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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NaturalNews: Obamacare will fail even if it works ... here's why‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Even if the website works, Obamacare will fail because just like every other system of medicine before it, it's based on disease management rather than nutritional prevention.
No nation can sustainably afford to pay for medical crisis management of preventable disease, regardless of who foots the bill!
Here's my "big picture" explanation of why we need to move beyond Obamacare:

Britain now paying mothers to breastfeed. Smart investment in public health!

Acupuncture cures woman's migraines:

Proof that drinking soda makes brains hyperactive:

more news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Investigative journalist Ben Swann returns to reveal the “Just Us” campaign in support of jury nullification and Ty Bollinger goes outside the box with more natural cancer cures. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- Is your child ADHD or just "gifted?"
- 'Tis the season... for heart attacks
- The top 5 health benefits of chestnuts

Obamacare will fail even if it works: No health care system is affordable unless it's based on nutrition and prevention
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Mainstream media unleashes bizarre fear mongering over meningitis, calling seven students an 'outbreak'
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Britain now paying mothers to breastfeed
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Using acupuncture, woman no longer has migraines or takes OTC meds
(NaturalNews) Throughout her teenage years, Tricia had painful migraines and often sought relief from over-the-counter (OTC) medications and physical therapy. However, her debilitating headaches persisted. That's when she turned to acupuncture, which...

Disastrous website spawning wave of con artists who prey on confusion
(NaturalNews) In addition to its plethora of other problems, Obamacare is also creating a new breed of con artists. Never before in the history of the country have Americans been so confused - and bewildered and angry - by such a major, life-altering...

Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures by cannabis
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Doctors issue warning over infant use of computer tablets
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Turmeric is an effective medicinal herb with many applications in dentistry
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Scientific proof that drinking soda makes brains hyperactive
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Yet another legal victory in beating fraudulent HIV 'assault' charges
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Woman says raw food lifestyle gave her 'new eyes'
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Mass dolphin deaths caused by ocean epidemic of uncontrollable virus
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Is hummus healthy? Four reasons to include this tasty dip in your diet
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Exposed: WebMD betrays Americans by pocketing millions to promote Obamacare propaganda
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The Maine Wire: “Amid health insurance cancellations, Michaud slings mud” plus 4 more‏

Amid health insurance cancellations, Michaud slings mud
Posted: 19 Nov 2013 01:29 PM PST
Democratic candidate for governor Rep. Michael Michaud attacked his Republican opponent on Monday over problems with Maine’s taxpayer-funded ride program for Medicaid beneficiaries. “Mainers deserve more than a government driven by dysfunction where disabled Mainers are being left stranded, waiting for a ride,” Michaud said in a prepared statement. [RELATED: Michaud campaign hires mudslinging specialist...] […]
BOMBSHELL: Census Bureau “faked” 2012 jobs report to help re-elect the president
Posted: 19 Nov 2013 12:36 PM PST
The U.S. Census Bureau may have produced fraudulent job statistics in order to bolster President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election odds, according to a bombshell news report published Monday. The allegedly fake jobs report showed a decline in unemployment from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September of 2012. According to the New York […]
President omits “under God” from Gettysburg Address
Posted: 19 Nov 2013 09:52 AM PST
President Obama’s rendition of Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Gettysburg Address does not include “under God.” As first reported by WMAL’s Chris Plante Show Tuesday, Obama joined 61 other lawmakers, politicians, media figures and celebrities, including every living president, to recite the Gettysburg Address for a documentary film. In Lincoln’s address, delivered November 19, 1863, the Republican […]
Obama: “More than 100 MILLION Americans” have enrolled
Posted: 19 Nov 2013 08:48 AM PST
President Barack Obama on Monday told a conference call of progressive community organizers that “more than 100 million Americans” have successfully signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. “In the first month alone, we’ve seen more than 100 million Americans already successfully enrolled in the new insurance plans,” said the Commander in […]
Richardson gets National Defense PAC support
Posted: 19 Nov 2013 06:31 AM PST
Blaine Richardson, a Republican candidate for Congress in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, announced Tuesday that he has been endorsed by National Defense PAC. “I am very honored to receive this endorsement from one of the leading voices in the effort to replace the politicians in Washington D.C. with military veterans,” Richardson said in a written […]

TMB: Hearing: Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger Americans‏

Hearing: Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger AmericaBY: Elizabeth HarringtonA panel of IT experts had one answer for Congress when asked if Americans should use the Obamacare exchanges on in light of its security concerns: “No.”
Experts: Individual Health Insurance Market Functioned Better Before ObamacareBY: Daniel WiserHealth care experts said in interviews with the Washington Free Beacon that claims by President Barack Obama and Democrats that health insurance plans in the individual market prior to Obamacare were substandard are vastly overblown.
JCS Chairman Decries Defense Budget UncertaintyBY: Bill GertzThe uncertainty of U.S. defense spending is undermining the ability of U.S. military forces in Asia to maintain stability amid a growing military buildup by China, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Brandeis University Severs Ties with Palestinian Al Quds University  BY: Adam KredoBrandeis University has ended its long-standing partnership with the Palestinian Al Quds University after the latter school was caught holding an anti-Israel rally on its campus.
House Bill Would Limit Restrictions on FrackingBY: Lachlan MarkayHouse Republicans are pushing legislation to limit the federal government’s authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing as polls show the public supports the practice and scientific studies attest to its environmental benefits.

DeBlasio’s Pre-K Spending Could Benefit Teachers UnionsBY: Bill McMorrisNew York City Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio’s pledge to provide universal pre-school could serve as a financial windfall for some of his biggest allies.

Five Hot New Examples of North Korea ChicBY: Sonny BunchAlyssa Rosenberg is unnerved by Elle‘s celebration of “North Korea Chic.” But, you know, maybe she shouldn’t be. After all, there are hot new looks coming out of Pyongyang all the time. Here are five of my favorite looks!

Chao: 30-40% of Still Needs To Be Built
BY: Washington Free Beacon StaffCMS Deputy Chief Information Officer Henry Chao said Tuesday that 30 percent to 40 percent of the IT systems needed to support the federal Obamacare exchange remains to be built.

(click on headline titles to read more of each article)

History... Connected: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America With Guest Charlotte Iserbyt‏; Plus Global Road to Ruin through Education

History... So It Doesn't Repeat: we discuss the past, present, and future of public schooling, with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Sr. Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education. We'll discover the root cause of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans.
Learning's the answer. What's the Question? It's all coming up on History... So It Doesn't Repeat!



Charlotte Iserbyt's homepage:



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lisbon School Committee Meeting November 12, 2013

Lisbon Class 2015 Offering Bruins Chances‏

Lisbon Class of 2015 Offering Boston Bruins Raffle Tickets

 Pictured committee members (l-r):   Nolan Prindle, James Martin Williams,Elizabeth Hinckley, Connor Craig, Dakota Hern, and Michelle Martin.

Lisbon - Lisbon High School’s Class of 2015 is selling raffle tickets for two Boston Bruins “Hungry for Hockey” tickets.  Tickets include great seats for the game and all you can eat  while  at the game.  Tickets are one for $5 or three for $10.  Tickets are available to purchase at Lisbon High School, through Class of 2015 Officers and Fundraising Committee members.    

FMI on ticket purchases contact Class Advisor, Deb Weddle at 353-3030 or  Raffle tickets will also be available at the Lisbon Boosters Holiday Expo on Saturday, November 30 from 9:00-2:00 at Lisbon High School, 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls. Proceeds from the raffle will help fund Project Graduation.  FMI on other events and programs find us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon School Receives Technology Grant‏


   Pictured (l-r) Laurie Cincotta and Mert Ricker during the presentation of the grant at LCS, 33 Mill Street in Lisbon.                            Photo by Monica Millhime

Lisbon –  Lisbon Community School third grade students have many things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.  One is a technology grant to the school geared to the third grade curriculum.  On Thursday, November 14 Mert Ricker of the Topsham Grange 37, presented a check to computer teacher, Laurie Cincotta.  “Members of the Grange have been community partners with the Lisbon School Department since 2007,” shares grant writer for the district, Monica Millhime.  “Originally the grant was dedicated to dictionaries for each third grade student through the National Words for Thirds Dictionary Project.”  

The last couple of years, the grant was given for a software program, BrainPOP, a computer program used at the school. 

The animated educational site for children features content areas in science, social studies, English, math, art, music, health, engineering and technology.  “The computer based program is a valuable resource to integrate into the curriculum to teach and motivate students,” shares Cincotta.   

  FMI on community partnership opportunities in Lisbon call 754-0021 or email  Visit us at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lisbon Town Council Agenda For Tuesday November 19, 2013

7:00 P.M.

___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Larochelle
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Mason
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Supplemental Appropriation




2013-172 ORDER −
A. Renewal Victualer's License   ???


2013-173 ORDER −
Route 196 Master Plan

2013-174 ORDINANCE −
Finance Committee Ordinance (1st Reading)

2013-175 ORDINANCE −
Supplemental Appropriation (2nd Reading)

A. Finance Director's Report
B. Town Manager's Report




2013-176 ORDER −
1 M.R.S.A.§ 405 (6)(E) Consultations with legal counsel regarding Sewer Department
fines from DEP


2013-177 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Rufe's Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  windswept showers sweep east early. See discussion. Highs 50-60 N/S.
Tuesday; breezy and dry. Lows 26-34 N/S. highs 35-44 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 19-28 N/S. highs 32-41 N/S.
Thursday: quiet and dry. Lows 18-25 N/S. highs 40-48 N/S.
Friday;  showers, quiet. Lows 26-34 N/S. highs 40-50 N/S.
Saturday; quiet. Few showers/flurries. Lows 29-36 N/S. highs 38-47 N/S.
Sunday; windy, flurries north. Lows 23-30 N/S. highs 28-36 N/S.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are Lisbon's Taxpayers' Getting Fleeced By The Town Manager ?


 Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

The darkest day in the history of Lisbon was when Chief Brooks talked the Town Council into hiring Stephen G. Eldridge as our Town Manager.  In 2008, when Mr. Eldridge took over as Town Manager, there was over three (3) million dollars, that’s right, three million dollars in the town’s Undesignated Fund.   

The Undesignated Fund is an account where the funds have NOT been designated for a purpose.  It is to ensure the town has at least 12.5% of the operating cost in case of an emergency.  The Charter Commissioners and the Town Fathers felt this was important to protect against bankruptcy.  These were very wise men and cared a great deal for this community.

According to the 2013 Municipal Tax Rate Calculation form submitted by the town to the state, the tax for commitment which is what is utilized to compute the Undesignated Fund was $10,422,328.02 and you multiply this number by 12.5% you will come up with $1,302,791.00 which should be what our Undesignated Fund Balance should be.  

 But if you go to the Annual Audit and look, you will see that the Undesignated Balance is $1,076,332.00 which means the town is SHORT $226,459.00.  This is what the auditor meant when they wrote “The Town’s Unassigned Fund Balance changed from 2012 to 2013 as a result of an unfavorable expenditure budget variance.

If you notice no one explained the “unfavorable expenditure”.  

 This means that during Mr. Eldridge's reign of terror the town has spent over two (2) million dollars somewhere.  It certainly was not on our roads, so where?  This town is in desperate need of a forensic audit in order to hold someone accountable.

Now with our Undesignated Fund being short $226,459.00, Mr. Eldridge is proposing a wage increase for town employees.  As I have stated in the past, I am not against the actual town workers receiving a wage increase but I am against Mr. Eldridge and Department Heads receiving anything because their salaries are drastically inflated.  Also, Mr. Eldridge’s annual increase is based on the same percentage as the employees.   

Who do you think negotiated the increase; that’s right Mr. Eldridge?

Now, I am going to show you the latest tactic utilized by Mr. Eldridge to get his way.  For years, wage increases were included in the budget when it was presented to the people at a Public Hearing?  Because so many people were outraged at the last two Public Hearings and the Town Council was getting the reputation of not listening to the people; Mr. Eldridge had to do something new.  This year there was no mention of wage increases in the budget at Public Hearing.    

That is because Mr. Eldridge started with the Unions first.  Always before, Mr. Eldridge established a wage increase percentage for the town employees and then negotiated with the Union for the same or below.  Now, he has negotiated with the Unions first in order to jam a wage increase down our throats. 

Mr. Eldridge has a very special manner in which to confuse the Town Council and the people and that is by using different terms such as Town Surplus Fund Balance instead of Undesignated Fund Balance.  There is no such term as Town Surplus Fund Balance in our Town Ordinances.  Section 86-1 Fund Balance Policy (See Below) outlines the Undesignated Fund Balance requirements.   

 (click on each to enlarge or print)
As you can see in paragraph (c) the council cannot approve the Supplemental Appropriations because the Undesignated Fund is below the mandatory requirement.  Given the history of this council, I am sure the town will approve this Supplemental Appropriations because the majority of the council could care less about our town Ordinances.

How much more of our tax dollars are going to be misappropriated by our Town Manager?  How long do the taxpayers have to pay over $91,000 tax dollars to have someone run this community into the ground financially?

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Help, Who's In Charge In Lisbon?


While I was investigating the Police Department vehicle situation, I uncovered something very strange.  All this time, I believed Lisbon was under a Town Council form of government.  Now, I am not sure whom is in charge or whom is protecting our tax dollars.  Since, I discovered the scam to allocate funds to purchase vehicles and then lease to purchase the same vehicles it is extremely hard to determine what type of government we have in Lisbon.

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

I will explain.  Chief Brooks asked the Town Council for $48,816 tax dollars to purchase two police vehicles. (click here to read Town Council recorded minutes)  These vehicles were to replace vehicles already in the fleet that needed to be replaced.  The Town Council approved the $48,816 tax dollars for the purchase of these vehicles.  The Town Council is not naive enough to believe that $48,816.00 is a lease to purchase payment.   

 Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

Then Chief Brooks, Town Manager Eldridge, and Finance Director Maloy changed what the Council directed and instead of purchasing these vehicles turned around and leased to purchase these vehicles at an additional cost to the people of over $15,000 tax dollars.  Requiring the taxpayers to pay an additional fee is certainly NOT in the best interest of the people of Lisbon.  But the bigger question is what gives Brooks, Eldridge and Maloy the right to change the decision of the Town Council? Who is really in charge?

Lisbon Finance Director Jessica Maloy

There had to be a plan in place by Chief Brooks when he requested $48,816.00 tax dollars from the Town Council knowing fully well he was only going to use approximately $15,331.72 for the 1st years lease to purchase payment.  So, what was his plan for the remaining $33,484.79 and where is it now?  Once, the Town Council approved the purchase of these vehicles for $48,816.00; the spending of this money for any other purpose has to be “misappropriation of funds”.     So exactly where is this $33,484.79?

As everyone in Lisbon knows, I ask questions at almost every Town Council meeting during Audience Participation and never get an answer from Chairman LaRochelle.  My chance of getting any answers to these questions are slim and none. 

 I need your help.   

Please email any of the following and see if you can get an answer because it is your tax dollars too!

Chief Brooks –

Stephen Eldridge –

Jessica Maloy –

You’re Town Councilor address and phones listed at top of page on the right. Call them, email them, ask them, they work for you.

If you get a response, which I doubt, please send the response to me as a comment to my articles on your favorite web site.

Larry Fillmore

Courtesy Flush Needed In The White House;GOPDD: President Obama follows @ihaten*ggers on TWITTER…

President Obama follows @ihaten*ggers on TWITTER…

by Dylan
(BREITBART) -- President Obama's verified Twitter account is one of only 94 followers of a Twitter account called @Ihaten**gers. On top of that, President Obama was somehow the very first account to follow the offensive account. The account features a black and white profile photo of Al Jolson in blackface and links to IHateN**, which […]

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 40-49 N/S.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Lows 25-30. Highs 44-54 N/S, cooler coast.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 31-36. Highs 42-52 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; quiet. Showers late. Lows 32-37. highs 45-54 N/S,cooler coast.
Monday; breezy, foggy, showers. Lows 41-49 N/S. highs 49-59 N/S.
Tuesday; breezy and dry. Lows 29-37 N/S. highs 35-47 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 19-28 N/S. highs 32-41 N/S.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

To Purchase or Not To Purchase, How Best To 'Hoodwink' the Taxpayers!



 Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

Several years ago, I started a crusade to find out why our taxes continue to go up.  I did this because the Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, looked me right in the eye and lied to me.  From that day forward, I have been in search of the truth.  So far I have had to take the town to court twice and both times the judge ruled in my favor both times.  I also have submitted over 100 Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requests seeking information at my own personal expense.  I did all this in search of the truth.


 Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks and Fire Chief Sean Galipeau

The latest go around has been over the Police Department’s vehicles.  During several meetings, the subject of the vehicles being both to purchase and lease to purchase came up.  Upon further investigation, I discovered Chief Brooks goes to the Town Council and requests sufficient funds to replace vehicles by purchasing them.  This is what he did this year and the Town Council approved the purchase of two vehicles at $48,816 on July 16, 2013.   

Chief Brooks then took these funds and made an agreement to lease to purchase these two vehicles.  The Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, then approved the first year’s lease payment of $15,331.21.  By leasing these vehicles, the taxpayers will have to make lease payments for three years on one vehicle and six years on the other totaling $63,849.70.  This means the taxpayers will end up paying an additional $15,033.79.  

Please review the document below from the Finance Director.  Anybody wonder why our taxes continually go up?  What a scam!!!!!!

The Town Council believes these vehicles were purchased when in fact they are leased.  The Town Council and the Finance Committee have approved the municipal budget with line of accounting items in the Police Department Budget for 5430 Motor Vehicles and 5500 Lease Agreements for years after approving the Purchase of vehicles.  If the Town Council appropriated these funds for the Purchase of these vehicles; how can you have lease agreements on these vehicles?  Also, where did the remaining funds appropriated for these vehicles go if only $15,331.21 of the $48,816 was approved for this purchase?

Now for my bill below!  I requested additional documents under the FOAA program about additional vehicles currently in the Police Department fleet.  Please pay close attention to my bill for these documents.  Apparently, it took three hours to locate and compile these documents.  Can you image having to spend three hours looking for active files?  

This is the type of harassment I am faced with in search of the truth.  Also, some of the documents requested were not received but yet I still have to pay for missing documents.  Some of these FOAA’s were a second or third request for the same documents.  It is truly amazing as to how far Chief Brooks and Eldridge will go to cover-up the excess spending which causes our taxes to go up annually.

Does anyone still wonder why our taxes continue to go up?

Larry Fillmore

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sacrifices Made For Free Speech, Gone With A 'Backhanded" Vote In Lisbon, Maine, United States of America


Today is Veterans Day, a day to remember the many sacrifices our veterans have made in the defense of this great nation.  JFK once said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”.  I spent 20 years in the Army and 20 years as a Department of Defense civilian because I believe in this great nation and our Constitution.

The last time, I left Lisbon it was in good hands with the Selectman.  These men were strong leaders who believed in this country and our Constitution.    The residents were allowed free speech and people took part in local government.   

Today, sadly this is no longer true.  These leaders were replaced by members of the” Good Old Boy” network whom do not believe in our Constitution.    These representatives such as Mike Bowie, Lori Pomelow, Fern LaRochelle, Miriam Morgan-Alexander, and Gina Mason are responsible for stripping the right of free speech in our community and the lack of participation.   

At town council meeting, the people are censored and restricted as to when and what can be said.  This is because councilors are afraid of criticism because they know what they are doing is wrong.  However, Chairman of the Appeals Board has taken this to another level by denying the Public the right to speak at a “Public Hearing”.  How can you hear the Public at a Public Hearing if the Public is denied the right to speak?

Veterans Day is a day to honor our veterans who travel to foreign lands, live under extreme conditions, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Free people have the right to speak out against injustice.  Throughout the years too many veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of these beliefs.  These are the true heroes of this nation.

It is a sad day in Lisbon when so many have suffered so much defending this great nation and its principles just to have a few losers strip our citizens of their right to free speech and participation in our local government.

Larry Fillmore

Is Free Speech Dead at Lisbon “Public Hearings”?

 Is Free Speech Dead at Lisbon “Public Hearings”?
A couple years ago Lisbon Councilors decided to silence their critics by severely limiting public input at Lisbon Council Meetings. They decided to only allow the public to speak on items directly related to an agenda item.

About a Month ago the  Lisbon Appeals Board went a step further by refusing to take any input from the public at an Appeals Board “public hearing”. Chairman Morgan-Alexander stopped a Lisbon resident from giving relevant safety testimony at this public hearing.  She allowed the applicant and abutters to speak but refused to let the public give opposing relevant testimony.

According to an MMA (Maine Municipal Association) guideline this type of meeting is considered a quasi-legal hearing and is regulated by different guidelines than a legislative public hearing.  If these guidelines are not strictly adhered to the results of the hearing may be subject to costly litigation.

Questions raised by refusing to adhere to MMA guidelines.

  •     What is the purpose of “Public Hearings” if not to hear from the public?
  •     How can the public voice its opposition to unsafe conditions when the Appeals Board refuses to let the public speak ?
  •     Has the equal protection requirement been fulfilled when members from the public are not allowed to speak?

This was an  appeals board meeting advertised as a “public hearing”.  

It appears  Free Speech is on life support in Lisbon.

Joe Hill

Lisbon's Governing Body Hears From A Long Time Lisbon Respected Citizen


 Lisbon Town Manager

It was only a few short years ago that Town Manager Steve Eldridge wanted to tear down the former Lisbon High School on Campus Avenue, as the building was in decrepit condition, bricks falling out.
A few years prior to that the town was ready to demolish the former town office building on the corner of Main and Union Streets. The basement was flooding, the windows were old, the building was in horrible condition.
Fast forward a few years:
The town sold the former Lisbon High School, and gave away a substantial Historical Grant, to the Brunswick Housing Authority for ONE DOLLAR! ! ! You heard correctly $1.00!! ! ! ! 

The building was re-habbed and is now the the crowning jewel of Campus Avenue.

The town office and police department  had outgrown their office spaces, the police department was located in the basement, so they found an excuse to build a new Town Office, with space for the police department.
The former town office property was sold to The Extension Service who found and corrected the problem with the wet basement, replaced the old windows, and
renovated the building.
The Town Manager had the same options but elected to sell the properties for far below fair market value, and now they are beautiful buildings with a long and useful life and future.
Fast forward again:
Town Manager Steve Eldridge, with the assistance of some members of the town council, decided that the Worumbo Mill building is in terrible condition, an eyesore, and needs to be demolished. The only trouble with that is, the town does not own the property as they did in the above situations.
So, they came up with a solution! ! ! ! !
The town will float a bond in the amount of One Million Dollars, that is $1,000,000.

The town, amend that to the taxpayers, will pay principle and interest on said bond for 20 years.
The town will purchase the property for One Hundred Thousand Dollars, $100,000, demolish the building and create a beautiful town park, with beautiful water frontage.
I would like to add at this point that the owner of the Worumbo Mill property, Mrs. Miller, is not the bad person in this situation. She and Mr. Miller have been good to the Town of Lisbon in the past, donating land for walking paths, etc. They pay high taxes.
Have Eldridge and Lisbon Development Department really worked in her best interest to get the property sold and developed? Or has it been their intent to get their hands on the property, along with One Million Dollars?
I wonder if Mrs. Miller knows about the many meetings that have been held behind closed doors and in Executive sessions?
Enter the voters/taxpayers:
I believe the bond failed because of the town's lack of confidence and ability in Town Manager Eldridge's handling of our financial affairs. 
We have seen what he is capable of in the above cited incidences.
Case in point: When Town Manager Eldridge was hired the town had $3,000,000,
Three Million Dollars, in undesignated funds.
We have, at this writing, One Million, Seventy Six Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Two Dollars 
$1,076,332, in our undesignated funds.
We have roads that are in poor condition, the Transfer Station is shut down on Thursdays due to layoffs.
                                    WHERE IS THE MONEY??????? 
Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen