1. The meeting was called to order at ___ p.m. by Chairperson Prudence Grant.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call:
___Prudence Grant ___Deborah Danuski ___Janice Comber
___Fay Ingersoll ___Traci Austin
4. Consideration of Action on the Minutes of January 12, 2009, January 26, 2009 and January 27, 2009.
A. Recommend the Minutes of January 12, 2009, January 26, 2009 and January 27, 2009 be accepted as presented barring any errors or omissions.
Motion: ________________ 2nd: ________________ Vote: ______________
5. Adjustments to the Agenda:
6. Good News & Recognition:
A. Detective Bernie McAllister – JJAG Grant
B. Susan Matthews – Heather Perry: Lowes’ Grant
Jodi Benson: Special Olympics Links to Educational Goals
7. Reports from Administrators/Educational Presentation:
A. Kenneth Healey – Administrative Update
B. Richard Green – Administrative Update
C. Carlene Iverson – Administrative Update
8. Report from Superintendent:
A. Facilities Project Update
9. Public Comments:
10. Unfinished Business:
A. Review of the Lisbon School Department budget for the 2009-2010.
11. New Business:
A. Consideration of action to approve the Central Office job descriptions.
Motion: ________________ 2nd: ________________ Vote: ______________
12. Financial Reports:
A. Lisbon High School – M/E January 31, 2009.
B. Philip W. Sugg Middle School – M/E January 31, 2009.
C. Lisbon Community School – M/E January 31, 2009.
D. Lisbon School Department – As of February 04, 2009.
13. Communications (Consent Agenda):
14. Committee Comments: (Report out on Sub Committee Meetings):
15. Personnel:
A. New Hires:
B. Retirees:
1) Brenda Thompson as School Counselor for P.W. Sugg Middle School effective end of the 2008-2009 school year.
2) Ken Chase as Bus Driver effective end of the 2008-2009 school year.
16. Policy Review:
A. Policies 09 Packet #5 will be distributed for review with plans for 1st Read on March 09, 2009 and Final Adoption on April 13, 2009.
B. 1st Read on the Following Policies: 09 Packet #4
1. CB School Superintendent
2. CC Administrative Organization
3. CCA Organization Chart
4. CHA Development of Administrative Procedures
5. CHD Administration in the Absence of Policy
6. DA Fiscal Management Goals/Priority Objectives
7. DB Annual Budget
8. DBG Budget Adoption Process
C. 09 Packet #3 will be distributed for policy book update.
17. Executive Session:
A. To go into executive session to consider the Grievance pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A.
§ 405(6)(D).
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________
Time In: ______________ Time Out: _____________
18. General Session:
19. Executive Session:
A. To enter Executive Session to discuss Administrator negotiations pursuant to Freedom of Access Statute, Title I, Section 405.6C.
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________
Time In: ______________ Time Out: _____________
20. Adjournment:
Motion: _______________ 2nd: _______________ Vote: _____________ Time: _________