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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Maine Wire: Trahan: The Rise of the Animal Rights Movement plus more

Trahan: The Rise of the Animal Rights Movement
By David Trahan — In politics today, it is virtually impossible to expose the true motives of an individual candidate or special interest group; in addition, with technology and the vast media resources available to manipulate film and written media, special interests can use highly paid media consultants to hide their real agenda.  Unfortunately, voters […]

Maine autodealer will continue to let free market set wages

In a victory for the free market, Adam Lee of Lee Auto Malls announced Friday that he will no longer pay any employees less than $10.00 per hour. It was not immediately clear how many of Lee’s employees would be impacted by the publicly advertised pay increase and Lee did not respond to inquiries. Lee […]
At 5.7%, Maine’s jobless continues to fall under LePage administration

“Help Wanted” signs are popping up across the state as tourism season begins in earnest and the economic activity is reflected in April’s unemployment report. Maine’s jobless rate fell in April to 5.7 percent — its lowest point since September of 2008 and better than the national average of 6.3 percent, according to employment statistics released […]
Grover Norquist slams Kevin Raye

Renowned tax reform activist Grover Norquist slammed Republican congressional candidate Kevin Raye on Friday over comments the candidate made about the so-called Taxpayer Protection Pledge at a Wednesday debate. The pledge in question was conceived of by Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, a Washington, D.C.-based group that advocates explicitly against tax increases. By signing the pledge, […]
Clean elections, unicorns, and other fantasies

By Ken Frederic – I find it at once sad and disturbing that many potential voters are easily persuaded by a headline, bumper sticker, or couplet. With the oceans of information readily available today, responsible citizens should be dismayed that others are voting with no idea what they’re doing. Among the many examples are the […]
Grand jury indicts four in York County on alleged welfare fraud

A York County grand jury has indicted four individuals – including a New Hampshire woman – on charges that they allegedly lied to the state of Maine in order to obtain tens of thousands of dollars in welfare benefits. The indictments were released May 7 by the York County Superior Court. Sources say all four indictments […]


Submitted by: 'Gordie'

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Great Falls TV: Lisbon School Committee Meeting May 12th, 2014


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014
6:00 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward


2014-86 ORDER − Appointment of New Town Manager

2014-87 ORDER − Appointment of Tax Collector


2014-88 ORDER − To Adjourn

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Not Hollywood Scripted, Real Life, Real War, Real Heroes, America's Longest War Ever: The Hornet's Nest

 is a groundbreaking and immersive feature film, using unprecedented real footage to tell the story of an elite group of U.S. troops sent on a dangerous mission deep inside one of Afghanistan’s most hostile valleys.  The film culminates with what was planned as a single day strike turning into nine intense days of harrowing combat against an invisible, hostile enemy in the country’s complex terrain where no foreign troops have ever dared to go before. Two embedded journalists, a father and son, bravely followed the troops through the fiercest and most blood-soaked battlegrounds of the conflict. What resulted is an intensely raw feature film experience that will give audiences a deeply emotional and authentic view of the heroism at the center of this gripping story.
The Hornet’s Nest exemplifies the heroism and courage of our military personnel who face endless gun battles, roadside bombings, and sniper fire from an invisible enemy whose one goal is to kill Americans. 
This is the story of our most valiant soldiers and Marines, told through the narrative of a father and son, attempting to reconnect under unimaginable circumstances, who are assigned to cover the conflict for one of the United States’ major broadcast networks.
Every American who sees this powerful film will gain a greater understanding of the heroism and sacrifice made by our soldiers and Marines in combat to protect our freedom. 

Partnership screenings have been taking place all over the country, including special screenings at the Napa Film Festival, the G.I. Film Festival and at the Asian Society in New York for the Easter Seals.
The all-star soundtrack, featuring the song “Follow Me” by five-time Grammy winner Wynonna Judd and husband Cactus Moser, will be available from Gratitude Entertainment in 2014.
The Hornet’s Nest will be released nationally in theaters on May 23rd, 2014 with platform openings in select markets on May 9th and May 16th.

Making the Right Choice for the Community - Part 3‏ (Track)


The third bond is for building a Track at a cost of approximately $500,000.00 taxpayers’ dollars.    I do not want anyone to misunderstand me.  I am in favor of our kids having a place to do track especially since Lisbon has one of the best track teams in the state.  However, they cannot hold home meets in Lisbon because the current track does not meet safety standards.  This is a shame.

I am voting NO on a new track.  The reason is very simple.  If we have $500,000.00 to spend, I would rather see it spent on repairing our roads.  This to me is a higher priority to the community than a track.  A track is utilized by a smaller number of citizens, for a few months out of the year, and everyone uses our roads.  If we are going to be spending taxpayer’s money, then the whole community should receive the benefit and not just a few.

False Deluder is a very dedicated parent who wants only the best for his kids and I do not blame him or the other families involved with this movement.  But if you are spending taxpayer’s dollars it should be in the best interest of the whole community and not just a few. 

False Deluder wants to talk about “needs” but never mentioned if it was the needs of his kids or needs of the community.  Supporting your kids is important and should be the number one priority of every parent.  It is vital that the town get a new Public Works garage and the town needs a new gym but the town does not need a new Track. 

It is easy to see a “return on investment” with both the Public Works garage and the gym but there is absolutely no return on investment on a track especially when the money could be used to repair our roads.  Repairing our roads would save wear and tear on our vehicles as well as the town vehicles.

When you go to the polls in June, please vote what is best for the whole community and not just a few.
Larry Fillmore

Making the Right Choice for the Community Part 2 of 3 (Gym)

Part 2

The second bond issue is for a new gym.  This has a very high price tag attached to it.   However, the bond is for thirty (30) years which means the majority of us will never see it paid off. 

I am voting to approve this building of a new gym.  Again, I am on a fixed income but I believe that approval of this bond is in the best interest of this community.  The main reason I am in favor of this is because it provides the best chance to get our school system off probation.  However, there are many many more reasons for my decision.

Ride around town and see all the empty homes. We are losing friends and neighbors left and right.  This trend needs to stop and one of the best ways to do this is offer families an incentive to move to Lisbon.  Most parents, like False Deluder, are dedicated to their kids and want them to have the best opportunity possible regardless of what the parents have to sacrifice.  I believe that, if you build it they will come.

A state of the art gym will provide young people with a facility to play sports and to host numerous tournaments throughout the year.  Tournaments generate revenue for the school and revenue for the community.  A gym with all the bells and whistles which meets all the state, MPA and other organizations requirements will generate tournaments in every sport offered in Lisbon.

The revenue from these tournaments will mean that the school can convert the current gym into a Performing Arts Center.  A Performing Arts Center will then generate more revenue.  Generating revenue will help the taxpayers by reducing the cost of operating the school.

Parents driving to these tournaments will need to shop for gas and food for the family. The majority of these funds will be spent in our community.  This will generate additional revenue for our businesses.  This cannot be a bad thing.

This bond has a high price tag but it is an investment in our community.  This is an excellent opportunity to generate additional revenue for both the school and the community.  The location of the new gym is right off Route 196 so it will be visible to all from the road.   BIW is going to be hiring more workers and these workers will need a place for them and their families; so why not Lisbon?

As Tracey Austin reminds us all, each year we wait the more it costs.  The time is right now, so let’s investment in our community.

Larry Fillmore



This article may get lengthy so I will break it up into three parts.  This community is at a cross roads right now and has to make some very difficult decisions.  The decisions will affect the entire community and will be costly.  I, like a lot of citizens, are on a fixed income and with the cost of living as it is every penny counts.  However in June, we are being asked to vote on three bond issues.  I am going to try and defend MY choices.

First, I want to say for the first time I believe we have a good Council who, for the most part, are interested in doing what is right for the community.  I believe in Dale Olmstead, Interim Town Manager, and hopefully the next Town Manager, Diane Barnes.  These individuals have a very solid plan contrary to what False Deluder says and there is urgency in moving this forward.  First, is the fact the town is paying a monthly fee of $4,500.00 for space in another facility and second is everything must be in place before next winter?

It is easy in June to forget that Public Works needs to be able to keep our roads plowed and salt and sand put down during the winter months.  In order to prepare and accomplish this Public Works needs a facility.  Public Works employees work extremely hard to make sure the public remains safe on our roads at all times.  We call Police, Fire and Medical, Public Safety but the real Public Safety is Public Works because if these First Responders cannot get to you what good are they?

I am voting YES on the new Public Work’s garage for several reasons.  The current building does not allow for our fleet to be housed inside during winter months.  The mechanics are forced to work in cramped spaces and the ventilation is unacceptable.  This puts our employees at risk. 

I attend almost every meeting of the Town Council, unlike most of you and including False Deluder.  Mr. Olmstead outlined a detailed plan to resolve numerous town issues at one time.  The plan depends on the citizens voting to approve the bond for the new Public Works garage.  If the bond is approved, the town will purchase a building that will not only house the Public Works vehicles but also the school buses.    

This will allow Public Works to perform maintenance on the school buses eliminating outsourcing school bus maintenance.  The plan also includes moving the Lisbon Falls Fire Station into this facility, thus eliminating the traffic problem on Main Street during a fire.  The current Public Works garage will be converted to a salt shed which will cover our salt.

Yes, approving this bond will cost the taxpayers additional funds but spreading it out over years will reduce the impact.  I believe a new Public Works garage is essential to moving our community forward and it will eliminate several other problem areas at the same time which makes this very cost effective.

Larry Fillmore

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Lisbon Town Council Agendas For May 19th and 20th, 2014

MONDAY, MAY 19, 2014
5:30 P.M.

___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward


2014-73 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matters - Town Manager Search
2014-74 ORDER − To Adjourn


TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014
7:00 P.M.
___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules
2014-75 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6) (D) Contract negotiations
A. Lisbon Emergency Recognition of Sergeant Stewart & Officer McGee
A. Amendments to the Finance Committee Ordinance
2014-76 ORDER − A. Minutes of May 6, 12, & 13, 2014
B. Renewal Victualer's Licenses
C. Pole Permit - Potter Rd.
2014-77 ORDER − Dispatch Agreement with Lisbon Emergency
2014-78 ORDER − Garden Request - Faye Brown Letter
2014-79 ORDER − Nominations to MMA's Legislative Policy Committee
2014-80 RESOLUTION − 2014 Spirit of America Tribute
2014-81 ORDINANCE − Amendment to Finance Committee Ordinance (2nd Reading)
A. Unitil Paving Proposal
2014-82 ORDER − Removal of Appeals Board member for non-residence
2014-83 ORDER − Appointment of New Town Manager
2014-84 ORDER − Appointment of Tax Collector
2014-85 ORDER − To Adjourn

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Upcoming Vote‏

 I am planning on printing this and putting it on my front yard.  Would you post this to the Lisbon Reporter?

YE$ on 1
More TAXE$

Vote NO to TAXE$

Submitted by a Lisbon Taxpayer

NaturalNews: Now see the full episode of the Health Ranger on national television‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
You can now watch the full episode of the Health Ranger's appearance this week on national TV! Check out this powerful show on poison in the food supply:

Today I'm also warning about rampant science illiteracy across America and urging improved science education for children:

The Kellogg company has finally reached a settlement over false labeling of Kashi and Bear Naked brands:

Don't miss this eye-opening talk on the health effects of dirty electricity:

And if you're looking for clean vegan proteins, check out this new wave of ultra low-metals plant-based proteins from various manufacturers:

Finally, we've just launched a new page where you can find all the news on GMOs in one place, with real-time updates throughout the day! Check it out at:

more breaking news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Doc Rob Streisfeld returns with the latest science on cannabinoids, CBD, and hemp’s growing popularity in the natural products industry. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Are you ready to take the "no grocery store" challenge?
- Naturopathic protocol for immune system health
- Evil GMA to file lawsuit to block GMO labeling in Vermont

Water-related illness affects one-third of homes after West Virginia chemical leak
(NaturalNews) A chemical leak affecting at least 300,000 residents in West Virginia has been under investigation since January when the leak occurred, reported

Common pesticide combines with Roundup to create even deadlier substance: study
(NaturalNews) Perhaps the only thing more pervasively toxic than crop chemicals, like glyphosate (Roundup) and atrazine, is these poisons combined with one another. A new study published in the journal Chemosphere has revealed that the amalgamated...

Kellogg reaches settlement for misleading food labeling claims involving Kashi and Bear Naked brands
(NaturalNews) After years of backlash from health-minded consumers duped by false statements such as "Nothing artificial" and "100% natural" on Kashi and Bear Naked product labeling, Kellogg has finally reached a settlement. Kellogg spokeswoman Kris...

Total debacle as Obamacare failures cost North Dakota company $73m in losses
(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act is gutting the US economy, inadvertently knifing out chunks of multiple millions of dollars from the private sector, as the unintended consequences of crony government intervention take hold. As the new system is...

Indian court orders hospital to pay up for child death caused by vaccines
(NaturalNews) The family of a newborn baby boy who died following routine vaccinations has been awarded a modest cash sum by the government after state officials determined that the doctor who administered the shots, as well as the hospital where it all...

Dirty Electricity: The invisible health threat
(NaturalNews) Dirty electricity, also called electrical pollution is caused by an interruption of 60 Hz alternating current - commonly used to power household appliances and business equipment. If you own a television, computer or cordless phone - you...

Maca can help counter sexual dysfunctions and maintain a healthy prostate
(NaturalNews) The maca plant is a product from South America, and it was originally found in large quantities in the Andean mountains of Peru. The Peruvians like to use maca flour for baking as a base and a flavoring ingredient. It has long been known...

Radiation levels in tuna tripled after Fukushima
(NaturalNews) Fish caught off the coast of Oregon have tested positive for radiation and the researchers that discovered this say Fukushima is to blame. An Oregon State University (OSU) research project found that radiation in albacore tuna has...

Edible water bottles could reduce plastic waste
(NaturalNews) Plastics, many of which are plastic bottles for juices, sodas, and water have created a huge planetary ecological disposal problem. Americans use an estimated 50 billion of these disposable plastic bottles annually. And they're made from...

Maple sugar important for strong immune system, provides host of health benefits
(NaturalNews) It's no secret that added or unhealthy sugars can wreak havoc on the body. For example, the large quantities of sugar in sodas contribute to the obesity epidemic and throw blood sugar levels out of whack. Plus, the dangerous ingredients...

Aggressive regulations threaten DC food trucks and farmers markets with harsh fines, jail time
(NaturalNews) The District of Criminals seems to be in a desperate search for new ways to criminalize free trade, with new proposed amendments that would put vendors at farmers markets and food trucks, as well as ticket "scalpers," at risk of harsh fines...

Dr. Ben Lynch reveals methylation secrets in the upcoming Thyroid Summit
(NaturalNews) Ben Lynch, M.D., is scheduled to speak at The Thyroid Summit, an online event which begins June 2 and runs through June 9. His presentation will be titled "Folic Acid, Methylation and the Connection to Low Thyroid." According to his website...

Top 5 foods to avoid this summer
(NaturalNews) - Are all natural foods good for all of us all of the time? Ayurveda, the ancient Indian source of life, says no because each food has qualities and actions that affect us differently, depending on our natural constitution, imbalances...

All internet activity now monitored by 'pre-crime' algorithms
(NaturalNews) As news spread some months ago, in the wake of revelations divulged by former analyst Edward Snowden that the National Security Agency has been collecting metadata on Americans' phone calls and emails, most came to the conclusion that everything...

Chronic inflammation linked to prostate cancer development
(NaturalNews) Stress, poor diet, exposure to environmental chemicals -- these and many other triggers of chronic inflammation may be causatively linked to cancer, according to a new study. Researchers from the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center...

Health Ranger warns about rampant science illiteracy in America, urges greater science education for children
(NaturalNews) Science illiteracy is rampant across America, so today I'm calling for increased science education so that future adults can have a greater understanding of the world around them. ...

Ultra-clean protein breakthrough as companies announce low heavy metals powders based on Sacha Inchi, Pumpkin seed and more
(NaturalNews) On the heels of Natural News spearheading the issue of toxic heavy metals contamination of rice protein products -- and the Doctor Oz Show giving...

GOPDD: Hilarious!! Electile Dysfunction” Ad!!‏

When The Moment Is Right
There is a lot of “Electile Dysfunction in Washington DC.
Over the course of 23 years, John Boehner has forgotten that his job was to go to D.C. to fight for you. Despite his campaign promises, as Speaker of the House he has failed to defund ObamaCare, failed to pass timely budgets, failed to protect us from amnesty for criminal illegal immigrants, and even raised the debt ceiling which leaves debt for our children and grandchildren to pay back and puts our national security at risk.
It’s time for a change. It’s time to fight back!

Got Pills? BrasscheckTV: The World's Most Dangerous Drug Dealers‏

They're not in Colombia,
Mexico or in America's
central cities. 
How a dangerous group
of criminals do a third
of a trillion dollars worth
of business every year in
broad daylight. 
- Brasscheck TV 
Drugging America into a stupor
“Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging” Full Movie (Documentary) 2010
 This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most "doctors" would call this dependence because you do not have to take an increasing dose over time. They are completely fine with you being addicted to the same amount of any given drug on a daily basis. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs. (Ex: Paxil (Paroxetine), Zoloft (Sertraline), Prozac, Wellbutrin (Bupropion), Effexor, Seroquil, Ultram (Tramadol), etc.)

Made up ailments, real poisons
One hundred million people are on psychiatric drugs.

40 years ago, the use of psychiatric drugs was extremely rare and there was a real debate as to whether it was ethical to use them even on severely disturbed psychiatric patients.

Now, idiot school teachers and school administrators intimidate parents into putting their kids on these drugs.

These drugs breed dependence, they are very difficult to get off of once on, and they are dangerous.

The pay day: One third of trillion dollars every year.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Recap Last Night's Social Gala‏


Last night, our Town Council held a social gala for the people to meet the finalist for the position of Town Manager.  I am truly embarrassed to report that out of a population of roughly 9,000 residents, only 15 to 20 individuals attended.  Mrs. Diane Barnes was greeted by such a small number of citizens.  This reflects poorly on our community.

I spoke with several of the people that did attend and everyone I talked to was impressed with Mrs. Barnes and believes that she will be a perfect fit for this town.  Mrs. Barnes still had to go for a second interview which she did last night after the social.

I personally wish Mrs. Barnes all the luck in the second interview and would be proud for her to be our next Town Manager.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

NaturalNews: Health Ranger appearing today on famous TV doctor's show to discuss toxic heavy metals‏ plus more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The rumors are true: I'm appearing on a famous TV doctor's show today to reveal the truth about toxic heavy metals in rice protein, ginkgo herbal supplements and more.
This story is rapidly exploding into the mainstream. Check out the episode here:

Vegan protein powders: Which products are the cleanest when it comes to heavy metals? I've just published the full list of the cleanest products tested so far:

Home remedies for acne: 7 treatments that really work!

10 lifestyle tips to boost immunity:

more news continues below...

Today on
- Naturopathic protocol for immune system health
- Evil GMA to file lawsuit to block GMO labeling in Vermont
- Vaccinations from an infant's perspective

GMOs, chemical agriculture release billions of tons of carbon into atmosphere
(NaturalNews) The next time somebody tries to tell you that cow farts, cars or too many people are the impetus behind disastrous changes in the climatic norms of the planet, you may want to point them to a new analysis paper published in Yale University's...

Home Remedies for Acne: 7 Treatments That Really Work
(NaturalNews) Almost 85 percent of people experience acne within the course of a lifetime, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, (1) so it's a very common problem. Many people turn to over-the-counter acne products or prescription drugs for...

Atrazine's adverse health effects continue to be ignored by government
(NaturalNews) Seven years after joining the biology faculty of the University of California-Berkeley in 2001, Tyrone Hayes stopped talking about his research with people he did not trust. He told students in his lab, where he was raising 3,000 frogs...

10 lifestyle tips to boost immunity anyone can implement with ease
(NaturalNews) A depressed immune system lowers the body's ability to fight off all sorts of diseases, from the simple common cold to cancer. A body with a weak immune system is more susceptible to infections and diseases; infections and diseases then...

Magnesium is perhaps more important than calcium in building strong bones
(NaturalNews) The calcium craze has created quite a bit of confusion in the natural health community, with folks rushing to buy calcium supplements in the hopes of building strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. But loading up on just calcium alone...

Secret death list kept by Phoenix VA hospital as healthcare denied to veterans
(NaturalNews) More than three-dozen U.S. veterans died while waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom had been placed on a secret waiting list. According to CNN, at least 40 vets died. The news network...

Could the key to Alzheimer 's disease prevention be as simple as eating strawberries?
(NaturalNews) Two decades of dedicated research has clearly revealed that dementia and specifically the dreaded diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be prevented or even halted by making lifestyle modifications toward a natural food diet that excludes...

Dana Trentini the 'Hypothyroid Mom' to speak at upcoming Thyroid Summit
(NaturalNews) Dana Trentini, MA, the "Hypothyroid Mom," is scheduled to speak at The Thyroid Summit, an online event which begins June 2 and runs through June 9. Her presentation will be titled "Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Thyroid Issues." According...

The silent toxin in food that provokes cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and more
(NaturalNews) Found in everything from cereal grains to dried fruit and nuts to legumes, along with wine, hard cheeses and certain types of coconut oil -- mycotoxins are difficult to dodge. Associated with a variety of diseases, these fungal metabolites...

Deadly 'superbugs' escaped hospitals, now infecting homes
(NaturalNews) One of the most virulent pathogens known to man is no longer just a threat at dirty hospitals, according to a new report. For the first time, the antibiotic-resistant superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has...

Study shows low hospital lighting levels makes patients more depressed, sick
(NaturalNews) Sometimes people feel worse when they're in the hospital, and now all the jokes about iffy hospital food or long waiting room times can be put to rest. Turns out, there's truth to mood changes and worsening health while in a hospital, and...

Monday, May 12, 2014

BDN: Baby Eagles rescued from Bangor nest after mother falls ill, father electrocuted

By John Holyoke, BDN Staff
BANGOR, Maine — On Sunday, area bird watchers were stunned when over a seven-hour period, one adult bald eagle was discovered standing, apparently ill, on a sidewalk, and another, presumably its mate, flew into electric wires and died.
On Monday, a crew methodically assessed the situation, sent a climber up a large white pine tree to the eagle nest some 90 feet above the ground, and rescued two orphaned eaglets, which were immediately fed electrolytes and taken to Avian Haven, a bird rehabilitation facility, in Freedom.
The two eaglets will be reunited with their mother at Avian Haven.

Continue Reading and watch Video

Eagle Rising: Conservative Destroys Fox News’ Juan Williams and Unmasks the Common Core

 Juan Williams is a liberal. He may work for Fox News (and be hated by other liberals because of it) but he is a down the line, mainstream liberal. Williams, like most liberals in the media, has been stumping for the Common Core since its inception and is still a fan of the massive government takeover, even as we see it failing around the country. Recently on Fox News he had the misfortune of running into the buzz saw that is the brilliant George Will – and Will set him straight on the Common Core.
Listen closely to Will’s argument because it is damning… and it is 100% accurate.


George Will Nails Common Core 

Juan Williams is a liberal. He may work for Fox News (and be hated by other liberals because of it) but he is a down the line, mainstream liberal. Williams, like most liberals in the media, has been stumping for the Common Core since its inception and is still a fan of the massive government takeover, even as we see it failing around the country. Recently on Fox News he had the misfortune of running into the buzz saw that is the brilliant George Will – and Will set him straight on the Common Core.
Listen closely to Will’s argument because it is damning… and it is 100% accurate.


Very Eye Opening; BrasscheckTV: Another "Help Africa" Scam?‏

Celebrities and politicians
are jumping on the bandwagon.  
And in the mix, a bunch of
"military advisors" are now
roaming around Nigeria. 
Something doesn't smell
right about #returnourgirls
Other examples of operations
like this: bait and switch. 
- Brasscheck TV 

Killing Africans with Pop Star Kindness
From the DVD “Starsuckers”

“One of the most important
documentaries of the last 25 years” 
You can order this DVD directly from Amazon.

We are serious when we say this is one of the most important documentaries made in the last 25 years.

Not only will it help you understand the world you live it, it will help you and your loved ones protect yourselves from it.

Essential viewing. Our absolute highest recommendation.

You can get the full movie here:
Starsuckers (Star Suckers)

PAL version for the UK and other PAL countries:
Starsuckers ( Star Suckers ) [ NON-USA FORMAT, PAL, Reg.2 Import - United Kingdom ]

GOPDD: The Smoke is Clearing – There is No IRS Investigation at Holder Justice Department

 by Rick Wells
Employing a different definition for the word “acting,” the acting deputy U.S. attorney general in charge of overseeing “public integrity” prosecutions was questioned on Friday by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH). He was acting as if there were an investigation into the IRS targeting of conservatives, and apparently acting as well, with regard to whether he […]

Letter to Maine FOAA Ombudsman on Violations, (references available)

People can email me if they want the actual articles.  As you can see by the attached list of footnotes and first chunk of referenced articles, all the referenced sources are in pdfs. dh
Dwight E. Hines, Ph.D.


Livermore, Maine 04253

May 2, 2014

Ms. Brenda Kielty, Esq., Ombudsman,

Office of Maine Attorney General 

Augusta, Maine 04333

Dear Ms. Kielty:

My response to your response to my sworn affidavit has taken me longer than I planned because I am a high-level procrastinator and my condition worsened with retirement.  I wrote it as a separate letter. Also, Mr. Schaub resigned, effective over two weeks ago, to become Town Manager in Turner.  I hope Mr. Schaub does well at Turner. I have tons of family there.  

My complaints are not so much against the actions of Mr. Schaub, but his inactions.  Because he was supported by the Board of Selectmen, I think it is best to let them and you know that the lack of adequate notice for meetings is not acceptable and, not to be forgotten, his not providing warrant summaries with the other documents at the selectmen’s meetings is equally unacceptable.  This response is going to be mostly telegraphic, with some pertinent, relevant, probative, well-chiseled prose thrown in to keep it fascinating.  I like the idea of an affidavit because it keeps me specific, saves you wasted time from checking on validity of my complaint, and places the other person(s) in the position of being honest or swearing an affidavit and facing consequences.

My concerns about the low levels of citizen attendance, and participation in, Livermore Selectmen’s meetings are not a technicality.   There is no doubt that Mainers are highly creative and are excellent problem solvers.  As Madison observed over 200 years ago, and current research confirms, democracy’s strengths are in the superiority of groups over individuals in openly defining and solving problems.

“. . . the power of sharing ideas as opposed to individual thinking is clear. When we study decision making in small groups, we find that the pattern of communication — who talked to whom and how much they talked — is far more important than the characteristics of the individuals. In studies of workplaces ranging from call centers to drug-discovery groups, communication patterns are usually the single most important factor in both productivity and creative output. And in our recent study of 300 cities in the US and Europe, variations in the pattern of communication accounted for almost all of the differences in average earnings — much more important that variations in education or class structure. Importantly, income per person grows exponentially larger as more people share ideas, so it is the sharing that causes the growth, not just having more individuals contributing.

“Instead of individual rationality, our society appears to be governed by a collective intelligence that comes from the surrounding flow of ideas and examples; we learn from others in our environment, and they learn from us. A community with members who actively engage with each other creates a group with shared, integrated habits and beliefs. What social physics shows is that, when the flow of ideas incorporates a constant stream of outside ideas as well, the individuals in the community make better decisions than they could by reasoning things out on their own.”


“It is time that we dropped the fiction of individuals as the unit of rationality, and recognized that our rationality is largely determined by the surrounding social fabric. Instead of being actors in markets, we are collaborators in determining the public good. Indeed, our research has demonstrated that people are much more influenced by their social networks than by individual incentives. For example, in one experiment aimed at promoting more healthy behavior we compared the strategy of giving participants cash when they improved their behavior to the strategy of giving cash to the participants’ buddies. We found that giving buddies the reward was more than 4 times as effective as giving rewards directly to the participants. Similar social network incentives have yielded even more dramatic results when used to encourage energy savings and voting.” (1)

Mr. Schaub’s job description for Administrative Assistant at Livermore states his duty of posting notices on page one — it is the second duty listed for his position, right after prepare the Annual Report. The same duty of posting notices is listed again on the second page of his job description.(2)  Primacy and frequency for his ‘notice’ duties strongly indicate that his providing adequate notice to citizens is a priority among his duties.  In addition, Mr. Schaub was approved by the Board to be the designated Freedom of Access Officer for Livermore, which he expanded to include handling all information requests to the Registrar and Town Clerk, Ms. Renda Guild.  Responsibility for FOAA requests is not specifically noted in the job description but “handling” requests for information is stated as a duty on the first and second pages.  

Mr. Schaub has complete responsibility for the Livermore webpages <> and there is a calendar page <> that shows the times and dates for the Board of Selectmen meetings for the current and future months.  Recently added to the calendar are monthly planning board meetings. Budget meetings are still not listed.

Please note that Livermore has an excellent Highway Department and they had no problem keeping the Town Office parking area and driveway cleared all winter.  All Mr. Schaub had to do was request that they clear a path to the marquee when they came to plow the driveway, the parking lot, and to shovel clearance to the front door.  Mr. Schaub had a duty, for which he was paid, to post the meeting notice on the marquee. If necessary, he should have kept the snow cleared to the marquee  By not doing his duty, a lot of money the town spent building the marquee to provide notices of different types, even in the winter, was wasted.  Ms. Kielty, my wife and I live in a secluded area and, like all the people in our neighborhood, some of whom are in their 70s, we know to keep the snow shoveled.  As a result of our reasonable practices, no one in our neighborhood had any problems with snow blocking their paths, preventing us from our chores and our recreations.  If we start interpreting job descriptions as not being applicable in predictable Maine winters, then we are on a cold road to perdition.

I’m listing the statutes after Mr. Schaub’s job description because the job description likely precedes the state law by many years and has the force of common law (3a), if not just common sense. Note the last paragraph in §401, the “subchapter shall be liberally construed. . .” (3).  And note that Maine Statute §406, Public Notice states  “This notice shall be given . .  in ample time to allow public attendance and shall be disseminated in a manner reasonably calculated to notify general public. . . “ (4)

Ms, Kielty, I searched through the Maine Statutes to get some idea of their required parameters for posting notices (5). There was not a single statute in the 28 I read that would have accepted a posting inside the office (To conserve space, only 13 of the statutes are listed of the 28 i read, with many more statutes having notice requirements I did not have time to read). Because the meeting notice was posted high on the wall, in an inconspicuous place, by Mr. Schaub last year was unreadable and did not list the meeting (Budget committee) at issue for my complaint, not even a Pharisee would claim it would meet the requirements of the Maine statutes.  There were more statutes with notice requirements so I might have missed the statute that states it is acceptable to put a tiny typed page on the far wall, up high, every two years or so.

A true copy of the typed page posted on a crowded bulletin board in the Livermore town office for 2013 and 2014 is attached (6).  Please note the small font and that there are no mentions of the combined budget committee and selectmen meetings — the ones that were the grounds for my initial complaint.  Given the average age and height of the population of the Town of Livermore and the height of the notice posted, I believe that many people in Livermore would not be able to read the type size that far away from their eyes any better than I could.  Also, Livermore may be a small town but we pay over $9,000.00 per year on computer systems and the posted notice was typed on a computer. I don’t believe there is a typewriter in the town office.  Once the notice was typed, I know at least one 9th grader in the local Livermore school who could create a link to the electronic version of the notice on one of the town computers in less time than it took Mr. Schaub to type the notice.  Once the notice was linked it would be available for sending as an attachment to emails or to download from the town webpage at any time day or night, from close and far distances, without requiring any staff time.  The schedules on the Livermore webpage still do not list the budget committee meetings, as required by law and good practices.

A true copy of a Sun-Journal newspaper invoice for advertising Livermore bid requests for sand is enclosed (7a).  When I requested ads published as notices for town meetings, there were none.  Mr. Schaub emailed me that he was not required to advertise meetings in the newspaper.  Similarly, when I emailed a request for dates & times for when the newspaper, any newspaper, ran any notices of the town meetings, Mr. Schaub did not respond. I never saw any notices in the newspapers inside a news article or as a standalone advertisement.

Ms. Kielty, you objected to my statement that the old notice on the town marquee, with the word “cancelled” on it, negated the tiny typed notice up high on the town office wall that Mr. Schaub claimed was adequate notice, even though it did not contain the budget or planning committee meetings.  There is an extensive research literature on “anti-marketing” (much of it on smoking and drinking and drugs, some on NOT calling 911, see (7b) for example of marketing research) that would support my statement in that 1) Negation does exist for factual information; 2) Negation can be demonstrated in real and laboratory conditions. Given that the study by Margaret Chase Smith Center and the University of Maine on Maine towns several years ago found the problem that all the towns shared was a lack of public participation, and given that Mr. Schaub was Administrator of Livermore for more than 10 years, and given that the level of citizen attendance and participation has been near zero for some time, and given that Mr. Schaub did not use a competitive sealed bid system for awarding town contracts and purchases, the failure to comply with simple laws, like §401, et seq, creates optimal conditions for violations of other laws, like Maine Statute §2607, Neglect of Official Duty (8) and Maine Statute §608, Official Oppression (9).

As you read through my complaints and the inadequate, if not down-right misleading and false responses of Mr. Schaub to you about my complaints, you can see that other, more serious violations are likely to occur in an environment where transparency and public accountability are weak or absent.  See Maine Statute §604, Improper Compensation for Past Action (10) and Maine Statute §605, Improper Gifts to Public Servants (11).  A fascinating law review article by Loewenstein, Sunstein, and Golman, “Disclosure: Psychology Changes Everything”, is attached (12) has some fresh insights on how the discloser of information is effected that aids in understanding the lack of transparency in Livermore.  Indeed, authors recommend standardization to enhance the effectiveness of disclosure (see (13) for the form the Massachusetts Attorney General uses for Open Meeting complaints).

Indeed, some of the secondary violations, such as lacking “full disclosure” when the town issues bonds, are too often not considered until the violation, say U.S. Code 18 USC §1001-  Statements or entries, (14) or 17 CFR §240.10b-5, Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices, is completed and later detected.  

There is an extensive research literature, much of it in law journals, often including solid empirical research, on the value of public meetings and access to public records from the different perspectives of enforcement and economic development (16-20). Reading these thoughtful articles helps me view transparency and accountability as interacting components of a complex human ecosystem that helps me understand not just the continuing string of failing grades that Maine earns from independent, objective groups, and allows for statistical descriptions and prediction, with confidence intervals, as required by Maine and Federal Courts, that reveal Mainers are next to the bottom of states who do not trust their state government; (21-23).  While Maine earns a C on transparency of state spending; (24) Maine has a substantial underground economy that makes it difficult for the state to make ends meet (25). The slippage that occurs with a lack of transparency may be a partial contributing cause for more than half of Maine Fire Departments not reporting their call data to the State Fire Marshal, as required by law, and may possibly explain why Maine’s number of fire deaths and relative risk of dying by fire for 2010 are unknown (26), and why there is great uncertainty in the Maine numbers that are reported for 2001-2010 (27).  A local newspaper, the Rumford Meteor, continually satirizes a number of Maine Fire Departments as pursuing a “Save the Basement Strategy” (28).  Thus, it is not surprising that Maine scores at the bottom of the states for three years in friendliness to business (29) and earns solid Fs for public integrity (30a, 30b), and has the lowest per capita income of all the New England states (31).  I am surprised that Maine and federal authorities have not had multiple complaints from a number of counties and towns on deprivation of citizens’ rights under color of law (32a,b,c). 

Ms. Kielty, my going to meetings, making public records requests, and complaining when the responses to my requests are not adequate, are for helping Maine out of an economic and governance basement, a basement others have left and are leaving (33-39), with unreasonable effectiveness (40-41). The more people who become actively engaged in Maine government at different levels, the healthier we will all be (42-43). Mainers deserve much better than what we are getting (44-45).  

The U.S. DOT has one of the best methodical approaches to increasing public attendance and involvement (46) and they have been my guide.


Dwight Hines