You asked for responses concerning the Town of Lisbon budget, so for what it's worth, here is my input:
Some members of our Town Council, and Town Manager Eldridge still don't get it. Times are tough. Our country is in a recession. Companies are going out of business in numbers never before seen. People are getting laid off. Wages are frozen/no increases in pay. And still some of our department heads have pie-in-the-sky wish lists. And some members of our Town Council and Town Manager Eldridge are willing participants, approving everything and anything asked for.
In these tough times do we really need to extend Lisbon Trails at a cost of $132,000, even with a matching grant? This can wait until better times. Too, trails have to be maintained, extra or not. $10,000 for a Gazebo at the MTM Center? I hope they are kidding! It would be nice, but it is NOT necessary! There is a BIG difference! Also, consider maintenance, with already stretched budgets and resources. This too can wait for better times.
This is going to raise an uproar with town employees, but why are we giving generous wage increases when, as I mentioned above, businesses are closing in record numbers, that means people with NO jobs. Many companies are freezing pay. And if one reads the newspapers and listens to the news, there is a lot of downsizing going on. I would think Town of Lisbon employees would be happy to still have jobs and benefits, when many do not. Take a poll of town employees, lay-offs or no wage increases and see what they say? To h### with Unions. Everything can be re-negotiated. Wages need to be re-negotiated.
Why are we paying the Development Director $60,000 when she is not qualified for the job and does not have the necessary qualifications? I say, reduce the pay to $40,000. That is about the amount Dan Feeney was being paid, and $8,000 more than the previous Development Director, who by-the-way was VERY qualified for the job. That would be a savings of $20,000.
Town Manager has agreed to accept $1,000 traveling expenses, down from the $400 per month ($4,800.00) received now. Why, when his pay is around $85,000 per year? He cannot afford gas and travel expenses on that income? Many Town of Lisbon taxpayers do not have half that income. Implement and have savings of $1,000.
Do the math. It all adds up. Now is the time for budget negotiations. Go to Budget meetings. They will be posted on the Lisbon Reporter. Get involved. Be informed. This is YOUR town. This is YOUR tax money. Squander it or be an informed taxpayer. The choice is yours.
A Very Concerned Town of Lisbon Citizen