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Friday, January 3, 2014

Town Council Agenda‏ January 7, 2014 With Summary of Council Meeting Rules

                               TOWN COUNCIL MEETING
                              TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2014
                                    LISBON TOWN OFFICE
                                                7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules





2014-5 ORDER −
A. Off Premise Catering Permit - Chick-A-Dee of Lewiston
B. Mass Gathering Permit - Positive Change Lisbon/Exempt Fees
C. Minutes of September 10, 2013
D. Minutes of December 17, 2013

2014-6 ORDER −
Mobile Home Property Tax Lien Waivers


A. Code Enforcement Department Presentation

B. Economic & Community Development Department Presentation

C. Rural Active Living Assessment Report by Jamel, Healthy Androscoggin

D. Water Department Legislative Update

E. Town Manager's Report





2014-7 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (E) Consultations with legal counsel - DEP Fine

2014-8 ORDER −
To Adjourn


This summary is provided for guidance only. The complete council working rules may be found on the town website on the Town Officials, Town Council page.
The meeting agenda is available from the town website under Council Agendas and Minutes.

1. Please note the order that agenda items may be acted upon by the Council, however, if necessary, the Council may elect to change the order of the agenda.

2. The Council Chairman presides over the meeting. When the Chairman is not present, the Vice Chairman serves that function. The chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order and procedure subject to appeal to the town council.

3. Public comment is not typically allowed during Council workshops. There may be occasions where public comment may be recruited, but normally, workshops are reserved for Council members to discuss and educate themselves on a variety of issues facing the Town. Prior to the conclusion of a workshop, if time permits, the chair may allow questions from the public.

4. During audience participation, anyone wishing to address council will wait to be recognized by the chair before beginning any remarks. Audience members will move to the lectern to address council, and shall provide name and address prior to addressing the council.

5. Note that “Consent Agenda” items (if there are any) are acted upon first, voted upon as a group, and will most often be voted on without discussion as these items often involve “housekeeping” issues (such as minor parking changes). On occasion “Consent Agenda” items are separated out as stand-alone action items by the Council to allow for more discussion.

6. Public comment on agenda items. General comments on agenda items should be made during audience participation. After introduction of an agenda item, appropriate motions, and time for explanation and council questions, the public may be allowed to comment on that agenda item at the discretion of the chair. During that period of time, the public comment shall address only the agenda item before council.

7. Action on agenda items. As each item on the agenda for any meeting is brought to the floor for discussion:

a. The town clerk reads the agenda item and the action being requested of council.

b. The sponsor of each item or, if there is no council sponsor, the town manager, or town staff, shall first be allowed to present their initial comments for consideration by the public and councilors.

c. Following this introduction of the issue, there will be time devoted to any questions of the sponsor or the town manager or staff regarding the agenda item which any councilor may have which would help to clarify the question presented by the agenda item. The chair may allow questions from the public during this time however; no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted.

d. When authorized by the chair, any additional public comment shall be no longer than two minutes per person and must be to request or furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints only.

e. Once an agenda item has been explained and clarified by any questioning, the discussion on the specific agenda item will remain with the council. Additional public comment, prior to final council vote; will only be allowed at the chairman's discretion.

8. New business is for the council to receive input on town matters not on the agenda for that meeting. It is not intended, nor shall it be construed as an opportunity for debate of previous agenda items or reinforcement of a point made by another speaker. Comments shall be to furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints and limited to a time period of two minutes or less and shall be directed through the chair.

9. If an “Executive Session” is conducted by the Council, State Statute prohibits public attendance for any discussion of the action to be addressed by the Council. Any action taken by the Council on any “Executive Session” matter must be acted upon in a public meeting, and may occur at the end of the “Executive Session” (which has no time element relative to the length of the discussion involved in the “session”).

Rufe's Weather Outlook Update

 A few more hours of snow, several more hours of wind.
 We are at the peak of the wind curve: gusts to 40 at the shoreline, gusts to 35 inland to I-95, and lesser velocities to the west. Needless to say white-outs envelope a scene at times with much blowing and drifting of the last 1”-3” of snow, most at the immediate coast.
 Northerly gusts will begin to ease southwest after 9AM, northeast by noon. Gusts should diminish below 20 mph region wide at dusk. Wind chill values early this morning will range from 20-35 below zero. Temperatures will remain below zero all day north of Standish, Gray, Liberty and Belfast: a very dangerous environment for all those out in the elements.
 Very high tides will occur around noon today. Shorelines south of Scarborough will endure pounding surf and some degree of beach erosion.
 Crews may be requested for assistance throughout eastern MA and RI due to much heavier snow and stiffer wind.
 The next storm to arrive after dark Sunday, exiting Monday will produce primarily rain through much of the service area. Only the northern and western portions of the service area will collect light accumulations of snow, sleet or freezing rain prior to a major thaw.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Take #4: Revised Special Council Meeting Agenda 1-3-2014‏

"Council has requested the order of the executive sessions be changed, please see attached for an updated agenda."

6:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


2014-1 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters

2014-2 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (E) Consultation w/legal regarding legal rights & duties of Town Council


2014-3 ORDER −
Town Manager Contract


2014-4 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Multiple elements to this “clean” storm.
 Light snow will edge slightly further north during the day, reaching Route 2 by dusk. The snow will fall at a fairly steady rate, perhaps a pulse around midnight. The last inch will fall by 2AM over the northern fringes of the service area, by 10AM along the coast, flurries a few hours thereafter. The snow will be very light and fluffy: expect little adhesion to limbs or power lines. Amounts will range from about 2” in Jackman to 13” across southern most York County. 

 North-northeast winds will increase this afternoon and into the night, peak gusts between 2AM and 8AM tomorrow. Along the coast sustained 20, gusts 40, inland to I-95 sustained 17, gusts 35 mph, lesser velocities farther west and north. Winds will ease only slightly thereafter shifting to the north, with a more notable relaxing after 3PM. During the early morning tomorrow white-outs are likely with much blowing and drifting across the entire coastal plain. Wind chill values early Friday will range from 20-35 below zero, very dangerous for all those out in the elements.
 Very high tides will occur near noon today and tomorrow, midnight tonight. The shore south of Scarboro suffering pounding surf and erosion. 
 Utility crews may be requested for assistance throughout eastern MA and RI due to much heavier snow and stiffer wind.
Extended Outlook
Today:  snow, windy late. See discussion. highs 4 below-15 N/S.
Friday;  snow ends am. very windy am. Lows 17 below-3 N/S. highs -4 to 13 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 16 below -5 below N/S. highs 16-26 N/S.
Sunday; quiet. Rain/snow at night. Lows 7-16 N/S. highs 26-38 N/S.
Monday; rain ending, mtn. squalls. Very windy. Lows 30-35, highs 32-39 N/S.
Tuesday; mtn. squalls. Windy. Lows 2-10 N/S. highs 10-21 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 3below – 10 N/S.
highs 17-29 N/S.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lisbon Residents Definitely Need A Change For The Positive


Lisbon Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

As we enter in 2014 are we going to allow things to continue as usual or are we going to ask this council to make a positive change?  As we reflect on the last six (6) years of our town under Stephen G. Eldridge as Town Manager; let’s reflect on the growth or the lack of growth of our community.

Let’s take a look at our tax dollars:

a.        $33,484.79 – This is the amount of tax dollars unaccounted after Chief Brooks decided to Lease to Purchase two vehicles instead of purchasing the vehicles that was approved by the Council for $48,816.00.  Where did this remaining money go?

b.      $223,514.00 – This is the difference in the Undesignated Funds from 2012-2013.  The Auditors called this an “Unfavorable Expenditure”.  So what were these tax dollars used for?

c.       $71,750.78 – This is the Forfeiture Funds received by the Police Department for use by the Police Department.  The money was received in September so why has Chief Brooks not utilized any of these funds to the outstanding items on his Capital Improvement Plan?  Are the taxpayers going to use tax dollars instead of forfeiture funds to purchase items on the Capital Improvement Plan?

d.      $2,000,000.00+ – This is the amount of money used by Stephen Eldridge since he became Town Manager from the Undesignated Fund.  So what was this money used for?  It certainly was not used on our roads.

e.      $22,307.00 – This is the current fine by the state for two spillages and the lack of an Operations & Maintenance Plan dating back to 2012.  If Mr. Leighton had an Operations & Maintenance Plan in place and had trained the personnel in the Sewer Department in proper maintenance there is a possibility these spills could have been prevented.  These are our tax dollars wasted.

f.        $32,500.00 – The investigation into the misappropriations lasted less than nine (9) months and resulted in no one being charged or the funds returned to the town.  These are Federal funds to be utilized by town citizens.   

Where is this money and who is responsible?

On August 21, 2012, the town transferred $84,424.00 from Overlay/TIF account to numerous other accounts.  The following year the town transferred $87,460.84 from the Overlay/TIF account to numerous other accounts.  Do you get the feeling the town intentionally over budgeted the Overlay/TIF account?  

 Is this their slush fund?

The residents of Lisbon continue to have to pay rising taxes.  With all of the funds I have cited above, I wonder why it is necessary to raise taxes in our community. 

In January 2014, the Town Council will be reviewing Stephen G. Eldridge’s contract.  I am sure many of you could come up with many many reasons why we need new leadership in Lisbon starting with the Town ManagerIf you agree, please contact your Councilors and support the removal of Stephen G. Eldridge as Town Manager.


Larry Fillmore


6:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

2014-1 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (E) Consultation w/legal regarding legal rights & duties of Town Council

2014-2 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters

2014-3 ORDER −
Town Manager Contract

2014-4 ORDER −
To Adjourn

NaturalNews: Happy New Year from the Health Ranger

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We are now just 8 days away from our breakthrough food science announcements, beginning January 7.
Please enjoy the new year, and stay safe by staying off the streets and away from all the other not-so-sober drivers.
Here's some of today's most interesting news:
McDonald's shuts down employee website after dietary advice explains that McDonald's food isn't healthy:
Hollywood pushes fluoridation with dishonest programming that tries to make fluoride opponents look like crazy whack jobs:
Small businesses to be devastated by huge health insurance cost increases in 2014:

More news continues below...

Today on
- Scented candles (with synthetic fragrance) could be killing you
- Sweat your way to a healthier 2014 with infrared saunas

McDonald's frantically shuts down website for employees after dietary advice embarrassment
(NaturalNews) The world's most well-known fast food corporation is in damage control mode after an internal resource that the company created for its employees embarrassingly advised them to stop eating its own food offerings. CNN reports that...

Small businesses to be devastated by huge increases in health insurance costs in 2014
(NaturalNews) As reported by The New York Times, the Democrats are going to try to get the public's mind off of the costly disaster of Obamacare this coming election year by supporting large increases in the minimum wage. "Democratic Party leaders...

Early head trauma can cause depression later in life
(NaturalNews) Some people suffer from depression their whole lives. But others will suddenly become depressed in their 40s, 50s or 60s. Why would this suddenly happen? One reason, a new animal study suggests, relates to concussions experienced as young...

How can CoQ10 make it easier to quit cigarettes?
(NaturalNews) No matter whom you are, your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, fueling your entire cardiovascular system. When coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels get depleted, your heart strains to get its job done and your entire body suffers. This manifests...

Forbes finance writer suddenly recommends guns, ammo for preparedness against economic collapse
(NaturalNews) It isn't every day that a mainstream finance writer would recommend that Americans stock up on guns and ammo, but that's precisely what one Forbes expert just did. Granted, millions of Americans have not waited for a Wall Street...

How Hollywood pushes fluoridation with intellectually dishonest programming
(NaturalNews) Hollywood has always been ready to make fun of fluoridation opponents whenever the need was felt. The fluoride opposition has grown stronger in the last few years, so once again a Hollywood script pokes fun at people trying to stop water...

Texas cops can now serve search warrants based on 'future crime' (thought crimes)
(NaturalNews) In some cases, art imitates life and vice versa. In this case, that is chilling. Think 2002's Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise as a futuristic cop who works for a unit that arrests people for merely thinking about committing...

NYT, fall victim to pharma-funded quack science hoax attack on multivitamins
(NaturalNews) Don't look now, but all of those multivitamins and supplements that have been keeping you well for years... don't work. Yes, that's right. They're worthless. A waste of money. The "science" on this is now settled, and it's...

Carrot juice again: Curing an older woman's pelvis fracture
(NaturalNews) If you had serious doubts about an earlier Natural News story on how a woman cured her cancer with carrot juice, as recommended to her by another who had done the same, here's another carrot juice story that should blow your mind...

All the latest science links vitamin D deficiency with breast cancer
(NaturalNews) It is an unforgiving disease that reportedly kills more than 450,000 women every single year all across the globe. But breast cancer and the likelihood of developing it is not an inevitable risk dictated purely by chance, as virtually all...

'Frequency-specific microcurrents' to the rescue for pain, injury and illness
(NaturalNews) Frequency-specific microcurrents (FSM) are an innovative system of treatments using micro-amperage current and frequencies on tissues to create healing and eliminate pain. There are hundreds of FSM practitioners around the world. Physicians...

Strontium, PFOA and toxic chemicals found in one-third of U.S. water supply
(NaturalNews) You may want to think twice before further drinking or even bathing in unfiltered tap water, as a new report set to be published next year has found that a striking percentage of the U.S. water supply is contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides...

Good Bye 2013 Hello 2014 (martial law military police state fema dhs drills new world order)



“Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” 1Thes. 5:6

Special Town Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2014

6:00 P.M.


 2. ROLL CALL___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

2014-1 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters

2014-2 ORDER −
To Adjourn

GOPDD: Stunning Report: Abortion Leading Cause Of Death In America

by AmyElizabeth 

(Suzanne Eovaldi, WCJ) Barack Obama’s administration is “the most rabid pro-abortion administration in US History,” according to the recent Christian Action News. As the 41st anniversary of Roe V. Wade approaches on January 22, the question is asked by the editors: “In a nation that regularly polls as majority pro-life, how on God’s green earth […]

BrasscheckTV: Buy Our Insurance Or Go To Jail‏... What's Next An Insurance Company Bailout???

The mind boggles. 
US citizens will be subject to massive fines
and long jail terms if they do not buy health
insurance from private companies. 
The news media is TOTALLY silent and
politicians see nothing wrong with it. 
If you think I'm kidding, watch this.
- Brasscheck

You will be jailed . . .
. . . if you don't buy private health insurance

Speaker Pelosi justifies JAIL for not buying health insurance


In case you missed it...
In case you missed it, here is the video (recorded in 2000) that explains why the government is so interested in MANDATORY insurance and will make sure you get it, like it or not, under threat of fine and imprisonment.

Pelosi initially tried to sidestep the question. By not directly answering it, she implies that the "very fair" legislation could land you in jail for not emptying your pockets to her paymasters at the private insurance companies.

Click here for the back story no one else is reporting:

And Your 'Duly Elected' (sic) Politicians Allowed This To Happen... Feel Represented Yet?

WND: OPERATION SPIKE Top 10 major media cover-ups of 2013

WND’s annual review presents news that wasn’t ‘fit to print’
 In an administration known for its dissembling, deciding which lies are its biggest is a challenge.
But as health care takes center stage in the run-up to the 2014 mid-term elections, the many lies that were used, with the aid of a compliant media, to convince the nation that the passage of Obamacare presented nothing to worry about top WND’s annual list of the 10 most “spiked” or underreported stories of the last year.
At the end of each year, many news organizations typically present their retrospective replays of what they consider to have been the top news stories of the previous 12 months. WND’s editors, however, long have considered it more newsworthy to publicize the most underreported or unreported news events of the year – to shine a spotlight on those issues that the establishment media successfully “spiked.”
WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah has sponsored “Operation Spike” every year since 1988, and since founding WND in May 1997, has continued the annual tradition.
Produced with the help of WND readers, here are the WND editors’ picks for the 10 most under-reported or unreported stories of 2013:
Click on each numbered title to read, view, and learn more regarding individual listings.
 1. The lies by Obama, Sebelius, Reid, Pelosi and others concerning Obamacare
Before President Obama’s so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was rammed through Congress and signed by the president March 12, 2010, 85 percent of Americans had health-care coverage. Further, an ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey found that 88 percent of the insured rated their coverage as excellent or good and 89 percent were satisfied with the quality of care they received.
2. The purging of top military leaders
An in-depth series of WND reports found that as many as 200 senior officers have been dismissed since Obama became president.
3. Concentration of executive power to bypass Congress
At a House Judiciary subcommittee meeting in December, liberal Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley warned America that the concentration of executive branch powers is approaching a crisis under Obama  
4. Persecution of Christians around the world
A survey in 2010 concluded that at least 75 percent of religious persecution reported over the previous two years worldwide targeted Christians.

5. The IRS targeting of conservative non-profits
Matt Drudge, creator of the highly influential Drudge Report, summarized the establishment media’s response this year to the   IRS targeting of conservative and Christian organizations  .
“Journos ‘scared sh**less’ to mention IRS scandal,” Drudge wrote in a Twitter message Dec. 30.

6. True level of deception and untruthfulness in Obama administration
On the first full day of his presidency in 2008, Barack Obama declared: “Let me say it as simply as I can, transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”
Nearly five years later, polls find a majority of Americans don’t trust him.

One of his most recent untruths was uttered at his last press conference of the year.

7. Cover-up of the Benghazi attack and false testimony by Hillary Clinton
The key to understanding the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack is rooted in WND’s exclusive reporting   that the U.S. mission in Benghazi and nearby CIA annex was an intelligence and planning center for U.S. aid to the rebels in the Middle East, particularly those fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

8. The “Knockout Game” and other black attacks on whites
Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse.
Finally, after scores of reports by WND about the problem, Fox News launched a full-frontal assault in November on the shocking phenomenon   its own analysts said is intentionally suppressed by national news media.

9. The racial division created by the Obama administration.
Within hours of the February 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin, the Obama administration helped shape the media narrative that turned American Latino George Zimmerman, who was acquitted by a jury in July, into a white man bent on killing innocent blacks out of racially inspired hatred.

10. Advancement of the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Organized Crisis
Frances Fox Piven, co-architect of a strategy to overload the U.S. welfare system to precipitate a transformative economic crisis, was an early builder of the socialist-leaning New Party, which, according to reliable evidence, once had Barack Obama as a member  .
Piven, together with her late husband, activist and fellow Columbia professor Richard Cloward, developed the Cloward-Piven strategy, which called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system.

Read much more to each listing at:

The Maine Wire: “Liberal think tank seeks analyst who can rebut Amherst Republican” plus 1 more

Liberal think tank seeks analyst who can rebut Amherst Republican
Posted: 30 Dec 2013 11:48 AM PST
AUGUSTA – The Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP), a liberal think tank, is asking applicants for its latest job opening to respond to a recent column from Rep. Lawrence Lockman (R-Amherst) as part of the application process. To be considered,” the job posting reads, “applicants must submit a sample blog post (no more than […]
GOP welfare reform proposal similar to European model
Posted: 30 Dec 2013 08:42 AM PST
Republican Gov. Paul R. LePage will introduce welfare reform legislation in January that bears resemblance to sweeping reforms enacted in the Netherlands. As the Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner writes in his Dec. 17 article, Lessons from Dutch Welfare Reform, “Welfare advocates regularly urge Americans to look to the European welfare state as a model. At […]

Click on titles to read more

The Maine Wire: “Big Labor: Maine’s two largest labor unions merge” plus 2 more

Big Labor: Maine’s two largest labor unions merge

AUGUSTA – Top labor union officials announced Friday the merger of Maine’s two largest labor unions. The Maine State Employees Association (MSEA) will join the Maine AFL-CIO after seven-years of independence, according to a press release from the AFL-CIO. “Rejoining the Maine AFL-CIO formalizes the effective working partnerships that MSEA-SEIU members and Maine AFL-CIO members […]
Maine jobless rate drops for third straight month to 6.4 percent

AUGUSTA – Maine’s unemployment rate fell for the third consecutive month to 6.4 percent in the month of November — the lowest since November of 2008. That translates to 5,400 fewer jobless than this time last year, according to the Maine Department of Labor. The state further notes that Maine’s unemployment rate is below the […]
Another Massive O’Care Exemption

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Barack Obama decreed Thursday that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate penalty shall not apply to some of the individuals whose insurance plans have been outlawed by his signature health care law, more commonly known as Obamacare. The Obama administration will ease the pain of implementing the law by granting a […]

GOPDD: Sasha And Malia Get A Pass, But America Gets Punished With An Illegitimate Affirmative-Action Baby

by sophia

ClashDaily/ Donald Joy I’m not a very good Christian, but even a backslider such as yours truly can observe and comment on the sick sacrilege of having a president who professes to be a Christian (Jeremiah Wright has gone on record saying Bathhouse Barry never really converted), yet speaks and acts as if he’d have taken the Virgin Mary straight […]

WND EXCLUSIVE Japan radiation poisoning America? New concerns hitting U.S. Pacific coast

 Some tuna caught off California is showing evidence of radiation poisoning. (RT photo)
Some tuna caught off California is showing evidence of radiation poisoning. (RT photo)
 Steve Elwart
 Like a slow-motion train wreck, the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster is still causing damage long after the world’s media has left the news story behind.
On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan triggered a tsunami with waves that reached as high as 144 feet. These waves swamped the Fukushima nuclear power-plant complex, causing a resulting shutdown leading to the world’s worst nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
The accident has been rated a level 7, on a scale of 1 to 7, on the International Nuclear Event Scale.  
As a result of this disaster, the complex’s coolant pumps failed to operate and the power plant reactors overheated, leading to a release of radionuclides directly into the ocean exceeding that from any previous accident.
Water is currently being pumped into the reactors in an attempt to keep them cool and prevent further explosions, but handling the water is becoming a problem.
The contaminated cooling water is being released directly into the ocean and is making its way into the ecosphere. Water from the storage tanks has also seeped into the groundwater and from there, into the ocean. Efforts to use a various barriers to prevent contamination have not completely stopped the leakage.


Like a slow-motion train wreck, the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster is still causing damage long after the world’s media has left the news story behind.
On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan triggered a tsunami with waves that reached as high as 144 feet. These waves swamped the Fukushima nuclear power-plant complex, causing a resulting shutdown leading to the world’s worst nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
The accident has been rated a level 7, on a scale of 1 to 7, on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
As a result of this disaster, the complex’s coolant pumps failed to operate and the power plant reactors overheated, leading to a release of radionuclides directly into the ocean exceeding that from any previous accident.
Water is currently being pumped into the reactors in an attempt to keep them cool and prevent further explosions, but handling the water is becoming a problem.
The contaminated cooling water is being released directly into the ocean and is making its way into the ecosphere. Water from the storage tanks has also seeped into the groundwater and from there, into the ocean. Efforts to use a various barriers to prevent contamination have not completely stopped the leakage.

Like a slow-motion train wreck, the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster is still causing damage long after the world’s media has left the news story behind.
On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan triggered a tsunami with waves that reached as high as 144 feet. These waves swamped the Fukushima nuclear power-plant complex, causing a resulting shutdown leading to the world’s worst nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
The accident has been rated a level 7, on a scale of 1 to 7, on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
As a result of this disaster, the complex’s coolant pumps failed to operate and the power plant reactors overheated, leading to a release of radionuclides directly into the ocean exceeding that from any previous accident.
Water is currently being pumped into the reactors in an attempt to keep them cool and prevent further explosions, but handling the water is becoming a problem.
The contaminated cooling water is being released directly into the ocean and is making its way into the ecosphere. Water from the storage tanks has also seeped into the groundwater and from there, into the ocean. Efforts to use a various barriers to prevent contamination have not completely stopped the leakage.


GOPDD: Reuters) – Poll The First Gay President Obama as the world’s most admired woman & Serial Killer Hillary Clinton as most admired man

by AmyElizabeth

No Joke!! The first Gay President & Former Secretary of State Serial Killer Hillary Clinton admired by a bunch of mindless zombies..... (Reuters) - Americans named President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the world's most admired living man and woman in 2013, according to a Gallup poll released on Monday. […]

Monday, December 30, 2013

BrasscheckTV: What the "news" industry hopes you never see‏

Took an unplanned break. 
Writing this from a wheelchair (a temporary
Meanwhile, here's what really goes on in
the news departments of TV stations. 
Brian Springer's "Spin' - pirated news
footage (also known as "wild feeds") which
show how the news makers talk and act when
they think we're not looking.
- Brasscheck

"Spin" by Brian Springer
One of the most important films
of the last 25 years

Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters about "homos," Al Gore learns how to avoid abortion questions, George Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon -- all presuming they're off camera. Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite footage, Spin is a surreal expose of media-constructed reality.
"Spin" by Brian Springer
One of the most important films
of the last 25 years
- See more at:

Footage you were never
supposed to see
Artist Brian Springer spent a year scouring the airwaves with a satellite dish grabbing back channel news feeds not intended for public consumption. The result of his research is SPIN, one of the most insightful films ever made about the mechanics of how television is used as a tool of social control to distort and limit the American public's perception of reality.

Take the time to watch it from beginning to end and you'll never look at TV reporting the same again. Tell your friends about it. This extraordinary film released in the early 1990s is almost completely unknown. Hopefully, the Internet will change that.

Note: We have posted excerpts of this film. You can find these excerpts by going to the "Spin" section of Brasscheck TV.

We the People: We Are America - We're Free Already and We Allow Politicians to Be In Power

The Blaze: A Well-Armed Militia: It’sTime for Veterans to Take a Stand

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, a document I swore to uphold and defend with my life, states:

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Considering the current government assault on military benefits, and considering the administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, I am wondering just how much consideration some might give to joining our all-volunteer force in the future?

I wonder too, if the Framers imagined a government “Of the People, by the people and for the People” ever reneging on the promises made to those of us who swore our lives to defend this great nation, including its supreme law? Here’s something President Abraham Lincoln said about our commitment to the veteran in his Second Inaugural Address, on March 4, 1865, with the end of the Civil War in sight:

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

This is a promise, borne of a sense of duty and righteousness toward those who bore the burden of supporting this great nation with their blood, sweat and tears. This promise is the legacy of a nation born in blood and preserved in honor.

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BIN: Govt Round Ups Of Patriots Have Begun – What Happened To Unreleased Documentary Producer Of “Lawless America” (Videos)


Bill Windsor has been missing for months. His documentary Lawless In America was never released. He disappeared and has been gone since August. This needs to be shared and exposed. Where is Bill Windsor? Some of the people working with him on his documentary were threatened by this regime if they worked with Bill. The Powers That  Be don’t want this documentary out and they want to silence him. If you have any information as to Bill’s where abouts, please contact me.

We cannot leave a man behind. All of us matter, who are in this fight for our freedoms and liberties. Bill was fighting for us, now it is our turn to fight for HIM!

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Rufe's Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  am Mtn. flurries. Breezy. highs 17-34 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet. Pm mtn. flurries. Lows 10 below-8 N/S. highs 4-23 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 7 below-10 N/S. highs 0-24 N/S.
Thursday; snow, windy. Lows 19 below-7 N/S. highs 4 below-20 N/S.
Friday;  am flurries, very windy. Lows 14 below to 5 N/S. highs 0-13 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 14 below -4 below N/S. highs 7-21 N/S.
Sunday; quiet. Flurries all but south. Lows 6-16 N/S. highs 26-33 N/S.