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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NaturalNews: Food Babe, Health Ranger spearhead back-to-back grassroots victories for honest food‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Food activism has reached a tipping point!
In just the last week, Food Babe achieved several key victories on the fast food front, forcing Subway and now Chick-fil-A to change their formulations for the better.
On the natural products side, Natural News has spearheaded -- with your help! -- an important victory for superfood protein products.
Check out the details on these victories and more:

We've just launched our new "come clean" rice protein petition! Join it now at:

New farm bill is actually $1 trillion for food stamps:

Beware of synthetic astaxanthin flooding the market -- it's made from petrochemicals!

Three major signs you have mercury poisoning:

More news continues below...

Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Ty Bollinger and RSB discuss options for prostate cancer that do not involve chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Listen in at

Today on
- Is your fish oil made in China?
- Nature's vitamins: what are stilbenoids?
- 8 natural headache remedies

New farm bill allocates 80 percent of $1 trillion spending program toward food stamps; $200 million annually toward advertising for Big Ag
(NaturalNews) The Republican-controlled Congress, with full support from the Democrat-led administration, has passed a monstrosity of a farm bill that allocates hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to fund food stamps and other government welfare...

More medical tyranny: Father sentenced to life in prison after daughter dies following eight vaccinations in one day
(NaturalNews) Just days after a U.K. father was sentenced to life in prison for allegedly killing his own daughter, who reportedly died from unusual head injuries after receiving the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, an American father received...

Three major signs you have mercury poisoning
(NaturalNews) Heavy metals are becoming more pervasive in our food, water, and air supply to the point they are turning up in products that we have previously deemed completely safe. Mercury is one heavy metal in particular that has ended up in our physiology...

Adult entertainer found guilty for helping another woman get deadly butt injections
(NaturalNews) America is a large country, and it is filled with all kinds of folks. That includes individuals who wind up in trouble with the law for, of all things, helping someone get butt injections. According to the New York Daily News,...

Lower your homocysteine levels naturally
(NaturalNews) Homocysteine is an inflammatory amino acid that is produced as a byproduct of protein metabolism. Homocysteine-induced injury to the arterial wall is one of the factors that can initiate the process of atherosclerosis, leading to endothelial...

400 dead dolphins washed ashore in Peru in January
(NaturalNews) Hundreds of dead dolphins splashed up on northern Peru's Pacific Ocean beaches in January, confounding scientists and marine biologists. In all, officials say more than 400 of the mammals have washed ashore in a region where more than...

Obama delays health insurance mandate for mid-sized businesses until 2016
(NaturalNews) The Obama administration has issued yet another delay to a key provision of the Affordable Care Act, a move that has thrown further confusion into an already complex - and deteriorating - healthcare situation. The Treasury Department...

Land of the free? Government shuts down kids' lemonade stands, issues fines
(NaturalNews) The most innocent of childhood business ventures, the lemonade stand, is quickly becoming something of a mascot for the downward spiral of America into an oppressive police state. Local governments all across the country are increasingly...

Meal planning for a ketogenic diet
(NaturalNews) There is a growing segment of the natural health movement that endorses the ketogenic diet as the best nutritional approach. The biggest challenge that people have is navigating how to set up meals to maintain ketosis. When meal planning...

Expert says we're not drinking enough beer
(NaturalNews) For some readers, the headline to this story sounds like a dream come true, most likely. But before you head out to the store for a keg, read on. According to Britain's The Independent newspaper, the country's "Dry January" might...

Copper toxicity: Are you getting too much?
(NaturalNews) Getting too much copper in your diet can produce a whole host of health problems in numerous bodily systems, warns Lawrence Wilson, MD, who runs the nonprofit Center for Development. Although trained as a doctor, Wilson works exclusively...

Coconut oil can help reduce belly fat, study finds
(NaturalNews) While the "superfood" label is often overused in natural health circles, most researchers will admit that coconut oil deserves it. This edible oil, which is produced from the flesh of coconuts, has been shown to possess amazing antiviral...

Eating too much added sugar really is killing you: Study
(NaturalNews) Many Americans were already aware that excessive sugar in their diets could cause a number of health problems, but a new study has found that too much of the sweet stuff can actually lead to premature death. According to researchers at...

How to best enjoy and buy delicious, healthy chocolate, with its fascinating healing history
(NaturalNews) Chocolate has been enjoyed for centuries and used to cure many illnesses. Cocoa is grown in tropical countries and can be eaten as raw cacao, hot chocolate, candy and baked goods. Purchasing chocolate that is organic and certified fair trade...

Back-to-back grassroots victories from Food Babe, Health Ranger rock the world of corporate food
(NaturalNews) If Food Babe were an Olympic gymnast, she would have just pulled off a high-speed triple back somersault with a perfect landing and a unanimous "10" score. From the once-humble site known as, Vani Hari has attracted a massive...

Natural News Labs publishes heavy metals test results for seaweeds and sea vegetables: Kelp, Kombu, Wakame, Nori, Dulse and more
(NaturalNews) Continuing our mission to inform and empower consumers with heavy metals transparency for foods and superfoods, Natural News has just published heavy metals laboratory testing results for over 20...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rufe's Extended Outlook Weather Update‏

Extended Outlook

Today:  am light snow south. Breezy pm. highs 16-28 N/S.

Tuesday; dry, breezy pm. lows 0-14 N/S. highs 10-24 N/S.

Wednesday; quiet and dry. lows 10below-5 N/S. highs 22-29  N/S.

Thursday; snow late. Windy at night. Lows 8-19 N/S. highs 28-38 N/S.

Friday;  morning snow and wind, dry pm. Lows 15-26 N/S. highs 27-37 N/S.

Saturday; flurries north. Breezy. Lows 15-23 N/S. highs 22-36 N/S.=
Sunday; quiet. Snow south? Lows 3-16 N/S. highs 17-29 N/S.
Weather Update 

 The “perfect storm” late Thursday and into the night??
 This refers to the alignment of all parameters to generate a robust northeaster throughout the service area without ice or sleet. It appears that odds are strong favoring this scenario. There is less than a 20% risk of any mixing within 15-20 miles of the coast.  
Snow will overspread southernmost Maine mid morning Thursday, press north rapidly and become heavy very quickly. At rates in excess of 1”/hr the heaviest snow will fall around dusk. Lighter snow will fall overnight, ending by 5AM Friday. The snow will be dense along the coastal plain, classically drier north and northwest. Expect 6”-12”, most near the coast.

 The signature for an inversion is strong. Only within 5 miles of the coast does it appear possible for north/northeast gusts of 30-40 mph during the early nighttime hours.


IMMIGRATION A Dynamic and Colorful Presentation of the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau Data

Immigration - Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed immigration policy presentations on the internet.
Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck

Learn More
NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that favors an environmentally sustainable and economically just America and seeks to educate the public about the effects of high levels of immigration on U.S. overpopulation, the environment, jobs, and wages. We use government data to conduct research on the impacts of U.S. population growth, consumption, sprawl, and current levels of immigration and educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on the results of those and other studies.

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010


The Maine Wire: “WATCH: Pachios on the news with The Maine Wire’s Steve Robinson” plus 3 more‏

WATCH: Pachios on the news with The Maine Wire’s Steve Robinson
Posted: 10 Feb 2014 01:00 PM PST
Maine Wire Editor Steve Robinson joined Harold Pachios for an hour-long interview to be aired on the Community Television Network in the greater Portland area. Watch the interview below. Part I: Becoming conservative at Bowdoin College, Big Labor, Governor LePage and Welfare Dependency    Part II: Economic freedom, Welfare Abuse & Reform, and Minimum Wage
Daily Catch: Conservative health care policy, The Hillary Papers, and voter ID hypocrisy…
Posted: 10 Feb 2014 09:35 AM PST
The Daily Catch is a new daily post The Maine Wire. It will feature top local and national news stories of interest to conservatives. If you have a story you would like included in the Daily Catch, please send an email to Editor Steve Robinson at  – Conservatives Unveil Alternative to Obamacare: A coalition of […]
Sorensen: Dems’ Call Center Bill Sends Clear Message: ‘Don’t Come to Maine’
Posted: 10 Feb 2014 07:10 AM PST
AUGUSTA – Maine House Republicans on Friday panned an anti-jobs bill that targets call centers in the state and had its public hearing before the legislature’s Labor, Commerce, Research, and Economic Development (LCRED) Committee Thursday. The bill, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Troy Jackson (D-Allagash) would inflict a virtual “death sentence” on businesses who move some operations […]
Lawmakers ponder government worker pay raises
Posted: 10 Feb 2014 06:41 AM PST
AUGUSTA – State legislators on Monday will consider a proposal to give government employees $5 million in merit and longevity pay increases. L.D. 1639 is “emergency” legislation sponsored by Sen. Thomas Saviello (R-Somerset). According to the fiscal note for the bill, it will cost approximately $5 million through fiscal year 2014-15. Through fiscal years 2015-16 […]

TMB: White House Draws Red Line on Iranian Ballistic Missile Program‏ plus more

White House Draws Red Line on Iranian Ballistic Missile Program
By Adam KredoThe White House on Monday pushed back against Iran’s efforts to set a “red line” preventing negotiations over its contested ballistic missile program, which has been permitted to continue undeterred under the recently signed interim nuclear accord.

China Shows New Mobile ICBM on Internet 
By Bill GertzChina’s military recently disclosed a new photo of its longest-range mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a key element of Beijing’s large-scale strategic nuclear buildup.

Cover Oregon Scandal Deepens
By CJ CiaramellaOREGON—The story behind the massive failure of the Oregon health exchange website continues to unravel as allegations of fraud and gross mismanagement mount.

Coal Country Voters Express Economic Pessimism
By Lachlan MarkayThe nation’s leading coal-producing states are among its most economically pessimistic according to a new Gallup poll, suggesting widespread concern over new environmental restrictions on the industry that could impact Senate elections in November.

Report: ‘Avalanche’ of Regulations Still to Come Under Obamacare
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe Obama administration has yet to finalize 28 additional regulations under Obamacare that could lead to an “avalanche” of regulatory burden on the economy, according to an analysis by the American Action Forum.

Mullahs Ahoy 
By Adam KredoThe U.S. Defense Department said on Monday that Iranian warships are allowed to sail into the Atlantic Ocean so long as “they understand the responsibilities” of cruising so close to the U.S. border.

A Quick Lesson in Media Bias
By Sonny BunchI try not to go on about media bias too much because, honestly, what good will it do? They’re going to do their thing, we’re going to do ours.

WFB’s Alana Goodman Discusses ‘Hillary Papers’ On CNN

By WFB StaffWashington Free Beacon reporter Alana Goodman discussed her explosive report on a trove of archived documents once belonging to Hillary Clinton confidante Diane Blair Monday on CNN.


Lisbon - On Tuesday, February 25, 2014, the Lisbon School Department will be holding a Community Informational Night to provide an update on the Capital Plan and to share updated projected costs associated with building a new gymnasium and renovations to the track. The meeting will take place at the Lisbon High School Gymnasium, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls from 5:30-7PM. The Lisbon School Department will also be looking for public input in regard to moving forward with a potential bond referendum in June. Please feel free to contact the Superintendent of Schools at 353-6711 X1005 or  if you have any questions related to this evening. We hope that you are able to join us.

NaturalNews: Natural News publishes heavy metals results for seaweeds: nori, kombu, dulse, wakame and more‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've just published detailed heavy metals test results on seaweed and sea vegetables, covering kelp, kombu, wakame, nori, dulse and more:

Chilean lawmakers ban mercury in vaccines:

Vitamin D deficiency linked to a long list of health concerns:

Pesticide formulations over 1000 more toxic than listed ingredients tested for safety:

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: RSB discusses how to get rid of heavy metals by wishing them away. Actually, he’ll be a bit more practical than that. Plus, we’ll reveal a loophole in the law that will allow you to continue to access 100-watt (non-mercury) incandescent light bulbs! Listen in at

Today on
- Health benefits of nori seaweed
- How to detox your lymphatic system
- How to cleanse the body of parasites

Natural News Labs publishes heavy metals test results for seaweeds and sea vegetables: Kelp, Kombu, Wakame, Nori, Dulse and more
(NaturalNews) Continuing our mission to inform and empower consumers with heavy metals transparency for foods and superfoods, Natural News has just published heavy metals laboratory testing results for over 20...

Doctors turn cancer patients away thanks to Obamacare
(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act continues to unravel before the public's eyes, spilling its true guts, releasing more turmoil into the medical industry. Patients and their doctors are now witnessing rationed care and cost controls. In California...

Mercury banned as vaccine ingredient by Chilean lawmakers
(NaturalNews) Here at Natural News we are not advocates of vaccines because we believe they are overrated and dangerous. In fact, in a newly released book by Catherine J. Frompovich called Vaccination Voodoo: What YOU Don't Know About Vaccines...

Vitamin D deficiency linked to host of woes
(NaturalNews) After years of horror stories and hysterical cautions by many media outlets about the harmful effects of the sun and the necessity of slathering on plenty of high SPF sunscreen, the benefits of the vitamin that humans make from their exposure...

Most unique, self-empowering health event of the year coming to Branson, MO, April 3-5
(NaturalNews) The most unique health event of the year is coming to the Midwest, where a hunger for health truth is growing fast. In its second year, the Hungry 4 Health Gala and Organic Festival is set to deliver life-changing information to many...

Pesticide formulations up to 1000 times more toxic than active ingredients tested for safety
(NaturalNews) The same university academic whose controversial research exposed the cancer-causing effects of genetically modified (GM) Bt corn and the Monsanto crop herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) has made another groundbreaking discovery, this time with...

Five dangers to indulging in simple carbs
(NaturalNews) While sugarcane remains one of the world's leading crops, its refined version has become the subject of escalating scrutiny. The white crystals are devoid of nutrients and have a slew of negative effects on health, including diseases such...

Russians successfully grow edible food crops in space
(NaturalNews) Space is not the first place you think of when the subject turns to agriculture, but at some point in the future it might, thanks to some recent breakthroughs by Russian cosmonauts/scientists. According to tech news site Betabeat

Probiotics accelerate weight loss in women, say researchers
(NaturalNews) A Canadian test determined that probiotic supplementation helped women lose weight and keep it off. Why just women? It may have to do with they type or strain used in the test, which didn't affect men in regard to losing or gaining weight...

The pear truth: 7 reasons to eat more pears
(NaturalNews) When it comes to health foods, you hardly ever hear about pears. More often than not, there is more information about prickly pears (or Opunti; paddle cactus) than there is about the actual pear from the Pyrus genus. While pears are...

Marijuana legalization leads to fewer suicides
(NaturalNews) In a culture so saturated in chemicals and synthetics, pesticides and plastics, fragrances and heavy metals, it can be very easy for a person to accumulate a toxic overload in the body and not even know it. Environmental toxins wearing...

Nazis planned to weaponize mosquitoes during World War II
(NaturalNews) They say that desperate times call for desperate measures, and there have rarely been more desperate times in the modern era than during the two global conflicts that marked the 20th century as one of history's bloodiest periods. Before...

Mullein oil, a simple remedy for earaches
(NaturalNews) The common mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.), is in the snapdragon family. The plant is rich in calcium phosphate, iron, magnesium, potassium and sulfur. It is a practical and medicinal plant readily found along roadsides, meadows and...

Veggies of the future: How cyborg plants could help us monitor our world
(NaturalNews) Could plants actually communicate with us in a way that lets us know how to take better care of them? Yes, say scientists and researchers, and in fact, the day is not far off. According to Wired, there is a time coming in the near...

Xylitol: Uncovering the dark side of this popular sugar substitute
(NaturalNews) Many of us who have jumped on the lower-carb bandwagon have embraced xylitol as the darling of natural sugar substitutes. And yet, questionable manufacturing processes and the end product can be problematic - that is, a chemically extracted...

Fruit flies can smell cancer tumors in humans
(NaturalNews) Fruit flies are able to smell the difference between cancerous and healthy cells, and they can even tell the difference between different strains of cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Konstanz in...

Cheap, synthetic astaxanthin derived from petrochemicals flooding the natural products market beginning this month
(NaturalNews) Astaxanthin is one of the most potent algae-based superfood supplements known to the natural products industry. Derived from algae, it is known as "King of the carotenoids" and it demonstrates many supportive health effects in the human...

Heavy metals discussions reveal striking state of denial in the minds of some natural products consumers
(NaturalNews) The reaction to Natural News publishing heavy metals composition tests for natural products has brought to life shocking contradictions in the thinking of some people in the natural products...

FDA cracking down on cattle operations that use dangerous drugs at illegal doses
(NaturalNews) Following an announcement made late last year about new voluntary guidelines for antibiotic use on factory farms, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided to crack down on the use of dangerous veterinary pharmaceuticals at...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lisbon Town Council Workshop Agenda February 11, 2014

7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

• Public Works, Solid Waste, Waste Water Treatment Plant Department Presentations





Lisbon Town Council Meeting February 4, 2014

Part 1

Part 2

Lisbon School Committee Meeting February 3, 2014