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Thursday, December 5, 2013

TMB: Administration Finalizes Obamacare Tax Over Holiday Weekend‏

Administration Finalizes Obamacare Tax Over Holiday Weekend
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Obama administration quietly finalized the Health Insurance Tax (HIT) over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, a provision in Obamacare that will cost nearly $60 billion over the next five years and raise health care premiums by 3 percent.

Obama Bundler Bets Against Healthcare. gov
By Lachlan MarkayA major campaign bundler for President Barack Obama is betting on the failure of one of the top federal contractors responsible for the disastrous rollout of the website for the federal government’s insurance marketplace.

White House ‘Prepared’ to Let Iran Keep Enriching Uranium
By Adam KredoThe White House confirmed late Tuesday that it is “prepared” to let Iran keep a “limited” uranium enrichment program under any final nuclear accord reached with Tehran in the next months.

Pentagon: China Failed to Consult Before Imposing Air Defense Zone
By Bill GertzChina’s military imposed a destabilizing air defense zone over the East China Sea without consulting the United States, and top Pentagon leaders said Wednesday there have been no contacts with their Chinese counterparts since the zone was set up Nov. 23.

Top Clinton Associate Ducks Questions at Anti-Israel Book Event  
By Alana GoodmanA top confidante to Hillary and Bill Clinton repeatedly refused to answer questions about his current ties to the Clintons while helping promote an anti-Zionist book that compares Israel to Nazi Germany on Wednesday.

Gun Ad Censorship Case Heard by Appeals Court
By Mary Lou ByrdAn appeals court took the case on Tuesday of a Phoenix, Ariz. business owner who claimed his First Amendment rights were violated when city officials tore down his gun ads.

12 Years a Slave Is Driving People Batty
By Sonny BunchSo, look: 12 Years a Slave is a powerful and important movie but not a great one. It is basically the antebellum south version of Forrest Gump, a film that watches passive protagonist Solomon Northup stumble through the lowlights of slavery’s horror.

Here’s What to Expect from Chris Matthews’ Interview of Obama

By WFB StaffWhen MSNBC host Chris Matthews last interviewed then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008 at West Chester University, a truly good time was had by all.

NaturalNews: 20% of young boys now labeled "ADHD" (and then medicated)‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter NaturalNews readers,
When does the psychiatric labeling of young boys go too far?
Now 20% of our nation's young boys are being labeled "ADHD" and then medicated with dangerous psychiatric drugs:

Freaky! Scientists easily reprogram childhood memories of adult subjects:

Remember PCBs? They were banned but they're still around, and they still harm brain function:

Don't miss this talk: The vitamin cure for women's health issues:

more news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: David Steinman reveals the latest health breakthroughs in December's Healthy Living magazine. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- Sign the petition to demand full disclosure of pharma clinical trials
- Sugar fuels cancer growth
- Massages: Know when to walk out!

Banned PCBs still present in population, affecting brain function after four decades
(NaturalNews) Polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs) were banned in the US about three decades ago, but the negative effects of these chemical compounds continue to show up in seniors. Maryse Bouchard, a researcher from the University of Montreal...

Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled 'ADHD'
(NaturalNews) It's no secret that, increasingly, Big Pharma, in cahoots with traditional medicinal practitioners, have created a society of near-zombies with all of the mood altering medications they push on the public. But even these figures are shocking...

Herbal antioxidants improve learning and memory, could decrease Alzheimer's risk
(NaturalNews) Susan Farr, PhD, professor of geriatrics at St. Louis University School of Medicine, presented her preliminary findings regarding herbs that can reduce cognitive decline at a Society for Neuroscience conference, Neuroscience 2013. The herbs...

The big "Fat" lie and its impact on health
(NaturalNews) The demonization of saturated fat is alive and well with the low-fat dietary recommendations made by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services in 2010. The government's dietary guidelines, issued every...

Scientists easily reprogram childhood memories of adult study subjects
(NaturalNews) What would happen if someday medical science could essentially erase your real memories and replace them with phony ones? There's no way this technology could be misused, right? Well, according to published reports, Mankind may...

Foraging in freezing weather uncovers bounty of wild edibles
(NaturalNews) As the temperature drops and snow begins to fall, many foragers put their baskets away until the first whispers of morels in spring. On closer inspection there is much for a forager still to find. Trails are lined with winter edibles which...

IV vitamin C infusions reduce muscle fatigue associated with COPD
(NaturalNews) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a rather vague name for a chronic disorder that inhibits breathing and oxygen delivery to the blood. It manifests in decreased lung capacity from various reasons and inhibits breathing....

Proposed NJ law to ban eating, snacking while driving
(NaturalNews) Once upon a time, there were not so many driving laws, and drivers didn't need to wonder if they were doing everything by the book every time they saw a cop car. Granted, life has gotten more complicated, especially with technological advances...

The vitamin cure for women's health issues
(NaturalNews) Being a woman should never be considered a 'risk factor' for disease. Sadly, the drug culture - created by the pharmaceutical industry - wants every woman to solve their health issues with toxic drugs. In truth, no woman should accept a...

Curcumin's healing powers revealed - How this herb protects you from diabetes
(NaturalNews) Curcumin keeps coming on strong as an actual disease preventative and curative for many ailments. Sometimes it works well by itself and sometimes as an adjunct with other herbs or vitamins. Curcumin is the active ingredient of the Indian...

Erase a decade off your face, dodge cancer and conquer inflammation with these vitamin C-rich foods
(NaturalNews) With the cold and flu season in full swing, fortification with vitamin C is one of the most effective and potent methods for dodging illness. And yet, this well-known nutrient is often overlooked as an outstanding anti-aging, cancer-destroying...

Is this even America? Local bar ordered to remove sign thanking veterans for their service
(NaturalNews) You may not always agree with our country's decisions to send troops to certain parts of the world, but holding the men and women who do the fighting in contempt is not right, no matter how you feel about U.S. foreign policy. So it's...

Take advantage of four unusual weight loss strategies
(NaturalNews) Statistics from the CDC show that over one-third of adults in the US are obese, while nearly 70% are overweight. Discussions about weight loss often focus on issues like calories or the best types of food choices. Are we eating too many...

US banks may soon begin charging customers to deposit money
(NaturalNews) Many younger Americans may find this shocking, but once upon a time, banks actually paid you to deposit money. Money deposited in savings accounts earned a decent amount of interest every month, because it was the bank's way of thanking...

Weight loss-obsessed girls eating GMO cotton balls soaked in lemon juice
(NaturalNews) A practice being promoted on YouTube as a fad diet is actually a form of disordered eating that can pose serious health risks, health professionals are warning. In videos promoting "the cotton ball diet," young girls soak cotton...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting December 3rd, 2013


On Tuesday night, the Town Clerk swore in the following individuals:

    Town Councilor – Christopher Brunelle
    Town Councilor – Eric Metivier
    Town Councilor – Roger Bickford

    School Board – Tracey Austin
    School Board – George Caron

    Water Commissioner – William Bauer

Also, the Town Council elected Lisa Ward as Chairman and Dillon Pesce as the Vice-Chair of the Town Council.


The and The Lisbon Reporter stand ready to support you in any manner we can.

During Audience Participation, there were three issues brought out.  One was to change the current Council Working Rules back to the way they were before Mrs. Pomelow’s rewrite and second was why in the Capital Improvement Plan the Police Department still had items that should have been purchased with the $71,750.78 Chief Brooks received from the Treasury Department.  Also, the council was asked about the people voting on the Municipal Budget.

During Audience Participation, Chairman Ward stated the Council Working Rules would remain as is unless the Council wanted to change them.  Town Manager Eldridge stated that the forfeiture money could not be used in lieu of operating costs.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances, Councilor Garrison asked the Council Working Rules be tabled until he has an opportunity to discuss an amendment he would like to propose.  I want to thank Councilor Garrison for having the courage to try and restore free speech to the people.  I trust Councilor Garrison to do the right thing.

During Other Business, the Town Manager presented the Town and School Capital Improvement Plan.  This plan had NOT been reviewed by the Finance Committee.  Steve Warren updated the council on the Trails Commission.   Town Manager Eldridge announced a Council Workshop on December 10th to discuss closing some roads.  He talked about Merry Main Street.  The Town Office will be closed on December 24th at noon for Christmas.

During Councilor Communication, Councilor Bickford announced that on the June ballot would be something about the people voting on the Municipal Budget.  This is a major step forward in this four year's issue still unresolved.

Larry Fillmore

GOPDD: OBAMA What A Tangled Web You Weave , When First You Practice To Deceive”‏

by Dylan

By Wayne Mazza Remember this, the Administration with the knowledge of President Obama knew and orchestrated the law to make sure peoples healthcare Insurance policies would be cancelled. No matter how Obama tries to spin it, responsibility lies with him and every house and senate democrat. 1. Every Democrat voted for it lock, stock, and […]

Townhall; Change: Obama Craters in New Harvard Poll of Young Americans

Guy Benson
 In mid-November, a series of national surveys included tantalizing nuggets suggesting that Millennials -- America's youngest voters -- were turning against the man they'd overwhelmingly supported for president twice. Young people were especially unforgiving on questions about Barack Obama's honesty and trustworthiness, a dramatic turn of events. But that data was derived from relatively small sub-samples of broader polls. Would a coast-to-coast survey of exclusively 18-to-29 year olds confirm or belie those apparent trends? We have our answer, courtesy of a new poll commissioned by Harvard University's Institute of Politics:
[Keep Reading]

3rd Quarter Managerial Report‏

Town of Lisbon
3rd Quarter Managerial Report

Please click on the following link to read the 3rd Quarter Managerial Report.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Stephen Eldridge
Town Manager

The Maine Wire: “Source: Senate Republican leader Thibodeau to run for Congress” plus 1 more

Source: Senate Republican leader Thibodeau to run for Congress
Posted: 03 Dec 2013 11:17 AM PST
Senate Minority Leader Michael Thibodeau (R-Waldo) will soon join the field of Republicans running for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, a Republican source has told The Maine Wire. In a phone interview, Thibodeau declined to say if or when he will announce his candidacy but said he was considering. “My number one priority is to fulfil […]
Tea party members racist bullies, political terrorists
Posted: 03 Dec 2013 07:59 AM PST
The following letter to the editor appeared in the Nov. 30 edition of MaineToday’s Media Kennebec Journal. The headline is the original headline as written by MTM staff.  During the tea party-led government shutdown, I watched C-Span and all the other news channels. One news channel promotes the nonsense that is the tea party. The […]

NaturalNews: Why are they eating GMO cotton balls soaked in lemon juice?‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
It's the newest (stupid) weight loss crazy among today's youth: Soak genetically modified cotton balls in lemon juice and eat them!
The idea, it seems, is to make you "feel full" so that you can avoid eating yet another meal.
This isn't a diet. It's a disorder, and it's the new rage among young women:

The sewage flowing into the Great Lakes has been found to still contain 50% of the medications and chemicals found in raw sewage:

Shock: Antibiotics found to halt chemotherapy from killing tumors. Yep, antibiotics make chemo fail!

Fukushima's two worst-case scenarios explained:

Can hemp save our world? Read more:

more news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Ty Bollinger and AJ Lanigan discuss the immune system and Beta glucan. Plus, we’ll talk more about recovering from vaccine-induced diseases. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- 16 studies find that coffee reduces liver cancer risk
- The secret behind Mike Tyson's athletic performance: Hypnosis
- Dangers of eating "prescription meat"

Weight loss-obsessed girls eating GMO cotton balls soaked in lemon juice
(NaturalNews) A practice being promoted on YouTube as a fad diet is actually a form of disordered eating that can pose serious health risks, health professionals are warning. In videos promoting "the cotton ball diet," young girls soak cotton...

Sewage flowing into the Great Lakes has only half of drugs and chemicals removed
(NaturalNews) An International Joint Commission report, conducted by scientists from both the US and Canada, finds that the Great Lakes region is being severely over-contaminated with chemicals and prescription drugs that are bypassing treatment methods...

Dandelion has unsuspected health benefits such as inhibiting cancer cell growth
(NaturalNews) So many people can't wait to get rid of them once they start growing on their lawn, since dandelions are often seen as unwelcome weeds. Some of you may also recall the Rolling Stones song named "Dandelion" that came out during the summer...

Antibiotics found to halt chemotherapy drugs from killing tumors
(NaturalNews) One of the biggest problems with Western medicine's reliance on drug-based solutions to disease is that these conventional modalities can interfere with one another, often creating new problems that require even more drug-based solutions...

Fukushima's two worst-case scenarios explained by Arnie Gunderson
(NaturalNews) Recently, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered the Tokyo Electric and Power Co., or TEPCO, to decommission two more reactors at its Fukushima power plant, which was heavily damaged following an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011...

Hemp - The ultimate cash crop, health food and environmental savior rolled into one
(NaturalNews) A new ecovillage in Scotland has utilized an innovative material within its structures - namely, negative carbon hemp. While most environmentally progressive buildings strive for a carbon neutral rank, these houses take eco-friendly a step...

Anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin prevent development of liver cirrhosis in lab study
(NaturalNews) Cirrhosis of the liver can develop from several types of liver damage, disease or inflammation. A group of Israeli researchers set out to determine the effect that anti-inflammatory curcumin would have on curbing the development of cirrhosis...

Boost your brain naturally
(NaturalNews) Healthy circulation to the brain region is a must for ultimate health and well-being. Studies have shown that brain nourishment along with healthy circulation has a direct impact on the performance of your brain. It's well known that brain...

Why do teens think e-cigs are cool?
(NaturalNews) What is the measurement, the "dilution" of nicotine you are receiving with your e-cig nic fit? Do you know? Does it say on the side of the juice "loader" - the "nic-juice" cartridge? Who loaded it, some "reputable company" who exports it...

Kidney-toning Chinese medicines improve Parkinson's disease symptoms
(NaturalNews) According to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, loss of coordination and uncontrolled movements associated with Parkinson's disease affect "one million people in the US and an estimated seven to 10 million worldwide." Specialists at the...

The subconscious question that sets you up for easy sucess - or chronic stress
(NaturalNews) Your subconscious mind is dynamic and ever processing. Sleeping or awake, and regardless of where you conscious attention rests, your deeper mind is working. It never turns off. Medical researchers have identified the brain network responsible...

Health insurers post huge stock price gains in expectation of financial windfall from Obamacare
(NaturalNews) Just how many deals with the devil did American companies and businesses make in order to ensure that they came out on top when Obamacare was fully implemented? Well, the answer is - dozens. We already knew that the nation's...

Ghee: A clarified butter rich in essential fats and vitamins
(NaturalNews) Ghee is a type of clarified butter that originated in India and remains popular in South Asian cuisine. It is made by removing the milk proteins and water from raw, unsalted butter, resulting in a lactose-free, nutty flavored butterfat that...

McDonald's says McRib won't be rolled out nationally this year
(NaturalNews) McDonald's has announced that its iconic McRib sandwich will not be offered at all restaurants this year. This marks the first time since 2009 that the cult favorite will not be available nationwide. Although the McRib is typically prominently...

Health Ranger releases first photo from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab
(NaturalNews) At the request of many readers and fans, I'm releasing the first official photo from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab (see below). So many readers have been asking what I'm up to with the food science research and pending announcement...

TMB: China Threatens Japan Ahead of Biden Trip‏

China Threatens Japan Ahead of Biden Trip
By Bill GertzChina’s military ratcheted up tensions on Tuesday over its disputed East China Sea air defense zone by threatening military action against Japan and saying it would enforce new aircraft controls.

White House Exploring Ways to Let Iran Enrich Uranium
By Adam KredoThe White House is currently examining ways to enable Iran to have its own “domestic” uranium enrichment program, according to a senior Obama administration official.

Hillary Fundraiser Joining Obama Super Pac Has Ties to Thai Regime
By Alana GoodmanA top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who is reportedly joining pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA is a registered foreign agent for the Thai government, which violently cracked down on anti-government demonstrations in Bangkok over the weekend.

Senior North Korean Leader and Uncle to Kim Jong Un Ousted
By Bill GertzA key power broker within North Korea’s family dictatorship was reportedly ousted on Tuesday, a move that indicates new signs of instability within the reclusive, nuclear-armed communist state.

10 Ways Disability Fraud Has Cost Taxpayers Millions
By Elizabeth HarringtonIncompetence at the Social Security Administration (SSA) has cost taxpayers millions, according to a new report that highlights cases of easily identifiable fraud in the program.

Judge: Detroit Bankruptcy Can Proceed, Pensions to Be Cut
By Bill McMorrisA federal judge ruled on Tuesday that Detroit could proceed into bankruptcy and cut pensions to address its fiscal woes.

Mike Elk: Company Man
By Sonny BunchVice broke a stunning bit of news yesterday when it published a massive essay cataloging the ways in which left-of-center news outlets are complete and utter hypocrites when it comes to their support for the minimum wage.

Sean Hannity Reacts to WFB Story on Obamacare Security Risks

By Washington Free Beacon StaffSean Hannity reacted to a recent Washington Free Beacon article detailing the security risks of the Obamacare website Tuesday, expressing his outrage over’s lack of security measures to protect enrollees’ private information.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lisbon School Committee Meeting 11/25/13

We present to you Parts 1 & 2.  Taxpayers you need to pay attention and get involved or just sit home and 'quityourbitchin'.

Part One:

Part Two: