corps 238th Birthday Tribute 2013


The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, and the Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett, speak to Marines and sailors about the timeless Marine qualities of courage and perseverance by looking back on the landing on Tarawa in World War II, the Battle of Hue City during Vietnam, and crossing the berm into Iraq during the War on Terror. Marine determination, grit and valor make the Corps the ready force America relies on in times of crisis.

Video by Headquarters Marine Corps Combat Camera

238th Marine Corps Birthday Message | Enduring Fortitude, Unfailing Valor

Friday, November 8, 2013

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting November 5, 2013

Good Advice for Lisbon Residents; BDN: Cohen, Simpson urge Americans to take control of their government, demand elected officials work together

 Former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

 By Judy Harrison, BDN Staff
ORONO, Maine — Former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen on Thursday urged Americans to take control of their government and demand that elected officials work together to make the hard choices it will take to lower the deficit and cut the growth of the federal budget.
Former U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson, who was the featured speaker at the biannual lecture at the University of Maine named for Cohen, was more blunt. He urged the more than 1,000 attendees to attend the next town meeting of their elected representatives.
“And when you hear that wonderful phrase from your elected official standing there in the beauty of the glare of the [television] camera: ‘I know what the problem is and we can get it done without touching precious Medicare, precious Medicaid, precious defense, or precious Social Security. God bless you,’” the former Republican senator from Wyoming said.
“Then, you should get up and say, ‘You, sir, are making a terminological inexactitude, you lying son of a bitch.’ ”
Read more

Thursday, November 7, 2013


COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS OPEN: BRAD PAISLEY AND CARRIE UNDERWOOD MOCK OBAMACARE --- Wednesday night's CMA (Country Music Association) awards opened up with a bang, incorporating Kenny Rogers, the Robertson family from "Duck Dynasty," and even a little Obamacare mockery. That's right, hosts Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood had a special segment and even song mocking the failed health care rollout that featured the pair pretending to sign up for Obamacare and then crooning about the failure. It all started while the pair was singing a new version of "Why Can't We Be Friends" that faked feuds between some of country music's biggest stars (including Kenny Rogers) and Paisley stopping abruptly to complain about back pain. That's when Underwood suggested trying to sign up for Obamacare.

"I started signing up last Thursday and I'm almost done," she said with a fake smile. "Let's go go the website and get you signed up."

That elicited laughs from the crowd as the pair went and grabbed a computer.

"Why's it spinning?" Paisley asked.

"Oh, it does that," Underwood responded.

"Why's it smokin'?" Paisley continued.

"Umm, I don't know," Underwood said, looking concerned into the camera. "Maybe we should restart it."

From there they broke out into a spoof of George Straight's classic "Amarillo by Morning," instead singing "Obamacare by morning/ Why's this taking so long?/I'm going to end up with hemorrhoids/If I sit her 'til dawn." It continued from there, even taking a shot at the reports that only six people were able to sign up the first day.

But what country music segment would be complete without the South's first family: the Robertsons of the hit show "Duck Dynasty." After the Obamacare mockery the clan made a special appearance to present the night's first award:

Rufe's Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  breezy, showers. Mtn. flurries late. Highs 50-59 N/S.
Friday;  windy and dry. Lows 26-34 N/S. Highs 40-47 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Snow north @ nite. Lows 23-29 N/S. highs 38-47 N/S.
Sunday; am showers south, flurries north. Lows 29-36 N/S. highs 41-51 N/S.
Monday; windy, mnt. Snow squalls. Lows 28-34 N/S. highs 35-48 N/S.
Tuesday; dry and quiet. Lows 19-27 N/S. highs 31-42 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 19-27 N/S. highs 35-43 N/S.

Check out GOP Rep's Epic 1-Minute Beat down Of Barack Obama On House Floor


  I stand corrected, there's at least one politician who isn't afraid of his own shadow.  And here he is.

Bridenstine Questions President's Leadership 

 Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) took to the House Floor Monday and delivered a brief – yet awesome – skewering of Barack Obama, his administration and his vice president. Must-watch entertainment!

So are you having a BAD DAY Bo! Bo! This will help. Send out the clowns -‏

America is run by the people for the people--let us not forget. Morphs by Brisson Design, music by Carolina Taylor produced by Steve Nagel of UVPAQLITE in memory of David A. Noble (1984-2012) he never liked clowns.

Submitted by: "RT"

The Maine Wire: “Augusta Republican to appeal denial of veteran’s homeless shelter bill” plus 1 more‏

Augusta Republican to appeal denial of veteran’s homeless shelter bill
Posted: 06 Nov 2013 12:54 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Amid the more than 300 bills the Democrat-controlled Legislative Council killed last month was a proposal from Rep. Corey Wilson (R-Augusta) to turn abandoned buildings into homeless shelters for U.S. military veterans. Wilson said Wednesday he intends to appeal the council’s decision on Nov. 21. The bill, L.R. 2377, would have caused the […]
Yes He Can! LePage to run for re-election
Posted: 06 Nov 2013 10:25 AM PST
AUGUSTA – More than 400 supporters joined Republican Gov. Paul LePage at the Buker Community Center for his campaign kick-off event Tuesday night. “We must – we must – re-elect Governor LePage,” said Maine GOP Chairman Rick Bennett as he introduced the night’s speakers, including business owner and former Michaud supporter Cindy Robbins and U.S. […]