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Friday, March 21, 2014

How Much Does A "Hot" Dog Cost The Taxpayers' Of Lisbon?


Lisbon Fire Chief Sean Galipeau, Police Chief David T. Brooks at a recent Town Council Meeting.

On or about 1130 hours March 21, 2014, I witnessed the Lisbon’s Fire Command vehicle traveling along Lisbon Street.  I could not see how many people were in the vehicle.  I then proceeded to my grandson’s eye doctor’s office to see if I could get his glasses fixed.  After, I leave his eye doctor’s office, I took my two grand kids to lunch at Simones Hot Dog Stand at 99 Chestnut Street in Lewiston.  Upon arrival at approximately 1200 hours, I was shocked to see Lisbon’s Fire Command vehicle parked in front of Simones.

Upon entering Simones, I observed Chief Sean Galipeau sitting with an unknown female companion.  Mr. Richard Mains was talking to Chief Galipeau at the time.  Chief Galipeau and his female companion finished their lunch and proceeded to the town owned Fire Command vehicle.  I personally observed this unknown female companion get into the town owned vehicle and they drove off.  I had people tell me that Chief Galipeau carries his friend's kids and his kids to school every morning but I have never witnessed this because I do not get up that early.

Why are the taxpayers paying for a vehicle, gas and maintenance for Chief Galipeau to utilize for his personal use? 

Are the taxpayers' paying for the liability insurance on this vehicle and does it cover unknown female companions?  This is a gross violation of town policy on the utilization of town owned vehicles. 

It is not right whether a person is on duty or not to utilize a town owned vehicle for his personal use.  Chief Galipeau was not in uniform at the time so I am going to assume he was off-duty.  When Chief Galipeau is off duty, I am sure that he has appointed another qualified Officer to fill in for him.  Chief Galipeau has got to be held accountable for his action and a tighter control has to be implemented to eliminate town employees using town owned vehicles for their personal use at taxpayers’ expense.

How many more town employees are doing this; how long has this has been going on and how much has it cost the taxpayers?

Larry Fillmore

BrasscheckTV: A little humor to end the week on...‏

It's been a long time since we had
a laugh. 
Here's a good one. 
- Brasscheck

Miss USA
"Should Math Be Taught In Schools?"
Dumbing Down

Miss USA 2011 — Should Math Be Taught In Schools? 



Funny, but we're not that far from this
No one actively prevents people from learning.
It's not like slave days where it was a crime to teach slaves to reach and write and a crime for them to learn how.
Yet, our culture - as projected by television - doesn't really encourage learning,does it?
This video is a joke, but it skates uncomfortably close to the truth.
What do you call a society that has every opportunity to learn, but actively chooses not to?
"Doomed" is one word that comes to mind.

- See more at:

Miss USA
"Should Math Be Taught In Schools?"
Dumbing Down
- See more at:
Miss USA
"Should Math Be Taught In Schools?"
Dumbing Down
- See more at:

GOPDD: [Watch] Actual U.S. Military Documents Detail Civilian Interment, Re-education Camp Plans

by Rick Wells

Obama Signs Order Instituting YOUR SLAVERY


While long dismissed as nothing more than unfounded “conspiracy theory,” these documents provide the foundation to prove that, at the very least, the prospect of government interment and reeducation camps is being discussed. It appears to at least be one method being considered and perhaps implemented by the Federal government to control the American people.

What event will used to trigger this type of suspension of our Constitutional rights is unknown to any outside of the cadre that is working to make it all happen, but none of it is good.

This is an excellent video which provides hard evidence, by the hand of the U.S. Government and Military documents which are very disturbing to liberty-loving Americans.
America’s military is full of patriots who would never go along with these plans. But a purged military, working in conjunction with B. Hussein Obama’s “domestic police force” wouldn’t have those same reservations.

This is a good video and it needs to be shared with anyone willing to sit down long enough to watch it. The government has been acting very strangely since 9/11. This is another damning piece of evidence in the puzzling explanation as to what they are up to.

Rick Wells is a conservative Constitutionalist author who contributes to conservative media outlets.
 If you ever wondered if there was a government plot to destroy your life and the lives of those you love, wonder no more! This video provides eye-opening evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a scheme being devised, and great wealth being spent to overthrow the people of the United States. But then, we could have just learned this lesson from history.

Covertly, we're already slaves of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel by virtue of the fact that we use their fiat currency. But most don't know that Washington's Criminal Organization has made quite a bold and blatant move with this!!

And yes, presidents are puppets, but the legal actions they install can have a VERY real bearing on your life if brainwashed thugs continue in their unquestioning role as agents of the Government Mafia.

Download link for Executive order 13603:

Download link for FM 3-39.40:

Army hiring for these internment camps:

Special thanks to Aaron at StormCloudsGathering for compiling some of the information used in this video.

Check out his channel and consider subscribing.

Do You Know What This Is?


 It is what your grand parents and their parents etc. use to put in their desktop computers to text with!!!
 It very compactly fit into this type of portable device.
Each key you see was about the size of a Dime!

Now in the time period of the mid to late 1970's technology really took a leap into the future with this item.

Now 2014 it looks like this.

Remember Do Not Text and Drive, someone's Life Depends on it, just might be your own.
Hands Free Driving, Hands on the Wheel not the Phone.
Wow has technology changed huh!?!

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

The Maine Wire: “Baldacci condemns Maine Democrats’ “murder” message on Medicaid expansion” plus 2 more‏

Baldacci condemns Maine Democrats’ “murder” message on Medicaid expansion
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 11:13 AM PDT
Former Maine Gov. John Baldacci, a Democrat, condemned the Maine Democrats’ Medicaid expansion mudslinging campaign during a Thursday morning segment of WGAN’s Ken and Mike Show. The Maine People’s Alliance, a Democratic political activism non-profit, launched a website ( that suggests Republican Gov. Paul LePage and many GOP legislators are killers for refusing to support […]
Maine Legislature sets hearings for welfare reform
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:41 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Public hearings have been scheduled for a full slate of welfare reform proposals introduced by House Republican Leader Ken Fredette (R-Newport) and Gov. Paul R. LePage. Hearings on four bills will be held on Tuesday at 1:00PM in the Health and Human Services Committee room. The bills to be heard include Fredette’s proposal to […]
Top 10 Highest Paid Maine State Employees in 2013
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 07:16 AM PDT
The Maine State Controller’s office has released state payroll data for 2013. Here’s a list of the top ten highest paid state employees: 10. Sheila G. Pinette – $163,480.96 – Department of Health and Human Services, State Health Officer and Director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention 9. Leigh I. Saufley – […]

TMB: How Democratic Donors Benefit Financially from Climate Policy‏ and More

How Democratic Donors Benefit Financially from Climate PolicyBy Matthew Continetti
Some lies just won’t go away. In February the Washington Post published an article with the following headline: “Why There’s No Democratic Version of the Koch Brothers’ Organization.” 

Bureaucratic Backlog
By Elizabeth Harrington
In 2010 a Swiss company successfully completed Phase III trials for a groundbreaking vaccine to fight a rare but deadly strain of meningitis. Four years later, outbreaks of Meningitis type B (MenB) are spreading in college campuses across the United States, though the product still awaits approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

Echoes of the Past
By Anna Borshchevskaya 
Analysts drew comparisons between Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler following the Russian president’s speech announcing the annexation of Crimea March 18.

Lawmakers Call for State Department Action on Nicaraguan Regime
By Daniel Wiser
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers is raising concerns about Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s efforts to undermine democracy and the rule of law in the Central American country.

Who Said It—Putin or Hitler?
By Andrew Stiles
Russian president Vladimir Putin on Wednesday followed in the footsteps of history’s most notorious power-mad dictators by formally endorsing the armed invasion and annexation of Crimea in the name of ethnic solidarity.


50 States, 50 Stories

Why does Harry Reid call these Obamacare victims liars?

Whether it’s been soaring premiums, insurance cancellations, frustrations with the state and federal exchanges, cutting employee hours or even daycare centers closing down, the Affordable Care Act’s negative effects have touched all 50 states.
Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.) saw it a different way in a strange outburst on the floor Feb. 26, calling all Obamacare horror stories “lies” and “stories made up from whole cloth.”
Here are 50 states worth of Harry Reid’s liars.

NaturalNews: University jerseys, key chains contain crazy levels of toxic chemicals, heavy metals‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Breaking news: University jerseys, key chains and memorabilia have been found to contain CRAZY levels of toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
Some of these toxins contribute to neurological damage. It gives a whole new meaning to the term "March Madness."
See the shocking results yourself:

CNN embarrassed itself today with a discussion showing the incredible scientific illiteracy of mainstream media journalists. If you can stomach it, check out this bizarre conversation about Flight 370, black holes and the destruction of the entire universe, courtesy of CNN stooges:

Famed author of the China Study releases a new book claiming the low-carb diet is a "fraud." Is he right?

Fact check: Nearly one million Obamacare "enrollees" have never paid any premiums! So how can they really be enrolled?

Why you need more glutathione:

more news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB talks with Dr. Frank King about the 8 essential to be rid of headaches and migraines. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- GMOs, a food to die for. Literally.
- Moringa the miracle tree
- Dulse a great source for nutrients
 More of Today's headline news here at:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

FBI Agent: Attack is Coming & White House is Aiding the Enemy!

Counter-terrorist expert and FBI agent warns senior officials as high up as the White House are assisting in the next attack on the U.S.

FBI Agent: Attack is Coming & White House is Aiding the Enemy!

 Is this for Real or just another Smoke Screen? 

BrasscheckTV: The Bubble To End All Bubbles‏

The focus lately is on the the Ukraine, 
but a bigger story - and one much 
harder to resolve and potentially
explosive - is unfolding in China. 
The current market tremors there may not 
be the collapse many have been expecting, 
but if not now a "readjustment" is 
virtually inevitable. 
Weathering an "economic adjustment" 
that involves over 1 billion people, many
already p'ed off is not going to be an
easy thing to manage. 
- Brasscheck

China: The bubble to end all bubbles
Hidden in plain sight
 China is now the second largest economy in the world and for the last 30 years China's economy has been growing at an astonishing rate. While Britain has been in the grip of the worst recession in a generation, China's economic miracle has wowed the world.

It is a story of spending and investment on a scale never seen before in human history -- 30 new airports, 26,000 miles of motorways and a new skyscraper every five days have been built in China in the last five years. But, in a situation eerily reminiscent of what has happened in the west, the vast majority of it has been built on credit.

This has now left the Chinese economy with huge debts and questions over whether much of the money can ever be paid back. Interviewing key players including the former American treasury secretary Henry Paulson, Lord Adair Turner, former chairman of the FSA, and Charlene Chu, a leading Chinese banking analyst, Robert Peston reveals how China's extraordinary spending has left the country with levels of debt that many believe can only end in an economic crash with untold consequences for us all.


"There is no way to grow out of this problem"

Lend me a billion dollars and I can be a billionaire too...until it's time to pay it back.

Then the question will be did I put the money in a place where I get a return...and where the money returns at all.

If not, there's going to be a little problem.

While the world cheered - because the world needed to sell China commodities and other things at high prices to stay afloat - China went on a borrowing spree that is unmatched in world history.

John Law was a timid amateur in comparison.

This is not to take anything away from the accomplishment of the Chinese people. Given the chance, they carried out a building boom like no other.

How the loaned money is going to be repaid is another question.

But like I say about least they'll have some fancy ruins to live in.

But don't ask for whom the bell tolls. Keep in mind the Chinese sleight of hand act has been the thing holding the whole global financial system together.

Commentary from:

Henry Paulson ,former American treasury secretary Lord Adair Turner, former chairman of the FSA, Charlene Chu, a leading Chinese banking analyst,

If and When you do your research you will find that Chinese Business Interests have just purchased some very valuable property on Wall St.  Let you figure it out!  And the World cannot find an almost 200 ft. wingspan, 600,000 pound airliner with 239 humans on board.  OK, What Is Really Going On?  God Bless All Families Involved with Flt. 370.
China: The bubble to end all bubbles
Hidden in plain sight
- See more at:

WND EXCLUSIVE 2 More State Houses Join Plan To Rein In Feds

Convention would open door to new limits on Washington’s power
By Bob Unruh

Two more state Houses have joined a plan to rein in the power of the federal government by calling for a convention at which representatives of the states would enact new limits on Washington’s power.
Congress, the White House, even governors, would have little to say about it.
According to Convention of States, a project of a group called Citizens for Self-governance, the state House of Representatives in Arizona and its counterpart in Alaska have adopted the plan to call a convention of the states for the purpose of constitutional amendments.
The organization’s outreaches now are heading to Oklahoma and Colorado.
WND reported March 6 when the Georgia legislature became the first to pass an application “to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.”
State Sen. Cecil Staton, R-Macon, said at that time he was “pleased that the Georgia legislature has given voice to the frustrations of millions of Georgians.”
“Enough is enough. It is time to impose fiscal and other restraints on our runaway federal government. We urge other states to join us,” said Macon, the primary sponsor of the resolution.
“We Georgians have become the hope of the nation today,” said Jacqueline Peterson, the Georgia state director for the Convention of States Project. “Many thanks to our state legislators for standing for liberty. May God bless us, every single one!”
The idea is to have an Article V Convention of States, the one process the U.S. Constitution gives to citizens to bypass the White House, Congress and even their own governors to establish a new path for the nation.
The president in 2017 could face new limits on executive orders, Commerce Clause actions, a balanced federal budget and a ban on using international treaties to govern inside the U.S. if the state-based movement is successful.
There could even be term limits for Supreme Court justices and Congress, and a mandatory sunset of all existing federal taxes.
The ideas are being discussed in legislatures where a Convention of the States has been proposed.
Thousands of Americans already have signed on in support of the idea that Americans themselves need to address Washington’s massive spending, over-regulation and takeover of authority from states

Read more here.
Convention would open door to new limits on Washington's power

This just might All work, if we do not find Ourselves under Martial Law by then.

Won't You Stand And Fill The Gap?

Lisbon Town Council Meeting & Workshop March 18th, 2014

Title 1

Title 2

A Plastic Story That Really Hits Home; BDN: Tests of 25 Mainers find high levels of chemicals used in plastics

By Jackie Farwell, BDN Staff
AUGUSTA, Maine — The test results are in for 25 Mainers who recently volunteered to test their bodies for a battery of chemicals commonly found in consumer products.
Every participant, from current and former lawmakers to mothers and an electrician, tested positive for phthalates, a group of chemicals used to soften plastics that studies have linked to serious health problems, such as reproductive birth defects among boys and higher rates of asthma and allergies, according to the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine, a coalition of environmental and health organizations that announced the findings Tuesday afternoon at a State House event. Levels in some participants far exceeded national averages.
Paige Holmes, 34, who lives in Lisbon with her two young sons, tries to avoid phthalates by using glass and stainless steel containers instead of plastic and switching out her vinyl shower curtain for a cloth one. Since becoming pregnant with her first boy seven years ago, she has taken steps — from buying organic and local foods to making her own household cleaners to reading product labels — to limit her family’s exposure to chemicals.
So she was astounded to discover she had the highest overall level of phthalates in the study group. Two types of phthalates commonly found in personal care products were detected in her body at levels higher than those of more than 90 percent of all Americans.
“I’ve done so much, I had thought, to protect my family, and then to see that I had the highest levels despite everything I had done to be proactive about this was just really shocking,” Holmes said.

Continue reading more here.

TMB:Chinese Police University Trains Beijing Hackers

Network attack training unit part of Chinese cyber warfare capability

China’s main internal security and police university is training hackers for cyber attacks, according to new information obtained by the U.S. government.
The People’s Public Security University in Beijing, a part of the Ministry of Public Security that trains all of China’s police and internal security troops, has several units engaged in training and operations for cyber attacks.
One section of the school was identified last month as a key training center for police network attack operations: The Network Attack and Defense Laboratory. The lab uses Chinese software that was identified last year by officials as designed for training cyber warfare operators and spies.
Disclosure of the police training unit for Chinese hackers follows several U.S. reports made public last year that identified China’s primary military hacking force as Unit 61398, located near Shanghai.
Another Chinese school, Wuhan University, also has been linked by U.S. intelligence agencies to cyber attacks against the West.
Chinese cyber attacks against the United States have been carried out on a large scale since the early 2000s. The attacks have been detected against both government and private sector networks and have involved the loss of defense and commercial secrets as well as the potential for future sabotage in a crisis or conflict.

Continue on with much more reading here.

Follow Today's headline stories here.

The Maine Wire: “Maine State Payroll Fun Facts: Recreation Therapists, Entomologists, Cartographers, and Potato Storage Consultants?” plus 3 more‏

Maine State Payroll Fun Facts: Recreation Therapists, Entomologists, Cartographers, and Potato Storage Consultants?
Posted: 19 Mar 2014 12:27 PM PDT
State payroll data for 2013 has been made public. Searching through the job titles yielded some interesting finds. The state of Maine employs 8 “cartographers” for a cost to taxpayers of more than $371,000. Departments with map makers include: Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Public Safety, Economic and Community Development, Conservation, and Health and Human Services. […]
Top 10 Highest Paid Maine State Workers
Posted: 19 Mar 2014 12:14 PM PDT
The Maine State Controller’s office has released state payroll data for 2013. Here’s a list of the top ten highest paid state employees. Note: the dollar amount includes regular wages, stipends, overtime pay, and all benefits, including health insurance, life insurance, dental, and pension cost. - – - Top 10 Highest Paid State Employees 10. […]
Statutory Parenting: Liberals Deny Job Opportunities for Teens
Posted: 19 Mar 2014 09:36 AM PDT
From David Sorensen, House GOP Communications Director: Popular bill to let teens work in bowling alleys, theaters shot down by nanny-staters in House AUGUSTA – A bill introduced by the Department of Labor with the support of the Maine School Management Association to expand work opportunities for high school students was rejected with a party […]
Dems Agree to Pull Spending Amendment from Gov’s Rainy Day Fund Bill
Posted: 19 Mar 2014 09:13 AM PDT
From David Sorensen, House Republican Communications Director AUGUSTA – The Maine Legislature’s Appropriations and Financial Affairs (AFA) Committee agreed early Wednesday morning to approve L.D. 1807, the Governor’s bill to restore $21 million to the state’s rainy day fund, with a clean vote. Late last week, Democrats in a party line committee vote added an $18 million […]

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Town Office Operating Hours Survey‏

Town of Lisbon
Town Office Operating Hours Survey
Please click on the following link to participate in a short survey:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Lisbon Town Council

Recap Town Council Meeting & Workshop March 18, 2014


At last night's Town Council meeting, it was different.  Two residents complained about the Chairman of the Trails Commission coming on to their property unannounced and trying to get them to buy into different projects involving their privately owned land.   One of the residents asked the council to remove him as Chairman of the Trails Commission but no action was taken at this time.

Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances, there were three items on the agenda.  The first was a short discussion about the Trails Commission which ended with no action being taken.  Second, Chief Brooks presented to the council a form sent by the state for approval to accept $983.00 in forfeiture funds.  The Council approved this with a vote of 7-0.  Finally, the Town Clerk presented bids for the publishing of the Annual Town Report.  The Council approved the bid from Xpress Copy for $1,126.00 by a vote of 7-0.

Under Other Business, the Finance Director provided the council with her monthly report.

Under New Business there were four questions asked.  The first about the fire at the town garage and what was being done to fix this and had anyone given any thought to building a new facility.  The Interim Town Manager provided an excellent and in-depth briefing on where the town is on the negotiations with the insurance company.   

 Next, the question was asked about providing information about the Maine Human Rights Commission.  The response was that no details could be released because it involves a personnel issue.  Also the question was asked as to the current status of the litigation on the $32,500.  The Council will find out the answer.  

 Finally, the question was asked as to why the people have not been allowed to vote on the Municipal Budget since 2008.  A Referendum Question was asked if the people wanted to vote on the Municipal Budget in November 2011 and the results were 2025 Yes and 514 No.  According to Chairwoman Ward, this question was asked 77 times and answered 77 times.  Also, there are a lot of work needs to be done on rewriting the Charter in order to make this happen.   You would think that since 2011 would have been plenty of time to work out all of the details necessary to give the people what they want.

Next, the Council adjourned and move into a Workshop.  The Interim Town Manager provided a briefing on the 2014-2015 Municipal Budget.  Also, the following departments gave their budgets:  Finance/Tax ; Town Clerk; Town Manager; Codes/Assessing and Economic & Community Development.  It is my understanding these slides along with the proposed 2014-2015 Municipal Budget will be posted to the town web site shortly.

Larry Fillmore

***Special Announcement*** Judicial Watch: Big Government Transparency Crisis Panel‏

"DC Transparency Crisis Panel"

Please join us
LIVE as Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner; Christopher Horner, Competitive Enterprise Institute; and Daniel Epstein, Cause of Action discuss transparency issues in the age of big government.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Panel from 2 - 3:30 PM ET


After the panel a video of the event will be 
posted here.

Russian Mardi Gras...

The Maine Wire: “American Comeback: Paul LePage” plus 3 more

American Comeback: Paul LePage
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 01:07 PM PDT
Gov. Paul LePage was featured in the Republican Governors Association’s “American Comeback” video series.
Democratic think tank spreading falsehoods about Medicaid expansion
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 12:41 PM PDT
The Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP), a Democratic think tank, is spreading misinformation about the Medicaid expansion proposal currently under consideration in the Legislature. In a brief entitled, “Debunking Myths About Health Reform Dollars for Maine,” MECEP’s Christy Roix Daggett says Republicans only oppose Medicaid expansion because of “overall ideological opposition to President Obama’s […]
Medicaid expansion passes House without veto proof margin
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 11:25 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – A proposal to expand Medicaid pursuant to the Affordable Care Act passed the House of Representatives on Tuesday, but failed to garner the two-thirds support needed to override Gov. Paul LePage’s inevitable veto. The vote, 97-49, comes after backers of the proposal failed to get a super majority in the Senate to approve […]
LePage outlines energy policy aimed at home heating
Posted: 18 Mar 2014 10:55 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Republican Gov. Paul LePage and Energy Office Director Patrick Woodcock outlined an energy policy at the State House on Tuesday that contrasts sharply with a Democratic initiative to provide rebates for solar power equipment. “The United Way last month received 1,300 calls looking for emergency assistance for heating. The Aroostook Community Action Program is […]

NOT in Main Stream News: German Television does first Edward Snowden Interview (ENGLISH)

German Television Channel NDR does an exclusive interview with Edward Snowden. 
Uploaded on LiveLeak cause German Television thinks the rest of the world isn’t interested in Edward Snowden.

According to Snowden, “The public had a right to know that which the government is doing in its name, and that which the government is doing against the public.”
“While many debate whether or not Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor, Snowden decided to answer for himself.
“If I am traitor, who did I betray?” he asked. “I gave all my information to the American public, to American journalists who are reporting on American issues. If they see that as treason, I think people really need to consider who they think they’re working for. The public is supposed to be their boss, not their enemy.”


German Television Channel NDR does an exclusive interview with Edward Snowden.
Uploaded on LiveLeak cause German Television thinks the rest of the world isn't intereseted in Edward Snowden.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lisbon's "Dancing With The Staff Grand Finale' " Wednesday March 19th, 2014

Step on out tomorrow night and Enjoy the Fun and Excitement as the last ever Wednesday Night performance of  "Dancing With The Staff " takes place.  Be a part of history and enjoy the show.
Good luck to all of the finale' contestants.

(click to print or view larger)

***SURPRISE*** Lisbon Town Council Meeting Monday, March 17, 2014

Lisbon School Committee Meeting Monday, March 10, 2014

The Maine Wire: “Maine GOP fields full slate of House and Senate candidates” plus 4 more‏

    Maine GOP fields full slate of House and Senate candidates
    Posted: 17 Mar 2014 03:43 PM PDT
    AUGUSTA – For the first time since 2006, the Maine Republican Party will contest every state Senate and House of Representative seat. That’s 151 candidates on the House side and 35 for the Senate, with many sitting lawmakers running for reelection. “Having candidates in every seat not only speaks to the urgency Republicans feel in […]
    Maine Made: Trade show offers local entrepreneurs the opportunity for success
    Posted: 17 Mar 2014 09:47 AM PDT
    PORTLAND, Maine – Entrepreneurs from northern New England gathered at at the Portland Sports Complex this weekend for a chance to sell their wares in stores and shops across the country. The 30th annual New England Made Giftware & Speciality Foods Show brought together products from 275 Maine companies with more than 2,000 buyers representing […]
    Maine jobless rate at 6.2 percent for January
    Posted: 17 Mar 2014 08:50 AM PDT
    AUGUSTA – Maine’s unemployment rate stood at 6.2 percent for the first month of  2014, according to labor statistics released by the Maine Department of Labor on Monday. The rate of unemployed Mainers dropped from a revised December 2013 rate of 6.4 percent to 6.2 percent in January — down from 7.0 percent one year […]
    Democrats’ Medicaid mortality claims thoroughly debunked
    Posted: 17 Mar 2014 08:20 AM PDT
    Writing for, Chris Conover thoroughly debunks the studies Maine Democrats have used to call Gov. Paul LePage and GOP lawmakers murders for not agreeing to expand Medicaid. Conover points up myriad problems with the Harvard/CUNY and American Journal of Public Health studies and how both have been taken out of context for use by […]
    L’Affaire Sanderson: Maine State Rep Gets National Attention
    Posted: 17 Mar 2014 07:04 AM PDT
    By. Prof. John Frary - Last week Rep. Deborah Sanderson (R-Chelsea) surprised herself and her friends by becoming a sudden national sensation. Sanderson’s fame began in Maine’s front yard with a March 13 Portland Press Herald report by Joe Lawlor entitled “Medicaid expansion vote has real-life impact for low-income Mainers.” The Chelsea Republican appeared in the […]

    TMB: A Lot of Reading Here This Morning
    Read Today's headlines by clicking here.