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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

BrasscheckTV: A friendly message from the Department of Veterans Affairs‏

Do you think waiting weeks for
medical care is an outrage? 
Here's a group of soldiers
who had to wait 53 YEARS
because the injuries they 
were exposed to were
- Brasscheck TV 

A friendly message from
the Department of Veterans Affairs
Fifty three years too late...
- See more at:
A friendly message from
the Department of Veterans Affairs
Fifty three years too late...

Atomic Veterans 


Was it the VAs plan to let most of these men die
before they gave them help?

Let's see...

The military started testing radiation on soldiers and sailors in 1946.

In 1996 they announced a program to help them. My arithmetic has that at fifty-three (53) years later.

Thirty year olds who were exposed would be 83 by then. Twenty year olds, 73.

"Exposure to radiation might cause health problems."

Did it really take them 53 years to figure that out and offer these men help?

- See more at:


Comments/Questions on Livermore practices‏

Dwight E. Hines, Ph.D.
42 Israelson Rd.
Livermore, Maine 04253

June 17, 2014

Ms. Renda Guild, Administrator & Town Clerk,
Town of Livermore

Dear Ms. Guild:

With respect to the Livermore Selectmen’s Meeting of June 16, 2014, please file these questions/comments with the Selectmen and the treasurer for public discussion at the July 1, 2014, Selectmen’s meeting.   

1)  From the comments made by the treasurer at the June 16th meeting, the heating oil companies are all refusing to bid in writing on providing heating oil to Livermore.  Is this acceptable to the Selectmen?

2)  From the comments made by the treasurer at the June 16th meeting, the SAVE organization sent a letter to the treasurer specifying the number of people they served, but included no independent or objective measures of the quality of services or measures from their clients on client satisfaction with services.   Is this acceptable to the Selectmen?

3)  From the comments made by the treasurer at the June 16th meeting, she met with a representative of MMA and decided to award them the contract for services they render, without any other discussions or bids with other providers.  Is this acceptable to the Selectmen?

4)  From the comments made by Ms. Guild on the $15,000.00 contract for property tax evaluations, there will be no competitive bidding on that contract because “They have been good to us.”   Is this acceptable to the Selectmen?

5)  During the June 16th meeting, Selectman Neuman, who has completely missed three Selectmen’s meetings and left one meeting early, stated that he would not attend the July 1, 2014, meeting.  Selectman Neuman would be missing the equivalent of two months of Selectmen’s meetings.  After some discussion, that included not paying Selectmen for missed meetings, Selectman Newman stated that I could circulate a petition to that effect and bring it before the Annual Town meeting next year.

Selectman Neuman, as usual, was partially correct.  In the Town of Peru, a petition was circulated and approved by town vote for an ordinance to remove an elected official for cause.  The town then passed a petition that recalled three selectmen at a special town meeting, thus avoiding the long wait to the next annual town meeting.   Looking back on the Peru process, I think there are better alternatives to consider for Livermore via Maine and Federal Courts:

1) Selectman Neuman swore a required oath of office before taking office and there is a special writ for the removal of officials who violate their oath of office (Maine Superior Court)

2) I believe Selectman Neuman is committing simple fraud by his multiple absences. (Small Claims Court);

3)  I believe Selectman Neuman has committed multiple violations of Maine’s Anti-SLAPP Law, which violations, taken individually appear simple but, taken collectively show a pattern and practice that are substantial violations that cumulatively violate Maine’s common laws on free speech and federal constitutional and statutory laws on free speech, including, but not limited to, 42 U.S.C § 1983.  (Maine State Superior Court; Federal Court).

4) On July 1, 2014, new Maine laws go into effect and it may be possible to include these controversies in a planned federal complaint, in the interest of judicial economy.  I will discuss this with attorneys.

Taking a court approach, compared to petitions, will allow for affidavits, interrogatories, and depositions that can explore related violations of common, civil and commercial rights.

Ms. Guild, please include a copy of the MMA paper explaining Executive Sessions that I sent you last week and a copy of the spreadsheet showing differences in cost of heating oil for Neuman Oil & SAD #73, if we had cooperated with them.

I will provide a copy of a template spreadsheet for showing cost differences in non-bid contracts vs bid contracts (15% vs 35%).

Dwight Hines

Lisbon Reporter

BrasscheckTV: Special Report: Iraq, ISIS and a strangely prophetic song from 40 years ago‏

These are strange times. 
An army called ISIS arises out of
nowhere and appears to be on the
verge of conquering Iraq.
What's even stranger is that Bob Dylan
wrote lyrics 40 years ago that could
be the sound track to current events
in the Middle East. 
- Brasscheck TV 

 Bob Dylan and ISIS (40 years ago)
Forward music to 4:30
Read the notes and lyrics below

Bob Dylan, Rolling Thunder Review, Tangled Up In Blue / Isis 1975 

Art predicts reality - again

Sometimes artists go so far out in the creation process they come back with stories from the future. 

Where did the name ISIS comes from?

I can tell you this: It doesn’t mean squat in Arabic.

You don’t think a bunch of CIA hacks sitting around a conference table came up with it, do you?

Some bizarre parallels between Dylan’s song ISIS written forty years ago and current events.


I married Isis on the fifth day of May
(Roughly the day ISIS began its attacks in Iraq)

But I could not hold on to her very long
(The US and “peace” in Iraq)

So I cut off my hair and I rode straight away
(What happens when you’re inducted into the military)

For the wild unknown country where I could not go wrong
(Cowboy George Bush’s idiot pronouncement that the war
was easy and won: “Mission Accomplished!”)

I came to a high place of darkness and light

The dividing line ran through the center of town
(Sunni and Shiites)

I hitched up my pony to a post on the right

Went in to a laundry to wash my clothes down
(This part never happened. The real story is more
bizarre. Troops were ordered to turn their laundry
over to private contractors to do at a cost of $100
per load. True story. Look it up.)

A man in the corner approached me for a match
I knew right away he was not ordinary
He said, “Are you lookin’ for somethin’ easy to catch?”
I said, “I got no money.” He said, “That ain’t necessary”

We set out that night for the cold in the North
I gave him my blanket, he gave me his word

I said, “Where are we goin’?” He said we’d be back by the fourth
(Rumsfeld, Rice and fellow criminals assured the public the war would be
over and troops would be home in time for 4th of July parades and the answer
to “where are we goin’” and why was never answered.)

I said, “That’s the best news that I’ve ever heard”

I was thinkin’ about turquoise, I was thinkin’ about gold
I was thinkin’ about diamonds and the world’s biggest necklace
As we rode through the canyons, through the devilish cold
I was thinkin’ about Isis, how she thought I was so reckless
(It was a war for theft, nothing more and nothing less, and the
people of the world were totally against it staging
the biggest anti-war demonstrations before a war in recorded

How she told me that one day we would meet up again
And things would be different the next time we wed
If I only could hang on and just be her friend
I still can’t remember all the best things she said

We came to the pyramids all embedded in ice
He said, “There’s a body I’m tryin’ to find
If I carry it out it’ll bring a good price”
(The bogus ‘hunt’ for Bin Laden.)

’Twas then that I knew what he had on his mind

The wind it was howlin’ and the snow was outrageous
We chopped through the night and we chopped through the dawn
When he died I was hopin’ that it wasn’t contagious
But I made up my mind that I had to go on

I broke into the tomb, but the casket was empty
There was no jewels, no nothin’, I felt I’d been had
When I saw that my partner was just bein’ friendly
When I took up his offer I must-a been mad
(For anyone who thought any possible good could
come of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq
maybe now they finally have a clue.)

I picked up his body and I dragged him inside
Threw him down in the hole and I put back the cover
I said a quick prayer and I felt satisfied
(Well even an artist like Dylan could not predict
the insane story Obama & Co. cooked up about
putting Bin Laden’s body in a bag, flying it over
1000 miles and dumping it at sea)

Then I rode back to find Isis just to tell her I love her

She was there in the meadow where the creek used to rise
Blinded by sleep and in need of a bed
I came in from the East with the sun in my eyes
I cursed her one time then I rode on ahead

She said, “Where ya been?” I said, “No place special”
She said, “You look different.” I said, “Well, not quite”
She said, “You been gone.” I said, “That’s only natural”
She said, “You gonna stay?” I said, “Yeah, I jes might”

Isis, oh, Isis, you mystical child
What drives me to you is what drives me insane
I still can remember the way that you smiled
On the fifth day of May in the drizzlin’ rain

Copyright © 1975 by Ram’s Horn Music; renewed 2003 by Ram’s Horn Music


- See more at:  

Monday, June 16, 2014

NaturalNews: Natural antibiotics to stockpile now: 10 herbs that kill superbugs‏ Plus More, click on read more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
With superbugs on the rise around the world, everybody wants to know which herbs and plants are "natural antibiotics." Here's the list:

Health Ranger reports: Top 10 systems that are designed to fail (for political or profit reasons)... health care, food supply, war on drugs, education and more. Learn the truth almost no one dares admit:

Vitamin D deficiency causes weight gain: Can this simple vitamin actually help you get thinner?

Check out these dietary changes that can reduce cancer risk:

more breaking news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: We will discuss the shocking evidence of campaign donations to Bush and Obama by Big Pharma resulting in Taxpayer-funded drugs for the ever-growing prison population in America. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

- The best natural sources of immune-boosting zinc
- How to get rid of bruises fast
- 7 ways to raise your vibration

Friday, June 13, 2014

The People Have Spoken‏ !


On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, the people of Lisbon went to the polls and voted how they wanted their tax dollars spent.  The people approved a new gym and a new track.  They rejected a new Public Works Garage.  So now the Town Council has to finalize the Municipal budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.

This Municipal Budget is suppose to be a “Maintenance Budget” which means no new projects or additional funds other than what is needed to operate.  So let’s take a look at what is still on the table for consideration.  The following are items that must be added:

1.      A new plow truck – It is imperative that the town replace the plow truck that burnt.  The insurance company paid the town $48,000.00 but a new truck cost approximately $128,000.00 so the town has to come up with $80,000.00.

2.     MDOT Modification 4 – The municipal portion of the additional funds is $30,000.00.  There is no arguing with MDOT or the town will end up paying a lot more trying to contest this.

3.     $4,500.00 Rent Fee to Longchamps – Since the taxpayers voted down the Public Works Garage, the town will have to pay this monthly fee until such time as an adequate building can be prepared to perform maintenance in.  Also, repairing the current Public Works building leaves the town with the problem of a sand/salt shed that meets state requirements.  Apparently, the people are satisfied paying $54,000.00 a year for rental fees.

Now let’s take a look at some of the other items still on the table:

1.      2% COLA Allowance - Town Employees have received wage increases for the pass four or five years in a row.  It will not kill the Town Employee from going without an increase for one year.  If it was going for those whose annual salary was under $35,000.00 a year I would consider it but disguising or calling it a COLA Allowance just to get it approved is unacceptable. 

2.     Replacing Police Cruisers – Chief Brooks had sufficient funds to replace any police vehicles he felt were necessary with Federal Forfeiture Funds but instead purchased Assault Rifles, GPS, Balls and a Ball Launcher for the canine among other “Toys for the Boys”.  One of the vehicles he wants to replace had a new engine installed less than a year ago.  The Life Cycle of police vehicles is measured in the hours of the engine and not road miles.  So why would you replace a vehicle you just installed a new engine in? 

3.     Reduce the TIF Account by $100,000.00 – Each year the town over budgets this line by close to $100,000.00 and then one month later transfers the money out to other areas of the budget.  Apparently, this is used for a slush fund.  This needs to stop also.

A “Maintenance Budget” should only have what is needed to operate during the fiscal year.  The plow truck and the MDOT are necessary for next year; while a COLA Allowance, police vehicles and floating additional funds to create slush funds are NOT.

Let’s see if the Town Council will make any attempt to control excessive spending!

Larry Fillmore

NewsBusted: Liberal Media Puts Waiting Period On Bad News About VA Scandal!‏

Friday's Video

NewsBusted 6/10/14



TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014
6:00 P.M.



___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce
___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules







     2014-103 ORDER − Amendments to the Personnel Policy Sections 90-3 Non-discrimination &  EEO, 90-3.1 Sexual Harassment, 90-3.2 ADA & MHRA for Individuals with Disabilities, 90-4 Employment

     2014-104 ORDER − Council Working Rules Amendment

     2014-105 ORDER − Council concurrence on leave absence for Dispatcher T. Libby


     A. Discussion of Public Works Building Next Steps






      2014-106 ORDER − To Adjourn to Budget Workshop

MuckRock: Help investigate cell phone snooping by police nationwide‏

This is a good idea.  We need lots of data on topics like this to enable people to make informed decisions.  In addition, although individuals may not be interested in this specific topic, gathering information from numerous states and counties and towns can be used for other projects.

Dwight Hines


Right now, we're gearing for MuckRock's biggest investigative project yet, and we need your help. First, a little context.

Local police departments across America are increasingly tapping into information from your cell phone: Your location, who you're with, who you are calling. Using fake cell phone towers, often called Stingrays, they generally don't even need a warrant, and have relatively few restrictions on who, when, and what they collect. Or how they use it. Since these programs are often funded by federal grants,  very few people outside of law enforcement know how, or even if, they're being used, with almost non-existent debate about if this information should be collected, and what limits should be set for for how it's used or how long it's kept.

This is where you come in. We're launching this project on Beacon Reader, where a donation of just $5, about what it costs for us to successfully file a request, can make a big difference. Just like with the Drone Census, often times MuckRock is the *only* group asking for this information, which otherwise would never be made public.

You can support the project at this link, and, again, even just $5 can make a huge difference:

If you're not in a position to help financially, we would still really appreciate your help — share what we're up to with your friends, sending in news articles you see or tips regarding cell phone tracking, and, in a few days, sending in information regarding which departments you'd like us to file with through a special page on MuckRock.

Thanks for all your support in the past, and we're looking forward to working with you to shine a light on this under-reported area.


Our mailing address is:
135 William T Morrissey Blvd ‎
Dorchester, Massachusetts 02125

WND RADIO Iraq War hero blasts Obama's white flag

President 'more obsessed with ending the war than winning it'

A decorated Iraq War veteran says he and others who fought there are dismayed and angry that their hard-earned gains appear to be unraveling rapidly and he doubts whether President Obama even cares.
In the past several months, radical Islamist militants have been on the march in Iraq, securing the bulk of the western Anbar Province in January and just this week taking control of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq. They are now on the march to Baghdad to take control of the country and have declared an end to the border between Syria and Iraq. Iraqis are fleeing Mosul and other cities by the hundreds of thousands. The Islamists are reportedly beheading some of those left behind.
The primary actor behind the instability is the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham, or ISIS, originally an al-Qaida affiliate responsible for such heinous atrocities in Syria that even al-Qaida has publicly distanced itself from the group.
The rapid progress of ISIS is particularly difficult to watch for veterans of the the Iraq War. Concerned Veterans for America CEO Pete Hegseth served in and around Samarra as a member of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division during the heat of the insurgency in 2005-2006.
He said veterans are deeply frustrated.
“[There's] universal, utter dismay and anger from veterans and those who’ve served to see what’s unfolding before our eyes in Iraq,” he said. “It’s one of the greatest foreign policy failures in a long time. To see the progress that we made and then watch it be given away is dismaying. The implications strategically are vast. I mean, we were so close. We were creating the conditions for a stable and strong and freer Iraq, not a perfect one but one that would at least protect America’s interests and ensure radicals were not able to find safe harbor there.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Iraq veteran Pete Hegseth:
 Click on the following link and scroll down to listen to this compelling interview.

According to Hegseth, the Obama administration was handed an increasingly stable situation in Iraq, but the president had no interest in finishing the job. 
“This administration was more obsessed with ending the war than winning it or being successful,” he said. “As a result, now we’ve turned the page and looked away from Iraq, and insurgents have taken advantage of it.” 
\Meanwhile, the New York Times is reporting that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki asked the United States to consider air strikes against ISIS as their progress became clear. The reports say the Obama administration refused those requests, concluding that once U.S. troops left Iraq at the end of 2011 the United States was done fighting in Iraq.
Hegseth minced few words in response to those reports.
“I don’t like to make blunt statements like this, but I don’t think the Obama administration cares,” he said. “Their only interest in Iraq has been to end the war, turn the page and talk about how they don’t support it. At this point, there’s no will, there’s no appetite, there’s no strategic thinking to re-engage in Iraq, even though what’s happening right now is a re-establishment of an even more dangerous element than we saw in the Taliban era in Afghanistan. These are folks who want a space from which to form a state and then project jihad, not just regionally but around the world.”
The turmoil in Iraq is the latest revelation to bring considerable frustration to veterans, following on the heels of the Department of Veterans Affairs scandal and the controversial exchange of five key Taliban figures for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was in Taliban custody.
Hegseth said Concerned Veterans for America is able to have a positive impact when it comes to reversing the problems at the VA. He said there’s not much they can do but watch Taliban figures go free and Iraq fall further and further into the hands of radicals.
“When it comes to the Bergdahl swap or watching Iraq fade away, you feel helpless as you watch the things you’ve invested in that were so critical to America’s national security,” he said. “How you finish things matters, regardless of the merits of how they were started. It’s a rough time for veterans of those conflicts, and I think it has given me a better understanding of how Vietnam veterans felt when Saigon fell. Even though Baghdad hasn’t fallen, and neither has Kabul, our commitment is waning and the enemy remains on the march. And that’s a bad equation.”
So what policy would Hegseth urge the administration to adopt now in Iraq?
“There are very few good options here,” Hegseth said. “I think the best response is to project strength rhetorically about what we will and will not tolerate, and where we can, putting our thumb on the scales to support the good guys. That requires intelligence in Iraq that we don’t really have. Immediate support for the regime is important to make sure Baghdad does not fall, and then from there, looking at ways we can push back advances the enemy has made.”
The U.S. withdrawal in 2011 largely followed the timetable established in the latter days of the George W. Bush administration. The major difference is that the United States and Iraq failed to reach a Status of Forces Agreement to keep a residual American force in the country.
Hegseth said that would have made a monumental difference in where Iraq stands right now.
“It’s less about the force and more about the signal that this is a country that will have continued emphasis and focus from the United States of America and an understanding in the enemies of that state that they were not going to have the ability to challenge the Iraqi military,” said Hegseth, who also believes the total U.S. departure exacerbated dysfunction within the Iraqi government and led to the Maliki government seeking to dominate the Sunni population rather than find common ground with it.
While Hegseth faults Obama administration policy for the current chaos in Iraq, arguments from elsewhere on the political spectrum suggest none of this would be happening if the U.S. never went into Iraq. They also assert that these same problems would have erupted whenever our residual forces left.
Hegseth said that line of reasoning is deeply flawed.
“I don’t grant that inevitably, down the line, it would descend into civil war,” he said. “I don’t accept that. I just don’t. I think Iraq had the seeds for the foundation of representative government, not Jeffersonian, perfect, American-looking government, but something where resolution was found through politics and not through the battlefield is possible.”
Hegseth added, “I think Iraq is somewhere where a stable outcome is more likely to happen than Afghanistan, which is the irony of Iraq being the bad war in everyone’s eyes and Afghanistan being the good war. At least Iraq has the seeds of a civil society: an educated populace, infrastructure, a history of central governance. All the things we’re seeing crumble before our eyes right now could have been shepherded through American commitment, but instead they’re slipping away.”


NaturalNews: MillerCoors beer company caught deceiving consumers about corn syrup ingredient‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Do you really know what's in the beer you're drinking? (If you drink beer, that is...)
It turns out that beer ingredients are a corporate secret, and beer companies have now been caught trying to deceive customers about the real ingredients they're using, such as GMO corn syrup!
Today, I've interviewed the Food Babe with this breaking news about MillerCoors caught hiding corn syrup in their beer:

The Big Beer Cover-Up Continues; MillerCoors Caught Hiding Ingredients Facts from Consumers



Iraq is falling to Islamic militants! All the battles won by U.S. soldiers over the last decade have just been rendered irrelevant by a massive militant backlash, and they're headed straight for Baghdad to seize the capitol:

Germs are nature's vaccines! And it turns out that too much hygiene actually harms children:

U.S. nuclear workers are suffering severe brain damage from exposure to chemicals and radiation; but the government remains totally silent:

Check out the top 5 health benefits of eating mangos:

more breaking news continues below...
Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Dr. Frank King and RSB discuss overcoming Celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at
Today on
- Ditching the comb-over: newer methods to disguise baldness
- Radioactive kitchen countertops
- Seven ways to raise your vibration

BrasscheckTV: Bulletin: Mercury, fish and pregnant women‏

Bulletin: Mercury, fish and pregnant women
The FDA has come out with a
recent bulletin advising pregnant
to eat more fish. Crazy!
This is insane on numerous levels:
1. Mercury is a serious neurotoxin.
There is no safe dose. 
2. Is is especially dangerous to young
and forming brains
3. It would take serious research to
distinguish between safe and unsafe
fish (most are unsafe). No consumer
has the time or resources to distinguish. 
4. There is a completely safe, low
cost and easy substitute for the 
nutrients found in fish. No one needs
fish to be healthy. 
Because of environmental and
vaccine contamination, we need
to eliminate mercury from diets,
not add more. 
- Brasscheck TV 
Mercury: In fish, in vaccines
In response to the FDA's
recent crazy advisory
to pregnant women to eat fish

RFK Speech at the Green our Vaccines Rally 6-4-08 Pt. 1 of 3


ZERO fish for pregnant women
or babies and young children

By coincidence, the Real Food Channel gave the solution to this problem earlier this week.

There is no reason on earth why pregnant women, infants, and small children should be eating fish when they can get more Omega 3 cheaper and safer from flax seed.

Bottom line: Mercury is a highly dangerous neurotoxin which means it has the capacity to poison and permanently damage nerve and brain tissue.

This is bad at any age, but it is catastrophic for young and developing brains and nervous systems.

Warn your friends and family. Give them these facts.

Click here for the easy, fast, cheap and safe alternative to fish

About the vaccine side of the story...

In June of 2000, the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the FDA, "leading" scientists and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry got together for a secret meeting.

Their focus was the growing public and scientific awareness that mercury used as a preservative in vaccines for children had unleashed an epidemic of autism.

The participants came to three conclusions:

1. They acknowledged the autism/mercury connection was true (or at least highly plausible)

2. They conspired to create a statistical smokescreen to obscure the science

3. They agreed not to disclose anything that took place at the meeting

Your tax dollars at work.

Clip from the movie Autism: Made in the USA


- See more at:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

But we have a nice Gym and track. Can we stay in the Gym when the town can't plow the roads this winter?

 Submitted by: 'Councilor Cote'



This explains why there has been no attempt on Mr.Obama!

Gun Control that makes sense.  Great Idea!  Why didn't I think of this?
In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States  who later died from the wound.
In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.
In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria.
In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.
In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school.
As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.
One could go on, but you get the point, even if the media does not.
Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.  Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in these shootings and murders.
SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns. 

Submitted by: 'Councilor Cote'

$50 Lesson

Submitted by: 'Gordie'

ACLU – NSA Says It’s Too Large, Complex to Comply With Court Order‏


Patrick C. Toomey, Staff Attorney, ACLU National Security Project

News release:” “In an era of too-big-to-fail banks, we should have known it was coming: An intelligence agency too big to rein in — and brazen enough to say so. In a remarkable legal filing on Friday afternoon, the NSA told a federal court that its spying operations are too massive and technically complex to comply with an order to preserve evidence. The NSA, in other words, now says that it cannot comply with the rules that apply to any other party before a court — the very rules that ensure legal accountability — because it is too big. The filing came in a long-running lawsuit filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation challenging the NSA’s warrantless collection of Americans’ private data. Recently, the plaintiffs in that case have fought to ensure that the NSA is preserving relevant evidence — a standard obligation in any lawsuit — and not destroying the very data that would show the agency spied on the plaintiffs’ communications. Yet, as in so many other instances, the NSA appears to believe it is exempt from the normal rules.”

Continue reading: 

Submitted by: 'Dwight H.'

Health Ranger releases cacao lab results: beware of toxic CADMIUM!‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
We've just released our latest laboratory results examining toxic heavy metals in cacao superfoods... and the results are alarming!
We've found and confirmed high levels of toxic cadmium in many brands of cacao powder. (But cacao nibs look MUCH cleaner!)
See the full results of this exclusive Natural News laboratory investigation here:

Here's how to burn belly fat with these five foolproof exercises:

Beware of Heinz "all natural" vinegar -- it contains hidden GMOs!

Check out these 7 herbs that help you manage cholesterol naturally:

Why are millions of fish mysteriously dying around the world?

more breaking news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Tracy Ryan is back with encouraging news about baby Sophie's journey to overcome brain cancer with cannabis and Ricki Lake’s new film Weed the People. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

Today on
- Ditching the comb-over: newer methods to disguise baldness
- Radioactive kitchen countertops
- Seven ways to raise your vibration

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Best Political Video Of The Year ***WOW WILL BE THE MOST VIRAL VIDEO FOR Senior Airman Brian Kolfage***

Conservatism Is Calling: Share this with everyone you know, Obama is exposed on every lie, with facts and comparisons. Show the world what his liberal voter base is doing to America. If there's one video you share in your life, make it this one. HELP expose their lies so voters can vote responsibly in 2014.