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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

TWB: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blocking Bipartisan Iran Sanctions‏ and more

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blocking Bipartisan Iran Sanctions
By Adam KredoRep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) has become a major obstacle to a new bipartisan Iran sanctions measure, according to multiple sources on Capitol Hill and in Florida.

Pro-Iran Shadow Lobby Launches Bid to Kill Iran Sanctions
By Adam KredoA network of pro-Iran advocates are uniting behind a new campaign aimed at killing bipartisan legislation meant to increase sanctions on Tehran should it cheat on a recently inked nuclear accord.

General: Strategic Military Satellites Vulnerable to Attack in Future Space War
By Bill GertzU.S. strategic military satellites are vulnerable to attack in a future space war and the Pentagon is considering a major shift to smaller satellites in response, the commander of the Air Force Space Command said Tuesday.

Missouri Speaker to Push for Right to Work Law
By Bill McMorrisOne of Missouri’s top officials is attempting to rally voters to make the “Show-Me” state the nation’s 25th right to work state.

Critics Blame Cuomo for NY Gas Price Spike
By Lachlan MarkayConstraints on natural gas supplies are driving up heating prices in New York as the state faces bitterly cold temperatures, and some say Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s indecision on key oil and gas regulations is exacerbating the problem.

De Blasio Aide was Online ‘Sockpuppet’
By Alana GoodmanA controversial former aide to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom who resigned after he was caught attacking journalists online under a phony name online has been appointed senior adviser to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Continue to Remind the Alarmists that It’s Cold Out. They Deserve It
By Sonny BunchOne of my smaller pleasures in life is joking during winter that, by now, I was promised flying cars and global warming. If you haven’t noticed, it’s really cold out!

NY Woman’s Care Delayed and Insurance Cancelled Due to Obamacare

By Washington Free Beacon StaffNew York resident Nancy Miller found her insurance plan cancelled on Jan. 1st and her medical treatments subsequently delayed due to Obamacare, YNN-NY reports.

The Maine Wire: “Republican leaders react to Maine Wire report on welfare abuse” plus 4 more‏

Republican leaders react to Maine Wire report on welfare abuse
Posted: 07 Jan 2014 01:16 PM PST
AUGUSTA – Top Republicans reacted to The Maine Wire’s exclusive report on the scope of welfare abuse in Maine with renewed calls for welfare reform in Augusta. “I am disappointed but not surprised by this information,” said House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R-Newport).  “We hear about this kind of welfare fraud and abuse from our […]
Maine Welfare Cash Spent in All 50 States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:38 AM PST
They may be on welfare, but that doesn’t stop them from vacationing. According to an analysis of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, Maine welfare cash has been spent in every other state in the Union, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Department of Health and Human Services records related to TANF, […]
Welfare abuse is real
Posted: 07 Jan 2014 10:24 AM PST
“The reality is that we lack any systematic evidence that such “misuse” is widespread.” – Robert W. Glover, University of Maine “The issue has been overblown.” – Robin Merrill, Maine Equal Justice Partners Welfare is the perennial subject of Maine politics. Most every reasonable Mainer agrees that a humane and just society must provide some […]
The Welfare Party and the Working Party
Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:17 AM PST
The battle lines have been drawn for the coming session of the Maine Legislature. In one corner stands the reigning champion – the Welfare Party, a cadre of progressive lawmakers and special interest groups dedicated to expanding Maine’s welfare system, vigilantly guarding against the slightest whisper of reform. In the other corner stands the plucky […]
LTE: Progressivism is a disease
Posted: 07 Jan 2014 06:34 AM PST
Marie Doucette of Saco Who are these progressives? They are mostly Democrats with too many Republicans and Independents thrown in. Progressives are the environmentalist who have banned the incandescent light bulb, who are destroying the coal industry, our greatest source of energy, and ruining the most advanced healthcare system on the planet. They are the […]

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

*Update*: Sun Journal article re: New Town Manager has been rewritten

Paula Gibbs, Special to the Sun Journal
 Lewiston-Auburn | Monday, January 6, 2014 at 5:25 pm

LISBON — Town Manager Stephen Eldridge left that position Monday, the day his contract expired and three days after the Town Council voted unanimously not to renew it.

Council Chairwoman Lisa Ward said the council will appoint an interim town manager at Tuesday night’s meeting.

The vote not to renew the contract was taken at a special meeting of the council Friday night after a discussion held in executive session.

Notice of the Friday’s meeting was posted Dec. 31. The agenda included two items in executive session: (1) legal rights and duties of the council; and (2) personnel, with one item in open session: the town manager’s contract.

Read the complete article:

Townhall: Judge: Chicago's ban on gun sales unconstitutional

CHICAGO (AP) — A federal judge on Monday overturned Chicago's ban on the sale and transfer of firearms, ruling that the city's ordinances aimed at reducing gun violence are unconstitutional.
U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang said in his ruling that while the government has a duty to protect its citizens, it's also obligated to protect constitutional rights, including the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. However, Chang said he would temporarily stay the effects of his ruling, meaning the ordinances can stand while the city decides whether to appeal. (...)

Read more:

NaturalNews: The big food science announcement from Natural News has arrived...

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers
Over the next three days, we are making three huge breakthrough food science announcements here at Natural News.

Today's announcement is as follows:
We are announcing the launch of our heavy metals reference website that freely publishes toxic elemental analysis and microscopic images for (eventually) hundreds of foods, superfoods, herbs, beverages, fast foods and more:

We have also announced a new initiative in our lab to use atomic spectroscopy in conjunction with mass decay radiation meters to test foods from the Pacific Ocean for trace levels of radioactive Cesium-137, the most dangerous element resulting from nuclear catastrophe:

I have also launched a 37-minute mini-documentary video which explains why toxic elements are destroying humanity and how we can save our species by discovering and remediating the sources of pollution in our foods and environment:

I am appearing LIVE on the first hour of the Robert Scott Bell Show today ( to fully explain these breakthroughs in great detail. Don't miss the broadcast! (Begins at 3pm eastern)

Part two of our big food science announcements is released tomorrow, and part three follows on Thursday. Those parts are even more hard-hitting than the content we have launched today. :-)

In other news: Researchers say mysterious ocean creature deaths could be due to Fukushima radiation:

Cadmium toxicity causes bone cells to self-destruct:

Heavy metals and inflammation may be "silently" killing you:

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, emerges from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab to announce major food science breakthroughs for 2014! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments! Listen in at

Today on
- The top 6 health benefits of dill (yes, dill)
- The seedy truth about "healthy" vegetable oils
- Six ways to beat brain inflammation and brain fog

Natural News launches Labs reference website with heavy metals results for foods, organics, supplements and more
(NaturalNews) In conjunction with the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (, Natural News ( has begun publishing heavy metals lab reports for off-the-shelf food products. With industrial pollution worsening and many...

Researchers say mass deaths of sea stars and bald eagles could be related to Fukushima radiation
(NaturalNews) It's amazing how little truth has come out of the media regarding Fukushima's nuclear plant meltdown and the vast amounts of radioactive pollution in the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere. It's been going on for over two years since the...

Cadmium toxicity causes bone cells to self-destruct, reduces bone density and leads to disease
(NaturalNews) Two journal-published studies, one from China in 2004 and the other from the USA in 2007, reported that cadmium exposure effected measured reductions in bone density, osteoporosis, increased fractures in areas where cadmium pollution is...

McDonald's poised to embrace new GMO potato farming in 2014 and beyond
(NaturalNews) A new variety of genetically modified potato could show up in Idaho as early as 2015. Nearly 13 years ago, customers revolted against Monsanto's transgenic NewLeaf potato, which contained synthetic bacteria to kill insect pests. Now,...

Just as Natural News predicted: Obamacare unleashes mass confusion as patients walk out of hospitals
(NaturalNews) We hate to tell you we told you so, but we did. Or, more specifically, our editor, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, did. In a column published Oct. 6 - just five days after the official epic fail launch of Obamacare's federal and...

What you don't know about heavy metals and inflammation may be silently killing you
(NaturalNews) With so much press about the dangers of inflammation, many are already aware of its connection with a range of serious illness. And yet, the fact that heavy metal toxicity is at the root of inflammation oftentimes slips by unnoticed. The...

Belgian officials back legalized euthanasia of children by doctors
(NaturalNews) The European nation of Belgium wants to expand its existing euthanasia laws to include children, according to new reports. In a landslide vote of 50 - 17, the Belgian Senate recently passed a measure that would allow minors to request their...

How zinc levels affect your immune system
(NaturalNews) Zinc is a fundamental mineral and one of the most common deficiencies in the world. Zinc is essential to human and animal growth patterns and has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune molecules. Zinc is one of the best...

USS Ronald Reagan sailors sue Tokyo Electric Power Company for deliberately releasing toxic plume of radiation causing massive, deadly disease
(NaturalNews) At least 70 sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan are filing a lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power, stating they have become sick with radiation-related illnesses, including cancer. The crew was exposed to radioactive fallout in March of...

Five essential herbs for hemorrhoids
(NaturalNews) Do you suffer from hemorrhoids? You don't have to deal with painful, itchy hemorrhoids if you start adding the following five herbs to your daily diet or supplement routine. In fact, these five essential herbs may even allow you to avoid...

Ban bananas! Police say man attacked girlfriend with banana
(NaturalNews) As Robin Williams' character in "Mrs. Doubtfire" said, perhaps it was a "drive-by fruiting." But police in Miami say a man launched an attack against his girlfriend using a deadly - banana. If Michael Bloomberg were mayor, he'd...

Reverse the effects of aging naturally
(NaturalNews) People are often obsessed with age, in the early years being proud to become and act older, and in the latter years doing everything possible to look younger. So how then can we take more control over the effects of the degenerative aging...

NSA intercepts computer purchases to install remote spyware on PCs
(NaturalNews) Federal judges may disagree about whether the National Security Agency's massive collection of Americans' data is constitutional, but what about the nation's premier spy service intercepting personal computers en route to purchasers to install...

As Fukushima radiation makes landfall on California beaches, Natural News announces lab to test foods for radioactive cesium-137
(NaturalNews) Radiation from Fukushima has reached the shores of California. This has been confirmed...

NASA: The sun has flipped upside down
(NaturalNews) The sun has "flipped upside down," NASA announced at the end of December. Although the star that defines our solar system has not physically flipped, its north and south poles have reversed in a natural process marking the midpoint of what...

WND: The atomic 'lie' about radiation from Japan

Millions of Americans are just now waking up to the danger of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

But are you being told the REAL story?

Read the latest now on

Monday, January 6, 2014

Just The Facts And Not What Is Written In An Upriver Tabloid Regarding Town Manager's Dismissal

Peter Reuter,  The Lisbon Reporter

Are you ready for the lame stream media's cant on what has transpired locally?  I know this will be difficult for many to comprehend but hang on to your shorts.

Simply put the Lewiston Sun Journal and their take on being responsible for printing the facts for the general public to understand has, yet, another intrinsic example of being Lame and Untruthful at best.

The delicately choreographed rendition of the facts by Lisbon Town Councilor Chairman, Lisa Ward lacks not only basic Math skills, but a total and complete simplistic, unorthodox, and misleading display of facts but understand it is Politically Correct.

Let me explain.  First, Stephen G. Eldridge was hired, by a glorious recommendation by the Maine Municipal Association and Interim Town Manager, at that time, none other than COP (Chief of Police) David T. Brooks in January 2008,  it is now January 2014.  Ok, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, in the bag.  One, two, three, four, five, six.  SIX years, not FIVE, that he has literally RAPED the taxpayers of Lisbon.  When Mr. Stephen G. Eldridge began his Municipal management tenure in Lisbon, the 'Rainy Day Fund' or Undesignated Fund Account had over 3 million dollars in there. Currently, there is well below the State minimum guidelines or 12.5 % of total general fund or about $1.3 million dollars.  

People Wake UP.  Attend the Town Council Meetings and Get Involved for the benefit of all of us and please pay attention to the facts and not what is reported in the Lewiston Sun Journal Tabloid.

Below is the article posted tonight on the Sun Journal.

Once again this article must have been approved by the Sun Journal's Day Editor, Judy Meyer.

Nothing in the following article was apparently verified. It is nothing more than a piece of propaganda created in the Lisbon Town Office

Mr. Eldridge's last annual salary in Lisbon, was over $90,000 plus travel expenses, plus other perks. 

Can You See the Light?

Lisbon to hire new town manager‏

 Paula Gibbs, Special to the Sun Journal
 Lewiston-Auburn | Monday, January 6, 2014 at 5:25 pm

LISBON — After five years on the job, Town Manager Steve Eldridge is leaving following a unanimous vote by the Town Council on Friday not to renew his contract. His contract ends today.

Council chairwoman Lisa Ward said the council will appoint an interim town manager at Tuesday night’s meeting.

The vote not to renew the contract was taken at a special meeting of the council Friday night after a discussion held in executive session.

Notice of the special meeting Friday was posted Dec. 31. The agenda included two items in executive session: (1) legal rights and duties of the council; and (2) personnel; and one item in open session: the town manager’s contract.

A press release issued by the town Monday afternoon said, “Mr. Eldridge has served the town of Lisbon as manager since 2008. He is well respected and has been dedicated to the town in many ways, and the council appreciates his hard work and commitment. The council has decided that a new perspective and fresh outlook will benefit Lisbon.”

No other statements were made offering a reason for not renewing the contract.

Efforts to reach Eldridge were unsuccessful.

Ward said she spent much of the day on Monday meeting with department heads and town employees. The council’s regular meetings are the first and third Tuesday of the month. The agenda for Tuesday night’s 7 p.m. meeting, which was sent out Friday afternoon, did not include any agenda items regarding the status of the town manager.

Eldridge was a town manager in Greene and later in Etna, before leaving to assume the town manager’s position in Rumford in 2005. He signed a three-year contract with Rumford, but left after a little more than two years because of a legal challenge on his residency and the length of the contract. The town continued to pay his salary for the remainder of the third year.

A month after leaving Rumford in 2007, he accepted a position as coordinator for a special project to consolidate services in Auburn and Lewiston. Hired for 15 months at an annual salary of $55,000, Eldridge left that position after 10 months to accept the Lisbon job.

Revised Agenda‏ Town Council Meeting January 07,2014

 Please see attachment for a revised Council Agenda. New items: Executive Session - Personnel Matters, Appointment of Interim Town Manager, Treasurer, and Tax Collector.

7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

2014-5a ORDER −1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters





2014-5 ORDER −A. Off Premise Catering Permit - Chick-A-Dee of Lewiston
                             B. Mass Gathering Permit - Positive Change Lisbon/Exempt Fees
                             C. Minutes of September 10, 2013
                             D. Minutes of December 17, 2013

2014-6 ORDER −Mobile Home Property Tax Lien Waivers

A. Water Department Legislative Update



2014-7 ORDER −Interim Town Manager
2014-8 ORDER −Treasurer
2014-9 ORDER −Tax Collector


2014-10 ORDER −
1 MRSA § 405 (6) (E) Consultations with legal counsel - DEP Fine

2014-11 ORDER −
To Adjourn

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  rain ending pm, mtn. squalls. Breezy coast am. Highs 40-48 N/S.
Tuesday; very windy. Dry, mtn. flurries. Lows 3-17 N/S. highs 10-20 N/S.
Wednesday; breezy and dry. Lows 0-8 N/S. highs 15-29 N/S.
Thursday; quiet and dry. Lows 5-15 N/S. highs 18-33 N/S.
Friday;  am flurries. Quiet. Lows 11-22 N/S. highs 23-39 N/S.
Saturday; ice early north: a quiet rain. Lows 20-30 N/S. highs 34-43 N/S.
Sunday; rain early. Breezy. Lows 26-35 N/S. highs 36-48 N/S.
 Flash freeze tonight, stiff winds tomorrow.
 Any subfreezing temps in the remote northern valleys will be scoured out in an hour or two. No additional icing will occur on limbs and power lines, only loading if they are still snow laden from prior storms. Pavement however will be slow to warm inland. Expect glazing for a few hours despite temps rising through the 30s. 

 Periodic rain will end from west to east mid to late afternoon, concluding as snow showers over the mountains. Temps will remain above freezing all day, the thaw persisting. Brisk wind gusts less than 35 mph along the coast east of Casco Bay will slowly ease.
 Gusty west winds will spike briefly late today system wide with the frontal passage, yet should remain below 35 mph.

  Temps will crash after 4PM, as much as 3 degrees/hour. Expect a hard a flash freeze.

 West gusts tomorrow will peak between 10AM and 3PM at 35-40 mph system wide, perhaps strongest within 20 miles of the coast.

 Gusts will not exceed 35 mph Wednesday.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

What has Become of the Forfeiture Funds‏?


Back in September of 2013, the Lisbon Police Department received $71,750.78 in forfeiture funds from the Federal Government. 

These funds have numerous restrictions the money can be used for and Chief Brooks outlined these uses during the October 1, 2013 Town Council meeting.  One of the authorized uses is for law enforcement equipment.  So here is the real question:  “Why has Chief Brooks not utilized these forfeiture funds to purchase any of the items on the Police Department Capital Improvement Plan?”

Another stipulation is that the forfeiture funds cannot be used in lieu of local budget.  This is why it is critical that Chief Brooks use these funds NOW prior to when the budget process begins.  There are several items that meet the stipulations on the Capital Improvement Fund, such as:

1.   Animal Control Vehicle
2.   Mobile Radios
3.   Voter Radio System
4.   Document Imagining Unit

If the forfeiture funds are spent prior to the budget process beginning there is no violation in the use of these funds.  If Chief Brooks delays until the when budget process begins these items on the Capital Improvement Plan will have to be funded by the taxpayers.  Do I have to tell anyone what that means?

Chief Brooks believes that he does not have to answer to the Town Council, but think about this.  How is Chief Brooks going to spend forfeiture funds that have been added to the Town’s fund?  What heading is on the Purchase Order and who is responsible for the Town’s Purchase Orders and Town Expenditures?  I believe that you will find that the Town Council by Charter is responsible for all funds spent in this town.  I understand completely that forfeiture funds can ONLY be used on the Police Department but the Police Department is still part of the town of Lisbon and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of the Town Council. 

The Town Council needs to ensure these forfeiture funds are spent prior to the beginning of the budget process.  This will save the taxpayers approximately $71,000.00 of tax dollars and will meet the requirements of the Department of Justice.

Larry Fillmore

Happy New Year 2014 - Penguins: The Essence Of Freedom

Happy New Year 2014.
"Penguins are the essence of Freedom...
Let there be PEACE on EARTH in 2014."
My best wishes for an amazing year ahead:
May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you.
May the dove of peace rest over you and live in your home.
May the dense forest of love surround you all year round.
May you have a lovely New Year, Ine Braat


Happy New Year! (Auld Lang Syne by Sissel (Live) Happy New Year)

A Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2014 and beyond to Y’all!
Don't worry be Happy!!!

New Year's Prayer by Charlotte Anselmo

Thank you Lord for giving me
The brand new year ahead
Help me live the way I should
As each new day I tread.

Give me gentle wisdom
That I might help a friend
Give me strength and courage
So a shoulder I might lend.

The year ahead is empty
Help me fill it with good things
Each new day filled with joy
And the happiness it brings.

Please give the leaders of our world
A courage born of peace
That they might lead us gently
And all the fighting cease.

Please give to all upon this earth
A heart that's filled with love
A gentle happy way to live
With Your blessings from above.

Judge Jeanine Obliterates Obama In Her New Year's Resolution 1-4-13

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is The Lewiston Sun Journal A Newspaper or Just A Tabloid?


The question here is whether or not the Lewiston Sun Journal is a newspaper or a tabloid.  Every now and then, the Lewiston Sun Journal publishes guidelines for Letters to the Editor.

Now according to the guidelines “The Sun Journal welcomes readers to express their views in the hope these expressions provide a forum for debate.”  It goes on to say “Letters to the Sun Journal should be expressions of the writer’s opinion, not copies of opinions from other sources.”  Apparently these are only words that have no meaning because a resident of Lisbon Falls submitted a Letter to the Editor which I have enclosed.  His letter referenced an Appeals Board Hearing where the Public was denied the right to speak during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.

Is Free Speech Dead at Lisbon “Public Hearings”?

A couple years ago Lisbon Councilors decided to silence their critics by severely limiting public input at Lisbon Council Meetings. They decided to only allow the public to speak on items directly related to an agenda item.

About a month ago the Lisbon Appeals Board went a step further by refusing to take any input from the public at an Appeals Board “public hearing”. Chairman Morgan-Alexander stopped a Lisbon resident from giving relevant safety testimony at this public hearing.  She allowed the applicant and abutters to speak but refused to let the public give opposing relevant testimony.

According to an MMA (Maine Municipal Association) guideline this type of meeting is considered a quasi-legal hearing and is regulated by different guidelines than a legislative public hearing.  If these guidelines are not strictly adhered to the results of the hearing may be subject to costly litigation.

Questions raised by refusing to adhere to MMA guidelines.

What is the purpose of “Public Hearings” if not to hear from the public?

How can the public voice its opposition to unsafe conditions when the Appeals Board refuses to let the public speak?

Has the equal protection requirement been fulfilled when members from the public are not allowed to speak?

This was an appeals board meeting advertised as a “public hearing”. 

It appears Free Speech is on life support in Lisbon.

Ed Stacey

Lisbon Falls

Please review the guidelines the Lewiston Sun Journal published and see if you can see why the letter was not published?  I can verify the Sun Journal called me personally to confirm the facts in the letter and I confirmed it all.  A newspaper would publish the facts to the people.  I believe the mission of a newspaper is to educate their readers in just what is going on in their area.  I contacted concerned citizens in Rumford, Peru, Livermore and Lisbon and come to find out the Lewiston Sun Journal will NOT publish any derogatory information about any towns in the area regardless the validity of the information.  If the Lewiston Sun Journal is not going to publish all the facts and censors free speech, then it is nothing more than a tabloid.

How can the Day Editor, Ms. Judy Meyer, not publish Letters to the Editor that meet the guidelines of the Lewiston Sun Journal?  Ms. Meyer wears two hats.  She is the Day Editor of the Lewiston Sun Journal and she represents the Newspaper Publishers on the State of Maine Right to Know Advisory Committee.   After denying citizens right to free speech by not publishing Letters to the Editor; how can Ms. Meyer sit on the Rights to Know Advisory Committee.  The Rights to Know Advisory Committee suggests that the people have a right to express their opinions in Letters to the Editor without censorship by Ms. Meyer.  How can the owners of the Lewiston Sun Journal ask residents to submit their opinions and then deny letters that meet all of their guidelines?

The reporter for Lisbon is Ms. Paula Gibbs.  Ms. Gibbs does no cover every Town Council meeting but the ones she does cover she leaves in the middle of the meeting and only reports half of what came out in the meetings.  I contacted other towns and the individuals that cover their meeting for the Lewiston Sun Journal does not publish everything that took place at their meetings.  So what is the point of only providing half the information put out in these meetings?  How can subscribers depend on the Lewiston Sun Journal for their news?

I believe subscribers should know that the Lewiston Sun Journal does NOT provide all the information that goes on in this area.

Larry Fillmore

Beep Beep I'm a Milk Truck

Friday, January 3, 2014

Recap Special Town Council Meeting -January 03, 2014‏


Tonight, the Lisbon Town Council made history.   After approximately one and a half hours of deliberation in Executive Session, OUR Town Council voted unanimously not to renew the Town Manager’s contract.  The termination date is effective January 6, 2014.

This is a major step for both the Council and OUR community.  The courage these councilors showed by putting the needs of the community first will go a long way to restoring this community to the best town in Maine.  I personally want to commend each and every councilor for their devotion to the community in this difficult decision.

It is time each and every one of us pitches in to make this community better.  Now, that one of the stumbling blocks has been removed.  I am looking forward to working with this council to make Lisbon a better place to live and raise our children.

Again, thank you councilors for opening the doors for this town to heal and get back on track.  OUR goal should be to make Lisbon the best town in Maine.

Larry Fillmore


Please Stand By,  more to follow!!!!!!


Brooks' Bathroom!

NaturalNews: General Mills says Cheerios is going non-GMO‏ Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
General Mills has confirmed that Cheerios cereal is going non-GMO. Many people are celebrating this "victory" but I'm not so sure it's a big deal at all -- Cheerios are made from oats, and there are no GMO oats.
So Cheerios has already been > 99% non-GMO forever.
Here's the scoop on this announcement and why I remain very skeptical of General Mills, a cereal company with a documented history of deception:

2014 will be an exciting year for Natural News readers and fans! Here's a preview of some of what's coming:

Do you know anyone who still smokes cigarettes? Help them keep their New Year's resolution to quit smoking by sending them this article:

Stay warm during the freeze! Did you know that a fever is actually good for your health? If you catch a cold and get a fever, make sure you know how fevers work:

More news continues below...

Today on
- The new you: How personal change really works
- 5 tips for using apples to clear acne
- Huge money problems face the next generation

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Seeking a low-cost solution to cardiovascular troubles? Hibiscus may be the answer
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WND: Detroit police chief to citizens: Arm yourselves,,, He Learned That From His Maine Experience

  author-image Drew Zahn
 Former gun-control advocate changes tune in combating crime
 Detroit Chief of Police James Craig
 During his 28 years on the police force in Los Angeles, James Craig tended to agree with his state’s tight control over concealed carry permits, believing fewer guns would lead to fewer violent crimes.
But when he moved to Portland, Maine, in 2009 to serve as the city’s new police chief, he discovered a different culture – one where guns actually made people safer.
Now Craig, the chief of police in Detroit, Mich., has a message for the law-abiding folks in his crime-ridden city: Arm yourselves, and criminals will think twice about attacking you.
At a press conference at police headquarters Thursday, the Detroit News reports, Craig praised the deterrent power of a legally armed citizenry.
“When we look at the good community members who have concealed weapons permits,” he said, “the likelihood they’ll shoot is based on a lack of confidence in this Police Department.”
Craig’s statements echoed those he made Dec. 19 on WJR Radio’s “The Paul W. Smith Show”: “There’s a number of [concealed pistol license, or CPL] holders running around the city of Detroit. I think it acts as a deterrent. Good Americans with CPLs translates into crime reduction. I learned that real quick in the state of Maine.
At the press conference Thursday, Craig described his conversion from gun hater to gun advocate.
“Coming from California, where it takes an act of Congress to get a concealed weapon permit, I got to Maine, where they give out lots of [carrying concealed weapon permits, or CCWs], and I had a stack of CCW permits I was denying; that was my orientation,” he said. “I changed my orientation real quick. Maine is one of the safest places in America. Clearly, suspects knew that good Americans were armed.


During his 28 years on the police force in Los Angeles, James Craig tended to agree with his state’s tight control over concealed carry permits, believing fewer guns would lead to fewer violent crimes.
But when he moved to Portland, Maine, in 2009 to serve as the city’s new police chief, he discovered a different culture – one where guns actually made people safer.
Now Craig, the chief of police in Detroit, Mich., has a message for the law-abiding folks in his crime-ridden city: Arm yourselves, and criminals will think twice about attacking you.
At a press conference at police headquarters Thursday, the Detroit News reports, Craig praised the deterrent power of a legally armed citizenry.
“When we look at the good community members who have concealed weapons permits,” he said, “the likelihood they’ll shoot is based on a lack of confidence in this Police Department.”
Craig’s statements echoed those he made Dec. 19 on WJR Radio’s “The Paul W. Smith Show”: “There’s a number of [concealed pistol license, or CPL] holders running around the city of Detroit. I think it acts as a deterrent. Good Americans with CPLs translates into crime reduction. I learned that real quick in the state of Maine.”
At the press conference Thursday, Craig described his conversion from gun hater to gun advocate.
“Coming from California, where it takes an act of Congress to get a concealed weapon permit, I got to Maine, where they give out lots of [carrying concealed weapon permits, or CCWs], and I had a stack of CCW permits I was denying; that was my orientation,” he said. “I changed my orientation real quick. Maine is one of the safest places in America. Clearly, suspects knew that good Americans were armed.”


Former gun-control advocate changes tune in combating crime