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Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Maine Wire: “Poll: Mainers’ support for Medicaid expansion soft” plus 2 more‏

Poll: Mainers’ support for Medicaid expansion soft
Posted: 26 Mar 2014 11:04 AM PDT
A poll released Wednesday by opponents of Medicaid expansion found support for the proposal decreases significantly when voters are made aware of certain facts about the proposal. The poll, which was released by Americans for Prosperity Maine and the Foundation for Government Accountability, measured respondents’ support for Medicaid expansion before and after they were asked […]
Maine Entrepreneur on Dem Bill: ‘This Will Kill the Maine Call Center Industry’
Posted: 26 Mar 2014 08:10 AM PDT
From House GOP Communications Director David Sorensen: AUGUSTA – Maine House Republicans spoke out strongly against LD 1710, a Democrat-sponsored bill that would crush a major sector of Maine’s economy and an increasingly-prolific provider of good jobs.  The measure passed its initial vote in the House, 78-63, with bipartisan opposition. The bill would impose massive fines and […]
Opponents of welfare reform rely on anecdotes, not data
Posted: 26 Mar 2014 07:47 AM PDT
On Tuesday the usual cast of welfare industry characters came out to attack the bipartisan effort to fix Maine’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program. Their shrillest complaints centered on the Parents as Scholars (PaS) program, a program Gov. Paul LePage has placed on the chopping block. While liberal Democrats point to […]

NaturalNews: How Cell Towers Are Frying Your Brain and causing mass confusion‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The brains of everyone living within range of cell towers are being damaged by electropollution.
A hard-hitting new scientific study published in the British Medical Journal reveals how cell towers cause mental confusion, irritability and loss of sleep, among other brain-altering side effects:

Breaking special report: The 10 filthiest items in your GYM (which can expose you to germs that make you seriously sick!)

Hilarious! Academic journals have been hoaxed by auto-generated "babble" programs spitting out pseudo-scientific nonsense... just like many medical journals:

More and more people are suffering skin rashes from antibacterial soap chemicals:

Special talk: Herbal medicine heals the nervous system:

more news continues below...
Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Why are those in Generation X twice as likely to have diabetes as those in the Baby Boomer generation when compared at the same age? Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Why cherries are awesome for your health
- Water fluoridation decreases your IQ
- Avoid food companies that source pork using gestation crates

Academia hoaxed by fake scientific papers auto-generated by gobbledygook text generators
(NaturalNews) Natural News has exposed dirty dealings with Big Pharma, the FDA and medical journals who publish bogus study reports for years. Bogus study reports included ghost-written papers signed by credentialed physicians and paid for by the...
Japan's nuclear industry sacrificing 99.99 percent of its people for profits, says expert
(NaturalNews) The three-year anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster recently passed, and a prominent nuclear expert has come out in protest of the way both the Japanese government and the country's nuclear industry continue to handle the...
Doctors should test the heavy metal levels in your blood at every checkup
(NaturalNews) Add it up and what have you got? Genetically engineered food, fluoridated water and pesticides are leading America off a health cliff. Then come the heavy metals, and not the naturally occurring amounts, but the massive chemical overload...
More than a gut feeling: Bilberries are good for gastrointestinal and overall health
(NaturalNews) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1.4 million people in the United States suffer from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the two most common types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However,...
Increasing number of people suffer allergic rashes from soap chemical
(NaturalNews) Antibacterial soaps and wipes have become the "go-to" products in commercial body care, promising greater protection from bacteria and viruses that make people sick. What these cheap, deceptive, mainstream chemical concoctions fail to mention...
The common ingredient 'yeast extract' is functionally identical to MSG
(NaturalNews) "Yeast extract" is an innocuous-sounding ingredient that forms the base of several popular condiments worldwide, including Marmite, Vegemite, Promite, Oxo, Cenovis and Vitam-R. Yet, chemically, yeast extract is highly similar to MSG (monosodium...
Aromatherapy helps smokers overcome nicotine addiction
(NaturalNews) Nicotine addiction is complex, but a simple whiff of essential oils may help put cravings in their place. A small pilot study was recently conducted in which 20 persons who used nicotine products on a daily basis were encouraged to try using...
Vitamins C and E and selenium protect kidneys and bones from toxic cadmium
(NaturalNews) Cadmium is a widespread and highly toxic heavy metal to which most people are exposed simply through its contamination of their food. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists cadmium as number seven on its list of the 275...
Herbal medicine helps heal the nervous system
(NaturalNews) Why are mental health issues like anxiety and depression on the rise? Conventional wisdom would suggest factors such as, the financial crisis, an aging population, or - when all other options are ruled out for the individual - the rising...
Your state of mind affects how fast your body heals
(NaturalNews) The verdict is in: A more positive state of mind dramatically improves healing outcomes for a wide variety of conditions. This is why researcher Judith Simon Prager travels around the world teaching "verbal first aid," a practice in which...
Scientists link pesticide exposure to premature childbirth
(NaturalNews) A study done by French scientists, published in a high-impact journal (American Journal of Epidemiology) conclusively reports that chlordecone (kepone), a heavily chlorinated pesticide, is responsible for decreased gestation periods...
Breast cancer survival rate higher in women with high vitamin D levels
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), have made a fascinating new discovery with regard to vitamin D and the role that it plays in breast cancer survival. High levels of this prohormone, it turns out, more than...
British government refuses to act on lower sugar recommendations
(NaturalNews) Despite all that is known regarding the nightmarish health problems associated with excessive sugar intake, the British government is refusing to act on or back new recommendations for lower daily sugar levels. The reason? Most likely...
Recent study links prolonged sitting to heart failure
(NaturalNews) With the number of people suffering from heart problems constantly going up, it is in the best interest of everyone to get to know the main contributing factors. A human heart is one of the most depended-upon organs in the body. However...
Scientists create bionic plants with improved photosynthesis using carbon nanotubes
(NaturalNews) The world's first "robotic" plants have been created by US scientists and can effectively absorb greater amounts of energy from the sun. These bionic plants are advanced at the cellular level, with new biochemical detection functions and...
Americans' brains being fried by cell towers: New scientific evidence reveals shocking extent of electropollution damage
(NaturalNews) Exposure to cell phone towers alters brain function in alarming ways, causing a lack of concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping and lack of appetite. That's the conclusion of ...
Big Pharma profiteering gone wild: $1,000-a-pill Hepatitis drug in USA sells for less than $10 in Egypt
(NaturalNews) The financial raping of America by Big Pharma has just achieved a new milestone with the impending launch of a Hepatitis C drug that costs $1,000 a pill. If you've ever wondered why U.S. health care is so unaffordable and inaccessible -...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

TUMAB: Charlotte, N.C. Mayor, Patrick DeAngelo Cannon, Arrested On Federal Public Corruption Charges

“Charlotte Mayor, Patrick DeAngelo Cannon, was arrested today by FBI agents for alleged violations of federal public corruption laws, announced Anne M. Tompkins, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina. The federal criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court, charges Cannon, 47, of Charlotte, with theft and bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, honest services wire fraud and extortion under color of official right.”

Read more, click here.

TUMAB:ACTION ALERT: Eight-dvd/cd Set “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education” is FREE at You Tube and 3D websites

ACTION ALERT: Eight-dvd/cd Set “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education” is FREE at You Tube and 3D websites

THE 8 DVD/1CD disc set is FREE, FREE. No one has an excuse anymore not to know what has happened over past 200 years, and how that relates to what is happening now.
You cannot fight a war without identifying the enemy. You cannot win a war without ammunition.

This Disc set identifies the enemy and gives you the ammunition to win the war. Disc Set includes a Tool Kit on how to turn things around. Tool Kit also calls for stopping Constitutional Convention.
Information included on videotaped presentations and in Written Submissions could be used as a legal brief which would stand up in court. No “fair” judge could say other than U.S. Government and our elected officials are “Guilty of Treason” (old dictionary definition of “treason”). Corporations in collusion with government “Guilty of Treason”.

All eight videotaped presentations and written submissions discs are FREE, click here or on Charlotte Iserbyt’s website HERE.
View Luke Rudkowski/Charlotte Iserbyt 8-minute You Tube interview HERE.

The carefully researched truth/evidence of how our children have been deliberately dumbed down, had their values destroyed, and how “they” are taking our constitutional, representative government “down” (through, amongst other things, tax-funded school choice/charters with unelected boards…taxation without representation) in order to merge the United States into one collectivized totalitarian world system (communist regional government) is finally available for everyone in the world FREE. (Same thing is happening worldwide. Charter schools for Soviet-style OBE, computerized Skinnerian work force training, brainwashing, and assessment are in Russia and elsewhere.) That is why title of disc set has word GLOBAL in it.

Eighteen hours of videotaped presentations by 15 of the nation’s finest education researchers, including teachers, some in the trenches for over 50 years, is at your finger tips.

All the conference videos are at Charlotte Iserbyt You Tube Channel, HERE, along with dynamite 3- minute trailer featuring Charlotte, Kelleigh Nelson, Anita Hoge, Sam Blumenfeld, Jane Aitken (teacher), and Rosa Koire (expert on UN Agenda 21).

Please focus on taking care of forwarding this alert, while there is still time.

WE STILL HAVE THE INTERNET to counteract the lies and disinformation put out by the internationalist corporate controlled media.

(Recent info re possibility of control of Internet being moved out of USA is very disturbing)
The video disc set and written submissions cd contain documented research information which the controlled media and those on the left and right, Democrats and Republicans, have kept under wraps for over 200 years.
Thank you and God Bless America!
Limited number of hard copy disc sets are available for sale at for $39.95 plus shipping.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

In the “search” engine, type in ” Charlotte Iserbyt” and get all of Charlotte’s postings.

The Maine Wire: “Welfare reform bills get quiet public hearing” plus 1 more‏

Welfare reform bills get quiet public hearing
Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:19 PM PDT
AUGUSTA – The talk was all about welfare Tuesday as the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee debated four bills that would reform Maine’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. All four bills were introduced by Republican Gov. Paul LePage, though two were originally introduced by House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R-Newport). “Maine’s welfare […]
Cain takes stand against religious freedom
Posted: 25 Mar 2014 11:36 AM PDT
The U.S. Supreme Court heard cases regarding the Affordable Care Act’s infringement on the religious conscience of American business owners Wednesday. State Sen. Emily Cain (D-Penobscot), a Democratic candidate for Congress in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, took the opportunity to let her supporters know that she stands with Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on issues of […]

TMB:China Waging ‘Three Warfares’ Against United States in Asia, Pentagon Says‏

Warfare Three Ways

 Delegates from Chinese People's Liberation Army / AP
China is waging political warfare against the United States as part of a strategy to drive the U.S. military out of Asia and control seas near its coasts, according to a Pentagon-sponsored study.
A defense contractor report produced for the Office of Net Assessment, the Pentagon’s think tank on future warfare, describes in detail China’s “Three Warfares” as psychological, media, and legal operations. They represent an asymmetric “military technology” that is a surrogate for conflict involving nuclear and conventional weapons.
The unclassified 566-page report warns that the U.S. government and the military lack effective tools for countering the non-kinetic warfare methods, and notes that U.S. military academies do not teach future military leaders about the Chinese use of unconventional warfare. It urges greater efforts to understand the threat and adopt steps to counter it.
The report highlights China’s use of the Three Warfares in various disputes, including dangerous encounters between U.S. and Chinese warships; the crisis over the 2001 mid-air collision between a U.S. EP-3E surveillance plane and a Chinese jet; and China’s growing aggressiveness in various maritime disputes in the South China and East China Seas.
Read more of this story here:

Read today's headlines here:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

WND Exclusive: Pin drop! Obama lawyer stuns Supreme justice

Dramatic moment at nation's highest court

 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy
Greg Corombos
 In a dramatic moment at the Supreme Court Tuesday, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli told justices that U.S. business owners have no religious freedom to reject government mandates forcing them to cover abortions.
Justices and lawyers also sparred over whether businesses actually have religious freedom and whether striking down the Obamacare mandate makes women second-class citizens.
The notable abortion exchange between Verrilli and Justice Anthony Kennedy came during oral arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius, two cases linked by the companies’ owners objecting to the Department of Health and Human Services requirement that businesses fully cover the contraception costs for their employees. That mandate includes coverage of abortafacient drugs, also known as the “morning-after pill.”
Family Research Council Senior Fellow for Legal Studies Cathy Ruse was in the gallery during oral arguments and said that was the most remarkable moment in the court session Tuesday.
“This was actually the most exciting part of the oral argument this morning, when Justice Kennedy asked the government’s lawyer, ‘So under your argument, corporations could be forced to pay for abortions, that there would be no religious claim against that on the part of the corporation. Is that right?’ And the government’s attorney said yes,” Ruse said.
“You could hear a pin drop, and I think that stunned Justice Kennedy. Since he’s always the swing vote, you want to stun him in a way that pushes him over to your side of the column,” she said.
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Cathy Ruse:


In a dramatic moment at the Supreme Court Tuesday, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli told justices that U.S. business owners have no religious freedom to reject government mandates forcing them to cover abortions.
Justices and lawyers also sparred over whether businesses actually have religious freedom and whether striking down the Obamacare mandate makes women second-class citizens.
The notable abortion exchange between Verrilli and Justice Anthony Kennedy came during oral arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius, two cases linked by the companies’ owners objecting to the Department of Health and Human Services requirement that businesses fully cover the contraception costs for their employees. That mandate includes coverage of abortafacient drugs, also known as the “morning-after pill.”
Family Research Council Senior Fellow for Legal Studies Cathy Ruse was in the gallery during oral arguments and said that was the most remarkable moment in the court session Tuesday.
“This was actually the most exciting part of the oral argument this morning, when Justice Kennedy asked the government’s lawyer, ‘So under your argument, corporations could be forced to pay for abortions, that there would be no religious claim against that on the part of the corporation. Is that right?’ And the government’s attorney said yes,” Ruse said.
“You could hear a pin drop, and I think that stunned Justice Kennedy. Since he’s always the swing vote, you want to stun him in a way that pushes him over to your side of the column,” she said.
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Cathy Ruse:


MEETINGS How is the public to know???????


How is the public to know???????

The first of each month I log onto the Town of Lisbon's website and print the Upcoming Lisbon Events calendar.

At the March 4, 2014 council meeting I asked when the Finance Committee meeting was going to be held?

I was told that there would be meeting on Monday March 10th at 5:30 p.m. I asked why the meeting was not posted on the town's calendar?

I was told that it is the responsibility of the chair of each
committee to notify the Town and persons unknowing of meetings.

A finance Committee meeting is posted for Monday March 24, 2014.

I went to the town office last evening at 5:30 pm expecting to attend a Finance Committee meeting, only to find NO ONE THERE! ! ! ! !

Miriam Morgan Alexander is the Chair of the Finance Committee and is responsible for the scheduling and canceling of Finance Committee meetings in a timely manner to ensure the public is notified.

I have missed meetings because they were not published, and gone to the town office for posted meetings only to find they have been canceled.

This is an inconvenience and is totally unacceptable.

If a person is not up to their responsibility, why are they still in that position?

Dot Fitzgerald
A very upset, and long term
Lisbon Concerned Citizen

The Maine Wire: “LCRED Republicans Support LePage’s Open for Business Zone Proposal” plus 3 more‏

LCRED Republicans Support LePage’s Open for Business Zone Proposal
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 12:42 PM PDT
From House GOP Communications Director David Sorensen: AUGUSTA – The Maine Legislature’s Labor, Commerce, Research, and Economic Development (LCRED) Committee on Monday afternoon held a public hearing on LD 1835, Governor Paul Lepage’s proposal to create “Open for Business Zones” that offer tax incentives, reduced energy costs, right-to-work, and training programs to attract large employers to Maine. […]
Top 10 Biggest Overtime Pay Recipients on State Payroll
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 12:26 PM PDT
State payroll data for 2013 is now available to the public at Here are the top ten recipients of overtime pay last year: 10. Richard Reaser II – Department of Public Safety, State Police Trooper – Base Salary: $57,463.19, Overtime: $44,370.51 9. Lance M. McCleish – Department of Public Safety, State Police Corporal – […]
Maine to put photo ID on EBT cards
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 12:15 PM PDT
AUGUSTA – After heavy resistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) last year, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is moving forward with an initiative to curb welfare fraud and abuse. The USDA’s Associate Administrator of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has told DHHS Commissioner Mary Hayhew that the state […]
GOP presses for welfare fix
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 10:42 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Republican leaders gathered at the State House on Monday to call on Democrats to support an effort to reform the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash welfare program. Gov. Paul LePage and House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R-Newport) emphasized their own struggles with poverty as they introduced four bills aimed at reining […]

BrasscheckTV: Flight 370: A theory based on reality‏

We've been quiet about Flight 370 
because 99% of the "information" 
has been empty noise.
Here's something a little more
A pretty compelling argument that the
US knows - and has always known - 
exactly where missing Flight 370 is. 
- Brasscheck

 Flight 370: A technical review
Satellites have to know where it is

Still Report # 226 - MH370 - LEOs & SARs 

 Report from Bill Still

The US military has satellites in the air all over the globe scanning everything 24/7/365.
For decades now they’ve been bragging that on a clear day they cannot only see the golf ball, they can also read what brand it is.
There are two possibilities:
1. Their claims are total bullshit (always a distinct possibility)
2. Their claims are true.
If they’re true, how can you lose track of an airplane that size?
Answer: You never lost track of it. They know exactly where it is
and have known all along.
- See more at:


NaturalNews: Top 8 foods and herbs for healing cancer‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
What are the top foods and herbs for healing cancer? Natural News writer Derek Henry details them:

The official story of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now clearly a blatant cover-up. Here are the crucial facts now being whitewashed in the Malaysian government's illogical cover story:

Shocking but true: Aborted babies are being used by UK hospitals in giant incinerator ovens to heat buildings. This story is CONFIRMED TRUE:

Monsanto's seed packages appear to admit the seeds are treated with "poison" and not to be used for food:

more news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: What do Elmo, twerking and the Gadsden flag have in common? If you said the White House and the looming Obamacare deadline, you’d be right. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Read this before pigging out on Dominos pizza
- The health benefits of owning a pet
- Low blood flow leads to aging brains

Monsanto package admits seeds treated with 'poison,' advises against human consumption
(NaturalNews) Images are surfacing across the internet that illustrate the true dangers associated with genetically modified (GM) seeds, as admitted by the seeds' manufacturers. The Food Warrior Network recently posted a photo of a seed package distributed...

California seeks to remove toxins from consumer goods
(NaturalNews) California is ripe for its share of disbelief and criticism over some offbeat policies and social mandates, but one thing that residents of the state are consistent about is their attempt to identify and rid themselves of harmful substances...

Scientists validate light therapy field of holistic medicine: light can halt pain
(NaturalNews) The future of pain management in humans could eventually center less around what people take for their aches and pains and more around what they shine at them. Experimental new research at Stanford University's Bio-X laboratory...

Top 8 foods and herbs for healing cancer
(NaturalNews) With 44% of men and 39% of women now being diagnosed with cancer, it has become more important than ever to understand the foods that will not only nourish your body, but also detoxify it of any cancer causing agents. Here are some of the...

FDA backing new nutritional labeling but not labeling of GMOs
(NaturalNews) The Food and Drug Administration is set to update its ingredient labeling mandates for the first time since they were introduced, but a read-through of the agency's proposals reveals nothing about requiring labeling of GMO foods. The...

Cost of Obamacare to explode because more people getting subsidies than are paying
(NaturalNews) Supporters of Obamacare are pointing to a new study by the Gallup polling firm that purports to show the "success" of the law due to a decrease in the number of previously uninsured people, but a closer look at the data reveals that's bad...

New risk factor for Alzheimer's disease revealed: Are you getting a good night's sleep?
(NaturalNews) Extensive research over the past twenty years has repeatedly shown that Alzheimer's dementia is largely the result of a variety of lifestyle factors that promote the development of amyloid plaques and tau proteins in the brain that usher...

'Super' exercise helps mother of two lose 106 pounds
(NaturalNews) For Canadian Alanna Gerwitz-Stern, the gym was not a place that she cared to visit. In fact, she says she had never worked out a day in her life. What's more, she never ate well, either. But following the birth of her first son in December...

Whales had sonar 32 million years before the U.S. Navy
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Navy is a very capable, well armed and highly technically advanced force, and that, of course, includes its sonar capabilities. But as developed as they are, sonar for seafaring mammals -- and whales in particular -- predate the...

Green smoothies' effect on high performing people released in new documentary
(NaturalNews) One year ago next week, NaturalNews reported on Sergei Boutenko's endeavor to raise support for a documentary that would officially...

Boosting immune system with natural methods offers many health benefits
(NaturalNews) A strong immune system is essential when it comes to maintaining optimal health. When it's compromised, the body's ability to heal takes a hit. New complications can arise and existing ones can be magnified. In fact, when it comes to cancers...

Not all dinosaurs went extinct - In fact, there are nearly twice as many species of dinosaurs as mammals to this day
(NaturalNews) Although it is popularly believed that all the dinosaurs went extinct roughly 65 million years ago, there are actually thousands of living species of dinosaurs still around today. Certainly there is no credible evidence of surviving large...

Secretive U.S. Supreme Court muzzles civil disobedience citizen who challenges corporate personhood
(NaturalNews) A top online news network has obtained and released unauthorized video of what it described as a "historic protest" during a recent proceeding of the U.S. Supreme Court. Cenk Uyger, a host for The Young Turks, introduced the video...

Need motivation to exercise? Try positive memories
(NaturalNews) Finding the motivation to exercise can often be hard. Many times we remember the times where we crushed a workout and felt amazing afterwards, but other times we have memories of struggling to finish a workout or memories of being incredibly...

Duke Energy pours dangerous levels of arsenic-containing coal ash into Dan River
(NaturalNews) One of the leading energy providers in the Carolinas is the subject of a new investigation by state and federal environmental officials after it was revealed that the utility dumped at least 82,000 tons of coal ash waste into North Carolina's...

Aborted babies incinerated in massive ovens to heat UK hospitals: the ultimate hellish disgrace of modern medicine unveiled
(NaturalNews) UK hospitals have incinerated over 15,000 aborted babies to heat their buildings while telling mothers their aborted babies were "cremated," an investigative report has shockingly uncovered. The aborted babies were shoveled into "waste-to...

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story
(NaturalNews) The "official" story of what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now a blatant cover-up. After an endless stream of wild incompetence from the Malaysian military and government concerning the radar signature of the missing flight...

Smart Balance to convert entire 'Buttery Spread' product line to non-GMO ingredients
(NaturalNews) If you're a fan of synthetic butter products that somewhat resemble the real thing yet contain no animal products, then you may be interested to know that the popular butter alternative brand Smart Balance is converting its entire "Buttery...

Monday, March 24, 2014


Town Council Workshop Agenda‏ March 25, 2014 with SUMMARY OF LISBON COUNCIL MEETING RULES

7:00 P.M.


a. Public Works
b. Solid Waste
c. Parks
d. Recreation

This summary is provided for guidance only. The complete council working rules may be found on the town website on the Town Officials, Town Council page.
The meeting agenda is available from the town website under Council Agendas and Minutes. 
1. Please note the order that agenda items may be acted upon by the Council, however, if necessary, the Council may elect to change the order of the agenda. 
2. The Council Chairman presides over the meeting. When the Chairman is not present, the Vice Chairman serves that function. The chair shall preserve decorum and decide all questions of order and procedure subject to appeal to the town council. 
3. Public comment is not typically allowed during Council workshops,. There may be occasions where public comment may be recruited, but normally, workshops are reserved for Council members to discuss and educate themselves on a variety of issues facing the Town. Prior to the conclusion of a workshop, if time permits, the chair may allow questions from the public. 
4. During audience participation, anyone wishing to address council will wait to be recognized by the chair before beginning any remarks. Audience members will move to the lectern to address council, and shall provide name and address prior to addressing the council. 
5. Note that “Consent Agenda” items (if there are any) are acted upon first, voted upon as a group, and will most often be voted on without discussion as these items often involve “housekeeping” issues (such as minor parking changes). On occasion “Consent Agenda” items are separated out as stand-alone action items by the Council to allow for more discussion. 
6. Public comment on agenda items. General comments on agenda items should be made during audience participation. After introduction of an agenda item, appropriate motions, and time for explanation and council questions, the public may be allowed to comment on that agenda item at the discretion of the chair. During that period of time, the public comment shall address only the agenda item before council. 
7. Action on agenda items. As each item on the agenda for any meeting is brought to the floor for discussion:
a. The town clerk reads the agenda item and the action being requested of council.
b. The sponsor of each item or, if there is no council sponsor, the town manager, or town staff, shall first be allowed to present their initial comments for consideration by the public and councilors.
c. Following this introduction of the issue, there will be time devoted to any questions of the sponsor or the town manager or staff regarding the agenda item which any councilor may have which would help to clarify the question presented by the agenda item. The chair may allow questions from the public during this time however; no debate or discussion of collateral issues shall be permitted.
d. When authorized by the chair, any additional public comment shall be no longer than two minutes per person and must be to request or furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints only.
e. Once an agenda item has been explained and clarified by any questioning, the discussion on the specific agenda item will remain with the council. Additional public comment, prior to final council vote; will only be allowed at the chairman's discretion. 
8. New business is for the council to receive input on town matters not on the agenda for that meeting. It is not intended, nor shall it be construed as an opportunity for debate of previous agenda items or reinforcement of a point made by another speaker. Comments shall be to furnish new or undisclosed information or viewpoints and limited to a time period of two minutes or less and shall be directed through the chair. 
9. If an “Executive Session” is conducted by the Council, State Statute prohibits public attendance for any discussion of the action to be addressed by the Council. Any action taken by the Council on any “Executive Session” matter must be acted upon in a public meeting, and may occur at the end of the “Executive Session” (which has no time element relative to the length of the discussion involved in the “session”). 
Current as of December 31, 2013

Let Us All Pray We Never See Such Horrendous Police Action In Lisbon; GOPDD: Victory In Scott Olsen Case

This happened in the State of California. Any Questions? 

How can this type of Police Action be explained on American soil at a Peaceful Protest? 

Is this what a Pro-Active Police Force looks like? 

 Sadly we expect 4.5 million pictures of George Washington 's face printed on  "special paper using special ink" to resolve it. But what about the inherent damage?

Thank you Scott Olsen for serving this Country  as a United States Marine and shame on those involved inflicting this tyranny upon all of the victims  during this exercise of Activism.

1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Police State Pays For Disabling, Cracked Skull of Peaceful Protester

by Rick Wells Scott Olsen went to an Occupy Oakland demonstration in October of 2011. Within a few minutes of his arriving, a police sergeant gave the order for the crowd to disperse. They were told that a refusal to disperse would result in being arrested and chemical agents being used. Olsen is an Iraq war veteran […]


Submitted by: Todd Comber

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Beyond the Walls and Halls of the Lisbon Police Department Purchase of "Toys For The Boys" Explained In Detail


Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks

In September 2013, Chief Brooks received $71,750.78 in Federal Forfeiture Funds.  These funds had strings attached and could ONLY be used by the Lisbon Police Department.  So on February 14, 2014, I submitted a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for a copy of all the Purchase Orders utilizing these Federal forfeiture funds.  On March 11, 2014, I received copies of fifteen (15) Purchase Orders totaling $27,468.74 dollars (See Attachment).

As you can see, there are a lot of miscellaneous items to include three (3) 16M4A4 Telestk MPC assault rifles.  I have several issues with this particular purchase.   

The first one is why does the Lisbon Police Department need assault weapons?  

 Could it be because of the numerous riots in Lisbon or maybe it is all the gun battles held in our streets?  

The citizens of Lisbon are the only ones here and our Officers are not traveling to Afghanistan to fight in a war; so who are they planning to use these weapons on?  

 I cannot remember one time a Lisbon Police Officer has discharged his weapon in the performance of his duties except possibly on the firing range.  Also, how far do you think a round will travel in the town of Lisbon?  Are you kidding me; this is a pure waste of funds.

Chief Brooks turned in a 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan with numerous items needed by the Lisbon Police Department and yet he did not purchase any of them with these Federal forfeiture funds.  All of the items qualify for purchase under the guidance outlined by Chief Brooks.  The following are items Chief Brooks could have purchased:

            Animal Control Truck                                         $24,000.00
            Mobile Radios (11)                                                33,000.00
            Voter Radio System                                                28,000.00
            Document Imaging Unit                                        14,000.00
                                                            TOTAL:                99,000.00

As you can see, Chief Brooks could have purchased three (3) of these items if they were so important to the Lisbon Police Department.  Now, Chief Brooks is going to ask the taxpayers' to purchase these items in the Municipal Budget (See 2015 Capital Improvement Plan). 

Is this really being fair to the taxpayers?

 Click to enlarge or print each document

Take a look at the Town Tax Allocation and you will see that the Police Department costs this town over $1,260,705.00 tax dollars (See Attached).   

The Police Department is the most expensive department we have.   
This is ridiculous!!!!  It is time our Councilors and the Interim Town Manager enlighten Chief Brooks on proper budgeting protocols.

It is imperative that Chief Brooks put the needs of the taxpayers' before he purchases anymore “Toys for the Boys”. 

Larry Fillmore

Friday, March 21, 2014

America's Newly Trained Gestapo Police Force ~ "Pig" Cop Kills Family Pet, warning graphic; GOPDD:Cop Describes Killing Family Pet: “Awesome – Did You See Her Collar Fly Off?”‏

by Rick Wells

Is this incident just more evidence that America is pinning badges and placing trust in many of the wrong kind of individuals to be police officers? Is this the logical progression when you deploy an authoritarian force and expect them to act as peacekeepers? This dog, Cali, got out of her backyard on Wednesday, March […]

We have a few in Lisbon that are "money sucking leeches and more"