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Monday, January 12, 2009

1/12 School Committee Agenda

Monday, January 12, 2009
Lisbon Town Office Meeting Room
7:00 P.M.
1. The meeting was called to order at _____ p.m. by Chairperson Prudence Grant.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call: ___Prudence Grant ___Janice Comber___Traci Austin ___Fay Ingersoll
___Deborah Danuski

4. Consideration of Action on the Minutes of December 08, 2008.
A. Recommend the Minutes of December 08, 2008, be accepted as presented barring any errors or omissions.
Motion: ________________ 2nd: ________________ Vote: ______________

5. Adjustments to the Agenda:

6. Good News & Recognition:
A. Rick Green – PWS Student Council Gifts
B. Kate Race – LCS Student Council Food Pass
C. Sara Flowers – New Maine Adult Education Web Portal

7. Reports from Administrators/Educational Presentation:
A. Susan Matthews – Special Education Update
B. Jim Damsgaard – Nutrition Update
C. James Churchill – Technology Update
D. Darrell Orr – Transportation & Maintenance
E. Sara Flowers – Adult Education Update

8. Report from Superintendent:
A. Capital Plan Update
B. State Subsidy FY10 Update

9. Public Comments:

10. Unfinished Business:

11. New Business:
A. Consideration of action to approve the Central Office job descriptions.
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________
B. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to appoint 2 school
committee members to form a joint audit committee with the Town Council.
Motion: ________________ 2nd: ________________ Vote: ______________

12. Financial Reports:
A. Lisbon High School – M/E December 31, 2008
B. Philip W. Sugg Middle School – M/E November 30, 2008 and December 31, 2008
C. Lisbon Community School – M/E December 31, 2008
D. Lisbon School Department – None

13. Communications (Consent Agenda):
A. Final Audit Management Letters
B. CMP Daily Usage Breakdown
C. List of Lisbon Committees

14 Committee Comments (Sub Committee Meetings):

15. Personnel:
A. New Hires:
1. Heather Sult as Ed Tech II one year only at Lisbon Community School effective
December 11, 2008.
B. Resignations:
1. Scott R. Trach as Music teacher at the Philip W. Sugg Middle School effective
January 5, 2009.
2. Terri Lamar as Nurse at the Lisbon Community School effective December 18, 2008.

16. Policy Review:
A. Policies 09 Packet #4 will be distributed for review with plans for 1st Read on February
09, 2009 and Final Adoption on March 09, 2009.
B. 2nd Read/Adoption on the Following Policies: 09 Packet #3
1. BEDG Minutes
2. BEDH Public Participation at School Committee Meetings
3. BEDI School Committee Relations with the Media
4. BEDJ Broadcasting/Taping of School Committee Meetings by the Public
5. BG School Committee Policy Process
6. BG-R Policy Adoption Procedure
7. BHC School Committee Communications with Staff
8. BIB School Committee Member Development Opportunities
9. CA Administrative Goals/Priorities Objectives
Motion: ________________ 2nd:________________ Vote: ______________
C. 09 Packet #2 will be distributed for policy book update.

17. Executive Session:
A. To enter Executive Session to discuss Administrator negotiations pursuant to
Freedom of Access Statute, Title I, Section 405.6C.
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________
Time In: ______________ Time Out: _____________

18. General Session:

19. Adjournment:
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________ Time: _________