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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

UFMB: Aroostook Watchmen with Guest Phil Merletti on Confirmation Hearing of William Schneider For Judgeship

Aroostook Watchmen with Guest Phil Merletti on Confirmation Hearing of William Schneider For Judgeship

 "Condoms for Constituents"
Phil recaps the events of the hearing.
The Judiciary Committee voted unanimously on the confirmation of William Schneider.
03/12/2014 08:00 AM EDT (1:00:04)

Listen HERE.
The 5 Remonstrances, click here.
Maine Judiciary Committee – Confirmation Hearing – William J. Schneider to the Maine District Court, click here.
Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary
Senator Linda M. Valentino (D-York), Chair
Senator John L. Tuttle, Jr. (D-York)  (absent)
Senator David C. Burns (R-Washington)
Representative Charles R. Priest (D-Brunswick), Chair
Representative Kimberly J. Monaghan-Derrig (D-Cape Elizabeth)
Representative Jennifer DeChant (D-Bath)
Representative Matthew W. Moonen (D-Portland)
Representative Stephen W. Moriarty (D-Cumberland)
Representative Lisa Renee Villa (D-Harrison)
Representative Jarrod S. Crockett (R-Bethel)*
Representative Michael G. Beaulieu (R-Auburn)
Representative Anita Peavey Haskell (R-Milford)
Representative Stacey K. Guerin (R-Glenburn)
Representative Wayne T. Mitchell (Penobscot Nation)
Governor Paul LePage
Fax 207-287-1034
E-mail, click here

Senate President Justin L. Alfond (D-Cumberland County)
Senate President’s Office (207) 287-1500
home: 232-4187

Senate Majority Leader Troy D. Jackson (D-Aroostook County)
Senate Majority Office (207) 287-1515
home: 398-4081
cell: 436-0763

Senate Minority Leader Michael D. Thibodeau (R-Waldo County)
Senate Minority Office (207) 287-1505
home: 223-5177

Speaker of the House Mark Eves (D-North Berwick)
(207) 287-1300
Rep. Seth A. Berry, Majority Leader D-Bowdoinham)
House Majority Office (207) 287-1430

Rep. Kenneth Wade Fredette, Minority Leader R-Newport)
House Minority Office (207) 287-1440
The Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) exists to support the Legislature in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to improve the accountability, oversight and performance of State government for the benefit of Maine’s citizens.
Related:  (now former) Secretary of State Charlie Summers, click here.

Recap Eaton Peabody Public Meeting‏


Last night, Mr. Don Gerrish, from Eaton Peabody Consulting, facilitated an informal gathering of residents of Lisbon.  This included two Councilors – Dillon Pesce and Eric Metivier.  The purpose of the meeting was to get an idea of what the people want to see in their new Town Manager.

Approximately twenty residents provided input.  I am going to try and list their suggestions below.  Please understand they are not in any order or priority; also some people asked that the new Town Manager be a CEO/Business Oriented/ or other terms that mean the same.

  1. 1.     People Person
    2.     Reside in town
    3.     Public Relations experience
    4.     CEO
    5.     Visionary
    6.     Look for Long Term Desires
    7.     Tax Base
    8.     Marketing
    9.     History of Integrity
    10.   Sound Communication skills
    11.     Be well organized
    12.     Transparency in Government
    13.       Strong Financial Background

There were numerous other but fell into one of the categories above.

Mr. Gerrish provided a brief outline of the events to follow:

1.      Next, the same type meeting with Department Heads
2.     Monday meeting with the Council to decide what they    are looking for.
3.     Prepare an advertisement to go out.
4.     Review candidates resume.
5.     Narrow the candidates down to 3 to 5 for the Council to review.
6.     Perform background check on the finalists.
7.     Hold an informal gathering for the people to meet the candidate.
8.     Prepare a three year contract on the individual selected.
9.     Completed process will be done no later than May 20, 2014.
10.            Remember the candidate will NOT take over for 30-45 days.

It was an excellent meeting and very constructive.  The people and Mr. Gerrish learned a lot.

Larry Fillmore

NaturalNews: GMOs to unleash global 'ecocide' catastrophe across the planet‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
GMOs will unleash "ecocide" across our planet if allowed to continue, warns a prominent risk assessment scientist.
Here's why GMOs are a risk to all life on planet Earth:

SmartBalance is removing GMO ingredients from their buttery spreads:

Check out this list of amazing herbal cures from around the world:

How Big Food exploits "gray areas" of ingredients with questionable safety for humans:

Much more Natural News here.

The Maine Wire: “Did FOX’s Eric Bolling school Jon Stewart with The Maine Wire’s welfare data?” plus 3 more‏

    Did FOX’s Eric Bolling school Jon Stewart with The Maine Wire’s welfare data?
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 12:05 PM PDT
    Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart blasted Fox News for reporting on welfare abuse. For Stewart, it is beyond the pale to suggest welfare is spent on anything other than food. Fox News host Eric Bolling jabbed back at Stewart by citing reports of welfare cash being spent on alcohol and strip clubs. Technically, Stewart and Bolling are […]
    9 mysterious facts about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 09:44 AM PDT
    Since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously vanished over the Indian Ocean, investigators have uncovered little to suggest why. The Internet has responded with numerous conspiracy theories, but no one really knows what happened. Where is the plane? Its passengers? Why did it disappear without a trace? Here are 9 odd facts about the missing flight, […]
    Daily Catch: Alfond’s odd thoughts on jobs, Dems’ fuzzy math, tax breaks for the rich, and more…
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 09:33 AM PDT
    Solidarity: It’s common knowledge that Maine Democrats march in lockstep with labor unions. But Senate President Justin Alfond (D-Portland) showed just how strong that commitment really is on Tuesday morning when he told Ric Tyler he’d rather Maine workers remain unemployed than take a job that doesn’t require them to pay fees to a union. […]
    Top Maine Democrat would rather have no jobs than workplace freedom
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 07:55 AM PDT
    The top Democrat in the Maine Senate espoused a controversial idea regarding employment on Tuesday morning’s broadcast of WVOM’s George Hale and Ric Tyler Show. The exchange came about is regard to Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s proposed Open for Business Zones (OFBZ). The zones would be located at the now-defunct Loring Air Force base in […]

    Tuesday, March 11, 2014

    Obamacare Very simply put‏

    Here are the 2,700 pages of the Affordable Care Act condensed into one sentence.

    ObamaCare: To insure the uninsured, we first make the insured uninsured, and then make them pay more to be insured again, so the original uninsured can be insured for free.
    Submitted by: 'Gordie'

    The Maine Wire: “NFIB Survey: Small Business Owners Opposed to Medicaid Expansion” plus 4 more‏

      NFIB Survey: Small Business Owners Opposed to Medicaid Expansion
      Posted: 10 Mar 2014 12:25 PM PDT
      AUGUSTA – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) on Monday released a poll showing a majority of its Maine members oppose Medicaid expansion and believe it will lead to higher state taxes. “The survey, released Monday morning by the Maine affiliate of the nonpartisan, nonprofit National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), finds that 93 percent of its Maine […]
      Dem Rep Admits: “I’d rather be Santa than Scrooge…”
      Posted: 10 Mar 2014 12:14 PM PDT
      A Portland Democrat said on Monday she would “rather be Santa than Scrooge,” referring to her party’s unwavering support for growing Maine’s welfare system. Rep. Diane Russell (D-Portland)’s comment followed an exchange between Maine Democratic Party Chairman, Republican Party Executive Director Jason Savage, and The Maine Wire Editor Steve Robinson: Just as food stamps are […]
      Maine Chamber will not support Medicaid expansion
      Posted: 10 Mar 2014 10:34 AM PDT
      The Maine State Chamber of Commerce (MSCC) will remain neutral with regard to Medicaid expansion legislation (L.D. 1487) introduced by Sens. Roger Katz (R-Kennebec) and Tom Saviello (R-Franklin).  The decision follows a vote of the MSCC board in which only a plurality of members, 18, voted to endorse the legislation, while 9 voted against and 10 […]
      Daily Catch: Union Slams O’Care Costs, Chicago Gets a Downgrade, and Liberals Protest Hospital Donation
      Posted: 10 Mar 2014 09:57 AM PDT
      Medicaid Expansion Back Again: Lawmakers in Augusta will likely consider a bill to expand Medicaid this week, although there is some uncertainty which bill will be considered. While recent focus has centered on the compromise proposal introduced by Sens. Roger Katz (R-Kennebec) and Tom Saviello (R-Franklin), Majority Democrats may move House Speaker Mark Eves (D-North […]
      Interview with a Climate Expert
      Posted: 10 Mar 2014 09:11 AM PDT
      The Maine Questioner, “A Voice in the Wilderness”, is pleased to share with you an interview we had recently at our offices in Bangor with Thermal A. Phollie, PhD, esteemed Senior Climatologist at the National Institute of Confabulation. MQ  Good morning, Professor.  We are so pleased that you agreed to take time from your busy […]

      Monday, March 10, 2014

      What Are You Doing Tuesday Night?

                                         QUESTION OF THE DAY???

      Are you going to sit home on the couch tomorrow night watching NCIS or are you going to come to the Town Office at 6:30PM?

      Tomorrow night is a critical moment for our town.  Eaton Peabody Consulting wants to know what the qualities THE PEOPLE feel are important in our next Town Manager.

      If you notice, I said Eaton Peabody Consulting instead of our Town Council.  I know that in the past, our Town Council has not listened to anything the people have said.  However, I believe that at least four Councilors are listening to the people now.  These four Councilors will go a long ways in turning our town around and putting it on the right track.

      It is time the citizens come out to speak and let everyone know what they are looking for in our next Town Manager.  The residents can give up one night of TV to provide input into this critical question.  If you do not show up then there is no telling what you are going to end up with is a Town Manager.  Possibly one who will continue to spend fruitlessly causing your taxes to rise every year.

      The time is now to come out and speak to this firm saying what you want to see in a Town Manager.  So join myself and others tomorrow night at the Town Office at 6:30 PM.

      Remember, if you do not take this time to provide your input; then you have no right to criticize what we get.

      Larry Fillmore

      Dancing with the Staff‏ Grand Finale' Thursday Night March 13th, 2014

      Just the "Bear" Facts, Bear Counting in Canada: RMR Bear Tagging

      "Bear Counting in Canada
      This is wonderful and the audio is hilarious!
      The park is named after the Algonquin Indians.
      This clip is great for animal lovers and young children -- Momma Bear and her three very young cubs in the wild of northern Ontario , Canada . Humane wildlife experts taking a winter bear census right in the hibernation dens.  You'll love this, besides the cute precious 6 week old baby bears (eyes still closed) the guy (Rick Mercer) has some of the funniest lines. This is a special video of re-tagging a mommy bear." Alma S.

      TMB: Israeli Government Says Missile Defense Needs More Funding‏ Plus More

      Lots of stories to read about this morning here.

      NaturalNews: What you're not being told about lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370‏ and more

      Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
      I've watched the news on the vanishing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 more than enough to know there are things you aren't being told.
      So I've assembled six facts about this air disaster mystery that may help clear up some of the myths and misinformation about this unsolved phenomenon:

      The Chinese government has declared their own cafeterias to be non-GMO:

      Exclusive interview: Surgeon explains why back surgery is usually a complete waste (and offers a better solution)

      Maui citizens launch new effort to halt GMO production on the Hawaiian island:

      Today on
      - Ask the expert: Omega-3 fatty acids explained
      - Cancer treatment suffering, and "opting out" of chemo to die with dignity
      - How much sugar do we really eat?
      Read more NaturalNews stories here.

      The Unmaksing of Maine and Beyond: All You Ever Have to Know About Charter Schools

      Click here for important loaded packet relating to history and purpose of charter schools, documents related to tax-funded school choice, Canadian Failing Grades video and list of participants in project, Minnesota’s pioneer work with charter school concept, etc., etc.
      Read EVERYTHING in attachment carefully.
      What an expose!
      Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
      Former Senior Policy Advisor
      U.S. Department of Education
      To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

      The Unmaking of Maine and Beyond: Bill Windsor – Lawless America Show Returns Sunday Night, March 16, 2014

      Bill will resume the  Lawless America broadcasts on TalkShoe next Sunday night, March 16, 2014 at 7 pm Central Time. Bill says “the show needs to continue at least once a week, so that’s my goal.”
      Lawless America with William M. Windsor
      Talkshoe # (724)444-7444 Call ID: 115884

      Sunday, March 9, 2014

      Friday, March 7, 2014

      Maine's Circle of Corporational Corruption and Complexity Widens; Unmasking of Maine and Beyond:Maine Governor LePage Nominates Former AG William Schneider For Judgeship


      Maine Judiciary Committee – Confirmation Hearing – William J. Schneider to the Maine District Court

      Tuesday: March 11, 2014
      Room 438 of the State House

      1:00pm CONFIRMATION HEARING- Honorable Robert E. Mullen to the Maine Superior Court

      2:00pm CONFIRMATION HEARING- Honorable Daniel I. Billings to the Maine Superior Court

      3:00pm CONFIRMATION HEARING- Honorable William J. Schneider to the Maine District Court

      Now to follow all of this you must first be willing to educate yourself on the facts.  First, the State of Maine, is a Corporation.

      Next we are providing you with a whole lot of information based on facts not opinions.  So if you cannot follow along or do not care do not blame us for not trying.  And May God Help US All.

      States Gov. LePage “In choosing judges, my focus is on the qualifications, demeanor, and integrity of the candidates, not politics.”

       William Schneider does not possess the qualifications, integrity, ethics, honesty nor trustworthiness of a judgeship.
      As former Attorney General, he failed in his duties and obligations as Maine’s top law enforcement officer. His Obstruction of Justice, malicious prosecutions and selective prosecutions have interfered with justice and the rule of law. As he was unable/refused to perform his duties and obligations as Attorney General, his lack of respect for law and justice and his lack of honor in a position of public trust will not enhance public confidence in the legal system with Mr. Schneider on the bench.  
      Additionally, this is contrary to the precepts upon which the Maine Code of Judicial Conduct is founded.
      Mr. Schneider will carry his bias, prejudicial and selective “web of deceit” into the courtroom.

      This nomination/confirmation must be opposed.

      Related:  Maine Governor LePage Nominates Former AG William Schneider For Judgeship, click here.

      An unrelated, but yet related happenings in another community:

      Thursday, March 6, 2014

      ***Special Announcement*** Public Meeting For Input On Qualities Wanted For New Town Manager

                                                                   ATTENTION ONE AND ALL



                                       DATE:  MARCH 11, 2014
                                             TIME:  6:30 PM
                                  LOCATION:  TOWN OFFICE

      LCS Presentation of Budget for 2014-2015 by Superintendent Rick Green


      6 Year Cost Breakdown

      Complete Presentation

      GreatFallsTV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting March 4th, 2014

      Wednesday, March 5, 2014

      Voting on the Municipal Budget by Department‏

                             Voting on Municipal Budget by Departments


       Lisbon Town Councilor Roger Bickford

      November 8, 2011

      QUESTION 9: Advisory Referendum Question

      Do the voters of the Town of Lisbon wish to vote on an amendment to the Town Charter that, if enacted, would require voter approval at a referendum election for each annual Municipal Budget?  

                                 Ward 1            Ward 2        Total   
      YES                    987                1038            2025
      NO                      228                286            514             

      December 3, 2013 Town Council Meeting Minutes

      Councilor Bickford thanked voters for voting for him and putting him in office another term.  Councilor Bickford referred to the referendum which was passed to allow the public to vote on the Town Budget and explained that in June voters will be voting on something proposed by David Bowie regarding voting on budgets.  He mentioned that perhaps not everyone would be happy with it since it may not be strong enough, but he hoped most would like it. 

      At last night’s Town Council meeting, March 4, 2014, the question was asked when the Council was going to start on the wording of the Charter changes needed to allow the voters to vote on the Municipal budget since Councilor Bickford had stated on December 3rd, 2013, that this would be on the June 2014 ballot.  However, according to Councilor Bickford the only change is to lowering the requirements on a people’s petition from 15% to 10% of voters in the last gubernatorial election.

      I have included the November 8, 2011 referendum question as it was worded on the ballot.  Nowhere in the referendum question does it mention lowering the requirements on a people’s petition.  In fact, it does not mention having to file a people’s petition every year in the referendum in question.  Apparently, the Council cannot read English or they are purposely ignoring the taxpayers of Lisbon. 

      I was of the understanding that the voting process was the people’s way of expressing their feelings.  The process is to reflect the desires and concerns of the people.  By looking at the results of the voting, the people did not ask or want the Council to lower the requirements on a people’s petition.  These Councilors are elected as our representatives and they have been delaying the people’s right to vote on the Municipal budget with numerous surveys and referendum questions.  The people asked to vote on the Municipal budget back in 2009 and it took two years to get a referendum question on the ballot.

      This is the exact reason we have such a low turnout at election time.  Why waste your time voting if our representatives are going to totally ignore our wishes?  The results of the referendum in question were overwhelmingly clear and still our Councilors are playing games with the people. 

      This is not only disturbing but disgraceful. 

      Please call your Councilors and let them know how you feel.

      Larry Fillmore

      Recap Town Council Meeting -March 4th, ‏, ,2014


      At last night’s Town Council meeting, it was business as usual.  It was tension free and Councilors followed their normal pattern. 

      Under Council Orders, Resolutions, and Ordinances – There were three items and all three were approved with a 7-0 vote.  These three items were: (1) Review and approve Council schedule through June 30 and fiscal year (FY) 2015 operating budget timeline; (2) Lisbon code book for schedule amendments and (3) Approve the charge for the Finance Committee recommendation to Council with two amendments.  One was to add “with input by the Town Manager to item number 4 and second to add Review a donation policy to be completed no later than July 1st.

      Under Other Business – There was an excellent presentation by Superintendent Richard Green on the 2014-2015 School budget.  It is in its early stages with a lot of variables still unknown but at present there is a $232,877.00 shortfall.  

      This was followed by Mr. Steve Warren who updated the Council on the Trail Commissions projects for the future.  The Trails Commission recommended NOT putting a sidewalk on Davis Street.   

      Next, there was a lengthy discussion on the direction for the FY 2014-2015 budget which ended with going with a maintenance budget and then a listing of options and recommendations to eliminate a part or all of the $500,000.00 shortage we are facing right now.  

      Finally, Chairwoman Lisa Ward announced that she had talked to Eaton Peabody Consulting on the time frame for getting a new Town Manager.  According to the timeline, they are hoping to have the process finished by mid-May.

      Under New Business – The question was asked when the council was going to start work on getting the people the right to vote on the Municipal budget by department as stated by Council Bickford in a previous meeting.  The answer provided by Councilor Bickford was that this was not going to happen instead the Council was going to lower the requirements for a petition from 15% to 10% of the voters in the last gubernatorial election. 

      The Council went into Executive Session to discuss a Personal Matters & Human Rights Commission Complaint, Town Manager Search and the Interim Town Manager Contract followed by Union Contract, Dispatch Service Agreement & Cable TV Franchise Agreement.

      Larry Fillmore

      Budget cuts‏

      Hi All;

      At last night's council meeting there was talk of ways to cut the town budget. As we all know the town is in serious financial straits.

      About two years ago former Town Manager Steve Eldridge hired a Town Planner at a cost of $20,000 per year.

      She worked on the Route 9 illegal business problem and got that straightened out.

      She has worked with the Planning Board.

      She is completing a Town of Lisbon Master Plan and Design Standards, to attract new businesses and industry.


      It would seem that we are now on the right track.

      The Master Plan should be approved soon.

      The Planning Board, with her guidance, is on the right path.

      The Codes Enforcement Office is in capable hands,

      and we have a highly paid Development Director who should be promoting the Town of Lisbon and all we have to offer.


      Have you ever heard of the adage, "Working yourself out of a job"?


      If you do the job you were hired to do well enough, everyone should be able to carry on without you.

      Mrs. Bunker has done an admirable job. We should now be able to carry on without her services, at a savings of $20,000 per year!


      Dot Fitzgerald

      GJWHG: COP TALKS TO ARMED OPEN CARRY ADVOCATES: Says He Feels Safer With Them Around

      Best Cop Interaction Ever On An Open Carry Walk! -Come And Take It Austin Tx 


      By GJWHG
      As we’ve noted in previous reports, sometimes things can spin out of control when open carry activists and police officers meet. That was certainly not the case in Austin, Texas, when an officer responded to a call about “suspicious” men openly carrying rifles.
      In a video posted on YouTube in January by the activist group Come and Take It Texas, an officer is seen approaching the armed men in a non-aggressive fashion.
      “Just checking you guys out,” he says in the video. “I already know the law.”
      The officer, which the group identifies as Mark Dale with the Austin Police Department, even jokes with one of the men about his holstered squash. The man said he was openly carrying the squash as a joke because he’s unable to openly carry a pistol in Texas.

      Read more at 

      As we’ve noted in previous reports, sometimes things can spin out of control when open carry activists and police officers meet. That was certainly not the case in Austin, Texas, when an officer responded to a call about “suspicious” men openly carrying rifles.
      FOLLOW GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS ON FACEBOOK! In a video posted on YouTube in January by the activist group Come and Take It Texas, an officer is seen approaching the armed men in a non-aggressive fashion.
      “Just checking you guys out,” he says in the video. “I already know the law.”
      The officer, which the group identifies as Mark Dale with the Austin Police Department, even jokes with one of the men about his holstered squash. The man said he was openly carrying the squash as a joke because he’s unable to openly carry a pistol in Texas.


      How Fitting? BrasscheckTV: Politics, Propaganda and Pipelines‏

      A look at how bought-and-paid-for
      politicians and bogus television ads
      sell Americans on things they'd
      be much better off with out. 
      - Brasscheck

       “We need the Keystone XL Pipeline”
      So says political hacks-r-us

      Oil Truth Part 2: The Keystone XL Pipeline


       The best opinions money can buy

      There’s lot of money involved in this so there’s been lots of purchased media.
      There’s two kinds of purchased media:
      1. Bought and paid for ads
      2. Bought and paid for politicians
      This video highlights both the ads and the political hacks.
      Jobs, job, jobs. Not quite.
      Lower energy prices. Not quite.
      Why do we need Keystone XL Pipeline...
      Make sure you watch to the end.
      By the way, as you know, we are not Obama fans and we generally believe in the free market, but we’re also sane “sovereignists” and believe that nations, states and communities should do what’s best for them, not follow the agendas of whoever can buy the most politicians or TV ads.
      So do we need the pipeline for jobs and lower energy prices. Is it a no-brainer.
      No and no and no.

      - See more at:

      Eagle Rising: PROOF Obama Should Be Impeached Plus More

      The Case to Impeach President Obama


       The Case to Impeach President Obama
      By Onan Coca / 5 March 2014 /

      The Case to Impeach President Obama

       The case to impeach President Obama is strong. Don’t believe us? Well, watch this.


      More Articles: