We will continue to bring information that pertains to our community in an effort to keep you informed on the material. It is important for everyone to be aware of the aspects of Ethical behavior even at the State level. Click here.
"If public confidence in government is to be maintained and enhanced, it is not enough
that public officers avoid acts of misconduct. They must also scrupulously avoid acts
which may create an appearance of misconduct."
"The Legislature cannot legislate morals and the resolution of ethical problems must
indeed rest largely in the individual conscience. The Legislature may and should,
however, define ethical standards, as most professions have done, to chart the areas of
real or apparent impropriety."
And for those wanting to read some more, here is the Legislative Ethics periodical that has some great material to ponder. ( you may right click on the underlined words and open in a separate window).
Now if someone is really into reading and wants to brush up on Augusta Politics, just take a look at the information that is available in the Legislator's Handbook.