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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Public Housing

The problem with public housing is that the residents are not the owners.  The people who live in the house did not earn the house, but were merely loaned the property by the actual owners, the taxpayers. Because of this, the residents do not have the "pride of ownership". That comes with the hard work necessary to become owners. In fact, quite the opposite happens. The residents resent their benefactors, because the very house is a constant reminder that they themselves have not earned the right to live in the house. They neither appreciate the value of the property nor understand the need to maintain or respect it in any way. The result is the same, whether one is talking about either a studio apartment or a magnificent mansion full of priceless antiques. If the people who live there do not feel they've earned the privilege of occupancy, they will make this obvious through their actions.

Note the common theme of the following photographs.....

The desk, built from timbers of the HMS Resolute and a gift from
Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes
Is considered a national treasure and icon of the presidency.

The White House belongs to the people of America ..
Its treasures should NOT be used by ANYONE for a foot rest..!

These photos, ongoing proof that this man has no class whatsoeve
all show an innate disrespect for our White House.

Mr. Obama, you're not in a hut in Kenya or Indonesia , or in Chicago public housing.   You're in the White House, Barry..... Property of the people of the United States ..

With all due respect, get your @#%*+#% feet off our furniture!

Submitted by: "We the People"

The Maine Wire: “Ethics commission meets over complaint against state lawmaker” plus 3 more‏

Ethics commission meets over complaint against state lawmaker
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 12:27 PM PDT
AUGUSTA – The Maine Ethics Commission met Tuesday to discuss a complaint filed against a Maine state legislator alleging a violation of legislative ethics. “We received a complaint alleging a violation of legislative ethics,” said Jonathan Wayne, executive director of the Maine Ethics Commission. “The commissioners did meet today regarding an ethics complaint,” he said. […]
Study: Minimum wage laws increased unemployment, slowed job creation in 2013
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 09:18 AM PDT
In 2013, minimum-wage increases were associated with increases in unemployment and decreases in job growth, with teenagers hit especially hard, according to a new research paper from the American Action Forum. “[T]he analysis finds that in 2013, a $1 increase in the minimum wage was associated with a 1.48 percentage point increase in the unemployment […]
Daily Catch: Covered California Enrolling GOP to Vote Democrat, Koch Wars, Speechless Sebelius, and more
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 09:00 AM PDT
It Begins: Is Obamacare going to be used to recruit voters into the Democratic Party? In La Mesa, Calif., a couple received a voter registration card – pre-marked with an “x” in the box next to Democratic Party – after signing up for Covered California, the state’s Obamacare exchange. The letter and voter registration card […]
Bill to Nullify Alexander Group Contract Draws Bipartisan Opposition
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 06:48 AM PDT
From House Communications Director David Sorensen:  AUGUSTA – The Maine House of Representatives late Monday afternoon voted 77-57 in favor of LD 1794, a politically-motivated bill to nullify a contract between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Alexander Group, a Medicaid consulting firm hired to reduce costs in the MaineCare system. Six […]

TMB: Russia Today President Facing Prison for Tax Fraud‏ Plus More

Russia Today President Facing Prison for Tax Fraud
By Alana Goodman
The president and owner of RTTV America is facing up to three years in prison for federal tax fraud after he admitted to cooking the books for the Washington-based Russian news channel by filing over $1 million in phony corporate tax deductions.

Feds Curtail Major Counterterror Exercise in Washington
By Bill Gertz
The White House sharply curbed a major counterterrorism drill scheduled for Tuesday in Washington that was designed to test the federal government response to threats of car bombs attacks and a chemical weapons strike on the Metro subway system.

Venezuela Ousts Leader of Opposition Protest Movement
By Daniel Wiser
Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Monday approved the ouster of a prominent opposition lawmaker from the country’s National Assembly, a move that critics say undermines the rule of law and will only fuel more violence.

Insiders: Merkley’s Iran Thesis a ‘Political Liability’
By Adam Kredo
The emergence of Sen. Jeff Merkley’s (D., Ore.) college thesis advocating for Iran has sparked concerns among political insiders who say that his minority views could complicate the lawmaker’s chances for reelection in 2014.

Senators Predicted Obamacare’s Negative Side Effects 
By Elizabeth Harrington
Sens. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.) and John Barrasso (R., Wyo.) released a new report Tuesday evening highlighting Obamacare’s failures, including forcing millions of Americans off their health insurance plans and adding $1 trillion in new taxes.

Watchdog Sues CPSC For FOIA’d Buckyballs Docs
By Lachlan Markay
A government watchdog group filed a lawsuit against the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on Tuesday to force the commission to release documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Progressivism (Not an April Fool’s Joke)
By Andrew Stiles
Do you know what your defense secretary is up to these days? Besides calling for a significant reduction in U.S. military strength, republishing his 2008 memoir, and having his calls ignored by the Ukrainian government?

As a Favor to Spike Lee, Here’s an Edited Version of His Letter to A.O. Scott
By Sonny Bunch
She Hate Me director Spike Lee is very upset with New York Times film critic A.O. Scott. Scott, you see, mentioned Lee in an essay on gentrification after Lee himself went on a lengthy rant about the evils of the practice.

Obama’s April Fools: You Can Keep Your Doctor

  By Washington Free Beacon Staff
The American Action Network took aim today at President Obama’s record of dishonest healthcare promises in a web-based ad “Keep Your Doctor.”

NaturalNews: Monsanto ordered to stop making false advertising claims about GMOs‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Monsanto has been ordered by the South African government to stop making false advertising claims about GMOs.
At least some countries can see through their false propaganda:

150 scientists are now openly condemning the politically-motivated retraction of the GMO Seralini study:

As Obama celebrates the claim that 7 million people "enrolled" in Obamacare, we have to ask why this is worth celebrating if it was FORCED upon people with threats of IRS penalties? Isn't this the opposite of free choice?

The Malaysian government now admits to altering Flight 370 pilot transcripts and hiding evidence from the public. What are they hiding? And why?

The Hunger Games is no longer fiction! A new reality show seems ripped right out of the sci-fi novel:

more news continues below...

 Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Ty Bollinger and RSB uncover the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and the global medical cover up to keep you from knowing about it. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Heart disease and candida
- Antibiotics: causing more harm than good
- Health benefits of a delicious vegetarian dinner

Monsanto ordered to stop making false advertising claims about GMOs in South Africa
(NaturalNews) As genetically modified crops fail in several regions around the world and are exposed as a detriment to health, many are beginning to see right through the high-dollar false advertising claims projected by biotech corporations like Monsanto...

GMO crops in Iowa fail as beetle larvae develop resistance
(NaturalNews) In the decades ahead, will humanity sit and watch, as the biotech industry continues to expand, keeping nature dominated, while decimating all those "pests" that eat away at corporate profits? How might genetically altered seeds and pesticides...

150 scientists condemn Seralini GMO study retraction as attack on scientific integrity
(NaturalNews) Scores of scientists have condemned a journal editor's retraction of a study that reported a number of serious side effects in lab rats that consumed Monsanto's genetically modified maize and Roundup herbicide. In all, according to a...

Five ways to get more vitamin D
(NaturalNews) People need adequate amounts of vitamin D in order to maintain their health. This vitamin has been linked to stronger bones as well as a lower risk of obesity, depression and Alzheimer's disease. With the health concerns associated with...

Mother reverses autism symptoms in daughter by eliminating MSG from diet
(NaturalNews) A biochemist located in the San Francisco Bay Area believes that she has drastically improved, if not cured, her daughter's autism through eliminating monosodium glutamate, or MSG, from her diet. Katherine Reid, Ph.D., says her daughter...

Beware of 'natural' pretender foods that pose as organic
(NaturalNews) Thanks to lax enforcement by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of regulations guiding the proper use of the word natural on food product labels, many organic pretender brands are now shamelessly using the trendy term to...

BPA-free: Replacing one nasty chemical for another
(NaturalNews) Bisphenol-A (BPA), the famous synthetic chemical compound most of us have been scared away from using, now has competition. We've all heard the term, and by now, many know to avoid this widely used hormone disrupter that mimics estrogen...

Analysis of medical records reveals link between pesticides, autism
(NaturalNews) Evidence supporting the notion that environmental toxins might play a role in triggering autism, especially in young boys, has made its way into the open-access journal PLOS Computational Biology. Researchers from the University of...

Massive ant swarm marching toward Houston
(NaturalNews) As the ground begins to warm up in Texas, it is literally squirming, coming alive, crawling and teaming with a vicious and mobile predator. Experts predict 2014 to be the worst year yet for distinct ant invasions throughout Texas. Like...

Five fruits and veggies a day not enough, study suggests
(NaturalNews) A new study suggests that eating seven or more portions of fruit and veggies a day is significantly healthier than the five a day currently recommended, and may protect against disease. Following recommendations from the World Health...

Top sources of psychological inflammation, an overlooked cause of physical disease
(NaturalNews) Most people these days understand that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of most degenerative disease. But what causes the inflammation? The standard answer is: poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Of course, this is true....

Cops show up to breastfeeding woman's home then illegally cavity-search her
(NaturalNews) The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis has refused to dismiss allegations that a pair of Iowa police officers arrested a breastfeeding mother in her home, and then insisted on watching her as she used the bathroom. According...

Radiation from cell phones linked to erectile dysfunction
(NaturalNews) As reported in the Environmental Health Trust's latest newsletter, cell phones have now been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). While numerous studies have shown that cell phone radiation leads to human sperm death and damage and decreased...

More than one-third of all pre-bagged salads are contaminated with fecal bacteria
(NaturalNews) Don't trust that pre-bagged produce in the grocery store, no matter how prominently the packaging proclaims that it has been "pre-washed" or even "triple-washed." A recent Consumer Reports study found that 39 percent of all bagged...

Only in a totalitarian regime does the President celebrate millions of Americans forced to enroll in Obamacare against their will
(NaturalNews) President Obama gloated today over the obedience of millions of Americans who were forced under penalty of law to purchase overpriced health insurance that benefits Big Pharma and the sick-care industry. Claiming 7.1 million enrollees -...

Malaysian government admits altering MH370 pilot transcript, hiding evidence and misleading the public in massive cover-up
(NaturalNews) As the facts about MH370 slowly emerge, it is increasingly apparent that the Malaysian government has been -- and continues to be -- involved in an elaborate cover-up that falsified and hid evidence the public deserves to know about the...

Hunger Games no longer fiction: New reality show to strand contestants in wilderness while viewers send aid
(NaturalNews) The Hunger Games is about to become reality as the Discovery network plans to roll out a show that follows a similar format. In the new reality show called "Survival Live," contestants will be intentionally stranded in a Pacific Rim...

Toxic superfood alert: Organic mangosteen powder found heavily contaminated with lead
(NaturalNews) USDA certified organic mangosteen powder imported into the USA from Thailand and sold as a bulk material to numerous superfood manufacturers and retailers has been confirmed at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs to be heavily contaminated...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


by Dylan
It has been reported by CNN NEWS that after her husband's resignation Michelle Obama was kidnapped by the two Space Aliens. Their picture can be seen below. Right now we are offering a big reward for the two space aliens. They will receive one Billion dollars, Obamacare , and one million Obama phones if they […]

BrasscheckTV: Defense Against the Psychopath‏

They're out there. 
You're going to run them. 
You might even have one or more
in your life right now. 
How to recognize and deal
with them. 
- Brasscheck

 Defense Against the Psychopath
How to ID them and protect yourself from them

                                                  They’re out there
This video is based on Chapter One of the book, The Art of Urban Survival by Stefan Verstappen.

You’re not likely to get eaten alive by tigers, but you’re very likely to encounter psychopaths in daily life.

Some of them are physically violent, but most are simply psychologically dangerous.

More about The Art of Urban Survival here.

GOPDD: [Watch] Anonymous Jumps on Rothschild Illuminati Theory on MH370

by Rick Wells
Another possible piece of the puzzle of MH370 is coming to the forefront and it involves the name Jacob Rothschild, a billionaire illuminati member. At issue is the report that four of five patent holders for a new breakthrough semiconductor were on the ill-fated jet. The claim is that the fifth, surviving owner is a […]

Anonymous - Rothschilds & Malaysian Airlines MH370 Connection 


Is This The Epitome of Hyporcisy in America Today or What?HuffingtonPost: Hobby Lobby Invests In Abortion Pill Manufacturers

 | by  Laura Bassett
The owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft supply chain, were so offended by the idea of having to include emergency contraceptives and intrauterine devices in their health insurance plans that they sued the Obama administration and took the case all the way up to the Supreme Court. But Mother Jones reported on Tuesday that the company's retirement plan has invested millions of dollars in the manufacturers of emergency contraception and drugs used to induce abortions.
Hobby Lobby's 401(k) employee retirement plan holds $73 million in mutual funds that invest in multiple pharmaceutical companies that produce emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, and abortion-inducing medications.
The companies Hobby Lobby invests in include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes the Plan B morning-after pill and ParaGard, a copper IUD, as well as Pfizer, the maker of the abortion-inducing drugs Cytotec and Prostin E2. Hobby Lobby's mutual funds also invest in two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in their health care policies.
Hobby Lobby's attorneys argue that the provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires most employers to cover contraception in their health plans infringes on the company's right to exercise religious freedom because the company's owners believe that emergency contraception and IUDs are actually forms of abortion. Medical studies have debunked this claim.

 Read it all here:

GOPDD: CIA Officer Confirms White House Told No Protests Before Benghazi Terror Attack Prior To Susan Rice Blaming YouTube Video…

by Dylan
WASHINGTON —Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show. The attack was “not an escalation of protests,” the station chief wrote to […]

Eagle Rising: Liberal Ideology is Hateful and Borderline Sociopathic


Sheriff David A. Clarke

Sheriff David A. Clarke has become a favorite of ours here at Eagle Rising over the last year because of his stances on crime and the 2nd Amendment. He has caused quite a stir in his home state of Wisconsin for suggesting that citizens take the prerogative to defend themselves, because the job of police is to investigate crime, not stop it. He even earned some liberal ire by appearing at CPAC this year to discuss how more legal guns among law abiding citizens would mean less crime in a community. 

CPAC 2014 - More Guns, Less Crime: Law Enforcement is Embracing a Well-Armed Civilian Population


 Well, Sheriff Clarke is earning our admiration in a whole new way now with his perspective on education in the inner city. He recently took to the pages of the Washington Times   to excoriate liberals for their racist and harmful views on how minority groups should be treated differently from white communities.
The latest attempt by liberals to help black people is underway in our K-12 urban public schools.
These do-gooders are now defining down socially acceptable behavior for black students in school. Bad behavior is being excused and attempts to hold black kids accountable by enforcing codes of conduct are called racist.
Having a sense of discipline has always been considered a virtue, a redeeming quality, but now its roots are claimed to lie in racism.
White liberal elites have chimed in about school codes of conduct.


Sheriff Arming Civilians to Fight Feds! "No Hope Short of Bloodshed"

From  The Josh Tolley Show
There is a sheriff in Michigan arming and swearing in civilians in order to fight the Feds. This is where America is heading.

Eagle Rising: Sheriffs Walk Out of Capitol When Told to Disarm

 Doesn’t it seem as though politicians can be the most disrespectful people on the planet sometimes? Whether it’s the condescending way they talk to the average voter, or the disgusting things they say about their opposition, or even the way they seem willing to lie in any situation. Sometimes though, the examples can be especially egregious.
Every year, Sheriffs from around the state of Oklahoma trek to the capital to schmooze, converse and lobby their state representatives. This same trek has been happening for years, and for years it’s gone on without controversy. But there’s a first time for everything.
This year, some lily livered, weak kneed politician was made to feel uncomfortable by the display of armed Sheriffs descending upon the state capitol. So the sheriffs were asked to disarm or leave  . Many of them chose to leave instead of suffer the indignity of being forced to disarm.


Doesn’t it seem as though politicians can be the most disrespectful people on the planet sometimes? Whether it’s the condescending way they talk to the average voter, or the disgusting things they say about their opposition, or even the way they seem willing to lie in any situation. Sometimes though, the examples can be especially egregious.
Every year, Sheriffs from around the state of Oklahoma trek to the capital to schmooze, converse and lobby their state representatives. This same trek has been happening for years, and for years it’s gone on without controversy. But there’s a first time for everything.
This year, some lily livered, weak kneed politician was made to feel uncomfortable by the display of armed Sheriffs descending upon the state capitol. So the sheriffs were asked to disarm or leave. Many of them chose to leave instead of suffer the indignity of being forced to disarm.


Blue: For Earth. For Humanity. For Freedom. Official BLUE Trailer

What if the "green" movement isn't saving the earth, but instead is enslaving humanity?

  BLUE is more than a film, it's an idea. Ideas have the power to change the way we think, begin movements, and even change the world. One of the most prominent idea of our time today is the Green Movement, which says that the Earth is threatened by the activity, even the existence, of mankind, and that the noble response is to restrict our freedom in order to save the planet. The movie BLUE challenges that idea. BLUE is an independently funded and filmed documentary by director, JD King.

"In BLUE, filmmaker JD King takes you into some of the most spectacular forest lands in North America, and introduces you to many of the real people who have made their lives there for generations. They are now in a desperate battle to save everything they value, their land, their jobs, their families, their way of life. You may be shocked to discover that their worst enemy has become the 'environmental' movement. Do our new environmental governors really know what is best for these rich precious lands? To the contrary, JD King explores the reality underneath the rhetoric, and shows that this movement is no longer about humans' proper conservancy of nature, but is all about seizing the new 'green'—of money, power and dictatorial control. Can rational rules for these lands--based on the human values of rights and freedom—prevail?
Some of the true stories you will see in this movie may outrage you, some of them will move and inspire you, but you will never take the claims and demands of 'environmental leaders' at face value again after experiencing BLUE." — Prof. Matt Malkin, UCLA

Monday, March 31, 2014


                     WHO'S TO BLAME????

I look on tomorrow’s agenda of the Town Council and see three bonds issues.  It is truly amazing that no one can see the taxpayers cannot afford another tax increase this year.  However, due to recent events the town council has to make a decision on what to do about the burning of the Public Works garage.  This is not an item that can be put off because the taxpayers are paying a monthly rental fee of $4,500.00.  This has to take a priority over everything else and should be kept in a separate category than the other bond items.

Keep in mind that several years ago the County Commissioners wanted to consolidate dispatch centers.  They asked if Lisbon would like to consolidate our dispatch center (Communication Center) with the Androscoggin County Dispatch Center and the Town Council at the time (Mike Bowie, Lori Pomelow, Fern LaRochelle, Gina Mason, Roger Bickford, Mark Lunt and Roger Cote) voted NO.  Roger Cote was the only councilor in favor of consolidating Dispatch Centers.  Chief Brooks pushed the council to keep our Dispatch Center.  Had they consolidated Dispatch Centers our town could have invested approximately $1,500,000.00 tax dollars into our town’s infrastructure.  The town would not be struggling for money right now.

If the town had $1,500,000.00 saved, the town would be able to purchase both the Public Works building and the track with this money.  Also, there is a possibility that the town would not have had to raise our taxes every year.

If Chief Brooks had been thinking about what is best for the community, he would have let the County Commissioners consolidate Dispatch Centers and save the taxpayers all this money.  It was and still is the right move for the residents of this town for as long as Chief Brooks is allowed to keep the Dispatch Center and purchase assault weapons there will never be any money for roads, track or gym.

The Dispatch Center needs to go so this community can grow!!!!!

Larry Fillmore

Common Core The Demise Of America Through Education; TUMAB: URGENT, URGENT ACTION REQUIRED!~BUILDING THE MACHINE (2014) - Official Trailer [HQ]

BUILDING THE MACHINE (2014) - Official Trailer [HQ]

Watch the above click here  and post your comments, especially steering people to Charlotte Iserbyt’s YouTube channel videos or her website where all the videos are FREE to view on one’s computer!!!!!

“Wowee!  The enemy has joined the enemy.  CHESTER FINN is on the list of “experts” that took the part in the movie!” Check it HERE.
“There is only 1 place you can go to learn the truth about Common Core and that is the free download of Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education by Charlotte Iserbyt. This information is the tool kit you will need to fight the horrors of Common Core, Learn the truth about the Trojan Horse of Charter Schools/ School Choice and Vouchers. You CAN NOT fight this unless you know WHO are the enemies. HSLDA is NOT your friend….they are part of the problem. Heritage Foundation, which drafted NAFTA is NOT your friend…they are part of the problem. Hillsdale is NOT your friend…they are part of the problem.
Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education, explains how we are being manipulated by the very ones who claim to have the solution,into implementing “their” agenda which will bring about our demise.
You will also learn it is NOT just the progressives who are pushing this nasty agenda…it is also coming from the “conservatives”…the right. It is the dialectic in action.” (This comment posted to YouTube has been boycotted, as well as other comments related to “the Global Road to Ruin through Education.”)
Charlotte Iserbyt – How We Got Here – Disc 1, click here.

Charlotte Iserbyt - How We Got Here - Disc 1


View All The Speeches From “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education”, HERE.

Related: “Common Core emerges as potent election issue for fed-up parents”, click here.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version  of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

Sheriff Mack to appear on Fox Business

Look for me on the Fox Business show "Lou Dobbs Tonight" this coming Tuesday, April 1.  No joke!  This could be a big event for raising awareness of the CSPOA.  The program starts at the following times:

7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific

Not sure if you get the Fox Business Channel?  Here's a link to a channel finder that can tell you how to find it in your area:  Fox Business Channel Finder

As you know, the CSPOA uses most of the funds it receives to hold conferences where members of the law enforcement community and those serving in public office can receive free training from some of this nation's greatest constitutional scholars, lawyers, and fellow sheriffs.  An increase in awareness can only help our membership and donations grow, allowing us to hold conventions more often and in more cities! 

Jan 2014 Resolution Update
Have you seen the list of resolution signers lately? It's currently sitting at 219 names, including 33 sheriffs, 22 others in law enforcement and 29 currently serving in public office, with 10 state reps from Utah and 4 from Washington!  Are you among them?  Why not?

It's only powerful when we are united. 
Please follow this link to read the resolution on our web site, where you can see others who have signed and add your name to the list.    

Date Reminders For Upcoming CSPOA Events

CSPOA - Lighting the Lamp of Liberty: Friday April 18 2014, Springfield, Illinois.  This event is open to the public and admission is free

CSPOA Convention: Monday Sept 15 2014, Arlington, VA.  Open to all sheriffs, peace officers and public officials

Constitution Day at the National Press Club: Wednesday Sept 17 2014, Washington DC 

Read more about these events on  Better yet, please support them either in person or financially!
In liberty, 
Richard Mack 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ref: Town Council workshop 3/25

Mr. Dale Olmstead, Town of Lisbon's Interim Town Manager has some great cost savings ideas and suggestions on ways to increase our town budget. 

If he had been provided a microphone the public would have been able to hear them, don't you get it?


Mr. Olmstead can only make suggestions the town council has to act on them!!



Saturday, March 29, 2014

WND RADIO Sheriff: Feds Can't Make Me Enforce Gun Control

‘It’s not my job to turn law-abiding firearms owners into criminals’

 Most Colorado sheriffs are refusing to enforce new gun-control laws they consider unenforceable, saying they will not treat every citizen like a felon and won’t change their plans even if a federal judge rules against them.
Fifty-five of Colorado’s 62 sheriffs are in agreement on refusing to enforce the law. Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said the new rules on magazine capacity and other issues make it impossible for authorities to make arrests even if they wanted to.
“They’ve turned law-abiding citizens into criminals,” Cooke said. “They banned magazines that hold more than 15 rounds and what they’ve said is that any magazine that can be readily converted to hold more than 15 rounds is illegal. Well, that’s 99.999 percent of all magazines. They have a base plate and a spring that you can remove to repair or clean. If you can do that, then that magazine is illegal to possess after Jan. 1, and you can’t buy any. How do we enforce that?
“There’s a grandfather clause in the law that says if you own a magazine before July 1, 2013, that’s more than 15 rounds, you’re allowed to keep it. How are my deputies going to know who bought that magazine before or after July 1? So we’re not putting any resources into it or making it a priority,” he said.
 Read, Listen to and View more,  at:

'It's not my job to turn law-abiding firearms owners into criminals'

The Maine Wire: “Michaud caught making bogus job claims (again)” plus 1 more‏

Michaud caught making bogus job claims (again)
Posted: 28 Mar 2014 08:32 AM PDT
Maine Democrats, including U.S. Rep. and gubernatorial candidate Michael Michaud, have mischaracterized a liberal think tank’s report to attack Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s economic policies. “First of all what the governor’s talking about – him creating jobs, actually the private sector’s jobs in the state of Maine – Maine ranks 50th in the country as […]
Maine GOP, #GEN207 to take 2016 presidential straw poll
Posted: 28 Mar 2014 07:00 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – The Maine Republican Party will conduct a 2016 presidential election straw poll during the party convention in April, a party spokesman announced Friday.  “The #Gen207 Presidential Straw Poll provides a casual outlet for Maine Republicans to voice their opinions on the 2016 election. It provides an opportunity to see where the party appears to be […]

Another American Hero Has Gone West Rest In Peace Admiral Denton: Ex-senator and Vietnam POW who blinked "torture" in Morse code dies

Prisoner of war Jeremiah Denton declared his loyalty to the U.S. government during a 1966 interview for what was supposed to be a propaganda film. But his enraged captors missed his more covert message: "T-O-R-T-U-R-E," blinked into the camera in Morse code, a dispatch that would alert the U.S. military to the conditions he endured.
Denton, who would survive 7 1/2 years confined in a tiny, stinking, windowless cell at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" and other camps before his release in 1973, died of heart problems Friday in Virginia Beach, Va., at age 89, his grandson Edward Denton said.
The elder Denton later became the first Republican from Alabama elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction, though the iron will that allowed him to persevere in captivity gave rise to criticism he was too rigid a politician.

Admiral Jeremiah Denton Blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E using Morse Code as P.O.W. 



Its An Honor To Serve! (Jeremiah Denton, American Hero)


 And Thank You For Your Service To This Country and always, God Bless.

 Submitted by: 'Curt B. and many others'

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lisbon Stand Up! Ted Cruz: Stand for Principle!

Take the Message and Apply it Locally.
Remove All Doubt and Clean It All Out.
Ask you Representatives, Councilors, other elected or appointed officials to Tell The Truth,
Then make your mark count in the Voting Booth.


Submitted by: Todd Comber

Lisbon Town Council Agenda for April 1, 2014




7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules






2014-45 ORDER − A. Minutes of March 17, 2014
                                B. Minutes of March 18, 2014
                                C. Minutes of March 25, 2014


2014-46 ORDER − Adopting Street name for Map U08 Lots 35 & 35A for E911

2014-47 ORDER − Set polling hours, locations, registrar hours, and casting of Absentee Ballots on Election Day

2014-48 ORDER − Approve an amount for the purchase of a replacement plow truck

2014-49 ORDER − Consideration of an order for public hearing on proposed issuance of a $1,100,000 order for general obligation securities for the construction of a new Public Works Garage

2014-50 ORDER − Consideration of an order for public hearing on proposed issuance of a $5,700,000 order for general obligation securities for the Lisbon High School New Gymnasium

2014-51 ORDER − Consideration of an order for public hearing on proposed issuance of a $500,000 order for general obligation securities for a new track and related improvements at Lisbon High School


A. Finance Committee Report to Council
B. Council Roles & Responsibilities
C. Review Council Working Rules




2014-52 ORDER − Appoint Election Clerks for June 10, 2014     State and Local Election



2014-53 ORDER − To Adjourn